Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1580
Do Key Audit Matters Mediate Earning Management
Jamian Habeahan, Reskino
Universitas Trisakti, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
Email: habeahanjamian@gmail.com, reskin[email protected]
Correspondence: habeahanjamian@gmail.com
Audit, Manajemen, Earning
Earnings management is the management of cash in or income and
cash out or expenses so that businesses can generate net income.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of key audit
matters on earnings management mediated by audit quality and
financial audit committee effectiveness. This research uses
quantitative research methods. The data collection method of this
research uses documentation techniques. The population used in
this study are all companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
obtained from the official IDX website, namely
https://www.idx.co.id and the company's website in 2022, totaling
825 companies. The method used in sampling is purposive sampling
method. The data analysis method used is a combination of
descriptive analysis and quantitative analysis. The results showed
that audit quality, effectiveness, financial audit committee mediate
the effect of key audit matters on earnings management.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
The rapid development of today's times, makes the economy increasing. The company must
also present clear and trustworthy financial statements. Therefore, an auditor is needed to check the
accuracy of financial statements and provide quality audits. So, with this opinion, investors will invest
in companies with good audit quality. The performance of a company can be seen from the company's
financial statements.
Profit information contained in financial statements is generally the main focus of investors.
This situation encourages the company's management to implement certain strategies to generate
profits that are in line with the expectations of investors. This causes financial statements to
eventually be misused in various ways such as flattening, raising, and lowering profits to affect the
value of profits to be reported known as earning management (Tanjung, 2019).
Additional phenomena The phenomenon of earning management was revealed in several
companies in Indonesia, one of which occurred at PT Indofarma Tbk. Based on the results of
Bapepam's examination of PT Indofarma Tbk. (Capital Market Supervisory Agency, 2004), evidence
was found that PT Indofarma Tbk. carried out earning management practices by presenting an
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1581
overstated net profit of Rp 28,870 billion, as a result of the valuation of inventory in process that was
higher than it should be, So that the cost of goods sold that year was understased. PT Akasha Wira
Internasional (ADES) The Company's total comprehensive profit in 2013 was Rp 98.6 billion or an
increase of 11.8% compared to 2012 which amounted to Rp 83 billion. However, after PT Akasha
Wira Internasional's financial statements were audited, it turned out that there was a decrease in net
profit by 33% or 56.6 billion. The decline in profit was due to net sales growing lower than the
increase in expenses. The auditor recorded an increase in operating expenses of Rp 42 billion in 2013,
while total sales amounted to Rp 502.5 billion or an increase of 5% from total sales in 2012 which
amounted to Rp 476 billion (CNN, 2023).
Management opportunities in profit engineering can be minimized by increasing company
supervision through independent auditors. The presence of qualified auditors in the company can act
as a powerful monitoring mechanism for management and serve to convey positive signals to the
market. Qualified auditors are also considered to play an important role in reducing agency conflicts.
Reliable financial reporting guaranteed by qualified auditors can increase management
accountability and become an effective tool for shareholders to monitor management tasks (Indrarti
&; Widiatmoko, 2021). The quality of auditors can be measured using the KAP measure. The size of
KAP shows the attitude of an independent and professional auditor so as to minimize management to
intervene in the opinions and opinions of auditors (Natalia et al, 2017). According to (Hadi &; Tifani,
2020) stated that audit quality negatively affects earning management. (Tarigan &; Saragih, 2020)
stated that audit quality has a positive effect on earning management. Meanwhile, (Wijayanti et al,
2021) stated that audit quality has no effect on earning management.
The audit committee has an important role in corporate governance (Alfiyasara and Auliffi,
2020). The audit committee has the main task of examining and supervising the financial reporting
process and internal control (Sunarsih, 2017). According to Hastuti and Santoso (2017), the audit
committee is a group of people selected to perform certain jobs or special tasks or a number of
members of the board of commissioners of client companies who are responsible for assisting
auditors in maintaining their independence to management. The audit committee itself has an
important role in supervising the company's management so as not to commit fraud that can benefit
itself so that it can cause losses to company owners. An audit committee with a sufficient number of
members encourages the supervisory function performed. Felicia and Imam (2017) stated that the
audit committee negatively affects earning management. In contrast to the results of this study, there
is a difference with Lestari and Murtanto (2017) that audit committee variables have no effect on
earning management.
