Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains 2024-06-26T22:56:48+00:00 Vika Fransisca [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains</strong> is a double blind peer-reviewed academic journal and open access to social science fields. The journal is published monthly by CV. Publikasi Indonesia.</p> <p><strong>Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains</strong> provides a means for ongoing discussion of relevant issues that fall within the focus and scope of the journal that can be examined empirically. This journal publishes research articles covering social sciences, ranging from Management, Economics, Culture, Law, Comunication, Healthy, Geography, Education and Technology, that belong to the social context.</p> <p>Journal has become a member of Crossref (Prefix: <strong><a href=";from_ui=yes" target="_blank" rel="noopener">10.36418</a></strong>) with Online ISSN <strong><a title="e ISSN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2723-6692</a> </strong>and Print ISSN <strong><a title="ISSN" href="">2723-6595</a></strong></p> <div class="additional_content"><hr /> <table class="data" width="100%" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"> <tbody> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Journal title</td> <td width="80%"><a title="JISS" href="">Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains</a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Initials</td> <td class="" width="80%"><strong>JISS</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Abbreviation</td> <td class="" width="80%"><strong>JISS</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Frequency</td> <td class="" width="80%"><strong>Monthly</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">DOI</td> <td class="" width="80%"><strong>prefix <a href=";from_ui=yes" target="_blank" rel="noopener">10.36418</a> <img src="" /></strong><strong><br /></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Online ISSN</td> <td class="" width="80%"><strong><a title="e ISSN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2723-6692</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Print ISSN</td> <td width="80%"><a href=""><strong>2723-6595</strong> </a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Editor-in-chief</td> <td width="80%"><strong><a href=";hl=en" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Syarifuddin</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Publisher</td> <td width="80%"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>CV. 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This research describes how the Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility (CSR) program by PT PLN UIW Bangka Belitung is being implemented for the Kacang Pedang Sub-district, Gerunggang, Pangkalpinang City community. The study uses a qualitative method and John Elkington's triple bottom-line theory. The results show that the TJSL program by PT PLN (Persero) Unit Induk Wilayah Bangka Belitung provides significant benefits for the education of the Kacang Pedang community in Pangkalpinang City by supplying facilities and infrastructure for the Sekolah Alam Pangkalpinang program.</p> 2024-06-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Aprilia Dini Rosani, Ardiyansah Ardiyansah, Salim Yusuf Sailan, Zulkarnain Zulkarnain Implementation of Cognitive Learning Theory Through Coaching Techniques to Understand The Character of Students In Elementary School 2024-06-04T23:47:17+00:00 I Nyoman Tulis [email protected] <p>The purpose of writing this research mini-research is to provide information to readers about how teaching techniques can be applied in education to understand student characteristics to maximize learning. The research method used is qualitative method (literature research), information obtained from various sources such as books, related magazines and phenomenology. The results showed that the application of effective training techniques was: (1) The existence of training; (2) active listening; (3) Effective research. With the correct application of technical competence in training, it can be understood the characteristics of student learning styles, such as; visual learning (learning by seeing), auditory learning (learning and listening), and kinesthetic learning (learning by doing). Teachers can create a more flexible learning environment and develop more effective teaching methods and strategies. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that understanding the characteristics of students both in terms of intelligence and different learning styles can contribute to the emergence of a sense of comfort in learning at school. Learning cannot run well if the techniques or concepts used are the same because students have different characteristics. The application of coaching techniques increases the success of achieving learning objectives without putting pressure on students. In this mode, learning occurs naturally within students, so that learning objectives are easily achieved and beneficial for both teachers and students<em>.</em></p> 2024-06-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 I Nyoman Tulis Efforts to Improve Service Quality at Skenario Kopi Cafe Based on Consumer Needs Using Quality Function Deployment 2024-06-11T20:05:25+00:00 Fariza Amalia [email protected] Handy Nur Cahya [email protected] Dwi Eko Waluyo [email protected] Fakhmi Zakaria [email protected] <p>Faced with fierce competition, coffee shops need to stay in tune with evolving customer preferences. This research was conducted the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method, specifically the House of Quality (HoQ) tool, to analyze feedback from subject consist of 100 customers of Skenario Kopi Cafe. The HoQ is a structured approach that translates customer desires (Voice of Customer or VoC) into actionable technical improvements. The sampling technique is based on purposive sampling technique. Analysis of Validity Test and Reliability Test data using SPSS 24 software. The research identified 15 key customer needs, categorized by their level of importance. They then compared these needs to 5 potential technical responses that Skenario Kopi Cafe could implement. Based on this analysis, the result showed such as prioritizing communication training for staff, followed by facility upgrades, and lastly, implementing regular performance evaluations. By analyzing the relationships between these factors, the researchers were able to prioritize the actions that would have the greatest impact on customer satisfaction.