Vol.4, No.07, July 2023
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 07, July 2023 617
Talent Management Development on Government Institutions
Regional Civil Service Agency Semarang
Meida Rachmawati
, Mohamad Rahimi Mohamad Rosman
, Mohd Zafian Bin Mohd
, Mokhammad Khukaim Barkhowa
, Joko Pramono
Universitas Ngudi Waluyo, Indonesia
Universiti Teknologi MARA Kelantan Branch, Malaysia
STIE AMA, Indonesia
Email: meida_r@unw.ac.id, rahimimr@uitm.edu.my, zaffian@uitm.edu.my,
m.khukaim@stieama.ac.id, jokopramono@stieama.ac.id
Corresponding Author: meida_r@unw.ac.id
Development, Talent
Management, Government
Institutions, Regional Civil
Service Agency Semarang
The organization's talent needs for the next five years are a
translation of the strategy, and a reflection of the organization's
vision and mission, taking into account internal demands as well as
external demands. Quality aspects included in determining talent
needs include knowledge and skills obtained from experience,
competence, and personality in terms of organizational culture, it is
clearly stated that institutional capacity development has indicators
in institutionalizing a productive and positive organizational work
culture based on the noble values of the nation's culture. According
to the results of research at the Regional Civil Service Agency,
Semarang Regency has implemented a value system that is the basis
of ethics at work. It can be in the form of politeness, hospitality,
communication that shows a noble value of the nation. Thus, from
participatory and democratic comes the existence of work
motivation that is always growing. By strengthening the value of
employee discipline, the development of institutional capacity at the
Semarang Regency Regional Civil Service Agency is maximized, this
is strengthened by the enactment of PP No. 53 of 2010 concerning
Employee Discipline, so that supervision is stricter and punishment
is more firm and severe. In the institutional capacity building
program at the Regional Civil Service Agency of Semarang Regency,
a budget allocation is needed to support the implementation of all
organizational activities. In accordance with World Bank theory
which emphasizes the attention of talent management to the focus
of the organizational environment which leads to financial and
budgetary support in realizing all activities and needs of the
organization. This type of research is Descriptive research. The
approach used is a qualitative approach and a conceptual approach.
The data source used is secondary data. Data analysis was carried
out in a qualitative descriptive manner. Drawing conclusions is
carried out by the deductive method, which is to draw conclusions
from general to specific, especially those related to the research
topic, namely the development of management talent towards
government institutions. Capacity building takes a long time and
requires long-term commitment and all parties involved. In the
development of talent management of an organization both public
and private sectors, Collective Commitments are the basic capital
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 07, July 2023 618
that must be continuously developed and maintained properly. This
talent management commitment is not only for power holders, but
covers all components in the organization. The influence of mutual
commitment is very large, because this factor is the basis of the
entire design of activities and goals to be achieved together. It is
expected to strengthen and strengthen the budget allocation method
in accordance with the vision, mission and objectives of governance
as well as the development of regional revenue sources.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
The first step in implementing talent management is to map employees. This employee
mapping aims to determine employees who include talents who will be included in the talent
pool. The criteria or dimensions to be used are performance and potential. Performance
represents the criteria or elements of what the candidate did in the past (historical), while
potential represents the element that predicts what the candidate can do in the future. The
performance aspect shows the consistency of candidate achievement, and the potential
illustrates the extent to which the capability and readiness of employees or candidates occupy
higher positions. An organization has a working mechanism that can realize good governance as
aspired together in the completion of tasks to achieve common goals, In accordance with the
theory of capacity development that is more formulated about the characteristics of capacity
development in the form of a continuous improvement process which means it is an internal
process that can only be functioned and accelerated with outside assistance, through work
mechanisms with various parties who related to institutional capacity building(Widodo, 2004).
Judging from PP No. 59 of 2012 concerning the National Framework for Regional Capacity
Development in terms of organizational culture, it is clear that institutional capacity
development has indicators in institutionalizing a productive and positive organizational work
culture based on the noble values of the nation's culture. According to the results of research at
the Regional Civil Service Agency, Semarang Regency has implemented a value system that is the
basis of ethics at work. It can be in the form of politeness, hospitality, communication that shows
a noble value of the nation. Thus, from this participatory and democratic comes the existence of
work motivation that is always growing(Yeremias, 2000). By strengthening the value of employee
discipline, the development of institutional capacity at the Semarang Regency Regional Civil
Service Agency is maximized, this is strengthened by the enactment of PP No. 53 of 2010
concerning Employee Discipline, so that supervision is stricter and punishment is more strict and
Talent management is one of the relatively new concepts in the HR field. The term talent
management was first introduced by McKinsey through a study "the war of talent" in 1997, which
later became one of the first published books in 2001. Talent management strategy is a planned
and structured organizational approach to identifying, developing and retaining talented
employees in the organization. The goal is to hire employees who consistently deliver superior
performance. Talent management is basically a model of HR development based on talent or
talent. Understanding the term talent in general can be interpreted as 'talent or special skills. In
the context of organizations, referring to the definition above, talent is defined as qualities
possessed by certain employees, which are very valuable and needed in the organization(Berger,
2008). Another point of view states that talents are people who have the best qualities built,
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 07, July 2023 619
nurtured by the organization for long-term processes, and these talents will become the next
generation of the organization. Talent is not limited to a particular field or level of employees,
but can be found at all levels and functions.
