Vol.4, No.07, July 2023
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 07, July 2023 581
The Influence of Islamic Work Ethics and Islamic Leadership
on Organizational Commitment and Performance of
Government Employees (Study on the Makassar City
Cleanliness Task Force)
Arifin Idrus
, Azrin bin MD Latip
Mariana Tenreng
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Makassar Bongaya
Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris Malaysia
Universitas Tangerang Raya
Email: arifin.idrus@stiem-bongaya.ac.id, nor.azrin@fpe.upsi.edu.my, mariana.t@untara.ac.id
Corresponding Author: [email protected].id
Keywords: Islamic work ethics,
Islamic leadership,
organizational commitment,
employee performance
This study aims to confirm the influence of Islamic work ethics and
Islamic leadership on organizational commitment and performance
of cleaning employees in the Muslim-majority city of Makassar by
using 274 employees as a sample. The results of the WarpPLS 7.0
analysis provide evidence that Islamic work ethics is partially
proven to increase organizational commitment, but Islamic
leadership cannot have a meaningful influence on organizational
commitment. Islamic work ethics and Islamic leadership make a real
contribution to performance improvement. The role of
organizational commitment as an intervening variable proved not
strong in mediating in explaining the influence of Islamic work
ethics and Islamic leadership on the performance of Makassar City
cleaning employees.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
Islam pays very high attention to cleanliness, both physical (physical) and spiritual (soul)
cleanliness that cannot be separated from one another. A Muslim who performs worship is
obliged to cleanse his body and spirit first. A person performing Salat is required to always be
clean physically (physically) and spiritually (soul). Physically clean (physical) such as clean body,
clothing, and place of prayer (environment), while clean spiritually (soul) such as clean from
shirk, and spiteful (Quran, 87:14-17).
The practice of cleanliness in Islam is the hope of the community in line with the goals of the
Makassar City government which wants to make Makassar a World City, so cleanliness plays a
strategic role in supporting this desire. Support this desire, it requires the involvement and
concern of all stakeholders (community, government and investors). The Makassar city
government as the owner of power is required to go the extra mile by improving work attitudes
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 07, July 2023 582
that determine employee behavior and performance. High-performing organizations have a
special concern about detecting the work attitudes of their employees. Employee work attitudes
include work ethic, motivation, leadership and job satisfaction as well as organizational
Empirical phenomena show that Makassar City with a population of ± 1.6 million people
produces waste as much as 1,200 tons/day or equivalent to 1,088,622 consisting of organic
waste and plastic waste with the number of cleaning personnel ± 4,500 people directly
supervised by the cleaning task force in 15 sub-districts in the city of Makassar. This condition
shows that on average each janitor the burden of garbage is ± 242 kilograms/day.
The high workload of cleaners is not supported by sophisticated work equipment, that in
general cleaners only rely on simple work equipment with low service rewards but it turns out
that in 2015 Makassar City won the Adipura Buana Award in 2015 and Adipura Kirana in 2016.
This achievement is increasing because in 2017 Makassar City managed to make a new history
by winning awards simultaneously obtaining two prestigious awards from the Ministry of
Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia, namely the Adipura Cup and Adiwiyata
Mandiri. Then still in 2017 Makassar City received an award from the ASEAN Working Group on
Environmentally Sustainable City (AWGESC) for the Clean Land category
(https://www.makassarkota.go.id, 2018).
The award in the field of city cleanliness was obtained in the era of the current Mayor's
leadership which in the previous era was not that high in achievement, the role of leaders in
directing and controlling city hygiene activities, organizational needs for leaders who have a
leadership style that is in accordance with the demands of today's urban dynamics, leaders who
are able to overcome cleanliness and environmental problems are seen as able to advance the
city. It is not only the leader's problem that is a priority in its implementation, but more than
that is how the leader's ability to have the ability to lead in the context of the environment and
cleanliness of the city.
The authenticity (Originality) of this study is shown in the limited number of people who
analyze the influence of Islamic work ethics, and Islamic leadership on employee performance
by placing organizational commitment as an intervening variable which in previous studies was
carried out separately.
