JISS, Vol. 4, No. 03, March 2023 261
E-ISSN: 2723-6692; P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Vol. 4 Issue 03 March 2023
DoI : 10.36418
Achmad Nauval Waliuddin
Management, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
Email : nauvalwaliuddin@students.unnes.ac.id
: 24-11-2022
This study seeks to comprehend the implementation of business strategy as well
as the significance of studying consumer behavior in purchasing. Furthermore,
the purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between business
strategy implementation and consumer behavior in purchasing decisions and
increasing a company's value. MSMEs play an important role in improving the
national economy, lowering the unemployment rate, creating jobs, and
becoming a resilient labor-intensive business sector in all circumstances. CV.
Homie Indonesia is an Indonesian MSMEs with a competitive advantage,
readiness for competitiveness, and the ability to adapt to changing times. This
study employs a descriptive qualitative approach with a case study technique.
The findings revealed that 1) CV. Homie Indonesia employs a variety of business
strategies that are on point in the fields of service, production, marketing, and
finance. 2) Cultural, social, personal, and psychological factors influence
consumer behavior in purchasing decisions at CV. Homie Indonesia. 3) The
study's findings also indicate a link or relevance between these two factors and
an increase in the value or value of the company in CV. Homie Indonesia.
: 07-01-2023
: 29-03-2023
Keywords: Consumer
Behavior, Business Strategy,
MSME, Company Value.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises, or MSME, are a type of productive business that exists today. The
development and contribution of the MSME sector, including in Indonesia, is relatively high in terms of
increasing people's income, maintaining economic stability, and other benefits. According to Sofyan (2020),
MSMEs play an important role in absorbing Indonesian workers. So many MSME business units contribute
significantly to the optimal formation of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). According to the Ministry of
Communication and Informatics (2022), the number of MSMEs in Indonesia will reach 65.4 million by 2021,
with businesses spanning agriculture, livestock, processing, trade, services, and communication.
According to the Investment Coordinating Board or BKPM (2020), MSMEs contribute significantly to
the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), accounting for 61.97% of the total national GDP. MSMEs also have a
massive labor absorption rate, accounting for 97% of the business world's absorption capacity in 2020. This
has a positive impact on lowering the unemployment rate, especially with an increasing population growth
rate. Furthermore, BKPM stated that MSMEs could absorb the most credit in 2018, amounting to
approximately Rp. 1 trillion.
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One of the stories that can be interpreted as the role and contribution of MSMEs nationally is when the
monetary crisis occurred in Indonesia in 1998. MSMEs can a support the economy, able to survive and
withstand all situations and conditions during the 1998 monetary crisis. This is because MSMEs are classified
as a labor-intensive sector, which has growth potential, extensive employment opportunities, and the ability to
increase people's income and has a high degree of flexibility (BKPM, 2020). Therefore, MSMEs are known as
"crisis rescuers" with all their potential, advantages, and achievements.
Nonetheless, MSMEs must continue to develop and transform so that they become better, have a high
level of competitiveness, and have a global and contemporary outlook. Some things that MSMEs must have are
competitive advantages, having leaders who are reliable and competent, dynamic, not giving up easily,
tenacious, diligent, rigorous, analytical, innovative, creative, critical in running a business and many more. This
is in line with research by (Isa et al., 2018), which states that companies with a competitive advantage will be
able to survive in business. The competitive advantage in question is that a company if it has the ability to
understand the tastes, and needs of consumers and provide better satisfaction than what is provided by its
Implementing business strategies that are right on target and have value is a unit that all MSMEs must
carry out in facing conditions of uncertainty and world transformation. The implementation of the strategy is
an alternative and has essential meaning for the company because it will lead to effectiveness and efficiency.
On the other hand, strategy can be used as a pattern of organizational response to its environment. Companies
can implement a growth strategy by utilizing all strengths, such as maintaining the quality of raw materials,
consumer satisfaction, product legality, and competitive prices (Ariani & Utomo, 2017).
Determining a business strategy in a business cannot be separated from the target market and efforts
to adapt it from consumer buying behavior (consumer buying behavior). Indeed, every consumer has different
buying behavior based on cultural, social, individual, and psychological influences (Zein, 2012). Consumers
will fulfill various kinds of needs that they want maximally, and feel satisfied in terms of service, product, price,
suitability of the place of business, to the policies of the promotions carried out. This concept is often referred
to as marginal utility, the change (increase or decrease) in consumer satisfaction resulting from having or
consuming more than one unit of goods and/or services.
The reason is that if the consumer's condition is satisfied, he will buy the product continuously
(compulsive buying). It is also close to the management of competitive advantage owned by a company. (Isa
et al., 2018) stated that competitive advantage has its own charm and is able to influence consumers to make
choices. In addition, consumers will tell the product to other colleagues or people around them to participate
in buying it. These two things can increase company value and impact increasing sales volume, low-budget
promotional media, and several other benefits.
