Vol.4, No.05, Mei 2023
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 05, Mei 2023 457
Legal Protection For Teachers In Implementing Student
Disciplinary Assignments
Jamaluddin Sungsang
, Evita Istretno Israhadi
, Ahmad Redi
Universitas Borobudur
Email: jamaluddinsungsang@gmail.com
, evita_isretno@borobudur.ac.id
Corresponding Author: jamaluddinsungsang@gmail.com
Training is a cognizant and arranged work to make a learning air
and educational experience so understudies effectively foster their
capability to have profound strength, poise, character, honorable
person, and the abilities required without anyone else, society,
country, and state. Without schooling that is by public character,
the objectives of accomplishing instruction might be satisfied. The
critical advancement of the country is the advancement of
schooling possessed by the country. The exploration technique
utilized is regulating legitimate examination which is expressive
investigation. The design is to find the execution of legitimate
security for educators in giving discipline to teach their
understudies. In light of the consequences of the information
examination, it was presumed that Regulation Number 14 of 2005
concerning educators and speakers has rigorously safeguarded the
endlessly showing calling, yet at the degree of execution, the force
of the law is as yet not seen to have added to the destiny of
instructors as teachers. Moves made by instructors to train
understudies inside specific cutoff points and are viewed as having
satisfactory objectives by everybody can overrule criminal
authorizations. Giving lawful security to educators in leading their
expert duties is purposed.
Keywords: Legal Protection,
Teachers, Punishment
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
Education strives to help individuals understand the fundamental essence of all things,
including nature, themselves, and their God. The individual features of the three directly
influence how education is practiced. Islamic education ontology tries to provide explanations
for the essence of nature. It shows that investigating humans and nature in the educational
process is closely related to education.[1] The world of education is a beautiful place full of
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 05, Mei 2023 458
knowledge. It is ideal to demand scientific and moral development from a person in an
educational setting. The world of education is also a means of forming one's character and is a
kind of reasonable investment in strengthening human resources. Economic and social
development is greatly influenced by the progress of education. The same thing was also stated
by Ho Chi Minh (Father of the Vietnamese people) who stated that "no teacher no education, no
education no economic and social development" means that without educators there is no
education, and without education, there is no economic and social development.[2] The
expression implies that the teacher has a forefront role in education in a central position that
most determines the process and results of education as a whole.
One of the key indicators of a country's progress is how well its education system is
performing. It is because education has a key role in the civilization of a nation. When a nation
neglects education, it neglects to cultivate its most valuable resource the quality of its people
which is its greatest source of strength, development, wealth, and dignity because this
resource is always renewable. The level of individuals' insight and strength of character decides
these characteristics. The essential job of instruction is additionally requested by the Unified
Countries Instructive, Logical and Social Association (UNESCO), which believes that education
should inform people about their cultural origins, where they live, and how to respect other
people's traditions[3]. The perspective of the field of education is nuanced and includes good
morals and qualities. Some of the educational problems that are currently appearing and
developing along with the dynamics of people's lives, these things have almost completely
disappeared. In contrast, the world of education is facing various difficulties, both internal
problems in the implementation of education itself and external troubles that can hinder the
achievement of educational goals. Of course, internal parties are part of the puzzle that is
directly related to the education sector. While external parties are parties who do not have a
direct interest in the field of education, such as the general public. The peculiarity of anomalies
in the realm of training can be named customary infringement or criminal demonstrations.
One of the causes of indiscipline in studying, working, managing time, using a budget, and
complying with applicable legal norms is someone who violates the law. Our nation is a nation
of laws because everything related to a person's daily life is governed by law, and the
government and law enforcement organizations have developed legal objectives to ensure that
society is orderly, harmonious, safe, and peaceful. In daily life at school, students as well as
teachers and school administration employees sometimes lack discipline, in this case, we as
citizens need to be aware of and obey the applicable legal rules, by the 1945 Constitution
Article 1 paragraph (Sudibyo & Kiyamudin, 2019) which states that the state is a rule of law,
and not a state of absolute power because every citizen is obliged to uphold the law and
sovereign government, this is also confirmed in the 1945 Constitution as a result of the 4th
amendment Article 27 paragraph (1 ), remarked: "All citizens have the same position before
law and government and are obliged to uphold that law and government without exception"
(Ardi, 2015) .