A. Literature review
1. Islamic work ethic
High individual performance is also determined by the ability of individuals to recognize
ethical work attitudes and work attitudes that are contrary to work ethics, that work ethics have
been used in the implementation of professional duties that aim to ensure work professionalism,
the same thing happens in the community service sector, employees in carrying out their duties
face a dilemmatic situation, which is in addition to having to obey the leader of the workplace
must face demands The community to always provide excellent and honest service (fairness) so
that on several occasions ethical violations occur. Ethical violations can take the form of publicity,
objectivity of opinion, independence, relationships with colleagues (D. a Yousef, 2008)
Employees as state apparatuses in carrying out their work must also be guided by ethics that
have been determined by their religion. One of the ethics based on religion is the Islamic work
ethic. The concept of Islamic work ethics (IWE) derived from the Qur'an and the words and deeds
of the Prophet Muhammad (Al-Hadith), the Prophet said that work done with hard work causes
sins to be forgiven and that no one eats better food than the food produced by his work (Quran,
9:105). Islamic work ethics is proven to improve the results of work implementation (Mohammad
et al., 2018) These findings have similarities with other research results that Islamic work ethic
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 07, July 2023 583
significantly affects lecturer performance (Sudiro, Troena, & Rofiq, 2017).
Employee commitment is influenced by many factors (Abbasi, Rehman, & Bibi, 2011) Some
previous researchers found that work ethic in addition to influencing performance, work ethic
also significantly affects organizational commitment, the statement is evidenced in the results of
the meta-analysis, that Islamic work ethic affects organizational commitment, (Muhammad Shakil,
2011) The Islamic work ethic directly influences organizational commitment (D. a Yousef, 2008).
Employees at different levels give different perceptions of Islamic work ethics which
ultimately show different dimensions of organizational commitment, employees with a high
perception of Islamic work ethics tend to develop affective commitment and employees with a
lower perception of Islamic work ethics will be more likely to show normative commitment as
well as the overall employee perception of Islamic work ethic exerts a significant influence.
dominance of the organization is shown through continuous commitment (Yunus, Mazlan, Rahim,
& Shabuddin, 2012) The influence of Islamic work ethics on organizational commitment can be
proven that Islamic work ethic has a significant influence on organizational commitment.
Employees who work based on work ethic have a high commitment to their organization. The
Islamic work ethic is one of the comprehensive factors, which is very important to create stability
and fairness in the organization (Marri, M. Y. K. , Sadozai, A. M. , Zaman, H. M. F. , Yousufzai, M. I. , &
Ramay, 2012)
Hypothesis 1a
There is a positive relationship between
employees' Islamic work ethic and organizational
Hypothesis 1b
There is a positive relationship between
employees' Islamic work ethic and employee
2. Islamic Leadership
Self-involvement in work to improve the welfare of society collectively through the
dissemination of all that is good. Leaders are expected to contribute to creating a just, welfare-
oriented society, free from discrimination, exploitation, and oppression is a manifestation of
Islamic leadership (Patel, Salih, & Hamlin, 2018)
Empirical evidence shows that Islamic leadership is proven to increase the desire of followers
to work harder and better so that the work of followers can be completed properly (Patel et al.,
2018) Islamic leadership was found to have a significant positive relationship with leader
innovation and perceptions of leader effectiveness (Loi, Lam, Ngo, & Cheong, 2015) Islamic
leadership plays a very large role and has a strong influence on the practice of leadership
principles and followers (Sainsbury & Wood, 1977) Islamic leadership has a significant effect on
employee performance in an Islamic perspective (Hakim, 2012).
Hypothesis 2a
There is a positive relationship between Islamic
leadership and organizational commitment
Hypothesis 2b
There is a positive relationship between Islamic
leadership and employee performance
3. Organizational commitment
Work-related attitudes are not only caused by leadership, but there are other variable
influences such as organizational commitment, employee commitment to the organization can
be seen as an important contributor to organizational survival and organizational performance.
Employees with organizational commitment can be shown by their desire to remain members of
the organization (Afanas’ev, Fedorenko, & Stesmans, 2004).
Organizational commitment characterized by affective commitment and normative
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 07, July 2023 584
commitment is proven to increase job satisfaction, while not for sustainability commitment, in
other tests affective commitment is not able to improve nurse performance, while normative
commitment and sustainability commitment and job satisfaction are predictors of performance
((Tsai, Cheng, & Chang, 2010)(Dinc, Kuzey, & Steta, 2018) (Dinc et al., 2018).