In the institutional Talent Management development program at the Semarang Regency
Regional Civil Service Agency, a budget allocation is needed to support the implementation of all
organizational activities. In accordance with World Bank theory which emphasizes capacity
bulding attention to the focus of the organizational environment that leads to financial and
budgetary support in realizing all activities and needs of the organization. According to the
results of research at the Semarang Regency Regional Civil Service Agency, the budget allocation
provided from the pure APBD is quite adequate, although it is seen from 2008-2012 has
decreased. This is in accordance with PP No.59 of 2012 concerning the National Framework for
Local Government Capacity Development Article 20 paragraph 2 that local government capacity
building programs and activities implemented by local governments are charged to their
respective Regional Budgets(Ratnasari, 2000).
The implementation of regional government in the perspective of regional autonomy is
actually as the legitimacy and mandate of the community through the regional autonomy law,
which contains the intention to strengthen the integrity of the nation as a diverse but still one
state in sovereignty fighting for the rights of its people, for the sake of development, governance,
and a complete society in a sustainable manner. The main objective of regional autonomy policy
is to create community welfare through the provision of satisfactory public services, development
for economic growth, and public protectiveness through the institutional role of local
governments(Anderson, 2002) In this regard, local government institutions become very
important in order to achieve these goals. For this reason, local governments must be
strengthened in order to maintain adequate capacity in realizing the goals and nature of the
implementation of regional autonomy.
In the institutional Talent Management development program at the Semarang Regency
Regional Civil Service Agency, a budget allocation is needed to support the implementation of all
organizational activities. In accordance with World Bank theory which emphasizes capacity
bulding attention to the focus of the organizational environment that leads to financial and
budgetary support in realizing all activities and needs of the organization. According to the
results of research at the Semarang Regency Regional Civil Service Agency, the budget allocation
provided from the pure APBD is quite adequate, although it is seen from 2008-2012 has
decreased. This is in accordance with PP No.59 of 2012 concerning the National Framework for
Local Government Capacity Development Article 20 paragraph 2 that local government capacity
building programs and activities implemented by local governments are charged to their
respective Regional Budgets(Keban, 2000).
The implementation of regional government in the perspective of regional autonomy is
actually as the legitimacy and mandate of the community through the regional autonomy law,
which contains the intention to strengthen the integrity of the nation as a diverse but still one
state in sovereignty fighting for the rights of its people, for the sake of development, governance,
and a complete society in a sustainable manner. The main objective of regional autonomy policy
is to create community welfare through the provision of satisfactory public services (public
services, development for economic growth, and public protective) through the institutional role of
local governments(Anggraini, 2007) In this regard, local government institutions become very
important in order to achieve these goals. For this reason, regional governments must be
strengthened so that they still have adequate capacity in realizing the goals and nature of the
implementation of regional autonomy.
In the Talent Management of local governments in the perspective of regional autonomy, it is
contained in the intent, that regional governments have sustainable competencies and
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 07, July 2023 620
capabilities, so that in playing the role of governance institutions it is concretely aimed at serving
the public interest (public services). Furthermore, the existence of local government capacity, of
course, can be seen from the extent of the role of local government supported by the principles
of real service for the community, along with the potential for governance that has the capacity
to organize governance with all good governance(Kamariah, 2012). All of this shows that good
governance is also determined by the attitude and commitment of individuals in local
government structures.