One of the MSMEs in Indonesia that has implemented an appropriate business strategy is Indonesia
Homie CV. This business is located on the 1st Floor Entrepreneurship Building, Semarang State University
Campus. Sekaran Village, Gunungpati District, Semarang City. Initially, the main focus of this business was
geprek chicken food products. However, over time, the business seeks to transform to grow and meet consumer
needs by innovating products such as pressure-cooked milkfish and efforts to pioneer product diversification
in the form of meatballs and packaged snacks.
Efforts to diversify and innovate these products are efforts to formulate effective and targeted business
strategies, considering the level of consumer behavior in purchasing decisions and the influence of the
surrounding environment. They believe that implementing things like this will definitely have a positive impact
and value for a company by increasing sales turnover, profit levels, and so on.
Based on this background, further research is needed regarding implementing business strategy and
consumer behavior in increasing company value. Therefore, researchers are interested in conducting research
titled Analysis of Business Strategy Implementation and Consumer Behavior in Purchasing and Its Relevance
to Company Value (Case Study at Homie Indonesia CV).
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Literature Review
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
There are several criteria for a business to be included in the MSME type. According to the Government
Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 7 of 2021 concerning Ease, Protection, and Empowerment of
Cooperatives and Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises it is stated that what is meant by micro businesses
are productive businesses owned by individuals and/or individual business entities that meet the criteria for
micro-businesses as regulated in the this Government Regulation.
Meanwhile, a small business is a productive economic business that stands alone, carried out by
individuals or business entities that are not subsidiaries or not branch companies that are owned, controlled,
or become part either directly or indirectly of medium-sized businesses or large businesses that meet the
criteria referred to in this Government Regulation.
Then, it is also stated that what is meant by medium-sized businesses are productive economic
businesses that stand alone, carried out by individuals or business entities that are not subsidiaries or
branches of companies that are owned, controlled, or become a part either directly or indirectly with small
businesses or small businesses. that meet the criteria as stipulated in this Government Regulation.
Furthermore, the criteria for a business called MSME have also been explained. For micro businesses, business
capital (not including land and business buildings) reaches a maximum of Rp. 1 billion, while small businesses
are between Rp. 1-5 billion, then for medium-sized businesses, more than Rp. 5 billion. The annual sales results
for each business category are also different. For micro businesses, the most annual sales results are Rp. 2
billion, small businesses around Rp. 2 15 billion, while medium-sized businesses whose annual sales are at
Rp. 15 50 billion.
Business Strategy
According to (Handriani, 2011), strategy is defined as the main pattern of action chosen to realize the
organization's vision through its mission. Organizations will struggle to realize their vision and mission without
the right strategy. The strategy must be implemented effectively, so the strategic plan must be integrated with
operational issues. According to Solihin (2012), strategy is understood not only as various ways to achieve
goals (ways to achieve ends) but also as the determination of the various goals. Business strategy is one of the
critical decisions company leaders make in running their business. This business strategy will undoubtedly
affect the company's activities because all decisions, activities, operational activities, and transactions must
align with the business strategy (Arieftiara et al., 2015).
The business strategy to be implemented can be in the form of geographical expansion, company
acquisition, product diversification, market penetration, and development. In addition, the applied business
strategy will also consider optimal effectiveness, efficiency, productivity, and profit for a company. In
determining which strategy to implement, companies can use measurements by combining several ratios used
by previous researchers, namely the employee-to-sales ratio, market-to-book ratio, marketing-to-sales, and
fixed asset intensity (Wardani & Khoiriyah, 2018).
Consumer Behavior
(Kotler & Armstrong, 2010) explain that consumer behavior in making purchases will be influenced by
several factors as follows: 1) Cultural factors and social class, 2) Social factors (reference groups, family, roles,
and status), 3) Personal factors (age, life cycle stage, work, economy, personality style, and self-concept), and
4) Psychological factors (motivation, perception, learning, beliefs and attitudes of consumers).
1. Cultural factors. Cultural factors are the determining aspects of purchasing decisions at the primary
stage. A culture usually has a lifestyle and habits carried out by a group of people from generation to
2. Social factors. In this case, it is divided into three (3) types related to family, group, and role-status.
Family has an attachment and emotional closeness, attitudes, and behavior so that family members
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sometimes influence purchasing decisions. Then the reference group is a group of people who provide
references directly or indirectly in shaping one's attitudes and behavior in making a purchase decision.
Lastly, it is related to roles and status. The higher a person's social status in the eyes of other people,
then the purchase decision also tends to increase in rank or level.
3. Personal factors. Personal factors have four (4) characteristics: age and family life cycle, work and
economic environment, lifestyle, and consumer personality. In deciding to purchase, consumers will
pay attention to their age and the life cycle in the family. Second, is the work and economic
environment. The price aspect of the product has a significant role because it influences purchasing
decisions based on work, income received, and the economic environment. Third, is the consumer
lifestyle. Fourth, the personality of consumers is different
4. Psychological factors. There are four (4) aspects of buying in psychological factors, namely motivation,
perceptions, beliefs, attitudes, and learning. First, purchase motivation is certain impulses from
consumers themselves, considering what they will buy. Second, perceptions are consumer judgments
based on observations of what they will buy. Third, is about beliefs and attitudes towards an item
and/or service that will be purchased. Fourth, is about learning. Learning includes changes in one's
behavior from experience and human behavior (Santoso, 2013).