</p> 2024-06-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fariza Amalia, Handy Nur Cahya, Dwi Eko Waluyo, Fakhmi Zakaria Classroom Management in Industrial Settings and Industry-World of Work (IDUKA) in Enhancing Student Competence 2024-05-29T22:56:11+00:00 Rusti Wulaningsih [email protected] Ahmad Yani T [email protected] <p>This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method with techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study show that: 1) planning aspects have been carried out according to the conditions and abilities of the vocational school concerned, 2) programs in the implementation of cooperation have entered the criteria, 3) Expertise Competency Test (UKK) as a way of evaluation, students pass get skill competency certificate, and deserves to be distributed to work at IDUKA through the Vocational Special Job Exchange, 4) The problems faced are the unpreparedness of students to enter IDUKA, lack of student competence in productive fields, not seriousness of IDUKA, lack of funds for learning quality improvement programs, facilities and infrastructure that is not in accordance with IDUKA, as well as fees for guest teachers. Efforts made to deal with the problem are increasing teacher competence, mutually beneficial cooperation, building trust with IDUKA, and seeking donors from IDUKA. The conclusion of this study is that the management of industrial class SMK and IDUKA in improving student competence has been carried out in accordance with the provisions of standard operating procedures for industrial class management, in its implementation, it is very supportive of increasing student competence, although it is still not optimal due to limited support resources, both human resources and other resources. The need to build and improve collaboration with IDUKA is an absolute necessity for vocational high schools in improving student competence.</p> 2024-06-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rusti Wulaningsih, Ahmad Yani T Palaku's Position in the Traditional Marriage of the Dayak Muslim Community in Tewah District, Gunung Mas Regency 2024-06-11T14:42:11+00:00 M Prayoga Hadi Kusuma [email protected] <p>The Dayak Muslim community in Tewah District, Gunung Mas Regency is sometimes quite burdensome for some men with the high value of the act (maskawin) so that the prospective groom is not able to fulfil it, even though this behaviour is chosen by the Tewah community as a legal foothold in the marriage tradition. This research aims to focus on the position of the perpetrators in the customary marriage of the Muslim Dayak community in Tewah District, Gunung Mas Regency, the amount of the perpetrators in the customary marriage of the Muslim Dayak community in Tewah District, Gunung Mas Regency and the perpetrators in customary marriage in Tewah District, Gunung Mas Regency are determined in the form of land. This research includes empirical research with the type of legal sociology. It is studied through a socio-legal qualitative approach which is analyzed through the theory of Legal Certainty. The results of this research are: the position of the perpetrator in the Dayak customary marriage is first, the position of the perpetrator as a dowry, second, the position of the perpetrator as a condition, third, the position of the perpetrator as a symbol of self-esteem. The implications of these findings are the need for a balance between traditional values and the economic ability of the prospective groom, as well as dialogue to adapt customary practices to current socio-economic conditions. This study demonstrates the importance of flexibility and adaptation in traditional practices to reduce excessive financial burden on individuals.</p> 2024-06-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 M Prayoga Hadi Kusuma Tracing Identity Traces: A Study of Chinese Crossbreed Literature in the Context of Indonesian Culture 2024-06-11T14:19:51+00:00 Edith Wenny Puspitasari [email protected] Antonius Totok Priyadi [email protected] Sesilia Seli [email protected] <p>This research article aims to explore the ways in which the Chinese Crossbreed community in Indonesia adapts and maintains its cultural identity in the midst of globalization. By exploring the experiences and perspectives of the younger generation, we hope to gain insight into the challenges and opportunities they face in preserving their heritage through literature. The research utilizes a qualitative approach, incorporating interviews, literary analysis, and ethnographic methods to capture a comprehensive view of the community's cultural dynamics. Through this article, the author seeks to explain the importance of the contribution of the Chinese community to Indonesia's rich cultural landscape and the importance of fostering intercultural understanding and unity within the nation. The findings aim to provide a nuanced understanding of how globalization influences cultural preservation and the strategies employed by the Chinese Crossbreed community to navigate their dual heritage in contemporary Indonesian society.</p> 2024-06-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Edith Wenny Puspitasari, Antonius Totok Priyadi, Sesilia Seli Moral Values and Social Values in the Novel Sawitri dan Tujuh Pohon Kelahiran by Mashdar Zainal as an Effort to Select Learning Materials for Literary Appreciation 2024-06-26T22:56:48+00:00 Dedi Irawan [email protected] Zalfa Nopianda Azhar [email protected] <p>This research is motivated by students’ lack of knowledge about literary works that they deserve to read. This is in line with the teacher’s lack of supervision over the selection of literary appreciation learning materials that are worthy of being read, appreciated, and used in high school. The teacher has an important role in selecting literary appreciation learning materials. Extensive insight into the field of literature, the ability to motivate students to enjoy literature and to make students being interested in appreciating a literary work an ability that must have an Indonesian language teacher. This study aims to describe the moral and social values in the novel Sawitri and the Seven Trees of