The next factor that can minimize the occurrence of earning management is the expertise of the
audit committee. The existing audit committee must have at least one member who has an
educational background and expertise in accounting and finance (POJK, 2015). In carrying out its
duties, the audit committee supervises the financial statements presented. Therefore, an audit
committee that has expertise in accounting or finance is an important thing for a company to have.
According to Suprianto et al. (2017) argues that this expertise can help the audit committee in
reducing opportunist behavior of management. This expertise can support the audit committee in
assessing and analyzing information in the financial statements better so that the information can be
used as an adequate recommendation for the board of commissioners in assessing management
performance. Hamzah and Dul (2018) obtained the results that the expertise of the audit committee
negatively affects earning management. In contrast to research conducted by Alfiyasahra and Auliffi
(2020), it was found that the expertise of the audit committee had no effect on earning management.
Another factor that can affect management is KAM (Key Audit Metters). According to Gold et al.
(2020) shows that managers' tendency to make aggressive financial reporting decisions is reduced
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1582
by the presence of KAM (compared to the absence of KAM). Pinello, Puschaver, & Volkan (2020) state
that critical accounting estimates influence critical audit issues made by auditors. Tusek &; Jezovita
(2018) found an increase in informative value contained in the report. They also found a positive and
significant relationship between the amount of KAM and accruals and discretionary income, while a
negative and significant relationship was found between the amount of KAM and earning
management proxies with operations through discretionary expenses.
Research Objectives
Based on the formulation of the research problem that has been described, this study aims as
1. To empirically prove the effect of audit quality, effectiveness of audit committee, audit
committee financial expertice and key audit matters on earning management.
To empirically prove the moderation of audit quality relationships, the effectiveness of audit
committees, audit committee financial experts and key audit matters on earning management.
Theory And Hypothesis Development
Research Review
The first study was conducted by Mohammad Ahmad Alqam at al in 2021 with the title the
mediating effects of key audit metters on the relationship between audit quality and earning
management: evidence from jordan. The results proved that audit quality improves key audit
issues, which in turn lowers earning management. Also, this study confirmed the mediated effect
of KAMs between audit quality and earning management.
In the second study conducted by Octavia at al. (2022) found the results showed that the
auditor industry, specialization and auditor independence have a real positive effect on earning
management through financial difficulties. The conclusion of the results of the study explains that
financial distress can be a motivation for management to carry out earning management so that it
can be an indication for auditors to detect earning management. Financial difficulties can motivate
management to use their flexibility to modify company profits, thus requiring high audit quality
and audit independence.
The third study was conducted by Meinie Susanty in 2022 with the title The Effect of Audit
Quality on Earning management with Corporate Governance as Moderation. The results found that
high audit quality with multidimensional measurement of Audit Quality Metric Score (AQMS)
improves earning management with abnormal production costs and discretionary accrual costs,
not through abnormal cash flow operating at the individual level and through aggregate levels of
combined real earning management abnormal cash flow operating, production costs and
discretionary accrual.
The fourth study was conducted by Rehania Rachmayanti &; Aries Jonathan in 2022 with the
title ownership, tax aggressiveness and audit quality on earning management. The results of this
study show that foreign ownership affects earning management which means that foreign
companies do not have financial resources, knowledge and corporate governance expertise that
hinders obtaining information. While managerial ownership, institutional ownership, tax
aggressiveness, leverage, company age, and audit quality have no effect on earning management.
The fifth study was conducted by Noor Laila Fitriana in 2019 with the title The Effect of Audit
Committee Expertise on Earning management with Audit Quality as a Moderating Variable. These
results indicate that an audit committee with both accounting and financial expertise can reduce
earning management. Conversely, the results also revealed that audit quality did not interact with
the expertise of the audit committee to influence the decline in earning management.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1583
Relevant Concepts Or Theories
Agency theory
Agency theory is a concept that explains the correlation between principals and agents.
This theory explains the relationship in which principals use the services of agents in carrying out
activities on their behalf to give authority to make decisions (Jensen &; Meckling, 1976).
Based on agency theory, agents (management) contract with principals to perform certain
tasks, one of which is to increase profits, and principals (shareholders) will reward agents for tasks
completed. If the task is completed well, the rewards received by the agent are also greater. This
large reward allows the agent (management) to do earning management as a shortcut to show as
if the company's profits are rising (Destriana &; Trisakti, 2021).