Company Value
The level of corporate value in the eyes of consumers, society, and partners is fundamental. (Suharli,
2006) explains that if the company's value is high, it will be followed by an increase in prosperity for
stakeholders and all people involved in it. However, preserving, maintaining, and developing company values
takes work. There needs to be integration, coordination, synergy, collaboration, and inclusive cooperation.
All divisions within a company must be ready to fight and synergize to increase company value.
Increasing the company's value is also designed as an effort to maintain its superiority (Amanah, 2018) and
maintain the continuity of the business being run to gain profits (Febrianti, 2012).
The value or value of a company will provide its own views, perceptions, and preferences for other
people. A company's value is also a reflection or proof of tenacity, cooperation, and performance achievements
in running a business field from the beginning of its establishment until now (Suharli, 2006). (Rinnaya et al.,
2016) added that company value is an achievement as an illustration of public trust after going through a long
process for several years since the company was founded until now.
The emergence of corporate value cannot be predicted to increase instantly. But there needs to be a
process and learning to increase company value to be even better. Increasing the value or value of the company
can have complex implications for the development of a business sector, starting from increasing revenue and
total sales, minimizing production costs, operational efficiency in the field of promotion, and much more.
Materials and Methods
Research Approach and Design
According to Moelong (2011) qualitative methodology is a research procedure that produces
descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from the people observed. The type of research used
is a case study. (Yin, 2008) explains that a case study is an empirical inquiry that investigates phenomena in
real-life contexts, when the boundaries between phenomena and contexts are not clearly visible and multiple
sources can be utilized. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Descriptive research aims
to solve problems systematically and factually regarding facts (Narbuko & Achmadi, 2013).
Research Focus and Locus Research Focus
The focus of research is the main problem in research. According to (Sugiyono, 2013) focus is a single
domain or several related domains of social situations. This research focuses on the implementation of
business strategy and consumer behavior in purchasing and its relevance to company value.
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Research Locus
The locus of research conducted is at Indonesia Homie CV. This place of business is located at the
Entrepreneurship Building Complex Floor 1, Semarang State University Campus, Sekaran Village, Gunungpati
District, Semarang City. The researcher chose the research locus here because it has several advantages in
implementing the applied business strategy and efforts to adjust the behavior of its consumers. Besides that, it
can provide a higher value rating from consumers and the community.
Research Data Sources
According to Lofland and Lofland in Moleong (2011), the primary data sources in qualitative research
are words and actions; the rest are additional data such as documents and others. The source of words and
actions of the people observed or interviewed is the primary data source through written notes or video/audio
recording and taking photos. In addition, field notes and related documents are also a source of data in this
study to strengthen the information to be obtained. This study's main informant or key informant was Wendy
Trie Novian, S.S. (Owners). This informant was chosen as the primary source of information regarding strategy
implementation, consumer behavior in purchasing, and company value. The other supporting informants are
employees of CV. Homie Indonesia and consumers.
Data collection technique
Data collection techniques are things that must be considered in every research implementation
because complete, correct, factual, and accountable data are needed. (Sugiyono, 2013). The techniques used
in collecting the data required in this study were interviews, observation, and documentation.
Data Validity Techniques
In qualitative research, data that has been successfully extracted, collected, and recorded in research
activities must be tested for validity and truth. Therefore, researchers must choose and determine the right
ways to develop the validity of the data they have obtained. The data validity technique used is triangulation
using various other reference source materials.
Data analysis technique
In qualitative research, data analysis is inductive in nature and is carried out interactively and
continuously until the data produced is entirely saturated. Qualitative data analysis is inductive, meaning that
data analysis is carried out based on the data obtained and then developed into a hypothesis (Sugiyono, 2013).
Data analysis in this study uses the Miles and Huberman model, which consists of data reduction, and data
presentation to draw conclusions or verify
Results and Discussions
Research result
1. Business Strategy
In running a business, a business strategy has a big contribution to determining the direction, goals,
and achievements of a company. The applied business strategy must have in-depth studies, studies,
observations, and observations to find out market needs (target market), business goals, and so on. This is
done so that later the business strategy implemented by the company is appropriate, right on target, and has
useful value and added value with the ultimate goal of obtaining the maximum possible profit. Companies
cannot determine their business strategy at will, it must be based on data and conditions in the field.
Related to this, Wendy Trie Novian, S.S. as the main owner or Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of CV. Homie
Indonesia explained that establishing a business strategy in entrepreneurship is very important. Based on the
results of the interview on April 11, 2022 at the CV Secretariat Office. Homie Indonesia, he replied:
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Yes, developing a business strategy is extremely important. What are the policies that my team and I
are implementing to make them more advanced, how can we increase our target market later, we will
gain market share? The important strategy is more like that.
Wendy Trie Novian, S.S or who is often called Wendy also added that in determining a business strategy
there are several important points that must be made. Innovation, creativity, creativity and competitive
ability are the main strategies in running a business Need innovation. We can not possibly be satisfied.