Birth by Mashdar Zainal, as well as its feasibility as material for studying literary appreciation in high school. The method used in this research is the descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques in this study using content analysis techniques. The data source was obtained from the novel Sawitri and the Seven Trees of Birth by Mashdar Zainal. The results obtained from this study are, 1) the moral values contained in the novel Sawitri and the Seven Trees of Birth by Mashdar Zainal include the moral values of human relations with oneself and human relations with others. There are as many as 28 moral values which include moral values of bad attitude in the novel Sawitri and the Seven Trees of Birth by Mashdar Zainal; 2) the social values contained in the novel Sawitri and the Seven Trees of Birth by Mashdar Zainal’s work covers social values among the people in the Sawitri family. There are 11 social values in the Sawitri and the Seven Trees of Birth by Mashdar Zainal. Based on the moral and social values contained in novel Sawitri and the Seven Trees of Birth by Mashdar Zainal deserve to used as learning material for literary appreciation in high school.</p> 2024-07-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dedi Irawan, Zalfa Nopianda Azhar Implementation of the Student Character and Personality Determination System Using the Certainty Factor Method 2024-06-09T21:01:44+00:00 Andi Sutandi [email protected] <p>This research aims to implement a system to determine the character and personality of students using the Certainty Factor method. This method is used to analyze a student's personality based on various relevant factors. This research uses the Research and Development (R&amp;D) method which involves data collection through surveys and observations of students whose character and personality have been identified. The system is implemented through the development of a computer-based application that integrates data and uses the Certainty Factor algorithm to analyze and determine the character and personality of students. The test results show that the system is able to provide predictions of student character and personality with a satisfactory level of accuracy. The implication of this research is that the application of information technology in the development of character and personality determination methods can make a positive contribution to the development of student personality in the academic environment.</p> 2024-06-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Andi Sutandi The Relationship between Psychological Well-Being and Motivation for Achievement in Bakrie Center Foundation Internship Students in Banten Province 2024-06-22T23:32:39+00:00 Harvi Wahyu Putriadi [email protected] Zamralita Zamralita [email protected] <p>Internships aim to enrich students' knowledge and experience through direct fieldwork. Psychological well-being relates to fulfilling and realizing fundamental human qualities by actualizing one's potential. Therefore, students with high psychological well-being are expected to have better achievement motivation. This study aims to determine if there is a relationship between psychological well-being and achievement motivation among Bakrie Center Foundation interns in Banten Province. The scales used are the Psychological Well-Being Scale (PSWB) and the Achievement Motivation Scale adapted from Julianti (2022), based on McClelland's aspects. This quantitative research uses a correlational design, with a sample of 47 interns. Pearson correlation analysis yielded a Pearson correlation (r) value of 0.234 with a significance level (p) of 0.109 (p&lt; 0.05), indicating no relationship between psychological well-being and achievement motivation among Bakrie Center Foundation interns in Banten. Overall categorization data showed that the interns had high psychological well-being but low achievement motivation.</p> 2024-07-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Harvi Wahyu Putriadi, Zamralita Zamralita The Role of Companions in the Wirausaha Baru (WUB)Program of Depok City in 2023 2024-06-08T02:21:25+00:00 Ummi Atmowijoyo [email protected] Ety Rahayu [email protected] <p>The Wirausaha Baru (WUB) Program is a government program under the coordination of the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) whose implementation is handed over to the city-level government, in this case, the Department of Cooperatives &amp; Micro Enterprises (DKUM). This program has been running since 2017 until now and continues to experience developments in implementation practices in the field. The Depok City Government is one of the city governments that has consistently implemented the Wirausaha Baru (WUB) Program. This empowerment program, which targets micro-business actors, focuses on capital aspects and includes training, mentoring, and providing infrastructure to develop businesses. Program participants selected will be given the proper entrepreneurial knowledge and the ability to grow their businesses through entrepreneurship education, business management, marketing access, access to financing, and product legality. Participants also receive assistance in capital, marketing, and business management. In mentoring activities, the Companion is one of the elements that has a significant role as a Change Agent / Actor of Change (Ife, 1997), In every program, it is always hoped that the Program Participants will achieve changes for the better according to the targets or goals of the program owner. This research analyzes mentoring activities in implementing the Depok City Wirausaha Baru (WUB) Program in 2023. This research approach is qualitative with a descriptive research type. In-depth interviews were conducted with Mentors at all levels, Program Participants, and Program Organizers, using purposive sampling techniques. The research results show that mentoring activities in the 2023 New City Entrepreneurship (WUB) program are running well and in accordance with what is regulated in Depok Mayor Regulation No. 20 of 2022 concerning Guidelines for Wirausaha Baru (WUB) Programs. The competencies obtained from the Companion Training/TOT and the mentoring work forms created by the Implementation Team help the Companion carry out their roles and functions as enablers, educators, advocates, brokers, and experts.