Audit quality
The Indonesian Institute of Accountants (IAI)-(IAI what year) states that audits conducted by
auditors are said to be of quality if they meet auditing standards and quality control standards.
Audit is an evaluation and accumulation of evidence related to information in order to report and
determine the degree of alignment between criteria and information that has been determined
(Basworo et al., 2021). Audit quality represents the willingness to disclose material errors and
unethical accounting practices in financial statements, and convey such information appropriately
without bargaining (Mohammed et al., 2018) According to (Sasongko et al., 2022) auditor quality
measurement is measured by dummy variables where the value is 1 if the company is audited by
the big four KAP and the value 0 if the company is audited by a non-big four KAP.
The effectiveness of the audit committee
Hamrul &; Anita (2020) stated that the audit committee will provide encouragement for
company management to carry out healthy business management through the supervisory role
carried out. The audit committee is a support for the company's board of commissioners in carrying
out its duties as a party that protects parties outside the company from
fraud of company management. (It should be explained why the formula is used below and who the
researchers are using the formula) Audit committee.
Number of Independent commissioners in the audit committee
Number of audit committess
Audit committee financial expertise
Decree of the Chairman of Bapepam and LK Number: Kep-643 / BL / 2012, the audit
committee must have one or more members who have expertise and experience in accounting and
finance. It is necessary to separate the audit committee that has accounting and financial expertise,
so that it can be traced which expertise can minimize the occurrence of earning management
practices. Audit committees with accounting expertise will minimize the opportunistic nature of
managers to carry out earning management practices (Suprianto et al., 2017). The audit committee
with accounting expertise will be able to evaluate financial statements with the experience it has
in accounting, finance, business and so on (Suprianto et al., 2017). Audit committee members who
have financial expertise can make time more effective in doing financial reporting. One of the roles
of the audit committee is to limit the opportunistic nature possessed by managers who are more
concerned with their interests, so they need expertise to analyze and evaluate financial statements
(Dwiharyadi, 2017). Analyzing a financial statement can be done by people who have expertise
related to accounting standards that are generally accepted in their country. Audit committee
accounting expertise, audit committees that have accounting expertise can be seen from the
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1584
position of the audit committee members. An accounting expert is someone who has experience as
a certified public accountant, auditor, chief financial officer, head of accounting, accounting officer,
financial officer. Audit committee accounting expertise is measured by the ratio between audit
committee members who have accounting expertise to the number of audit committees. (It should
be explained why the reason for using the formula below and who the researchers use the formula)
Accounting skill ratio
Number of members with accounting expertise
Number of audit committee members
Earning management
According to (Mahrani and Soewarno, 2018) stated that earning management is the action
of managers who increase or decrease the reported profit of their unit of responsibility which has
nothing to do with the increase or decrease in long-term company profitability Managers manage
net income and in this study are projected using the Modified Jones Model (Dechow et al, 1995) to
obtain the value of discretionary accruals which are proxies of earning management practices with
ratio measurement scales. To calculate discretionary, then first Calculated total accrual by formula:
Where :
DA = Discretionary Accruals Company I in the period of years t
NDA = Nondiscretionary accrual Company I in the period of years t
= Total accrual of company i in the period of year t
= Net profit of company i in the period of year t
= Cash flows from the company's operating activities i in the period
of year
t A
= Total assets of the company i in the period of year t
= Company i's revenue in year t is subtracted by company it's revenue in year
= Total tangible fixed assets of company i in the period of years t
Ɛ = Error
Key audit matters
To investigate KAM reporting, the study focused on the principal paragraph of the audit issue
in the auditor's report, which is included in the annual report of the sample company. To measure
the level of KAM used in the study, a content analysis was carried out with a checklist used to
calculate the number of issues and words included in KAM to measure the level of KAM reporting
= TA
1 +
A 1 A 1 A 1
1 +
+ ℇ
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1585
in the company's annual report (Suttipun, 2020). A distinction is made between companies that do
not disclose audit issues with the number 0, and 1 for companies that do, and the number of
disclosures that the auditor shows in his report is indicated by the number of issues and the
number of words entered.
Frame of mind
Based on the description above, a theoretical framework can be made that describes the
variables that affect earning management, namely:
Figure 1
Research Model
2. Materials and Methods
Quantitative Research Methods according to Sugiyono (2018: 15) quantitative methods are
methods based on positivism philosophy aimed at describing and testing hypotheses made by
researchers. Quantitative research contains many numbers ranging from collection, processing, and
results that are dominated by numbers. The source of data used in this study is secondary data,
namely data in the form of the company's 2022 financial statements.