What needs to be improved? For example, geprek chicken can be stable until now, how about this
innovation. Indeed, our mainstay here is geprek chicken rice, but we continue to develop what the
market wants. We continue to try to sell various presto milkfish and snacks. In the future, our plan is
to innovate more for packaged chili sauce, meatballs like that.
Business strategy has a broad, deep and complex meaning. Various business fields ranging from product
aspects, pricing, determining the place of business, promotions carried out, marketing steps and creating
competitive advantages for the business. He also added that excellent service, a dynamic and flexible style of
communication and promotion to consumers can be added power or a means of promoting a product.
We have to use the best service. The most important thing is, Homie can exist until now. How the
strategy should be implemented, as well as the service also needs to be considered. We make every
effort to direct, persuade, promote, and direct consumers to buy from us. We have an advantage, it is
perfect for Homie's business targets, namely students.
On the same occasion, continuing from the previous question that the superiority of a product is
important as a medium of differentiation or differentiator between business actors. When interviewed on
April 11 2022 at the Secretariat Office of CV. Homie Indonesia, Wendy as the CEO also explained the following:
We prepare food and drinks, right? And the service for eating at our place is also free of gravy, then we
also use meatball soup or certain kind of soup served with plain iced tea. Refills are possible and free.
This applies to all outlets. If possible, it's normal to refill rice and iced tea. Lha we give meatball sauce,
and soup broth in a bowl like that. This is our character that makes it different from other places to
eat. With low or affordable prices for students, Homie tries to always be there to meet their needs. We
also definitely maintain the same quality as the quality of the menu, we are legal, both P-IRT, Halal,
HKI, and IUMK, we already have it so consumers don't have to worry about eating our food.
Wendy also added the other advantages of that CV. Homie Indonesia, such as giving away sponsorship,
frequent discounts, and vouchers, and member cards or member cards that provide distinct benefits for
consumers and/or the public.
Next, is the implementation of business strategy in terms of pricing in the CV. Indonesian Homie. The
target or main target of this place of business is students. Students tend to consume food and/or drinks at
affordable prices but of high quality and quality. In addition, students will also be more inclined to make
purchases if there are promo policies, discounts, price discounts, and so on. This market opportunity will
always be used optimally by CV. Indonesian Homie. Determination of affordable price policies, quality control,
and guaranteed quality and supported by several supporting factors such as the suitability of places to eat,
cool air, beautiful scenery, and so on. Regarding the aspects of place and promotion, Wendy also explained the
Our location is strategic, near the UNNES campus. Right now we also have parking by the system, so it's
safer, it's convenient for consumers so they don't have to worry. But yes there is a parking fee. I'm sure
it's not much, and then, the important thing is that motorbikes or vehicles can park properly, then they
can eat with us. I'm sure if that person is minded or loyal to us, those things like parking won't bother
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Based on the results of research conducted with Wendy Trie Novian, S.S. (CEO of CV. Homie Indonesia)
explained that in implementing business strategy the most important thing is willingness, giving the best (do
our best, the best you can be), tenacity, ability, continuing to learn and innovate and not giving up easily.
From us, we will continue to deliver and apply the best service to anyone, yes, without any frills. Give
the best service we can. Motto: give food and what kind of food you serve to consumers, what kind of
food to people you love, for example for family. When you give food and drink because you enjoy it, it
is almost instinctive. That is why I instilled the taste test in my friends.
2. Consumer behavior
Consumers are key evidence that a business will run well or not. The more consumers who buy various
kinds of needs at a particular place of business on a regular and continuous basis, we can be sure that the
business is both good and right on target for various things and policies. It is very important to study,
understand, examine, and examine deeply related to consumer behavior in purchasing. Each individual
consumer has different behavior, characteristics, and level of purchase which are influenced by several factors
such as cultural, social, personal, and psychological.
Researchers have conducted interviews with several consumers, which there are those who have made
transactions for the first time at CV. Homie Indonesia and those who frequently subscribe (loyal customers).
Based on the results of an interview with Muhammad Shofiuddin as a consumer on April 11, 2022, he
confirmed product innovations and diversification at CV. Homie Indonesia is very varied.
If it is related to the product, Homie provides many choices. We provide many types of chicken geprek.
Gepreknya also there are various choices too. There is a level of cheese, the noodles are also delicious.
The menu is also many and varied and each menu has delicious variations according to my own taste.
Apart from that, he also added that it is related to the company's strategies along with relatively
affordable price policies that have been set by the place of business.
Well, when discussing the price. We see the quality of the products and services provided. The price is
not expensive, relatively cheap for me. What was given was very suitable for what we paid for. For
rice, you can add as much as you like, and iced tea can also be added as much as you like Compared to
similar geprek-geprek chicken, this is above Rp. 10,000, for example, burnt rice is chicken, right? It's
around Rp. 15,000. We are here Rp. 15,000 rice can be as much as you like, good place, in large
portions. The food is also delicious, how come there is a cover with cucumber, cabbage, vegetables like
that. Then there are variations on the tempeh menu, there's also the tofu that I ordered before, it's
complete, sis. According to him, I am more profitable than his customers, sis. Starting from the portion,
price, and taste.