</p> 2024-06-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ummi Atmowijoyo, Ety Rahayu Analysis of Demographic Factors Affecting Mental Health Among Workers at PT X Mining Company in 2023 2024-06-18T01:35:16+00:00 Eko Susanto [email protected] Mila Tejamaya [email protected] <p>The mining industry is closely related to high-risk health and safety, including mental health. This study aims to investigate the association of demographic variables (age, length of service, gender, education level, employment status, and work location), on mental health symptoms in workers in mining companies PT X. The DASS-21 instrumentation was used to determine mental health symptoms based on levels of depression, anxiety, and stress. The number of respondents in this study was 764 employees were participated and it was found that 71.2% of respondents did not experience mental health problems, 15.3% experienced mild mental health symptoms, 10.4% moderate, and 3.1% severe mental health symptoms. There is a significant relationship between the age variable and the level of depression (p-value 0.04), the significant relationship between age, education level, length of service, gender, and the level of anxiety (p-value 0.04; 0.005; 0.000; dan 0.007), as well as the relationship between age and level of education and stress in workers (p-value 0.000; dan 0.016). From the research, it can be concluded that the older the worker, the lower the level of depression, anxiety, and work stress. Male employees have lower levels of anxiety and stress than women, and a higher level of education plays a role in increasing anxiety and stress in workers.</p> 2024-06-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Eko Susanto, Mila Tejamaya The Implementation of Creative Problem-Solving Model In Improving Creative Thinking, Problem-Solving, and Self-Regulated Learning Skills In Literature Learning For Grade XI Students of Saint Ursula High School 2024-06-08T01:45:07+00:00 Agnes Cristin Ari Nurlia [email protected] <p>Creative thinking, problem-solving, and self-regulated learning skills are essential 21st-century skills that need to be developed. However, not many students have mastered these three skills. This research aims to determine the results of implementing the Creative Problem Solving (CPS) learning model to enhance these skills in English literature class for Grade XI at Santa Ursula High School in Jakarta. The research was conducted using the classroom action research (CAR) method, which consisted of three cycles. Each cycle involved the planning, observation, action, and reflection phases. A pre-test was conducted before starting each cycle, followed by a post-test after completing the cycle. The research subjects consisted of 32 students, and the assessment instrument used a scoring rubric. The results showed that there was an increase in the average value of creative thinking skills, problem-solving, and self-regulated learning in each cycle. From these results, it can be concluded that the CPS learning model can improve creative thinking, problem-solving, and self-regulated learning skills in English literature classes for Grade XI students at Saint Ursula High School Jakarta.</p> 2024-06-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Agnes Cristin Ari Nurlia "Sehat Mantab" Health Awareness Program for the Community around the PT Putra Perkasa Abadi Mining 2024-06-16T23:00:48+00:00 Muhammad Osaegi Restu Amrulloh [email protected] Shelvy Setia Innda [email protected] Aditya Ilham Prakasa [email protected] Endik Riyanto [email protected] <p>The SEHAT MANTAB program was initiated by PT. Putra Perkasa Abadi (PPA) is a comprehensive effort to improve the quality of public health around the mine. With a focus on increasing health awareness, HIV/AIDS prevention, education, and stunting prevention in children, this program runs from January 2023 to January 2024. Through activities such as "Clean Beaches and Free Health Checks" and HIV/AIDS education programs in schools, this program has succeeded in increasing public understanding of environmental cleanliness and HIV/AIDS risks. In addition, through the "Stunting Awareness" program, PPA has succeeded in reducing stunting rates in children through monitoring, evaluation, and the provision of PMT. Collaboration with stakeholders such as local governments and health workers is also the key to the success of this program. Through these various efforts, PPA hopes to create a healthier and more prosperous society and positively contribute to overcoming health problems in the mining area.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Osaegi Restu Amrulloh, Shelvy Setia Innda, Aditya Ilham Prakasa, Endik Riyanto Legal Protection of The Customary Rights of The Pubabu-Besipae Indigenous People 2024-06-05T00:01:07+00:00 Yesyurun Bonte [email protected] <p>Ulayat land is land shared by indigenous communities. Customary land is closely related and is an integral part of customary land rights. Customary rights are the rights owned by indigenous peoples to utilize natural resources for survival. The existence of indigenous communities has been explicitly recognized in national law, such as the Basic Agrarian Law and the Forestry Law. However, recognition of customary rights is still often ignored by the Government, this is the case in the Pubabu-Besipae indigenous community. Therefore, the aim of this research is to find out how the law protects the customary rights of indigenous communities. This research uses normative legal methods and uses a statutory approach. The research findings show that legal recognition and protection of customary rights are very clearly recognized and regulated, so the government should not be able to control customary land arbitrarily according to its wishes. Ownership of customary land has limitations in carrying out legal actions and must take into account the prosperity of indigenous communities. So the actions taken by the East Nusa Tenggara Government are actions that violate the human rights of indigenous peoples because there are arbitrary actions and even acts of violence against indigenous peoples. The government should hold joint discussions with indigenous communities to reach a fair agreement.