The data collection method for this study uses documentation techniques, where the
technique is used to obtain accurate information and data related to research variables through
records, literature studies, accredited scientific journals, documents and official websites that publish
related data.
According to Handayani (2020), population is the totality of each element to be studied that
has the same characteristics, it can be individuals from a group, event, or something to be studied.
The population used in this study is all companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange obtained
from the official IDX website, https://www.idx.co.id and company website in 2022, which is 825
company. The method used in sampling is the purposive sampling method. Purposive sampling is a
sampling technique with certain considerations (Sugiyono, 2019: 85). The sample of this research
after being selected in several sectors became 130 companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.
In this study using panel data regression analysis techniques used to test audit quality, audit
committee effectiveness, audit committee financial expertice on earning management with key audit
Audit Quality (X1)
The effectiveness of
the audit
committee (X2)
Audit commitee
financial (X3)
Key Audit Metters (M)
Earning Management
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1586
matters as intervening variables. In analyzing the data, researchers used regression tests with the
help of eviews 9 application software. The data analysis method used is a combination of descriptive
analysis and quantitative analysis.
ML = α + β1 AQ + β2 KA + β3 ACF + β4 KAM + e
α = Konstanta
β = Koefisien regresi
ML = Earning Management
AQ = audit quality
KA = komite audit
ACF = audit commite financial
KAM = key audit metters
e = error
3. Result and Discussion
Validity Test
Validity test is a method used to evaluate the extent to which a measurement instrument (for
example a questionnaire or test) can measure the intended variable accurately and precisely. The
validity test aims to ensure that the measurement instruments used in the study have the ability to
measure the desired variables validly.
Table 1 Validity Test
ss of the
Key Audit
Audit Quality
Sig. (2-tailed)
The effectiveness
of the audit
Sig. (2-tailed)
Audit commitee
Sig. (2-tailed)
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1587
Sig. (2-tailed)
Key Audit Metters
Sig. (2-tailed)
Sig. (2-tailed)
From the information presented in Table 1, it can be seen that each instrument has a Pearson
correlation value that exceeds r Table = 0.143 (N=130). In addition, the significance value (2-tailed)
for all correlation items is .000, which is lower than 0.05. Based on these two findings, we can
conclude that all items in the statements are valid. Therefore, the questionnaire can be considered
valid and ready for use.
Reliability Test
Reliability test is a method used to measure the extent to which a measurement instrument
(such as a questionnaire or test) is consistent and reliable in producing similar results if repeated at
different times or by different researchers. The reliability test aims to evaluate the stability and
consistency of the measurement instrument in measuring the variable in question.
Table 2. Reliability Test
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha
N of Items
In the reliability test presented in Table 2, researchers obtained a Cronbach Alpha value of
0.803. This value exceeds the threshold of 0.600, which indicates that the questionnaire shows a high
level of consistency and reliability. Therefore, the questionnaire is considered suitable for use in
further research.
Regression Test
Regression testing, also known as regression analysis, is a statistical method used to study the
relationship between one or more independent variables (explanatory variables) and the dependent
variable (the variable to be predicted). Regression tests are used to determine the extent to which the
independent variable affects the dependent variable and to measure the strength and significance of
the relationship.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1588
Table 3. Key Audit Metters (M) mediates the effect of Audit Quality (X1) on Earning
management (Y)
Based on table 3, the p value is 0.00 <0.05 so it can be concluded that Key Audit Meters (M)
mediates the effect of Audit Quality (X1) on Earning management (Y)
Table 4. Key Audit Metters (M) mediates the effect of The effectiveness of the audit
committee (X2) on Earning management (Y)
Based on table 4, the p value is 0.00 <0.05 so it can be concluded that Key Audit Meters (M)
mediates the effect of The effectiveness of the audit committee (X2) on Earning management (Y)
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1589
Table 5. Key Audit Metters (M) mediates the effect of Audit committee financial (X3) on
Earning management (Y)
Based on table 5, the p value is 0.00 <0.05 so it can be concluded that Key Audit Meters (M)
mediates the effect of Audit committee financial (X3) on Earning management (Y)
Key Audit Metters (M) mediates the effect of Audit Quality (X1) on Earning management (Y)
The research results show that Key Audit Meters (M) mediates the influence of Audit Quality
(X1) on Earnings Management (Y). Good audit quality can increase the effectiveness of earnings
management prevention. This is because a quality audit can provide higher confidence to
management that earnings management will be detected. Key audit meters (M) is one dimension of
audit quality that can increase the effectiveness of earnings management prevention. Key audit
meters (M) can increase the effectiveness of preventing earnings management through several
mechanisms, including increasing management's expectations about the risk of detected earnings
management. A quality M can increase management's expectations about detected earnings
management risks. This is because quality Key audit meters (M) can provide higher confidence to
management that earnings management will be detected. In addition, it can increase earnings
management costs. Quality key audit meters (M) can increase earnings management costs. This is
because a quality M can increase the complexity and time required to carry out earnings management.