2. Materials and Methods
This type of research is Descriptive research. The approach used is a qualitative approach
and a conceptual approach. The data source used is secondary data. Data analysis was conducted
in a qualitative descriptive manner(Sugiyono, 2013). Drawing conclusions is carried out by
deductive methods, namely drawing conclusions from general to specific, especially those
related to research topics, namely the development of Talent Management Against Government
Institutions. Qualitative data analysis is carried out if the empirical data obtained is in the form
of a collection of words and not a series of numbers and cannot be arranged into categories of
data can be collected in various ways (observation, interviews, agencies, documents, and
tapes)(Moleong, 2004). And usually processed first before being used in qualitative research
including the results of interview transcripts, data reduction, analysis, data interpretation, and
3. Results and Discussions
3.1 Talent Management Development for Government Institutions of Semarang Regency
Regional Civil Service Agency
The first step that must be done in talent management is to describe the needs of talents in
the future. In general, organizations know the needs of talent based on the vision, mission,
strategy and values of the organization. In addition, what is also important to note is to estimate
talent needs based on external challenges, such as government policies in the field of human
resources, apparatus or civil servants. After formulating future talent needs, it is necessary to
conduct an assessment to identify employees, so that employee maps and development are
Based on the conceptual framework of talent management, the talent management process
is a translation of the HR management strategy that aligns with the organization's strategic
planning, and must reflect the achievement of the vision and mission. The first step that needs to
be done in the talent management process is to identify future talent needs. The organization's
talent needs for the next five years are a translation of the strategy, and a reflection of the
organization's vision and mission, taking into account internal demands as well as external
demands. Quality aspects included in determining talent needs include knowledge and skills
obtained from experience, competence, and personality(Berger, 2008).
Talent Management Development in the dimension of organizational strengthening, one of
which is strategy and culture. The relationship between the two shows the need for direction in
one aspect, namely the process of achieving effective goals by developing an organizational
culture system with leadership, communication and value system strategies. From the results of
data analysis obtained at the Regional Civil Service Agency of Semarang Regency, an
organizational culture is built to have a positive effect on the implementation of all work
activities to achieve common goals. Judging from PP No. 59 of 2012 concerning the National
Framework for Regional Capacity Development in terms of organizational culture, it is clear that
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 07, July 2023 621
institutional capacity development has indicators in institutionalizing a productive and positive
organizational work culture based on the noble values of the nation's culture(Keban, 2000).
According to the results of research at the Regional Civil Service Agency, Semarang Regency has
implemented a value system that is the basis of ethics at work. It can be in the form of politeness,
hospitality, communication that shows a noble value of the nation. Thus, from participatory and
democratic comes the existence of work motivation that is always growing.
Talent Management Development in local governments in the administration of local
government is a must and should be directed at the ability to exercise the authority and
responsibility possessed by utilizing available resources / supporting factors as effectively as
possible. In this regard, it can be affirmed that the success rate of Government programs is greatly
influenced by the capacity of the local government itself. Talent Management according to Grindle
(1997) and UNDP (1999) boils down to three levels of institutional capacity development,
namely: 1) system level, 2) organizational level, and 3) individual / apparatus level. At the system
level, namely: concerning the regulation and strengthening of government work programs and
government system policies. At this level, local governments are expected to develop and
implement rules outlined in good and directed Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and/or
Minimum Service Standards (SPM) for the benefit and excellent service to the needs of the
community, towards good and measurable service accountability. At the organizational level, it
includes: local government organizational structure, local government decision-making process,
and SKPD procedures and working mechanisms(Sedarmayanti, 2012). That the local government
organization (SKPD) is indeed formed based on the potential and interests of the community in
terms of ease of public services for the community, and the existence of the local government
organization (SKPD) is indeed to bring government services/control span closer between the
government on the one hand and the community on the other, but further than that is the
creation of strong synergy between the government and the community and the private sector
as others Regional Development Stakeholders(Sedarmayanti, 2012).
The existence of local governments with all capacities that have the potential and power to
improve community welfare collectively and togetherness in building community life in
accordance with the mandate of the regional autonomy law. Because, the existence of a civil
society will also be determined by how much the existence of local government and its apparatus
can influence and encourage the community to exist in building for the common good in a
sustainable manner. It can be suspected that the existence of local government so far is still in
the domain of further strengthening the identity of its apparatus and organizational structure
and regulatory system that can support the achievement of good governance for the
development of regional potential and its community as a form of local government
accountability in the process of implementing local government in accordance with the mandate
of Law Number 32 of 2004 concerning Regional Government, which gives direction to the
realization of regional governance that has the capacity to determine the joints of national life,
statehood in a sustainable manner in the perspective of regional autonomy(Kamariah, 2012).
3.2 Talent Management Development Strategy for Government Institutions of Semarang
Regency Regional Civil Service Agency
Talent Management Development as an effort to adjust policies and regulations as well as
reform institutional structures and organizational culture, modify procedures and coordination
mechanisms, improve human resource skills and qualifications, and change individual value
systems and attitudes as a way to meet the demands and needs of implementing more
democratic regional autonomy in the welfare of the community. Local government capacity
building means efforts to adjust, reform, and modify all policies, regulations, procedures,
working mechanisms, coordination; improve the skills and qualifications of local government
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 07, July 2023 622
apparatus; and change the value system and attitudes that are used as references for local
government apparatus so that local governments are able to carry out democratic governance in
improving community welfare(Widodo, 2004).