</p> 2024-06-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yesyurun Bonte Failure of International Agreements in Confronting Environmental Crimes: A Case Study of the Climate Crisis in Vanuatu 2024-06-16T16:03:30+00:00 Misliharira Shaumi Putri [email protected] Ni Made Martini Puteri [email protected] <p>The fossil fuel non-proliferation agreement comes in response to the escalating climate crisis threatening Vanuatu, which was raised by the President of Vanuatu at the 77th General Assembly of the United Nations. This article analyzes the failure of international agreements as an effort to prevent environmental crimes that cause the global climate crisis, especially those felt by Vanuatu, as well as the extent to which international agreements can play a role in addressing these problems, as well as safeguarding the well-being of people in affected countries. The use of fossil fuels, which is still the primary energy in various countries, has become a focus in the context of environmental crimes because of its negative impact on the environment, including the climate crisis. Although these efforts are considered a step in the face of environmental crimes, their implementation is still limited. From a criminological perspective, the restriction of action through the law is a common approach to tackling crime. However, the issue of environmental crimes and international agreements shows the complexity involving many stakeholders. Taking into account the urgency of addressing the climate crisis and its impact on human rights, countries are expected to prioritize people's well-being. Through literature analysis, this article concludes that international treaties will not be effective in tackling environmental crimes without the support of domestic laws and policies, as well as the commitment of state leaders.</p> 2024-06-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Misliharira Shaumi Putri, Ni Made Martini Puteri Analysis of Raw Material Inventory Control with A Tabular Approach and Formula Approach Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) to Optimize The Cost of Soybean Raw Material Inventory At The Rizqy Putra Fried Tofu Factory 2024-06-04T23:51:49+00:00 Winarti Shofariah [email protected] Faldy Herdian [email protected] <p>Inventory management is a crucial aspect in the operations of the manufacturing industry, including in fried tofu factories such as the Rizqy Putra Fried Tofu Factory. The main raw material, namely soybeans, must be managed efficiently to ensure smooth production and minimize the costs incurred. This research aims to determine the inventory control of soybean raw materials applied by Rizqy Putra Fried Tofu Factory, the total inventory cost, and the optimal quantity of soybean raw material orders. This research is quantitative research with a comparative descriptive analysis. The data processed are the inventory purchase and usage reports of soybean raw materials at Rizqy Putra Fried Tofu Factory in 2023. The data analysis method used in this research includes two approaches: the tabular approach and the formula approach with the calculation technique of Economic Order Quantity (EOQ). Based on the results of the research, the inventory control method applied by Rizqy Putra Fried Tofu Factory is the traditional or conventional method, where the total inventory cost of soybean raw materials is Rp. 18,720,000 with details of storage costs amounting to Rp. 18,000,000 and ordering costs of Rp. 720,000 per year, and an ordering frequency of 48 times with an average order quantity of 5,875 kg. Meanwhile, according to the calculation of the formula approach EOQ, the optimal order quantity is 2,880 kg, with an ordering frequency of 24 times and the total inventory cost incurred is Rp. 734,387. The conclusion of this research indicates that based on the calculation of the EOQ formula approach, the total inventory cost of soybean raw materials is more optimal compared to the conventional method applied by Rizqy Putra Fried Tofu Factory.</p> 2024-06-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Winarti Shofariah, Faldy Herdian Factors of Land Use Change in Bandung Regency, West Java for 2 Decades 2024-06-11T20:39:35+00:00 Danang Abriyantoro [email protected] Hasrianti Hasrianti [email protected] <p>The research investigates the land use patterns that have developed in Bandung Regency, located in West Java, over the past twenty years. The region has undergone a significant transformation due to rapid urbanization caused by population growth and economic development. This transformation has led to the conversion of agricultural land and forests into residential, commercial, and industrial areas. This transition provides economic benefits, but it also brings difficulties such as reduced arable land, environmental damage, and concerns about food security. The research focuses on the socio-economic factors driving these changes, the environmental impacts they cause, and the actions taken by local and regional governments through policy and planning initiatives. Descriptive qualitative research methods are very suitable for investigating complex phenomena such as patterns of land use change. The results emphasize the need to implement a comprehensive and sustainable land use strategy that effectively manages the competition for development and environmental conservation interests. This will ensure the region's long-term ability to survive and adapt to challenges while maintaining its sustainability.</p> 2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Danang Abriyantoro, Hasrianti Hasrianti The Implementation of the Green School Model in Shaping Sustainable Lifestyles 2024-05-30T06:15:59+00:00 Eni Veronika [email protected] Ahmad Yani T [email protected] <p>The problem with the green school program implemented in schools is that it has not yet been integrated into the curriculum or teaching materials, resulting in its limited impact on students. Teachers often feel concerned about addressing waste issues, maintaining school cleanliness, and selecting beneficial plants for the school, as they are the spearhead of the green school initiative. This research is qualitative with a case study strategy, this training employs lectures, discussions, and Focus Group Discussions (FGD). The initial evaluation results indicate a low level of understanding among teachers and students regarding their roles and responsibilities in supporting the green school initiative. This lack of understanding stems from the belief among teachers and students that waste management and school environment maintenance are the responsibilities of the principal and the government. After receiving training and undergoing evaluation, both teachers and students began to understand the roles and functions they could play in helping the school implement the green school initiative. Their enthusiasm for the training resulted in a high level of understanding of their roles in carrying out the green school program at SMP AMKUR Bengkayang, Bengkayang Regency.