A study conducted by (D. A. Yousef, 2017) places job satisfaction as a predictor of
organizational commitment. Job satisfaction and employee commitment have a positive effect on
employee performance (Authors, 2014) Organizational commitment is not significant to employee
performance, while job satisfaction is proven as a predictor of employee performance (Authors,
High employee organizational commitment will usually increase high performance and at the
same time can reduce absenteeism rates and vice versa if an employee has a low level of
commitment then his performance is also low (Kim, Shin, Vough, Hewlin, & Vandenberghe, 2018)
Employees with high affective commitment are proven to have high individual performance (Kim
et al., 2018).
Job satisfaction is proven to have a significant influence on employee performance, and
organizational commitment has a significant effect on employee performance ((Atmojo, 2012)
Organizational commitment has a significant effect on performance ((Danaeifar, 2016) Pham et al.
2016; (Kaynak, Toklu, Elci, & Toklu, 2016)).
Other researchers analyzed the dimensions of organizational commitment in explaining
employee performance, that organizational commitment on the work team dimension, affective
commitment and normative commitment had a significant effect on individual performance,
while organizational commitment on the dimension of sustainability commitment (continuance
commitment) had no significant effect on employee performance (Dhurup, Surujlal, & Mutamba,
2016). These results have similarities with other studies, that all dimensions of organizational
commitment have no significant effect on manager performance (Dasrita, Tanjung, &; Basri,
Hypothesis 3
There is a positive relationship between organizational
commitment and employee performance
4. Performance
The performance of an employee is an individual thing, because each employee has a different
level of ability in doing their duties. Management can measure employees for their performance
based on the performance of each employee. Performance is an action, not an event. The
performance action itself consists of many components and is not a result that can be seen at a
moment's notice. Basically, performance is something that is individual, because each employee
has a different level of ability in doing their duties. Performance depends on a combination of
ability, effort, and opportunity gained. This means that performance is the result of employee
work in working for a certain period of time and the emphasis is on the work completed by
employees in a certain period of time (Timpe, 1993: 3). Individual performance can also be called
job performance, work outcome, task performance (Baron and Greenberg, 1990: 21), which is an
achievement is a record of the results obtained from certain job functions or certain activities
over a certain period of time (Bernardin and Russel, 1993: 152).
The increasing number of Muslims and occupying important positions (leaders) in America
is one of the reasons Moayedi (2009) to analyze work ethics and Islamic leadership which shows
that organizational commitment is proven to mediate in explaining the relationship between
Islamic leadership and employee performance. Other evidence, such as that conducted by
Chandraningtyas et al. (2012) shows that organizational commitment can act as a mediating
variable in analyzing the contribution of work motivation to employee performance, that to
improve performance it is still necessary to increase organizational motivation and commitment
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by providing stimuli to employees.
Hypothesis 4a
There is a positive relationship between employees' Islamic
work ethic and employee performance mediated by
organizational commitment
Hypothesis 4b
There is a positive relationship between Islamic leadership and
employee performance mediated by organizational
2. Materials and Methods
The study of work values in Islam is very relevant to cleaning employees in Makassar City
which is predominantly Muslim so this study only uses employees who are Muslim as a
population of 871 and by using Slovin obtained a sample of 274 employees as research
The application of Islamic work ethics is used to reflect how much religious contribution
employees display at work, which can be demonstrated through several characteristics,
including; (1) Al-Shalah or good and beneficial, (2) Al-Itqan or steadiness, (3) Al-Ihsan or doing
the best and better, (4) Al-Mujahadah or hard work optimally, (5) Tanafus and Ta'awun or
competing and helping each other, and (6) Observing the value of favors (Tasmara, 2002;
Hafidhuddin & Tanjung, 2003). On the other hand, Islamic leadership is measured by; (1) Shiddiq
(honest), (2) Amanah (responsibility), (3) Fathonah (intelligent), (4) Tabligh (ability to convey
) (Hakim, 2007). For organizational commitment constructs are used, namely; (1) Individual
identification of the organization, (2) Involvement, (3) Warmth, (4) Willingness to display effort,
and (5) Desire to remain within the organization (Mowday et al., 1979). Employee performance
is measured using individual performance constructs, consisting of: (1) Quality, (2) Quantity, (3)
Timeliness, (4) Cost Effective, (5) Need for Supervisor, and (6) Interpersonal Import, (Bernardin
&; Russel, 1993: 119).
