Vol.4, No.06, Juni 2023
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 06, Juni 2023 499
HR Development Through Capacity Building To Increase Company
Adhi Susano
, Heru Subiantoro
, MeiRinaldi
Universitas Borobudur, Indonesia
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
Keywords: HR Development;
HR capacity; Company
In the era of globalization, human resources (HR) is an important
asset for every company to gain competitive advantage. For the
organization to continue to exist on a national and international
scale, human resource development (PSDM) is a decisive factor in
achieving goals and objectives. The research is included in the type
of qualitative research, namely research with descriptive methods.
This study intends to provide an in-depth description related to the
research object, namely the development of human resource
capacity (HR). To achieve the company's performance and goals, it
is very important to implement an HR capacity-building program on
an ongoing basis. Organizational human resource development
directly impacts talent development, employee resilience, and
career development. It also offers companies a new paradigm to
develop their human capital. The fundamental components that
determine the existence of an organization in a cruel corporate
environment include aspects of competence, talent, and resilience.
Companies that implement competence must pay attention to
management levels and HRM stages. Potential employees who
perform well under pressure contribute to organizational
consistency and competition. By considering the two strategic
options of matching people to roles and matching roles to people,
talent-based HRM needs to be contextualized. produce workers who
have the knowledge, skills, money, affluence, talents, attitudes, and
dispositions necessary to inspire others. It is important to create AQ-
based human resources who can deal with any problem, act
responsibly, set boundaries for problems, and refuse to give up
quickly. With the aspect of resilience, employees can calm their
intentions, smother, and catch problems to take advantage for the
sake of organizational effectiveness to achieve success and exist in a
competitive world.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 đź•® p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 06, Juni 2023 500
1. Introduction
In the era of globalization, human resources (HR) is an important asset for every
company to gain competitive advantage. For the organization to continue a national and
international scale, human resource development (PSDM) is a decisive factor in achieving
goals and objectives. HRM is an organizational function focused on recruiting, managing, and
mentoring people as they work for companies. It is achieved through synergy to increase
mutuality and move towards one goal. Susan explained that human resource management
(HRM) is a systematic and comprehensive approach to managing people, workplace culture,
and the environment so that they can successfully and productively contribute to company
goals and objectives .[1]
In recent years, many good companies have had poor performance due to ineffective
and efficient human resources [(McCauley & Wakefield, 2006). The majority of businesses
overlook HR development as their biggest asset. According to Okoye and Ezejiofor, there is
uncertainty in business because it is difficult to understand how employee contributions can
increase organizational efficiency and profitability (Okoye & Ezejiofor, 2013). This is what
causes a sizable unskilled workforce, an uncompetitive business, a lot of subpar performance,
and low productivity. Various efforts have been made by the company with an emphasis on
improving the performance of its employees for the sake of profitable outputs and outcomes
as a long-term impact. To improve organizational competitiveness and adaptation to the
environment, especially Jumawan's external turmoil, HR management efforts aim to improve
employee capabilities in handling various tasks and provide benefits for employees for career
advancement, competency improvement, and talent development (Fauziah et al., 2020).
Often organizations experience serious problems in managing employees to work
optimally. In line with Simon that "the basic challenge for all organizations is "inducing their
employees to work toward organizational goals". To achieve long-term and sustainable
success, organizations need human resources that create meaningful work (according to the
talents and competencies of employees). In addition to talent and competence, organizations
need to pay attention to aspects of the resilience or toughness of employees at work so that
an organization can continue to exist in the long term (Simon, 2013).
Many competitive business organizations have emerged recently. However, the
existence of these business organizations did not last long. This is because employers do not
pay attention to aspects of the resilience or toughness of employees in recruiting. In fact, in
addition to talent and skills, a job requires resilience in work. This description wants to
review the importance of paying attention to employees who have resilience or toughness at
2. Materials and Methods
The research is included in the type of qualitative research, namely research with
descriptive methods (Sugiyono, 2019). This study intends to provide an in-depth description
related to the research object, namely the development of human resource capacity (HR). The
data collection techniques used by researchers are observation, interviews, documentation,
and library research. Data analysis was carried out through several stages according to Miles
and Huberman, namely Data Collection, Data Condensation, Data Display, and Conclusion
Drawing/Verification(Miles & Huberman, 1992).