That is, if the people as a whole have undergone many changes and dynamics, while the
public bureaucracy has not changed and always maintains its stability, then the people will leave
it or at least will turn to find alternative bureaucratic services and no longer care about what the
public bureaucracy does. In turn, the public bureaucracy will have difficulty generating the
participation of the people or the people who are indispensable for the implementation of that
development. Talent Management includes three levels of intervention:
1. System level, namely intervention in the regulation of work programs and policies in the
local government system so that it can support the achievement of the desired goals. 2.
2. Institutional level, namely intervention in structuring organizational structures,
organizational decision-making processes, work procedures and mechanisms,
management instruments, and relationships or networks between one organization and
3. Individual level or apparatus, namely intervention on improving the quality of individual
local government apparatus so that they have skills, knowledge, attitudes, ethics, and
work motivation so that they are able to carry out good governance.
Local government capacity building through interventions at the system level, institutional
level, and individual level or local government apparatus is an effort with a multidimensional
approach(Anderson, 2002). Therefore, the planning must be determined in rational time stages:
short, medium, and long. Each stage must be assigned priorities. The first priority of all these
stages is to create supporting policies and regulations that can create an effective and efficient
system to achieve the goals. The supporting policies and regulations are a more operational
elaboration of the Regional autonomy framework based on Law Number 32 of 2004 and Number
33 of 2004 which in the form of adjustments and modifications to all organic laws and regulations
in the form of regional policies such as local regulations, regional head decisions, and DPRD
leadership decisions(Yeremias, 2000). All such policies and regulations should clearly describe the
procedural systems and mechanisms involved at all levels. The next priority is to deal with
problems that occur in relations between units and between sectors within the local government.
There are many forms to choose from in the Local Government (Pemda) HR development
model. However, there needs to be a development framework that is relevant to each existing
activity. For example, strategic areas in the Local Government Strategic Plan should also
determine the type, quantity and quality of human resources needed in the regions, especially
for the needs of local government institutions/institutions. Experience shows that often human
resource development is not associated with regional strategic needs, and even seems to
contribute less to the local government itself. In the context of HR, it should be focused on
developing: 1) skills and expertise, 2) insight and knowledge, 3) talents and potentials, 4)
personality and work motives, and (5) morale and work ethic. Traditional capacity building and
organizational strengthening focuses on development resources almost entirely on human
resource issues, processes and organizational structures. The modern approach examines all
dimensions of capacity at all levels (mission strategy, culture, management style, structure,
human resources, finance, information assets, infrastructure) including interactions within the
broader system especially with other existing entities, shareholders and customers(Anggraini,
2007). There are many opinions in institutional capacity development seen from the theory above
that the dimensions that concern organizational strengthening are strategy, culture,
management style, structure, human resources, finance, information assets and infrastructure.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 07, July 2023 623
4. Conclusion
The conclusions in this study are as follows: The output results of the Talent Management
program are in the form of a list of talent mapping that will be proposed for succession to
positions. Through the program, it can be known competent human resources needed in certain
positions. This means that employees who are on the proposed talent list cannot be sure whether
to be promoted or not depending on the commitment of the leadership in utilizing talent. These
employees are only prepared or mapped to occupy higher positions. The results of assessments
related to career coaching that have been followed up by employees through individual employee
development activity reports have not run optimally because they are only the results of
competency mapping and no further analysis has been carried out.
Strengthening Talent Management takes a long time and requires long-term commitment
and all parties involved. In the development of the capacity of an organization, both public and
private sectors, Collective Commitments are the basic capital that must be continuously
developed and maintained properly.
This commitment to development management talent is not only for power holders, but
covers all components in the organization. The influence of mutual commitment is very large,
because this factor is the basis of the entire design of activities and goals to be achieved together.
Talent Management Development as an effort to adjust policies and regulations and reform
institutional structures and organizational culture, modify procedures and coordination
mechanisms, improve human resource skills and qualifications, and change individual value
systems and attitudes as a way to meet the demands and needs of implementing more
democratic regional autonomy in the welfare of the community.
And the following are suggestions that can be continued for further research, We
recommend that there is dynamic leadership Talent Management that opens up broad
opportunities for every element of the organization to carry out capacity development. With
conducive leadership like this, it will be a trigger tool for each element in developing its capacity.
Talent management is important to maintain and develop employee competencies and
careers. The commitment of leaders in talent management is very influential where its role is in
selecting and promoting talents to become leaders in the future. In addition, leaders must also
be independent of conflict of interest and be fair and not side with a particular person or group.
Improvements were made to work mechanisms and methods as well as working
relationships between Local Government organizational units and between Local Government
organizational units and other parties. It is expected to strengthen and strengthen the budget
allocation method in accordance with the vision, mission and objectives of governance as well as
the development of regional revenue sources.
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