</p> 2024-06-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Eni Veronika, Ahmad Yani T Utilisation of Sentinel-2A Imagery for Estimation of Mangrove Carbon Stock in Mamminasata Area, South Sulawesi 2024-06-11T19:50:25+00:00 Munajat Nursaputra [email protected] Kurniawan Kurniawan [email protected] Daud Malamassam [email protected] <p>Population growth and land conversion have led to the degradation of mangrove forests on the southern coast of South Sulawesi, especially the Mamminasata area. Reduced mangroves increase carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. However, data on the potential carbon absorption of mangroves is still lacking. To overcome this, remote sensing is used to estimate carbon reserves. This reseach utilises Sentinel-2A imagery to estimate mangrove carbon stocks in Mamminasata. The image processing process includes radiometric correction, atmospheric correction, image classification, and extraction of NDVI values. The NDVI value is used to classify the density of mangroves into sparse, medium, and dense, covering 1,244.75 hectares. Field data collection was carried out through a survey of forest stand measurements. The results of NDVI transformation show a value range of 0.2 to 0.8 for mangrove objects in the Mamminasata area. The NDVI data on the analysed images were then made into three density classes. The rare density class has a carbon value of 3.56 – 21.16 Ton C/ha, the medium density class is between 21.17 – 31.49 Ton C/ha, and the dense density class is between 31.50 – 39.18 Ton C/ha. Regression analysis shows a strong correlation between NDVI and carbon stock (R² = 0.7134). This study confirms the effectiveness of remote sensing in environmental monitoring and mangrove conservation. These findings support conservation efforts and sustainable management policies by highlighting areas with high carbon sequestration potential.</p> 2024-06-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Munajat Nursaputra, Kurniawan Kurniawan, Daud Malamassam Twenty Years of Existence of Damar Kurung Gresik: Analysis Of Tajfel&Turner's Identity Theory 2024-06-11T14:34:12+00:00 Ika Aanggun Camelia [email protected] <p><em>Damar Kurung </em>is a Gresik Visual cultural heritage popularised by Masmundari since it was raised by cultural experts and exhibited in national galleries. In 2017, <em>Damar Kurung </em>was officially recognised by the government as an intangible visual culture. This will allow the research to study Damar Kurung further, which is now used as one of Gersik's cultural identities. The research method used is a case study that focuses on journal outputs and social media track records as the primary data and an interview method to confirm the analysis results; the research object is a journal with the theme of Damar Kurung from 2004-2024. The theory used in dissecting the data is the Tajfel and Turner identity theory, studied from the employer branding perspective<em>.</em> This research will find cultural value for psychological, functional, and economic benefits. In addition, it also explains how commodities help to raise <em>their self-esteem</em>. The usefulness of the commodity to the environment. Community acceptance in the damar kurung and the last. Moreover, the evaluation of the group tries to determine and use it as a reference material for other groups, specifically through social comparisons in the form of attribute values or characteristics. This research will improve understanding of how cultural heritage can be preserved and promoted as an important part of regional identity.</p> 2024-06-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ika Aanggun Camelia Student Satisfaction Level in Individual Counseling Services at MAN 13 Jakarta 2024-06-09T21:09:43+00:00 Damar Putra Mahendra [email protected] Asni Asni [email protected] <p>This research aims to determine student satisfaction with individual counseling services at MAN 13 Jakarta. The research method used in this study is quantitative descriptive. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The instrument provided is an instrument to measure satisfaction based on service quality (SERVQUAL). The validity test contained 38 valid statements and 17 invalid statements out of 55 statements. The reliability test result obtained a result of 0.953, so the reliability value of this instrument is very high and reliable. The overall research results are 77% in the reasonably satisfied classification, 16% in the satisfied category, and 7% in the dissatisfied classification. Furthermore, based on dimensions, it is known that the dimension of physical evidence gets the most significant percentage, 82%. The reliability dimension is second, with a rate of 79%. In addition, as many as 78% were for the responsiveness dimension, followed by two other dimensions with the same percentage, namely 74% for the certainty and empathy dimensions. This shows the need for evaluation by BK teachers so that the services provided to students can be provided effectively and well so that students' satisfaction with individual counseling services will be high.