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 06, Juni 2023 501
3. Results and Discussions
3.1. Development of Human Resource Capacity in Organizations.
To explain its function correctly, effectively, and efficiently, human resource capacity
building often consists of recruitment, training, wage incentive schemes, and working
conditions. For the system to continue to work as intended, system management must always
pay attention to important factors including training, development, and motivation. Human
resources play an important role in this management. Because people are resources and they
cannot be replaced by any other resource in their current or future position. Humans must
have competent values and traits to achieve this goal. Employees need to be guided along
with the development of human resource capabilities so that they are more advanced and in
line with the goals that have been set. The purpose of building human resource capacity is to
improve the quality or ability of employees to achieve work-related goals. This is achieved
through hiring new personnel, offering employee training, setting up incentive systems, and
creating a suitable work environment.
Employee capacity building is a way for organizations to survive. As stated by Grindle,
in Haryono et al (2012);
"Capacity building initiatives aim to create various tactics that can increase the
effectiveness, responsiveness, and efficiency of government performance"
The organization will seek to maximize the potential of its human resources through
human resource management. The 3 (three) components of capacity building are
institutional reform, organizational strengthening, and human resource development.
Researchers in this study emphasized the development of human resources. Four (4)
recruitment, training, payroll, and working conditions activities are considered to increase
employee capabilities as part of the human resource development dimension.
Candidate needs must be met during human resource development for
recruitment. Because the purpose of this recruitment is to maximize the probability
that the person who is hired will stay when they start working for the company.
Therefore, recruitment is a series of procedures used to gather competent candidates
for employment. Corporate companies go through various stages of hiring. Before
recruitment, the business first notifies the public of the need for personnel through
the HRD division.
According to Hasibuan (2012: 28), the Reorganization of Procurement Officers is
the first step and raises doubts about whether a particular business will succeed in
achieving its goals. If employees are skilled, it will be easier to put in the effort
required to achieve their respective goals. Likewise, it is difficult for a business to
achieve its goals when the employees affected by it are somewhat in violation of the
law. According to an in-depth analysis, if there is an employee recruitment committee,
administrative procedures can proceed according to existing guidelines.
Recruitment must be carried out in a planned and comprehensive manner because
it is a strategic plan and the first step to obtaining reliable personnel. In all
organizational units of the company, recruitment is carried out to anticipate
personnel needs both in terms of quantity and quality. Until now, it is believed that
many organizations that carry out employee recruitment have not succeeded in
obtaining the skills needed by the organization. The public in general considers that
recruitment practices and processes tend to be colored by Corruption, Collusion, and
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 06, Juni 2023 502
Nepotism (KKN) practices, resulting in a less qualified workforce. The recruitment
process, which is a stage in the activity process to identify workers with the skills,
knowledge, and expertise needed for their work, will play an important role in
determining the quality of the workforce. The occurrence of employees in the
organization struggling to achieve goals shows that they do not have the quality that
is commensurate with the demands of their work. In this case, to improve staff
competency, strategic action is needed.
HRD uses training activities as one of its methods to build capacity. Organizations
must invest in training because simply putting workers on the job does not guarantee
their success. New employees often have uncertainty about their duties and roles.
Orientation and training programs are needed to strike a balance between personnel
capabilities and job demands. Following training and job mastery, employees require
additional development to prepare them for responsibilities. Hariandja in Haryono
said that training and development are two of the same concepts, namely to improve
abilities, knowledge, and skills.
The purpose of education and training (training) is to improve the ability of
employees according to their respective fields of work. This is one form of human
resource capacity building. Increasing knowledge, competence, skills, personality, and
ethical attitudes is the goal of education and training. Workers who have completed
training are better prepared to perform their jobs according to the competency level
of their roles, enabling them to provide services to the public that meet public service
Government administration requires qualified and experienced human resources.
