Vol. 4, No.12, December 2023
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No.12, December 2023 1303
Fauzan Aji Kusuma, Maulidyah Indira Hasmarini
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia
Email: fauzanaji999@gmail.com, mi148@ums.ac.id
affecting; poverty; central
Poverty is one of the fundamental issues that is the center of
the government's attention. Reducing the poverty rate is one
of the Central Java government programs. By Therefore, it is
necessary to know what factors can affect the poverty rate in
Central Java. This study aims to analyze the influence of the
human development index (HDI), gross regional domestic
product (GRDP), population, unemployment rate,
Government expenditure on the poverty rate in Central Java
Province. This research uses data from 2018-2021 sourced
from the central statistics agency (BPS) by using panel data
regression using three models pooled least squares (PLS)
models, fixed effect model (FEM), and random effect model
(REM). The best model specification results is the fixed effect
model (FEM). The results of this study indicate that the human
development index has a negative and insignificant effect on
the poverty rate, gross domestic product has a negative and
insignificant effect on the poverty rate, population has a
significant negative effect on the poverty rate, the
unemployment rate has a negative and insignificant effect on
the poverty rate, and government spending has a positive and
insignificant effect on the poverty rate
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
Poverty is a multidimensional problem that is still often found in Indonesia, as well as
countries in the world (Wahyudi & Rejekingsih, 2013). Poverty is divided into two criteria, the
first is relative poverty and the second is absolute poverty, where the definition of relative
poverty is a state of poverty that is influenced by government development policies, but does
not cover all regions and classes of society, resulting in uneven distribution of per capita income
from the community (Tisniwati, 2012). The definition of absolute poverty itself is the minimum
standard of life support that It is needed to meet the basic needs for survival, both food and the
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No.12, December 2023 1304
need for food. This standard is commonly referred to as the poverty line (BPS, 2019). Poverty
is a condition in which a person is unable to achieve a standard of group life and is also unable
to exert energy, mentally, and physically on a group (Rafizar, 2019). Poverty can be defined as
a condition in which a person or group, both men and women, are unable to fulfill their basic
rights to maintain continuity and thrive in a dignified life. Basic rights that should be obtained
by the community include the fulfillment of food needs, physical and mental health, formal
education, employment, housing boards, the availability of clean water, land, natural resources
and a symbiotic environment, a sense of security from treatment or threats of physical or
psychological violence, and the right to participate in social and political life. Rights for women
as well as men (Nalle, 2018).
Poverty can be said to be a condition of economic inability to meet the average standard
of living of people in an area. According to poverty, it can be caused by a lack of income and
assets to meet basic needs, namely in the form of clothing, food, and shelter (Doriza, Purwanto,
& Maulida, 2013). This poverty problem has become a common problem faced by developing
countries such as Indonesia. Poverty is often associated with social problems or a condition that
is viewed by some people in society as something that is not expected. Lowering poverty is just
as important as lowering unemployment. According to him, if people are not unemployed, it
means having a job and income, with the income obtained from work, it is expected to meet the
needs of life (Jajuli & Daryono Soebagyo, 2015). If the needs of life are met, it is not included in
the category of poor people. One of the necessities of life that must be met is the basic needs in
the form of food. The quality of food consumption will determine the quality of intake and
nutritional adequacy which will ultimately determine the level of public health. Poor health can
result in decreased productivity and quality of life, leading to poverty (Putri, 2014).
Poverty occurs because poor people generally have business capabilities and
limitations to economic activities that are not the same, so that these problems can cause
lagging between one community and another in the development process and enjoy the results
of development (Endrayani, 2016). The main objective of economic development in addition to
creating the highest possible growth, must also be able to eliminate and reduce poverty, income
inequality, and unemployment. So it can be said that the priority of development is to eliminate
poverty (Todaro, Kรฅnneby, Dal Zotto, & Jondelius, 2011).
Based on data from the Satistik Central Agency (BPS), of the 34 provinces in Indonesia,
Central Java Province is a province with a population of 36.74 people and ranks third in the
province with the largest population in Indonesia (Merakati, Rusdarti, & Wahyono, 2017). With
the large population in Central Java Province, it causes problems in the social sector such as
poverty. The number of poor people in Central Java Province in 2021 is 3.394 million people
and ranks second in the province with the highest number of poor people after East Java
Province (Adam et al., 2019). Reducing the number of poor people is one of the priority
programs of the Central Java Provincial government, targeting a poverty reduction in 2021
below 10 percent (Central Java Regional Poverty Reduction Coordination Team, 2021).
Therefore, research on poverty is very important to be carried out with the aim of knowing
what factors affect the poverty rate in Central Java Province (Pratama, 2014).
