Semantic and Pragmatic Linguistic Aspects in Translation


  • Juni ahyar Universitas Malikussaleh, Indonesia
  • Mohd Yusri Ibrahim University Malaysia Terengganu
  • Muzir Muzir Universiti Malaysia Terengganu



Language, Translation, Semantic, Pragmatic


Research language deployed  translation  issues,  mainly  concerning  from linguistic,  semantic  and  pragmatic aspects. Discussion was started by stating the importance of linguistic aspects comprehended and applied by a translator, such as grammar, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, and psycholinguistics. Research presented six meaning problems in translation, those related to lexical meaning, grammatical meaning, contextual meaning or situational meaning, textual meaning, sociocultural meaning, and idiomatic meaning. It can be concluded that the ability to apply linguistic aspect both from the source and targeted languages take important role to produce a good translation


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How to Cite

ahyar, J., Ibrahim, M. Y. ., & Muzir, M. (2023). Semantic and Pragmatic Linguistic Aspects in Translation. Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, 4(07), 595–600.