Effective, efficient, and professional performance requires the development and
improvement of human resources. Therefore, it is very important for the efficient
implementation of governmental activities that the capacity of the staff is developed
in realizing the professionalism of the employees. Training is often referred to as
education and training in government circles (training). When compared with the
theory of HR capacity development that has been discussed in the previous chapter,
HR management within the organization seeks to conduct training to achieve
employee professionalism. It shares the same goal of providing training for
professionals. Grindle explained that there were several activities carried out to
achieve the goal of developing HR capacity to increase individual capacity in carrying
out their professional and technical responsibilities.
According to Sembiring in Sedarmayanti (2009:23) that every employee is entitled
to compensation (remuneration) in return for services performed by the company.
For the services performed by employees, the company provides compensation,
which is usually in the form of a salary or wages. Because salary is an important
element for organizations or agencies, we need a system that can manage salaries
The salary structure and performance incentives used by many businesses are
very explicit in the employment agreement that both parties must sign. Because it is
believed that it does not have a deterrent effect on employees, the researcher can
conclude that it is not clear how performance allowances are deducted for employees
who violate it. Some workers still don't care if they break it and have their
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 06, Juni 2023 503
performance bonus reduced.
Work Condition
As stated by Sedarmayanti (2000:22) that "Humans will be able to carry out their
duties properly so that optimal results are achieved if supported by an appropriate
working condition. Working conditions are said to be improved or appropriate if
humans can carry out their activities optimally, healthily, safely, and comfortably. If
their work environment is pleasant, employees will find it easier to do their job;
However, if the work environment is not supportive, this will also have an impact on
employees and make it difficult for employees to carry out their duties. Uncomfortable
conditions, such as hot and noisy locations, should be avoided in favor of a tidy
environment and a pleasant working atmosphere.
Working conditions are a set of conditions or workplace conditions in an
organization where workers work which can have an impact on developing employee
capacity. Theoretically, Mangkunegara (2005: 105) says the factors that influence the
formation of behavior related to working conditions, can be grouped into two types,
namely working conditions involving
1) Physical working conditions include the amount of space needed, amount of
light, air temperature, amount of noise, use of color, music, and humidity.
Researchers discuss the provision of facilities and infrastructure for employees
in this case.
2) Psychological conditions of work (non-physical), for example, work stress,
work boredom, and work fatigue. In this case, the researcher discusses the
relationship between employees.
Provision of facilities and infrastructure as well as relations between employees
are two aspects of working conditions in companies mentioned in this study:
1) Provision of facilities and infrastructure
The infrastructure and facilities needed to create employee capacity must
be balanced and adequate in line with the development of modern times. The
facilities and infrastructure of the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Higher
Education must be adapted to their needs or by the duties and functions they
carry out. If the Kemenristekdikti facilities and infrastructure are lacking, it
will interfere with the ability of employees to complete their duties and
increase their capacity in providing services.
2) Development of Inter-Employee Relations
Employee relations are non-physical work situations that have an impact
on how well employees can develop their capacity to make their workplace
comfortable and enjoyable. Employee relations at work are characterized by
strong emotional bonds between co-workers. To foster cooperation among
employees when someone needs help to carry out daily tasks happily, the
relationship between employees in the organization must be friendly because
they realize could not go for a walk independently while carrying out their
daily tasks. Hence, when one of them encountered difficulties in completing his
work, the other adopted a cooperative spirit. But some employees have a bad
working relationship, for example, senior employees with junior employees.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 06, Juni 2023 504
3.2 Organizational Human Resource Capacity Development
Competency Based
According to Spencer and Spencer, competency is a basic quality of a person that
is tangentially related to effective or superior performance in various contexts and
jobs (Spencer & Spencer, 2008). In general, the term competency is defined as a
combination of skills, personal characteristics, and knowledge that can be observed,
measured, and evaluated through performance. There are two types of competence,
1) managerial competence, for managing employees and building social relations;
2) technical competence, related to the functional capacity of the work
Integration of HR planning with the organization's business strategy is supported
through competency-based HR development. For this reason, organizations can
evaluate the capacity of human resources based on the skills needed to realize the
vision, mission, and goals of the organization (Tripathi & Agrawal, 2014). In line with
Kamidin who stated that human resource development based on the vision and
mission of the organization improves organizational performance.(Kamidin, 2010)
Competitiveness and organizational existence will be created if HRD pays
attention to the competence of personnel. HRM begins with recruitment, selection,
and identification of components of initiative competence, achievement motivation,
and ability to work in teams. It then moves on to continuous development and
collection of competency data relating to potential employees. Also, all assignments,
instructions, and training must be carried out by the competence of each person.