</p> 2024-06-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Damar Putra Mahendra, Asni Asni Digital-Based Sharia Marketing Strategy to Increase Sales at The Ciwaringin Natural Dye Writing Batik Center Cirebon 2024-06-25T22:59:23+00:00 Inayah Inayah [email protected] Ananda Tri Cahyati [email protected] Ari Saputra [email protected] Muhammad Viky [email protected] Dini Selasih [email protected] <p>The presence of MSMEs plays a crucial role in driving the Indonesian economy forward. "Batik Tulis Kebon Gedang Center" as one of the traditional batik MSMEs in Ciwaringin has recently risen after experiencing the impacts of COVID-19. This study aims to identify and analyze effective economic strategies to address the challenges of the digital era for the community in the "Batik Tulis Kebon Gedang Center" in Ciwaringin, Cirebon. The research method used is a qualitative approach through in-depth interviews and observation with the batik community. The results of this research, it can be observed that the "Batik Tulis Kebon Gedang Center" community adopts various economic strategies in facing various challenges in the digital era, including competition with digital batik products, changes in consumer behaviour, and limitations in the online market penetration. Based on these findings, several economic strategies are formulated, including increasing online presence through e-commerce platforms which have become a trend among the community and shorby (business link), using several promotional mixes such as advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and publications, direct marketing, collaboration with digital designers and influencers, as well as increasing digital literacy among batik community members. The implementation of these strategies is expected to strengthen the competitiveness and sustainability of the "Batik Tulis Kebon Gedang Center" in the digital era.</p> 2024-07-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Inayah Inayah, Ananda Tri Cahyati, Ari Saputra, Muhammad Viky, Dini Selasih Political News Framing Approach at Analysis of the 2024 Presidential Election Results Dispute 2024-06-08T02:52:06+00:00 Rivana Alwardah [email protected] Izhhari Ichasul Dwitama [email protected] Asep Sunandar Nugraha [email protected] <p>This research aims to find out the analysis of <em>framing </em>(framing/packaging) political news in online media regarding the news of the dispute hearing of the 2024 presidential election results. To answer this problem, the framing method of the Zhongdang Pan and Gerald M Kosicki model was used. This research is included in qualitative. The data analysis used in this study was media text analysis using the framing analysis method using the Zhong Dang Pan and Gerald M. Kosicki model approach. The reserch results show that, in reporting news uses the inverted pyramid technique. Where the main topic of discussion discussed in the news is stored at the beginning of the news. In addition, there are several data obtained by news writers from the statements of sources to be used as data sources. The news structure uses 5W+1H, and the source does not throw many quotes.</p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rivana Alwardah, Izhhari Ichasul Dwitama, Asep Sunandar Nugraha Redesign of the Galaxy Gym Tembung Logo as Brand Identity 2024-06-18T14:22:43+00:00 Yosua Simatupang [email protected] <p>Competition in the fitness centre industry is getting tighter. This encourages Galaxy Gym Tembung to improve its brand identity in order to compete with its competitors. One of the efforts made is to redesign the logo. Galaxy Gym Tembung which is located in the area of Jalan Moh. Yakub Lubis No.dsn 3, Bandar Khalipah, Percut Sei Tuan District, Deli Serdang Regency, East Medan District, which was established in 2019, is one of the fitness centres located in Tembung with its owner named Ridho Santoso. This research aims to improve the brand identity of Galaxy Gym Tembung as a fitness centre. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data was collected through interviews, observations, and documentation. The results of the study show that the redesign of the Galaxy Gym Tembung logo has a positive effect on brand identity. The new logo is easier to recognize and remember, more effective in conveying the meaning and message of the brand, and gives a professional and modern impression. This research contributes to Galaxy Gym Tembung in improving brand identity. The results of this research can also be useful for other designers in designing effective logos to improve brand identity.</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yosua Simatupang Quantitative Fire Risk Assessment of Crude Oil Tank at Company A 2024-06-08T01:54:12+00:00 Andralisa Febriani [email protected] Fatma Lestari [email protected] <p>The oil and gas industry has a high risk of losses due to fire. There have been several fire incidents in the oil industry involving fires in crude oil tanks. The objective of this research is to assess the level of fire risk in Crude Oil Tank T32 at Company. The research method used is to analyze the frequency of fire occurrences using event tree analysis and modeling the consequences of fires using ALOHA software. After conducting frequency analysis and consequence modeling, individual risk and social risk are calculated. Results: Based on the results of consequence modeling, the furthest distance for heat radiation with a 100% risk of death is 84 meters. The largest risk calculation result is in the leaky tank scenario with a hole size of 100 mm with an individual risk value of 1,84 x 10-<sup>8</sup> and a social risk value of 3,13 x 10-<sup>7</sup>. The results of the T32 tank fire risk assessment at Company A's oil collection tank facility show that individual and social risks are still within the acceptable risk category according to the UK HSE Risk Acceptance Criteria. Even though the risk of a fire incident is still within acceptable limits, risk control efforts still need to be carried out so that the risk remains within acceptable tolerance limits</p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Andralisa Febriani, Fatma Lestari Design Game Design "Introduction of National Hero Figures For Children” 2024-06-17T18:37:42+00:00 Renaldi Febriansyah [email protected] <p>This research aims to design <em>&nbsp;an attention-grabbing and educational</em> design game about <em>&nbsp;National Hero Figures, </em>Hero Figures including in history lessons where now history is a compulsory subject that needs to be studied by all children. By studying history, it is hoped that students can know history and appreciate the services of previous heroes and draw subjects from the values contained in it. Through history, values and social skills can be developed for students in the form of democratic values, nationalism, patriotism, responsibility, independence and the importance of education for the progress of a nation. On the other hand, games for children are able to accelerate the occurrence of myelination which can improve cognitive and motor skills and can provoke interest in learning. Researchers designed educational games accompanied by interesting audio, animation and graphics to increase interest and help children learn to get to know national heroes. This design game was designed using Luther Sutopo's multimedia method. The luther sutopo multimedia method consists of several stages, namely concept, design, material collecting, assembly, testing, and distribution. The results obtained in the assessment through a questionnaire that has been tested at Mis Azrina, Jalan Marelan Raya No. 287 B, Rengas Pulau, Kec.