Characteristics of respondents consist of: gender, age, length of service and the last education
possessed by respondents in carrying out their work activities can be shown as follows:
Table 1. Participants
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Table 1. Showing that male respondents dominate, which is 182 (66.4%), this condition
explains that to arrange the cleanliness of the city, men are more needed because physically they
have the required work stamina and have the ability to manage their work time which can be
done at any time according to organizational needs. On the other hand, they are generally
married (75.9%) so that in some jobs that must be completed they have the opportunity to be
hampered due to their status as heads of families, but because they have a mature age of 36 42
years (27.0%) so that with good self-control skills they can carry out their work well. This
condition can be seen in their high commitment to the agency, that they have worked for a period
of 8-14 years (42.0%) and with the provision of undergraduate education they have coupled with
their work experience, the implementation of work can be done well.
3. Results and Discussions
Convergent Validity
Convergent Validity in combined loading and cross-loadings tests explains that if the
construct value > 0.60, then the construct is declared to meet.
Table 2. Combined loadings and cross-loadings
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The test results show that the entire construct has a value of >0.60 with a probability value
of < 0.05 so that the validity of the reflective construct is declared fulfilled.
Discriminant Validity
Correlation between variables aims to identify modeling whether there is a close
relationship between analysis variables, the greater the correlation value, the more it proves if
the modeling and causality to be tested the better. Discriminant Validity on reflective constructs
can be seen in cross loadings. The discriminant validity test can also be seen from the square root
value of AVE. The criterion that must be met is that the square root of AVE must be higher than
the correlation between latent variables in the same column (above or below) (Ghozali and
Latan, 2015).
Table 3. Correlations among l.vs. with sq. rts. of AVEs
The correlation value of the observation variable is at > 0.60 with a p-value < 0.05, so it can
be stated if each variable has a strong and real relationship and meets the requirements for
discriminant validity.
Construct Reliability
The construct reliability of the analyst variable is shown in the value of composite reliability
and Cronbach's alpha > 0.70, so the construct used is considered reliable in explaining the
observation variable.
Table 4. Latent variable coefficient
Adj. R-squared
Composite Reliability
Cronbach Alpha
Avg.Var. Extract
Q-squared values for Islamic work ethic (IWE), and Islamic leadership (IL) for
Organizational commitment (OC) = 0.870 and IWE, IL, and OC for Employee performance (PERF)
= 0.841. Q-squared values greater than zero, namely OC = 0.870 and PERF = 0.844, indicating that
this research model has good predictive validity. Based on these results, it can be explained if
direct effect modeling in this study is lower in contribution than indirect effect, that the research
model will be better if supported by Organizational commitment (OC). In construct reliability, it
is found that the overall value of composite reliability and Cronbach alpha > 0.70 (Ghozali and
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 07, July 2023 588
Latan, 2015). So that it can be stated that with this reliability, it triggers the high contribution of
each exogenous and indirect effect on endogenous.
Direct Contribution
Direct effect testing on exogenous contribution to endogenous is used to explain research
hypotheses that can be demonstrated by structural modeling, as follows:
Figure 1. Structural model
Direct effect testing shows causality between exogenous to endogenous variables, the
explanation of these results can be shown in the following table:
Table 5. Direct effect
Path Coefficient
Direct effect testing provides evidence that one in five hypotheses is rejected (p-value >
0.05) while four of them are accepted.
Indirect effect
In indirect effect testing, evidence of causality built into the model that is also otherwise
rejected for it is shown in the following table:
Table 6. Indirect effect
Path Coefficient
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 07, July 2023 589
There is one intervening causality that can make a real contribution, while another is stated
to have no real impact. To determine the intervening effect can be done using the Variance
Accounted For (VAF) method which is a measure of how much the intervening variable is able to
absorb the previously significant direct influence of the model without intervening.
Table 7. Calculation of the VAF method
Indirect effect
Direct effect
Total effect
VAF = Indirect / Total effect
VAF = IW (0.421 / 0.705)
VAF = IL (0.018 / 0.107)
VAF calculation to examine the effect of organizational commitment (OC) variables as an
intervening between Islamic work ethics on employee performance (PERF) = 0.597 or 59.70%,
and OC as an intervening between Islamic leadership on PERF = 0.168 or 16.80%, so it can be
concluded that the organizational commitment (OC) variable has a partial mediation effect,
because it has a VAF value between 20%-80% falls into the category of partial mediation (Hair
et al., 2014).