In general, several things need to be considered to achieve optimal human
resource development, namely:[4]
1) selection of human resources according to needs;
2) designing alignment between organizational needs and employee
3) provide appropriate facilities, infrastructure, and technology;
4) High commitment from every element of the organization.
Draganidis said that other stages are very important in the development of
competency-based human resources, namely:[8]
1) Identification of competencies. The process of finding the competencies
necessary for successful and optimal performance;
2) Competency models. Narrative description of competencies for target job
categories, work groups, divisions, departments, or other units of analysis;
3) Competency assessment. The process of comparing individual competencies to
competency models;
4) Competency-based management. Application of a series of competencies to
manage human resources so that performance contributes efficiently and
effectively to organizational goals;
5) Competency standards. Identification of employee skills and knowledge and
determining the level of performance that must be achieved in a particular
work segment or function;
6) Competency profile. Documents that describe a specific set of competencies to
a position/job/job group/functional community.
To carry out human resource development to the demands of each level,
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 06, Juni 2023 505
competency-based HRD must also pay attention to existing management levels,
including executive, manager, and employee levels. Aspects of strategic thinking and
changes in leadership style are competencies required for the executive level. The
management degree, on the other hand, calls for proficiency in the areas of change
implementation, interpersonal understanding, and empowerment. At the same time,
employees need to possess skills including adaptability, updating information,
motivation, an aptitude for learning, motivation (to achieve and work under
pressure), teamwork, and customer service focus.
Competence is a potential source of long-term value and a potential source of a
company's competitive advantage, which is why companies use competency-based
HRM. For example, HR professionals who have high levels of HRM competency engage
closely with managers to identify and resolve employee issues, share information and
perspectives on company challenges, and work to the fullest(Wei & Lau, 2005). In
addition, Long and Ismail said that HR practitioners help develop employees who are
explicit and produce knowledge (Long & Ismail, 2011).
People with high-caliber work competence will be responsible and adaptable to
every change in the workplace. Raven and Stephenson's statement that proficiency
forces a person to continue to learn and adapt.[13] The competency and HRM
components, particularly organizational consistency in employee development, are
closely interrelated. To create and plan a specific HRM model, including recruitment,
skills gap analysis, job development plans, training initiatives, self-learning, learning
management, self-assessment, and motivation, each company must be unique(Dries,
HR should be seen by organizations as human resources, with HR expertise acting
as a current resource. Therefore, human resource development that emphasizes
competency features produces high-quality and reliable organizational components,
has efficient working relationships, achieves organizational goals, and enables
organizations to survive in a cruel corporate climate.
Talent Based
There are several definitions related to talent management (talent management).
Talent is a value measure that describes skills, abilities, wealth, abundance, talents,
attitudes, and dispositions (online dictionary www.merriam-webster.com).[15]
Joubert stated that talent is a person's ability to inspire and evoke emotions in
others.[16] talent is the product of ability (competence, education, training, and
experience), coupled with motivation (engagement, satisfaction, challenge, and well-
being) and opportunity.
Van Dijk states that the important elements of talent include:[15]
1) potential (a person's power, influence, and ability to achieve results);
2) real interest (passion);
3) skill intelligence (mental and physical learning and performance ability to
compete, conquer, and survive);
4) virtue intelligence or moral excellence and integrity.
Joubert added very outstanding individual traits, including a desire to learn,
receptiveness to role models and inspirational influence, a thirst for achievement,
ambition, and a desire to rule. Further traits include resistance and non-conformity
(van Zyl et al., 2017).
