Vol.4, No.07, July 2023
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 07, July 2023 625
Hybrid Library Service Policy Implementation
at Bina Mandiri University Gorontalo
Harson Towalu
, Titin Dunggio
Universitas Bina Mandiri Gorontalo, Indonesia
Email: harson670@gmail.com
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
Service policy, Hybrid Library.
Bina Mandiri University Library (UBM) Gorontalo has made
progress in terms of services both conventionally and digitally.
However, not all academic communities are interested in using the
system, in the sense that there are still library users who need a
conventional or manual service system. Therefore, a Hybrid library
service policy is needed that combines the two systems. This study
aims to measure the level of community satisfaction as service users
for the implementation of the Hybrid Library service policy at UBM
Gorontalo. The method used is quantitative descriptive using the
General Guideline approach for the Preparation of Community
Satisfaction Survey by Permenpan RB 2017. The results showed that
the implementation of the Hybrid library service policy at UBM
Gorontalo as a whole, the assessment of service elements was on
average assessed by respondents with good and very good
categories. The dominant service element is the compatibility
between the service product and the service aspect; The competence
of service personnel is quite adequate and has experience in various
libraries; and prompt and precise handling of complaints.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
Libraries in today's era have become the backbone of the advancement of science, technology
and information. Where libraries are required to be the front line to develop themselves in
meeting user needs. With the development of technology and information, libraries have also
undergone many changes, one of which is the presence of various types of libraries such as
conventional, digital, hybrid, to bookless libraries.
According to (Ridwan, Ismaya, Syahdan, Aminullah, & Jamaluddin, 2021), Conventional libraries
in the form of libraries that have print collections and with manual systems. While digital
libraries are libraries that provide reading resources digitally or in the form of ebooks. The
combination of conventional and digital libraries is better known as hybrid libraries. Where this
Hybrid Library information is packaged in electronic and print media simultaneously. While a
bookless library is a library that has collections in digital form without printed collections.
The development of the types of libraries above, both conventional, digital and hybrid is
inseparable from the pros and cons. Each of these types has disadvantages as well as advantages.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 07, July 2023 626
Some prefer to use conventional ones, there are also those who like digital systems. However,
the benchmark in the library is the extent of benefits that can be taken from the development of
these types of libraries and how to maintain the existence of the library service system. (Syn, Sinn,
& Kim, 2023).
Bina Mandiri University Library (UBM) Gorontalo in its relatively young age, cannot be
separated from the problems of pros and cons of what type of library is applied. On the one hand,
there are still those who need a conventional library system, they are generally users of library
services who are not proficient in utilizing information technology. On the other hand, there are
also those who enjoy using digital libraries. Those who want this digital system are generally
dominated by millennials and they are more proficient in information technology. Judging from
the needs of library service users, the main benchmark is not solely determined by what type of
library is used, but the extent of service user satisfaction both using conventional systems and
those using digital systems.
Given the various needs of library users with different backgrounds, UBM Gorontalo library
sets a library service policy with a combination system between conventional types of libraries
and digital libraries or better known as Hybrid libraries. With this Hybrid Library service policy,
it is expected to be able to overcome the level of user satisfaction of library services. With the
fulfillment of user satisfaction, this library service shows that libraries can be effective and
successful in providing value benefits, (Lyu, Xiao, & Fan, 2021).
UBM Gorontalo Library in assessing library performance is always measured by service
satisfaction standards according to community expectations. Service standards are a benchmark
used to assess service quality as a commitment to provide quality service. (Suharso, Arifiyana, &
Wasdiana, 2020). Therefore, service quality is not only determined by service providers, but also
by service users, (Riska Chyntia Dewi & Suparno Suparno, 2022). For this reason, satisfaction
measurement is an important element in the performance evaluation process where the ultimate
goal to be achieved is to provide better, more efficient, and more effective services. (Suharso et al.,
2020). A service is considered satisfactory if the service can meet the needs and expectations of
service users. Community satisfaction can also be used as a reference for the success or failure of
program implementation.(Boachie, 2018a).
The facts show that there are still various service problems, including: still low quality of
service products; low quality of service delivery; lack of availability of service access;
unavailability of public complaint services; unavailability of public participation space,
(Setianingrum, 2019). For this reason, the assessment of Service User Satisfaction is necessary, in
order to obtain data and information about the level of community satisfaction(Rinaldy, 2012).
This data is obtained from the results of descriptive quantitative measurements of the responses
of students, lecturers / lecturers, staff and the general public in receiving services. The
measurement is expected to be able to overcome the gap between expectations and the
performance of Hybrid library services at UBM Gorontalo.
2. Materials and Methods
The method used in this study is the mix method, which is a combination of quantitative and
qualitative / descriptive methods(Creswell, 2017). To get valid data, service users (students,
lecturers, the general public) answer questionnaire questions on the Google Form application.