Fit Indices and P-values
One of the advantages of Warp-PLS 7.0 software is the Output Model Fit Indices and p-
values, this output displays three fit indicators, namely Average Path Coefficients (APC), Average
R-squared (ARS), and Average Variance Inflation Factor (AVIF). Here are the results of the Output
Model of Fit Indices and P- values in this study:
Table 8. General SEM Analysis Result
Average path coefficient (APC)
=0.377, P<0.001
Average R-squared (ARS)
=0.855, P<0.001
Average adjusted R-squared (AARS)
=0.854, P<0.001
The APC, ARS, and AARS values are in accordance with the model criteria in WarpPLS, this
is because having a p-value = < 0.05, means that these criteria make a meaningful contribution
to modeling.
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1. Islamic work ethic and Organizational Commitment
Employee understanding of Islamic work ethics is characterized by employee stability at
work as evidenced by tolerant behavior at work, that employees are willing to give in to other
colleagues in completing a job, employees view if the work that is their workload is the result of
job collectivity so that giving in and not being selfish is one of the reasons for creating a good
work ethic. This condition has an impact on the high intensity of the organization to try to
evaluate the needs of employees at work. The statement is indicated by Path coefficients value =
0.394 which means positive and p-value = 0.001 < 0.05. That the higher the practice of Islamic
work ethics, the higher the commitment shown by employees, the statement supports H1a that
there is a positive relationship between employees' Islamic work ethic and organizational
commitment. This research is relevant to previous research evidence that Islamic work ethics
positively affects organizational commitment and professional organizations work diligently to
establish a code of ethics to help employees to understand and manage ethical responsibilities
(Yousef, D. A., 2001; Othman et al.,2004; Marri, M. Y. K., et al., 2012).
1. Islamic work ethics and Employee Performance
The meaning of ethics underlies the meaning of morals, namely the essential qualities of
employees. Ethics or ethics means character, decency, attitude, personality, customs, and beliefs
in doing something. Employees view the actions or activities they show at work as good because
they are in line with the rules set by Allah SWT. The influence of Islamic work ethics on employee
performance can be shown in the path coefficient 0.148 which is marked positively, that the
better the Islamic work ethic shown, the higher the performance produced by employees (p =
0.020 < 0..05) so that H1b there is a positive relationship between employees' Islamic work ethics
and employee performance proven acceptable. The acceptance of this hypothesis is evidenced in
the habit of employees at work always striving to maintain the feelings of colleagues and
superiors and the hard work done accompanied by responsibility for the high work of employees
so that the completion of work can be done on time and the ability to use the budget
proportionally. Research confirms previous findings that to improve individual performance,
Islamic work ethics are a better solution to use (Kumar, N., &; Rose, R. C., 2010; Ahmad, M. S.,
2011; Hayati, K., &; Caniago, I., 2012).
2. Islamic leadership and Organizational commitment
Islamic leadership practices among employees have been carried out well, proven in the
Path coefficients value marked positive = 0.099 and shown through leaders who can set a good
example (Fathonah, that leaders are wise in carrying out their duties and are able to be wise to
subordinates. However, in its implementation, leaders who lead fathonah are unable to increase
employee commitment p-vaule = 0.085 > 0.05 which is indicated by the low involvement of
subordinates in the decision-making process and the lack of participation of subordinates in
supporting extra activities, the statement rejects H2a that there is a positive relationship
between Islamic leadership and organizational commitment. This study is relevant to the
findings of Hayati & Caniago (2012) that Islamic leadership makes a real contribution in
increasing organizational commitment.
3. Islamic leadership and employee performance
Islamic leadership is proven to increase the desire of followers to work harder and better
so that the work of followers can be completed properly. The statement was confirmed to
respondents, that the honesty shown by superiors resulted in no abuse of authority and position
and job manipulation, so that followers felt happy when they were close to superiors. Leaders
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can set a good example at work so that it has an impact on the desire of employees to work even
with limited financial support and high self-awareness of followers to produce quality work even
with limited time given in completing work p-vaule = 0.020 < 0.05. The statement rejects H2B
that there is a positive relationship between Islamic leadership and employee performance.
Empirical evidence shows that Islamic leadership is proven to increase followers' desire to work
harder and better so that followers' work can be completed well, that Islamic leadership is found
to have a significant positive relationship with leader innovation and perception of leader
effectiveness (Galanou &; Farrag, 2015; (Patel et al., 2018). Islamic leadership plays a very large
role and has a strong influence on the practice of leadership principles and followers (Sainsbury
& Wood, 1977) Islamic leadership has a significant effect on employee performance in an Islamic
perspective (Hakim, 2012)
4. Organizational commitment and employee performance
Employee commitment to the organization can be seen as an important contributor to the
survival of the organization and the performance of the organization. Employees with
organizational commitment can be demonstrated by their desire to remain a member of the
organization. High organizational commitment to employees is a reflection that they are satisfied
with what they feel in the organization where they work, employees who have high commitment
will be able to work with their colleagues which in the end the achievement of employee
performance will be high. At the value of path coefficient = 0.334 with p-value = 0.001 < 0.05.