Furthermore, researchers are attempting to elicit responses and opinions from other consumers. Hanina
Humaira was interviewed by the researchers. An undergraduate student from Saudi Arabia who is experiencing
the taste sensation of CV processed products for the first time. Homie from Indonesia.
The price is also more affordable than other products. Here you can get Rp. 15,000 to get geprek chicken
rice. It's very profitable to have rice refills and iced tea. The place is also very comfortable. It was raining
here earlier, but there is also a shelter where you eat. Make the interior also cozy, and more comfortable
while looking at the dream of the future.
Next, is a discussion related to the influence of social factors on purchasing decisions by consumers.
Close friends and family have a role that is no less important in determining purchasing decisions. Besides
that, consumers have the status and role to determine purchasing decisions. The informants from this
interview came from student status, so not employees, lecturers, or others. As we all know, being in the status
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of being a student makes them look for the maximum possible profit level, become promo or discount seekers,
and so on. There is a CV strategy. Homie Indonesia, which is adjusted to consumer behavior, makes added
value or value from a place of business.
Okay fine, I check it often. I am also a student, and I also often thin my pockets. Want to eat deliciously
but are constrained by pocket problems. I monitor social media, and I continue to monitor, for
example, if there is a promo. I'm the kind of person who, um, like to drink a lot. So I did drink 1 glass
of iced tea, I'm not honest enough. But here I benefit, there are rice refills and their iced tea. I added
iced tea with rice. The first time I knew Homie was from my friend. It turns out that at UNNES there is
geprek chicken rice. After I tried it I was suitable, in terms of taste. It's still good, I followed it until
Based on the interview above, the role of friends or relatives has an important meaning in purchasing
decisions for a product. Then related to aspects of lifestyle, every human being is certainly different. Lifestyle
patterns will determine purchasing decisions. The lifestyle of a student tends to have a level of complex
purchasing decisions and consider deeply the price aspect. Next, is a discussion of the level of purchasing
decisions from consumers in terms of personal and psychological conditions. Internal abilities, both in terms
of income, consumption power, internal environment, and so on, are important points in the preparation of
private sector studies.
Muhammad Shofiuddin when interviewed on 11 April 2022, at CV. Homie Indonesia, UNNES
Entrepreneurship Building Floor 1, Semarang City explains the following.
From me, yes. The service is maximum, from small things, for example from a purchase receipt. If you do
not give it, then it is free, you do not pay, the conditions have been written there too. This Homie's commitment
is good, the concept is also royal consumers like that. We do not need to jostle, we do not need to queue like
that. Once again, this is a winner, I often eat here because of this too. The menus here also vary. The price is also
relatively affordable for student pockets. But still, maintain the quality of the taste. There are many product
variations, but the taste, starting from noodles, chicken, all chili sauce, and so on, is delicious is like that
Researchers also conducted interviews with several employees of CV. Homie Indonesia to ensure the alignment
and dynamics of the business strategy that is implemented with consideration of understanding consumer
behavior. In the interview, the employees also felt that there was a change and improvement in the customer's
visits every time. As time goes by, consumers will explode when there are special promos, for example, a
breakthrough discount (10.10), a catering discount (for large numbers of events, a special discount will be
given) or blessed Friday (for donors or the public who want to share with others mankind).
3. Implementation of Business Strategy and Consumer Behavior in Purchasing and Their Relevance
to Corporate Values
An understanding of business actors in the implementation of the business strategy that is
implemented is very important. He will be able to map out what will be taken as a form of policy and which
parts must be evaluated or reviewed. Besides that, business actors must also understand various kinds of
consumer behavior from one individual to another which is influenced by several factors ranging from cultural,
social, personal, and psychological.
When interviewed on April 11, 2022, Muhammad Shofiuddin was a customer of CV. Homie Indonesia
also agreed that the business strategy implemented would enhance the image or value of the business.
Yes sir, I totally agree. Yes, like before, for example, the pricing strategy at Homie is cheaper than the
others. Rp. 10,000 Rp. 15,000, in my opinion, is affordable for students. Moreover, there is the
freedom to take extra rice and ice tea like that. So a complete package of full meals for students. For
example, ordering the geprek chicken, the taste of the sambal is also distinctive, it has a different
texture and taste. It is delicious, so that is what makes me not bored when eating here.
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He also added, not even just focusing on the marketing mix strategy. The service system from pre to
post-transaction also has its own impact and increases value for the company. This was conveyed by Hanina
Humaira during a joint interview on April 11, 2022.
Yes, it was my first visit, but I was blown away by the excellent service. Starting with the front desk
officer saying this greeting and continuing with promotions and meal packages. For my first time here,
it was extremely friendly and comfortable. Even after the food had been prepared, the lady was asked
I asked the Homie waiter if I could add rice or iced tea. After that, she responded in a friendly, polite,
and courteous manner. Yes, it is worth it, with reasonable prices, delicious food, a cozy atmosphere,
and friendly service. Yes, if I eat the geprek chicken again, I will definitely return, and I intend to invite
my friends later.