Disciplinary acts carried out by teachers, which in the past were thought of as
unremarkable, have now moved and are considered to disregard common liberties. Thus,
instructors appear to confront a problem, from one viewpoint, the educator should implement
school discipline and request, while then again, they are stressed over being condemned by
guardians or kid safeguard NGOs on charges of savagery against youngsters. The result is that
the instructor gradually loses his firmness when dealing with naughty children or breaking
school rules. If a naughty child is not disciplined, sooner or later the teacher will face legal
problems. The less the instructor decides, especially concerning bad boys, the less power the
teacher has in front of the class. They break the rules more often at school because they will not
be disciplined (Umardani & Liany, 2017) .
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Teacher in this period seems to lose influence in the classroom and do not care about
student behavior. When this has an impact on students' attitudes, behavior, and morals in
everyday life, such as when students finally dare to confront a lecturer, when students act
recklessly in public, or even when students act as if they are not afraid of anything, the impact is
quite clear.
It goes against societal ideals, which state that a teacher should not be seen committing
acts of violence if he or she punishes students according to laws or other social norms.
According to Ali Masyhar who argued that law must develop scientifically from within society
itself, criminal law must be by existing principles in a society built on Pancasila, and be able to
adapt to circumstances (Masyhar, 2015) . This incident of violence perpetrated by the teacher
was caused by several factors, including from the side of the teacher and students. These
factors include the pressure of the teacher's workload, family obligations, teaching methods
that are still rooted in previous generations, especially one-way teaching systems that still
emphasize teacher authority, and a lack of communication between teachers and students.
However, this action is also inseparable from the attitude of students and the quality of
students where there is a degradation of the quality of ethics, manners, and courtesy among
students in this country which at any time can trigger spontaneous actions which are
considered as acts of violence committed by teachers.
One indication of the failure of legal protection for the teaching profession is the rise of
incidents where teachers suffer losses in carrying out their professional obligations. Like any
other profession, teaching is a noble and respected job, but it seems that neither society in
general nor law enforcement officials affiliated with the government fully understand
this(Umardani & Liany, 2017) . Despite the fact that legitimate security for educators has been
controlled in Regulation Number 14 of 2005 concerning Instructors and Lecturers (Mulyani,
2017).Article 7 section (Salahuddin, 1997) letter h commands that instructors probably
ensured lawful assurance in completing their expert obligations. Besides, Article 39 it is
expressed exhaustively:
1. The government, provincial government, local area, proficient associations, as well as
training offices are expected to monitor educators in doing their obligations.
2. The security alluded to in passage (Salahuddin, 1997) incorporates legitimate
assurance, proficient assurance, and word related wellbeing and security insurance.
3. Legal security as alluded to in passage (Mohammad, 2013) incorporates legitimate
security against demonstrations of brutality, dangers, biased treatment, terrorizing, or
unreasonable treatment with respect to understudies, guardians of understudies,
society, administration, or different gatherings.
4. Professional security as alluded to in section (Mohammad, 2013) incorporates
assurance against end of work that isn't by rules and resolutions, giving absurd pay,
limitations on communicating sees, provocation of the calling, and different
limitations/restrictions that might obstruct educators from completing position.
5. Occupational wellbeing and wellbeing security as alluded to in section (Mohammad,
2013) incorporates assurance against dangers of work security aggravations, work
mishaps, fires during work, catastrophic events, and additionally different dangers.
In a broader sense, the demand for protection of the teaching profession includes the
need to protect the individual (self) of the teacher concerned so that he can carry out his
functions and duties as well as possible with a sense of security and comfort. Law Number 14 of
2005 should be able to become a legal basis for teachers in protecting the teaching profession
from legal problems, especially those related to their duties. However, the protection of
teachers is still far from ideal for the teaching profession. So, the teacher seems to be struggling
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 05, Mei 2023 460
alone in solving problems, especially those related to legal issues.