According to Cunningham, contextualization is necessary for talent development
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 06, Juni 2023 506
in talent-based HRM by considering two main strategic options namely aligning roles
with people and roles with people. Aligning roles with people focuses on enhancing
abilities through an enabling work environment, whereas aligning people with roles
implies a preference for recruiting, learning, and developing talent.[15] Van Dijk
further stated that organizations that have high performance in talent development
do things such as talent creation/regeneration, calibration, growing and enhancing
talent, and caring for and fostering talent.[15] Talent Align adds that talent
development is a strategic integrated approach to managing careers from attracting,
retaining, and developing to transitioning the organization's human resources (Taylor
& Lee, 2014).
In developing talent-based human resources, it is necessary to start from the
identification of the most suitable individual and individual development needs that
lead to the development of that person's contribution to the team and organizational
development. According to McCauley and Wakefield, organizations that excel in talent
development demonstrate eight best practices, including having a broad definition of
talent management, incorporating various aspects of talent management into a
comprehensive system, concentrating on the most valuable individual talents,
engaging senior management, and developing models. competency to foster a shared
understanding of the skills and behaviors needed and valued by the organization.[2]
The organization attaches great importance to talent development and even
considers it important. This is because when talent develops, the availability of
talented and excelling personnel in the required roles leads to increased performance,
which in turn improves business performance.(Jumawan, 2015)
Resilience Based
The term Adversity Quotient can be interpreted as a person's ability to face
struggles and overcome difficulties or problems to become an opportunity for greater
achievement (Labola, 2019). Stoltz added that someone with a high AQ will process
difficulties with their intelligence into challenges that need to be solved. Thus, it is
useful when difficulties arise and can be used to predict success/success.
Some people try to overcome many problems but give up when they face the
severity of suffering. Endurance intelligence is the key to overcoming obstacles and
succeeding at the highest level. Supardi added one can control one's intentions, see
difficulties, and see opportunities to gain profit by using resilience-based intelligence.
Thus, every effort is made to succeed and survive in a competitive world.
The workplace demands competent, innovative, tough, competitive, and
chameleon-like products in a variety of settings for its organizations and work in these
cruel times. The further a person's career is, the more complex the difficulties they
will face and need to find a solution. Therefore, companies and institutions that value
employee resilience must pay attention to the implementation of AQ-based HR
development. AQ-based HR development is important, because with a high AQ
employees can do several things such as: [1]
1) controlling any issues that have positive and beneficial implications for
performance and productivity;
2) be responsible, namely expanding control, empowerment, and motivation in
3) has limits on issues, responds to problems as something specific and limited;
4) do not give up easily, have the principle that difficulties are only temporary.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 06, Juni 2023 507
Phoolka and Kaur further stated that AQ can be used to predict the ability and persistence
of employees, used to increase the effectiveness of teams, relationships, families,
communities, cultures, societies, and organizations.(Phoolka, S dan Kaur, 2012)
4. Conclusion
In the era of globalization, human resources (HR) is an important asset for every
company to gain competitive advantage. For the organization to continue to exist on a
national and international scale, human resource development (PSDM) is a very decisive
factor in achieving goals and objectives. HRM is an organizational function focused on
recruiting, managing, and mentoring people as they work for companies is achieved through
synergy to increase mutuality and move towards one goal. Susan explained that human
resource management (HRM) is a systematic and comprehensive approach to managing
people, workplace culture, and the environment to contribute to company goals and
objectives successfully and productively.
To achieve the company's performance and goals, it is necessary to implement an HR
capacity-building program on an ongoing basis. Organizational human resource
development has a direct impact on talent development, employee resilience, and career
development. It also offers companies a new paradigm to develop their human capital.
The fundamental components that determine the existence of an organization in a
vicious corporate environment include aspects of competence, talent, and resilience.
Companies that implement competence must pay attention to management levels and HRM
stages. Potential employees who perform well under pressure contribute to organizational
consistency and competition. By considering the two strategic options of matching people to
roles and matching roles to people, talent-based HRM needs to be contextualized to produce
workers who have the knowledge, skills, money, affluence, talents, attitudes, and dispositions
necessary to inspire others. It is crucial to create AQ-based human resources who can deal
with any problem, act responsibly, set boundaries for problems, and refuse to give up quickly.
With the aspect of resilience, employees can calm their intentions, stop them, and catch
problems to take advantage of the organizational significance to achieve success and exist in
a competitive world.
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