The value or value of a company will rise and excel as what the business actor does is also optimal. The
point is if the intentions, efforts, and strategies implemented are in line with the conditions in the field.
Consumer repurchase (compulsive buying) for satisfaction with service, food quality, and perceptions of a
business, consumer confidence in what is owned by a business will increase company value. The value of the
company is not only limited to the view of the brand image of a business from consumers but more than that.
Increased income, business promotion by word of mouth, and various other benefits. This was also confirmed
by Wendy as the CEO of CV. Indonesian Homie.
Sir, you are correct. If the strategy is reasonable and the business policy is supportive, it will be able to
entice customers to return to the store. For example, we have used many of the strategies that I described
earlier, and we believe that with consistency, tenacity, innovation, and creativity, the value of Homie will
increase in the eyes of consumers over time. It's simply a matter of how we will strengthen internally in order
to continue growing and developing the business together. Yes, if there is an increase in income, it will continue
to rise. For example, one person who is pleased and enthusiastic about our product invites other friends to
purchase food from us. That will require some calculation, but our revenue will rise as a result. It's just a matter
of figuring out how to improve models like that; what matters is that customers are satisfied.
1. Business Strategy
A business strategy is a set of actions taken by a company to achieve its vision, mission, and goals.
Creating an effective business strategy will assist the company in increasing its profitability (profit), added
value (added value), effectiveness, efficiency, performance, performance, and productivity. When developing
a business strategy, various focus areas such as marketing, production, service, finance, and so on are
considered. Determining how the business strategy can be implemented optimally begins with field
observations, determining the target market, and several other stages to reach an agreement on "relevant
business strategy."
The strategy's implementation becomes an alternative and is important for the company because it will
lead to business effectiveness and efficiency, allowing it to make the right decisions. On the other hand, a
strategy can be a response pattern or an organization's response to its environment. Companies can
implement a growth strategy by leveraging all existing strengths, such as maintaining raw material quality,
consumer satisfaction, the legality of qualifying products, and competitive pricing (Ariani & Utomo, 2017).
Given the importance of developing and implementing existing business strategies, CV. Homie
Indonesia is working hard to make this happen. There are various forms of business strategy implemented,
beginning with service, production, marketing, finance, and so on.
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a. Service Field
One of the keys to a company's sustainability is its strategy for providing the best service to its
customers. Excellent service refers to the best service provided by any activity, regardless of whether it is
provided by an institution, organization, business, or other entity. According to (Maddy, 2009), excellent
service is the best service in terms of meeting consumers' expectations and needs. (Tanjung et al., 2019)
agreed and added, in other words, that excellent service meets certain quality standards. The quality in
question is determined by consumer expectations, needs, and satisfaction.
If customers are satisfied with the services they receive from pre-transaction to post-transaction,
the motivation for purchasing an item and/or service will tilt toward compulsive buying (repeat
purchases). Furthermore, satisfied customers are more likely to recommend the product to colleagues,
friends, and even family members. This cycle will be repeated indefinitely until a positive reciprocal
system between producers and consumers is achieved.
The level of service quality will encourage consumers to commit to a company's products and/or
services, thereby increasing a product's market share (Asti & Ayuningtyas, 2020). Companies that provide
the best service will be able to maximize their profit performance (Gilbert et al., 2004).
Therefore, CV. Homie Indonesia provides its best service in maintaining the level of loyalty and
totality of its customers. The services provided start from pre-transaction to post-transaction by adhering
to the 5S principle (Smile, Greeting, Greet, Polite, and Polite). More details will be presented as follows:
Pre-transaction service. All employees provide pre-transaction services by greeting customers
(good morning, afternoon, evening, or night), inquiring about their purchasing needs, and
communicating food and beverage menu options. Employees are sometimes asked for opinions,
suggestions, and input on what perceptions they want to consume from customers. This presents its
own set of challenges, such as how an employee can negotiate, communicate, think quickly,
understand the ins and outs of his business, and so on..
Services provided during transactions. Employees, particularly those at the front desk, will inquire
about the payment method to be used, whether cash, QR Code, or digital wallets such as Shoppee,
Dana, OVO, and others. The cashless payment method is also well implemented in order to provide
excellent customer service. Because the majority of consumers have cashless purchasing habits or
avoid physical interaction, CV. Homie Indonesia is attempting to address this challenge. Following a
transaction, the employee will notify you if the consumer's ordered product is ready to be taken (self-
service) and consumed. Notifications that food is ready for consumption will be made by calling the
queue number and using a tool such as an alarm, according to the transaction that has been made.
Post-transaction service. In order to maintain consumer trust and loyalty to CV products. Homie
Indonesia's management provides excellent post-transaction services, such as handling complaints
and consumer complaints. Every complaint, complaint, or complaint is handled in a timely,
competent, precise, and accurate manner. If received via social media, these complaints will be
conveyed structurally through superiors in accordance with the organizational structure's division of
tasks, as well as handled on the spot. Consumers can also contact the CEO via the phone number
a. Production Field
Production is an important factor in determining a company's operationalization or sustainability.