This explains that agencies that are able to increase employee commitment through the ability
to fulfill employee desires will certainly be able to improve their performance at work which is
reflected through the ability of employees who always streamline costs in completing their work.
This study successfully proved H5 that there is a positive relationship between organizational
commitment and employee performance. The results of this study are relevant to the findings of
several previous researchers, that high individual commitment has an impact on increasing
individual performance ((Tsai, Cheng, & Chang, 2010)(Atmojo, 2012) Pham et al., 2016 ; (Kaynak,
Toklu, Elci, & Toklu, 2016)(Dhurup, Surujlal, & Mutamba, 2016). Reject the other result that all
dimensions of organizational commitment have no significant effect on manager performance
(Huey (Yiing & Ahmed, 2009) ; Dasrita, Tanjung, &; Basri, 2015).
5. Employees' Islamic work ethic and employee performance mediated by
organizational commitment
The ability of individuals to more deeply recognize ethical work attitudes, that employees
have professional attitudes at work. Employees even though they face dilemmatic situations at
work that are required to always be honest and provide excellent service to the community. This
condition explains if employees can complete their work well which is shown by the pro-active
attitude of employees at work as evidenced by the desire of employees to prioritize the interests
of the community above their personal interests. This condition proves that organizational
commitment has an important role in explaining the influence of Islamic work ethics on
performance so this study supports Hypothesis 6a that there is a positive relationship between
employees' Islamic work ethic and employee performance mediated by organizational
commitment evidenced by the value of path coefficient 0.132 p = 0.005 < 0.05. This research
supports the findings of Amine et al. (2012) that Organizational commitment plays an important
role in playing its role as a mediating variable in explaining the relationship between ethics and
performance. Highly committed employees have a strong identification with the organization
and are serious in their work, and have positive loyalty and affection for the organization.
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6. Islamic leadership and employee performance mediated by organizational
The effectiveness of the organization in achieving its goals is greatly influenced by the
quality of the members of the organization. the effectiveness of each organization is greatly
influenced by the behavior of the members of the organization, especially the contribution of the
leader as a determinant of the direction and policy of the organization. Honesty of leaders in
working by not abusing authority and position and not manipulating work. This condition is not
able to increase employee commitment. Understanding employee religiosity to always do the
best job is not able to increase the high commitment of employees so that the role of mediating
organizational commitment as an intervening variable in explaining the contribution of Islamic
leadership in improving employee performance. This statement is relevant to the rejection of the
hypothesis in this study, thus rejecting H6b that there is a positive relationship between Islamic
leadership and employee performance mediated by organizational commitment, path coefficient
value 0.033 p = 0.261 > 0.05. The results of this study reject Moayedi's (2009) findings that
organizational commitment is proven to mediate in explaining the relationship between Islamic
leadership and employee performance.
4. Conclusion
The high intensity of the organization to try to evaluate employee fitness at work and
employee behavior that views work as worship is a representation of good Islamic work ethics
that has an impact on the high commitment displayed and the improvement of work
implementation results from employees. Employees at work have good work habits shown
through respect for colleagues and superiors so as to encourage them to be responsible for the
timely completion of work.
Fathonah's leadership is unable to increase employee commitment as shown by the low
involvement of subordinates in the decision-making process and the lack of participation of
subordinates in supporting extra activities. The honesty shown by superiors results in no abuse
of authority and position and manipulation of work, so followers feel happy when they are close
to superiors.
The pro-active attitude of employees at work is reflected through the desire of employees
to prioritize the interests of the community above their personal interests. This condition proves
that organizational commitment has an important role in explaining the influence of Islamic
work ethics on performance. The honesty of leaders in working by not abusing authority and
position is not able to increase employee commitment. Understanding employee religiosity to
always do the best job is not able to increase the high commitment of employees so that the role
of mediating organizational commitment as an intervening variable in explaining the
contribution of Islamic leadership in improving performance.
The use of employees with the status of State civil apparatus in this study is a limitation of
this research so it is recommended to further researchers to expand observations by not only
using State civil apparatus employees as research samples.
5. References
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