&nbsp; in learning to get to know national hero figures that have been proven in the results&nbsp; of <em>the pre-test</em> and <em>post-test.</em></p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Renaldi Febriansyah Implementation of Islamic Spiritual Charge for Hospital Patients Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta: Review of Islamic Law 2024-06-08T01:33:58+00:00 Binarsa Binarsa [email protected] <p>In order to cause a sense of calm and comfort in the hearts of patients, spiritual compensation activities are held. The spiritual field of Dr. Sardjito Hospital coordinates this activity. Spirituality is a religious institution at Dr. Sardjito Hospital, which handles spiritual compensation activities for patients and care for corpses. However, in the implementation, especially the care of the corpse, there has been an error or violation of shari'a or Islamic law in carrying out the care of the corpse, namely, the body of the daughter bathed by a man who is not her mahram without the cause of shari'a / Islamic law that allows. The purpose of the research is to find out what mistakes and factors cause violations of Islamic law, to find out what solutions to avoid violations of shari'a or Islamic law, and to find out the implementation of spiritual compensation at Dr. Sardjito Hospital: Review of Islamic Law. The author uses field and library research methods to complete the abovementioned research objectives. Sampling techniques are Observation, Interview, and Questionnaire. The samples are the Director of RSUP, Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta, the Clergy Coach, the Head of the Nursing Division, the Head of Forensic Medicine Installation, the Clergy Coordinator, the Clergy Officer, the Forensic Medicine Installation Officer and Patients treated, and the data analysis method is quantitative analysis. The results are a form of mistakes: officers and families do not know Islamic law, forced / emergency, motivation to make money, and factors: No cooperation between mortuary office workers and spirituality, No training in corpse care, No supervision from superiors. The solutions are Coaching and care for corpses, increased cooperation, and good supervision. Clear pro tabs and sanctions. The conclusion is the implementation of spiritual compensation to patients in the hospital. Dr. Sardjito: Review of Islamic Law is in accordance with the Shari'a.</p> 2024-06-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Binarsa Binarsa Sale and Purchase Deed as Evidence in Resolving Land Sale and Purchase Default Disputes 2024-06-16T22:55:42+00:00 Najma Syamila [email protected] Michellena Michellena [email protected] Salsabillah Ayu Puspita [email protected] <p>Indonesia as a country of law adheres to the Civil Law system where the <br />source of Law and all rules applied in Indonesia must be based on what has <br />been codified or written in the form of a law. The type of research used is <br />qualitative research derived from legal materials. The research approach <br />method used is laws and regulations and a case approach, with the method <br />of collecting data from literature studies and data analysis using normative <br />juridical analysis. It is divided into several legal orders, one of which we <br />know, namely Civil Law. The problems handled in the Civil Law are <br />individual persons, for example, the sale and purchase of land where two <br />parties are involved in a civil bond. In buying and selling, there is a need <br />for an agreement, then generally there is a Deed of Sale and Purchase (AJB) <br />which is an authentic deed and plays an important role in the process of <br />buying and selling land as a sign that there has been a legal act between the <br />parties. However, in reality, there is still a default in the sale and purchase <br />of land after the issuance of the AJB where the seller cannot fulfill the rights <br />of the buyer as stated in the AJB. If a civil dispute cannot be resolved using <br />mediation, it can be resolved by submitting it to the court. In the settlement <br />of civil disputes in court, there is evidence where evidence must be <br />submitted to strengthen the argument. In this case, the Deed of Sale and <br />Purchase can be used as evidence that is classified as an authentic deed of <br />evidence.</p> 2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Najma Syamila, Michellena Michellena, Salsabillah Ayu Puspita Thrifting Consumer Communication Experience in Yogyakarta 2024-06-04T23:56:39+00:00 Rachmalia Hasna Savryaninda [email protected] Vani Dias Adiprabowo [email protected] <p>Thrifting, the increasingly popular activity of shopping for used clothes, came under scrutiny when the government banned the import of used goods. This study aims to analyze thrifting consumer communication experiences regarding prohibiting imports of used goods and their impact on local industries. In the phenomenological approach, the researcher explores the meaning of thrifting consumers' experiences related to popular culture and wasteful behavior. Studies show that thrifting as a shopping alternative can help overcome the problem of turning off expensive and low-quality local goods. This is because thrifting provides foreign goods at lower prices and good quality. Even so, the issue of local products of inferior quality and expensive remains an obstacle that must be overcome. Possible solutions include improving the quality of local products, providing education and information to the public, and improving the quality of thrifting services and products. Thus, this problem can be overcome with solutions from the government, local producers, and consumers so that it can positively impact the economy and the environment.</p> 2024-06-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rachmalia Hasna Savryaninda, Vani Dias Adiprabowo