Production begins with raw materials and progresses through semi-finished, finished, and consumer-ready
products. In terms of raw material availability, CV. Homie Indonesia guarantees ease of obtaining it. This is
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because management has conducted studies, calculations, and in-depth analyses regarding raw material
Homie Indonesia is more dominated by chicken in terms of raw material supply. Chickens are obtained
from two (2) sources: companies that the company has appointed and trusted, and sources of other raw
materials from the surrounding community. The goal is to provide convenience, peace of mind, and business
success. If one of the chicken supplier's parties encounters difficulties, management can seek alternative
sources of raw materials from other parties.
In processing various types of product variants, CV. Homie Indonesia continues to prioritize in terms of
quality, quality, taste, uniqueness, and consumer behavior in purchasing. It is hoped that the existing menus
will be in demand and loved by many people. Not only broiler chicken, but there are several other raw materials
to support the production process such as oil, tea, rice, chili, and so on.
b. Marketing Field
In the field of marketing, various models such as SWOT or the abbreviation of can be used to determine
business strategy (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat). An analysis of internal strengths and
weaknesses, as well as anticipating external opportunities and threats, can be used to develop the best
marketing strategy. This was analyzed using SWOT by paying attention to product quality (Syafa’at & Wahid,
2020); (Puspasari & Adawia, 2020).
Companies can also use a marketing mix that includes product, price, place, and promotion. The
marketing mix is a marketing strategy tool whose application necessitates a thorough understanding of the
company to combine these factors to maximize the success of the company's marketing activities (Syafa'at and
Wahid, 2020). Companies can then use segmentation, targeting, and positioning strategies when running a
business or business.
Furthermore, CV. Homie Indonesia has implemented some of these things:
1) Product. CV. Homie Indonesia offers a diverse range of food, drink, and snack menus to its customers.
Product diversification and innovation are critical for gaining a larger market share, maintaining
consumer loyalty, and ensuring business continuity. The existence of a variety of menus will
undoubtedly broaden consumers' purchasing preferences, making them more likely to consume
products that pique their interest, are unique, taste good, and so on. CV's featured menu. This
Indonesian friend is geprek chicken, which comes in a variety of menu variations, flavors, spiciness
levels, and other factors. Aside from that, there is a supporting menu that includes processed noodles,
katsu chicken, presto milkfish, and snacks. CV has continued to innovate and diversify its product line
over time. Homie Indonesia is one of them, with a menu full of processed fish and meatballs.
Furthermore, strategy determination is critical in achieving optimal targets or profits. In addition,
strategy determination is also important in achieving optimal targets or profits. MSMEs must have a
special strategy to increase customer loyalty which is manifested in the form of implementing
marketing strategies.
The important thing that must be done is to develop existing products, adapted to the needs or tastes
of consumers and also today's society so that the products produced are more innovative and able to
compete in the global market (Wibowo & Zainul Arifin, 2015).
2) Price. Pricing on each menu in the CV. Homie Indonesia is also quite affordable with its target market
being students. Prices start from Rp. 5,000 up to Rp. 30,000 depending on the menu variant ordered.
Although the price is affordable, in terms of quality and the quality of the processed product is a top
priority in serving it to consumers. The existence of a pricing strategy like this is what makes a CV.
Homie Indonesia is one of the destinations for culinary tours in the UNNES and Semarang regions.
3) Place. In terms of a strategic location, being in the UNNES Entrepreneurship Building area, close to the
crowds, and comfortable with contemporary architecture and interior, makes CV. Homie Indonesia is
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one of the favorite places to eat especially for students. The cool atmosphere, plus the sparkling colored
lights add to the aesthetic value of the dining area.
4) Promotion. Companies use both online and offline promotion methods. Promotion is carried out online
or online by optimizing the sophistication of digital technology, which is based on existing social media.
The benefits of CV online promotion include attractive design, eye-catching, meaning requirements,
and dense content. Homie from Indonesia. Offline promotion entails delivering promotions, discounts,
brochures, pamphlets, and specific policies to consumers in order to increase purchasing power.
c. Financial Field
Financial reports, according to (Irham, 2015), are information that describes a company's financial
condition and can be used to illustrate the company's financial performance. Financial reports can now be
easily prepared using digital technology in today's transformation. According to (Aini et al., 2019), cloud
accounting or online accounting is a method of supporting the recording of financial reports that can be
accessed online, and the development of this service is beneficial for facilitating the implementation process
and increasing efficiency.
Homie Indonesia uses electronic digital media to implement a system of financial reports, bookkeeping,
and transaction recording. Apart from not requiring human resources or incurring costs, optimizing this
technology makes it more effective, efficient, and accurate, reduces the risk of recording errors, and provides
other advantages.
2. Consumer Behavior
Companies or business actors are heavily reliant on consumers, who are the lifeblood of their
operations. The more consumers who are interested in purchasing and consuming their products, the happier
the businesses will be and the more profit they will make. As a result, business actors must carefully consider
satisfaction, quality, brand preference, and product quality (Putri, 2016). Furthermore, business actors must
pay attention to their customers' purchasing habits to seize even more business opportunities and challenges.
