Legal Protection For Teachers In Implementing Student Disciplinary Assignments


  • Jamaluddin Sungsang Universitas Borobudur
  • Evita Isretno Israhadi Universitas Borobudur
  • Ahmad Redi Universitas Borobudur



Legal Protection, Teachers, Punishment


Training is a cognizant and arranged work to make a learning air and educational experience so understudies effectively foster their capability to have profound strength, poise, character, honorable person, and the abilities required without anyone else, society, country, and state. Without schooling that is by public character, the objectives of accomplishing instruction might be satisfied. The critical advancement of the country is the advancement of schooling possessed by the country. The exploration technique utilized is regulating legitimate examination which is expressive investigation. The design is to find the execution of legitimate security for educators in giving discipline to teach their understudies. In light of the consequences of the information examination, it was presumed that Regulation Number 14 of 2005 concerning educators and speakers has rigorously safeguarded the endlessly showing calling, yet at the degree of execution, the force of the law is as yet not seen to have added to the destiny of instructors as teachers. Moves made by instructors to train understudies inside specific cutoff points and are viewed as having satisfactory objectives by everybody can overrule criminal authorizations. Giving lawful security to educators in leading their expert duties is purposed.


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How to Cite

Sungsang, J., Isretno Israhadi, E. ., & Redi, A. . (2023). Legal Protection For Teachers In Implementing Student Disciplinary Assignments. Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, 4(05), 457–466.