The question concerns 10 (ten) elements of Hybrid library services in the form of: Service
Procedures, Service Time, Fees/Rates, Product Service Type Specifications, Implementing
Competencies, Implementing Behavior, Complaint Handling, Facilities and infrastructure and
Cleanliness and comfort.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 07, July 2023 627
3. Results and Discussions
The results of the selection on the Google Form there were 104 respondents filling out
answers to the questions asked. Of this number, it is dominated by the female sex as much as
77.9% and the male sex as much as 22.1%. Those who participated were more than students,
amounting to 97.1% and the rest were lecturers and the public. Among the students who were
respondents generally came from the Faculty of Science, Technology and Health Sciences, the
Hospital Administration study program by 37.5% and the pharmacy S1 study program by 17.3%.
For the Faculty of Business Economics, the Business Administration study program is 19.2% and
the S1 Management study program is 13.5%. While the rest are scattered in the faculties of
Education and Culture and other study programs.
The description of respondents' results on the elements of satisfaction of the Hybrid Library
service policy at Bina Mandiri University Gorontalo can be described as follows:
These elements are used to capture the response of library users to the implementation of
the Hybrid library service policy at UBM Gorontalo. The results can be seen in the description
1. Figure 1. Terms of Service Element Graph
From the graph shows that 37.5% of
respondents said it was very good for the
requirement element, 61.5% said it was
This element is rated by respondents on
average as good even very good. In a sense, the
implementation of the Hybrid library service policy
at UBM Gorontalo Library is good and even very
good. However, there are still expressions of 1.9 percent who say they are not appropriate. This
is a point of concern for users to be consistent with the requirements listed.
1. Figure 2. Graphic of Service Procedure Elements
From this graph shows that 34.6% of
respondents said it was very easy for elements of
service procedures, and 62.5% said Easy.
this element is judged by respondents on
average easy even very easy. In the sense that the
implementation procedure for the Hybrid library
service policy at UBM Gorontalo Library is easy to
obey and even very easy. However, there are still
expressions of 0.7% who say it is difficult and even
1.9% who say it is very difficult. This is a point of attention for library managers to be consistent
with the procedures carried out.
2. Figure 3. Speed Element Graph provides services
This graph shows that 71.2% of respondents
said fast. In fact, 26% said it was very fast.
This element is rated by respondents on
average fast even very fast. In the sense of
implementing the Hybrid library service policy at
UBM Gorontalo Library, the service is fast and even
very fast. However, there is still an expression of 1.9
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 07, July 2023 628
percent that says very slow. This is a point of attention for users to be consistent with service
3. Figure 4. Element Graph Cost of service
This graph shows that 19.2% of respondents
said cheap, even for this element 76.9% said free.
Thus this element was rated by respondents
on average cheap even free. In the sense that the
implementation of the Hybrid library service policy
at UBM Gorontalo Library is cheap and even free.
However, there are still expressions of 2.9% who
say expensive and there are still 1% who say very
expensive. This is a point of attention for users to be
consistent related to financing.
4. Figure 5. Product Service Element Graph
From this graph it appears that 77.9% of
respondents said it was appropriate, even 21.2%
said it was very appropriate.
Thus this element is judged by respondents to
be on average appropriate even very appropriate.
In the sense of the implementation of the Hybrid
library service policy at UBM Gorontalo Library in
terms of appropriate response service products
even very appropriate. However, there is still an
expression of 1% that says it is not appropriate. Although this number is very small, it remains a
point of concern for users to be consistent with the service products listed.
5. Figure 6. Graph of Elements of Officer Competency
This graph shows that 71.2% of respondents
said that the Hybrid librarians at UBM Gorontalo
library are competent.
In fact, 27.9% stated that they were very
competent. Thus, this element is assessed by
respondents on average, competent, even very
competent. In the sense that the implementation
of the Hybrid library service policy at UBM
Gorontalo Library receives services from
competent and even very competent officers. However, there is still an expression of 1% who say
very incompetent. This is a point of attention for users to be consistent with the competence of
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 07, July 2023 629
6. Figure 7. Graphic Elements of Officer Behavior and Attitude
This graph shows that 66.3% of respondents
said Friendly and well-mannered. In fact, 32.7%
said they were very friendly and polite.
Thus, this element is rated by respondents on
average to be friendly and polite, even very
friendly and very polite. In the sense of
implementing the Hybrid library service policy at
UBM Gorontalo Library, the service is friendly and
polite, even very friendly and very polite.
However, there are still expressions of 1% who say very rude and angry. This is the point of
attention of users to improve friendly and polite service.
7. Figure 8. Graph of Elements of Availability of Infrastructure and Facilities
Figure 8 shows that 66.3% of respondents said
the availability of complete infrastructure and
facilities, even 18.3% stated very complete
Thus, the element of availability of
infrastructure and facilities assessed by
respondents is on average complete and even very
complete. In the sense that the implementation of
the Hybrid library service policy at UBM Gorontalo
Library is supported by the availability of relatively
adequate infrastructure and facilities. This is
reinforced by some 14.4% of respondents said it was available but still less representative. There
are even respondents who say it is not available at 1%. This is a point of attention for users to
complete the availability of infrastructure and facilities.