It may also further increase reputational risk. A quality M can increase reputational risk. This is
because quality Key audit meters (M) can increase the possibility that earnings management will be
detected and published.
Key Audit Metters (M) mediates the effect of The effectiveness of the audit committee (X2) on
Earning management (Y)
The research results show that Key Audit Metters (M) mediate the influence of audit
committee effectiveness (X2) on Earning management (Y). The findings of this research reveal that
Key Audit Matters (M) acts as a mediator that mediates the influence of Audit Committee
Effectiveness (X2) on Earnings Management (Y). This means that the impact of audit committee
effectiveness on earnings management practices is not only direct, but also involves the intermediary
of Key Audit Matters. These results suggest that internal monitoring mechanisms, such as audit
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1590
committee effectiveness, can have an impact not only on the audit process itself but also on how
earnings management is carried out within an organization. Audit committees can increase the
effectiveness of earnings management prevention in several ways, namely:
1. Increases the risk of detection
Key Audit Metters (M)are often red flags indicating potential irregularities, prompting the
committee to investigate further.
2. Reduce incentives to manipulate
Knowing that the audit committee pays attention to Key Audit Metters (M), management may
be less inclined to engage in earnings management activities. The consequences of getting
caught, such as reputational damage and regulatory action, become more pronounced when
Key Audit Metters (M) are under intense scrutiny.
3. Increase transparency
Focus on Key Audit Metters (M) encourages greater transparency in the financial reporting
process. By clearly outlining key data that is important for assessing a company's financial
health, audit committees make it more difficult for management to hide or misrepresent
Key Audit Metters (M) mediates the effect of Audit committee financial (X3) on Earning
management (Y)
The research results show that Key Audit Metters (M) mediates the influence of the financial
audit committee (X3) on Earning management (Y). Key Audit Matters mediation provides a deeper
understanding of how the Financial Audit Committee influences Earnings Management practices
through evaluation mechanisms and auditor focus on certain aspects that are considered important
in the audit process. The Financial Audit Committee can play an important role in shaping the
auditor's views and emphasis on certain elements which are then reflected in their assessment of Key
Audit Matters. An effective financial audit committee will emphasize and prioritize M in their
oversight of the financial reporting process. By focusing on Key Audit Matters, the financial audit
committee can increase the effectiveness of earnings management prevention in several ways,
1. Increases the risk of detection
Key Audit Matters often raise red flags indicating potential irregularities, prompting the
committee to investigate further.
2. Reduce incentives to manipulate
Knowing that the financial audit committee is concerned with Key Audit Matters, management
may be less inclined to engage in earnings management activities. The consequences of getting
caught, such as reputational damage and regulatory action, become more pronounced when
M is under intense scrutiny.
3. Increase transparency
A focus on Key Audit Matters encourages greater transparency in the financial reporting
process. By clearly outlining key data that is important for assessing a company's financial
health, financial audit committees make it more difficult for management to hide or
misrepresent information.
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4. Conclusion
The research results reveal that audit quality and effectiveness of the Financial Audit Committee
act as mediators in mediating the influence of key audit matters on Earning management practices.
This means that key audit matters not only have a direct impact on Earnings Management but also
involve audit quality and the effectiveness of the Financial Audit Committee as intermediaries that
explain the extent to which key audit matters influence Earnings Management practices. Audit quality
is a critical factor that connects key audit matters with Earning management. Audit quality can reflect
the extent to which the auditor identifies, assesses, and conveys relevant findings related to Earnings
Management potential. In addition, the effectiveness of the Financial Audit Committee also plays a
role in establishing the relationship between key audit matters and Earning management by ensuring
adequate supervision and control.
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