2. Materials and Methods
The analysis method in this study uses the panel data analysis method, which is a
combination of cross section data with time series data which is then processed into Eviews9.
Some forms of regression for panel data include:
๐‘‡๐พ = ๐›ฝ0 + ๐›ฝ1๐ผ๐‘ƒ๐‘€ + ๐›ฝ2 ๐‘ƒ๐ท๐‘…๐ต + ๐›ฝ3๐ฝ๐‘ƒ + ๐›ฝ4๐‘‡๐‘ƒ๐‘›๐‘” + ๐›ฝ5๐‘ƒ๐‘ƒ + ๐œ‡ + ๐‘’๐‘–๐‘ก
Kindergarten : Total Poverty Level (soul unit)
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No.12, December 2023 1305
HDI : Human Development Index (unit of percent)
GRDP : Gross Regional Domestic Product (rupiah unit)
JP : Total Population (Million People)
TPng : Unemployment Rate (unit percent)
PP : Government Expenditure (unit of percent)
B0 : Constant
ฮฒ1 ฮฒ2 ฮฒ3 ฮฒ4 : Multiple Regression Coefficients ฮผ : Confounding Variables
The data used is panel data, which is a combination of cross section data with time
series data which is then processed into Eviews9. While the source of data obtained from the
Central Statistics Agency (BPS) (Fajriyah & Rahayu, 2016).
3. Result and Discussion
The results of estimating econometric models in advance with Pooled Least Square
(PLS), Fixed Effect Model (FEM) and Random Effect Model (REM) approaches along with the
results of the model selection test are summarized in the Table. (Arlina, Guntur, & Nain,
Table 1 Estimation Results of Panel Data Regression Econometric Model
Regression Coefficient
Adjusted. ๐‘…
Statistik F
Prob. Statistik F
Model Selection Test
Chow Cross-Section F = 776,454605; Prob. F= 0,0000
(1) Hausmant Cross-Section random ๐œ’2= 59,965803; Prob. ๐œ’2 =0,0000
Through the Chow test and the Hausmant test, the FEM model was chosen to be the best
estimated model, as seen from the Chow test which has a Prob value. F is 0.0000 (< 0.01) and
from the Hausmant test has a value of Prob. ฯ‡2 of 0.0000 (<0.01) (Asmawi, 2021). Therefore,
from these results, the FEM model was chosen to be the best model.
Table 2 Fixed Effect Model (FEM) Estimation Model
= 9,237152 โˆ’ 0,012767๐ผ๐‘ƒ๐‘€ โˆ’ 0,004594log(๐‘ƒ๐ท๐‘…๐ต) โˆ’ 0,275882log(๐ฝ๐‘ƒ) โˆ’
0,002867๐‘‡๐‘ƒ๐‘›๐‘” + 0,001060๐‘ƒ๐‘ƒ
(0,2798) (0,9673) (0,0000)* (0,1638) (0,3004)
= 0,923714; F= 324,5113; Prob. F= 0,000000
Description: *Significant at ฮฑ = 0.01.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No.12, December 2023 1306
From the results of the Fixed Effect Model (FEM) estimation model equation, namely the
Human Development Index (HDI) with a probability value of 0.2798 (> 0.10), the HDI does not
have a significant influence on the poverty level (Sitepu, Sinaga, Oktaviani, & Tambunan, 2009).
Then the Gross Regional Dosmetic Product (GRDP) with a probability value of 0.9673 (>0.10)
then the GRDP does not have a significant effect on the poverty level. Then the population (JP)
with a probability value of 0.0000 (<0.01) then JP has a significant influence on the poverty rate.
Furthermore, the unemployment rate (TPng) with a probability value of 0.1638 (>0.10) then
TPng does not have a significant effect on the poverty rate. And government expenditure (PP)
with a probability value of 0.3004 (>0.10) then PP does not have a significant effect on the
poverty rate. In the econometric model, there is one significant variable, namely the number of
population (JP) which has a negative influence on the poverty rate with a coefficient value of -
0.275882 and a probability f of 0.0000 (<0.01). This means that every increase in population
(JP) by 1 person will cause a decrease in the poverty rate by 0.275882 people assuming other
variables remain (Pattinama, 2019).
4. Conclusion
Based on panel data analysis, the fixed effect model (FEM) was selected as the best
estimated model through the chow and hausmant tests. From the analysis of the FEM model,
one variable that has a significant effect on the poverty rate is selected, namely the number of
population (JP) with a coefficient value of -0.275882, so if the population increases by 1 person,
it will cause a decrease in the poverty rate by 0.275882 people. So the factor that affects the
poverty rate is the number of population (JP), so this study pays more attention to the number
of population (JP) to overcome the poverty level.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No.12, December 2023 1307
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