8. Figure 9. Graph of Elements of Complaint Handling
This graph shows that 74% of respondents
said that the handling of library service complaints
is in the satisfied category. And 25 percent of
respondents said they were very satisfied.
This shows that the element of handling
complaints went well and respondents were
satisfied and even very satisfied. Thus, the
handling of complaints over the implementation of
the Hybrid library service policy at UBM Gorontalo
Library can run well. However, there is still an
expression of 1% who say they are very dissatisfied. This is a point of attention for users to be
consistent in serving service user complaints.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 07, July 2023 630
9. Figure 10. Element Graph Cleanliness and coolness
This graph shows that 63.5% of
respondents said it was clean and cool, and
35.6% said it was very clean and comfortable.
Thus this element was rated by
respondents on average as clean and
comfortable, even very clean and very
comfortable. In the sense that the
implementation of the Hybrid library service
policy at UBM Gorontalo Library makes
visitors feel at home in it. However, there is still
an expression of 1% that says shabby and smelly. Although this opinion is different from the
opinion in general, this is still a point of concern for library managers.
Furthermore, in this study there are 3 (three) types of service elements of the Hybrid
Library Service Policy at UBM Gorontalo which have a satisfaction index below average and
require serious handling, namely:
1. Availability of library infrastructure and facilities that still require other equipment.
2. The degree of suitability of the costs that are borne by the user;
3. Speed of service.
In higher education institutions, libraries have an important role and function to support
the implementation of the Tri Dharma of higher education. (Aditya, Melfan, Halomoan, & Umar,
2023). With the availability of information sources, both printed materials and electronic form, it
is expected to be able to meet the needs of the academic community (Shepherd et al., 2022). In this
case, the library has the responsibility of establishing cooperation with all stakeholders. By
working together, both parties have the responsibility to meet information needs so that the
library becomes a pleasant place and visitors will be happy and can stay long in the library.
(Chisita, Chiparausha, Tsabetse, Olugbara, & Letseka, 2022).
Library service is a process of disseminating all kinds of information to the wider
community (Arora, 2018); (Gmiterek, 2021). The nature of library services is as follows: (a) all
forms of information needed by library users, both for on-site use and for take-home for use
outside the library room; (b) the benefits of various means of searching for information available
in libraries that refer to the existence of information. (Yuliana & Mardiyana, 2021). The function of
library services is to bring together users (users) with the library materials they need. (Liu, Sun,
& Zheng, 2023). To create good library service activities, supporting elements are needed to
facilitate service activities, including users, collections, librarians, funds, facilities, and
infrastructure (Boachie, 2018b) From this opinion, it can be concluded that library services are all
the main activities in the library.
Library facilities and infrastructure are one of the basic needs in supporting activities and
activities in it. (Gul et al., 2018) explained that library infrastructure is the main supporting facility
for the implementation of library service activities. While the facilities are more focused on the
meaning of the tools needed directly in the daily activities of library services. Furthermore (Wu,
2019) explained that the function of library facilities and infrastructure is to support the services
provided by school libraries. Thus, the existence of school library facilities and infrastructure has
no small role for the creation of excellent library services.
The facilities and infrastructure owned by the UBM Gorontalo library as a whole are quite
adequate. This can be seen from the library room which is quite representative which can
accommodate a collection of ±5500 titles or 25,000 copies. Various library supplies (Xiaodan &
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 07, July 2023 631
Wei, 2017) include: bookshelves, newspaper shelves, magazine shelves, large pictures, circulation
tables, catalog cabinets, book carts, display boards, reading desks, and librarians' chairs and
desks. However, it still needs to be equipped considering the service policies imposed are
conventional library services and also digital library services.
The completeness of facilities and infrastructure in the library will certainly affect the
interest of student / lecturer visits because with a comfortable library atmosphere will make the
learning atmosphere in the library conducive. Such is the case with the accuracy and speed of
service. This will further increase the interest of visitors in the library.(Chan, Chiu, & Ho, 2022). If
there is an interest in visiting the library, the library will function optimally and globally,
(Shepherd et al., 2022). In an effort to increase the interest in these visits, libraries need to study
and understand how the completeness of library facilities and infrastructure affects visitor
interest (Xiaodan & Wei, 2017) Basically, interest in visiting users can rise if there is a sense of
interest (Chen, 2018) The interest in question can be interpreted as an interest in places,
collections, and services. Interest in visiting is defined as a desire that exists in individuals to visit
a certain place.
4. Conclusion
Based on the description above, it can be concluded that: The implementation of the Hybrid
library service policy at UBM Gorontalo Library on average received a good and even very good
positive response. This is supported by the high response of users or library visitors to several
elements of service, including:
a. Compatibility between service products and service aspects;
b. The competence of service personnel who are adequate and have experience in
various libraries;
c. There is a fast and precise handling of complaints.
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