If business actors are consistent in their actions regarding their business strategy, they will almost certainly be
able to retain customers and target markets. In general, consumer behavior is divided into four (4) groups,
namely cultural, social, personal and also psychological factors Cultural factors are the most fundamental in
influencing purchasing decisions because they are based on a specific group's beliefs and habits (Hudani, 2020).
When compared to consumer purchase transactions at CV. Homie Indonesia, this factor can be interpreted as if
when someone wants to consume something, they will see or check the legality of a product, one of which is
whether there is a halal label. Halal is one of the standards for all products that can be consumed safely,
correctly, and following Islamic law. Consumers who buy products at CV. Homie Indonesia is also interested in
and prefers to consume halal-certified products from the government. In addition, there are still many
consumer behaviors in purchasing decisions that are related to cultural factors.
Consumer purchasing behavior is influenced further by social factors. In CV. Homie Indonesia, the form
of implementation is a purchase motive for consumers based on solicitation, recommendation of friends or
relatives, or other social matters. The social factors in question are reference groups, family, roles, and status.
Social factors influencing purchasing decisions can be seen in relationships with friends, family, and parents.
The stronger the consumer's bond with friends, family, and parents, the more likely they are to make a purchase
(Hudani, 2020).
Personal factors then become one of the consumer considerations when purchasing a product. Personal
factors such as age, age and life cycle, work, economic conditions, lifestyle, personality, and self-concept all have
a large influence on purchasing decisions (Suryani, 2008). Personal factors also include the consumer's
character, personality, and basic self. Consumers are guided by economic conditions and lifestyle when
purchasing products in CV. Homie Indonesia. The majority of these consumers are students, who have different
and simpler economic backgrounds and lifestyles than employees or private workers The last consumer
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behavior factor is psychological. These psychological factors consist of various aspects ranging from motivation,
perception, learning, beliefs, and attitudes (Armstrong, 2012); Durmaz, 2014). Consumer CV. Homie Indonesia
has the perception that enjoying food at the place of business is much more satisfying, quality of taste is
guaranteed, parking security, menu variety, excellent service, and several other things. They assume these
things are comparable to the price offered and are more profitable from the consumer's side (get the maximum
possible benefits).
Various consumer-friendly policies, such as free refills on rice, iced tea, and meatball sauce, can also
encourage repeat purchases (compulsive buying). They believe that achieving a level of satisfaction or
maximizing utility will be more efficient, effective, and efficient.
3. Implementation of Business Strategy and Consumer Purchasing Behavior and Their Relationship
to Corporate Values
CV. Homie Indonesia has made every effort to correctly and timely implement business strategies.
Service, production, marketing, and finance are all examples of strategies. The strategy employed refers to the
findings of studies, studies, and an in-depth understanding of the consumers' characteristics, personality, and
behavior. It is not the same if the developed strategy is solely based on personal interests, social merit, and so
on. Of course, this strategy will be neither effective nor efficient.
Business actors must consider consumer behavior in addition to developing effective and targeted
strategies. Consumer behavior must be a concern for business actors to meet market needs, attract the broadest
possible market, and serve as the foundation for policy and business strategy development. It is possible to
conclude that the consumer is the king and the company's asset, and as such, it must be treated differently.
Business actors can always respond to and fulfill the needs of these consumers to achieve the level of value or
value of a company.
The form of business implementation and consumer behavior in purchasing decisions has a high level
of engagement and relevance. Alignment, harmony, and dynamics between the two can improve a company's
brand image on its own. Increasing the value or value in question is not only physical (money, profit,
profitability) but also non-physical (brand image position from consumers, adding competitive advantages, as
a form of promotion through Word of Mouth, and many more).
This study came to several conclusions. First and foremost, CV. Homie Indonesia employs a business
strategy that is precisely tailored to its target market. Policy in the areas of service, production, marketing, and
finance are all part of the strategy. Second, cultural, social, personal, and psychological factors all have an impact
on consumer behavior in purchasing transactions. All of these factors influence consumer purchasing behavior
at CV. Third, the implementation of business strategy and changes in consumer behavior increase the company's
value or value. Increasing value through increased revenue (total revenue), branding image, competitive
advantage optimization, and WoM promotion.
Suggestions that researchers can give to CV. Homie Indonesia and all of its employees are to maintain
consistency, product quality, tenacity, never give up, service, always alert and responsive to competitors, always
innovating, being creative, and giving all of the best to consumers without exception. CV. Homie Indonesia must
also make updates and be sensitive to consumer behavior to meet their needs properly, carry out compulsive
buying, and increase loyalty. Hopefully, the research conducted by this researcher will provide knowledge,
insight, and inspiration to other researchers.
However, apart from that, the researcher has suggestions for additional research to broaden and sharpen the
analysis by including variables other than business strategy, consumer behavior, and company values. Other
research variables, such as green production strategies, green accounting, government policies as related
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regulations such as taxation, and so on, can be used and/or added by future researchers. The addition of these
research variables aims to broaden knowledge of study, study, and adaptation (adaptive) to current needs.
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