2. Materials and Methods
The sort of examination utilized in this study is standardizing lawful exploration which
centers around sure legitimate standards overseeing the legitimate assurance of educators in
Indonesia. Regularizing regulation examination is likewise called doctrinal regulation
exploration (Jonaedi Efendi, Johnny Ibrahim, & Se, 2018) where the law is conceptualized as
what is written in rules and guidelines (regulation in books), or regulation is conceptualized,
generally speaking, or standard which is a benchmark for individuals' way of behaving towards
what is viewed as suitable.
In light of the sort of regularizing research, the essential strategy utilized is the legal
methodology, since what will be analyzed are different lawful guidelines which are the
concentration as well as the focal topic of the examination (Soekanto, 2006).
Legal material that has been collected is analyzed using qualitative methods, namely
research methods that produce analytical descriptive information. The facts that already exist in
this journal are described, then conclusions and recommendations are drawn using a deductive
way of thinking, namely drawing conclusions that move from things that are general to specific
3. Results and Discussions
Protection of Teachers in Carrying Out Their Obligations as Teachers
Law Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers has laid such a solid
foundation to guarantee the teaching profession because it was formed based on the main
objective of improving Indonesia's national education system. Some of the goals are:
1) elevating the poise of educators and teachers;
2) guarantee the freedoms and commitments of educators and teachers;
3) increasing the ability of educators and teachers;
4) advancing the calling and profession of educators and teachers;
5) improve the nature of learning;
6) improve the nature of public schooling;
7) reduce the hole in the accessibility of educators and speakers between locales with
regards to number, quality, scholarly capabilities, and ability;
8) reducing the difference in the nature of training among districts; And
9) improve quality instruction administrations
In particular, the Teacher and Lecturer Law guarantees protection for teachers as
formulated in Article:(Sholikah, 2017)
1) The government, nearby government, local area, proficient associations, as well as
schooling units are expected to safeguard educators in completing their obligations;
2) The assurance alluded to in section (Salahuddin, 1997) incorporates legitimate
security, proficient security, and word related wellbeing and wellbeing security;
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3) Legal security as alluded to in section (Mohammad, 2013) incorporates legitimate
assurance against demonstrations of savagery, dangers, prejudicial treatment,
terrorizing, or unreasonable treatment with respect to understudies, guardians of
understudies, society, administration, or different gatherings;
4) Professional security as alluded to in passage (Mohammad, 2013) incorporates
insurance against end of business that isn't by regulations and guidelines, giving
nonsensical pay, limitations on communicating sees, badgering of the calling, and
different limitations/restrictions that might thwart educators in completing the
5) Occupational wellbeing and wellbeing insurance as alluded to in passage
(Mohammad, 2013) incorporates insurance against dangers of work security
aggravations, work mishaps, cataclysmic events, workplace wellbeing, and
additionally different dangers.
The norms as formulated in Article 39 of the Teacher and Lecturer Law, can be grouped
into 3 types of teacher protection, namely:
1) Legal security which incorporates insurance against demonstrations of viciousness,
dangers, oppressive treatment, terrorizing, or unjustifiable treatment with respect to
understudies, guardians of understudies, society, administration, or different
2) Professional security which incorporates insurance against end of business that isn't
by regulations and guidelines, giving absurd remuneration, limitations on
communicating sees, provocation of the calling, and different
limitations/disallowances that might ruin instructors from completing their
3) Occupational wellbeing and wellbeing insurance which incorporates assurance
against dangers of work security aggravations, work mishaps, cataclysmic events,
workplace wellbeing, or potentially different dangers.
Implementation of legal protection for teachers in providing punishment to discipline
their students.
One of the environments where children are vulnerable to becoming victims of violence is
in school. In schools, for example, violence against children can be perpetrated by unscrupulous
educators, administrative staff, and even the students (students) themselves. Based on the
motivation, violence that occurs in schools can be divided into 2 (two), namely first, pure
violence (without rational reasons), such as persecution, and fights between students. Second,
the application of learning methods that contain elements of violence, for example, the use of
disciplinary punishment to gain student obedience or correct wrong student behavior. Among
all the phenomena of violence that befell children in schools, the use of corporal punishment
against children rarely attracts public attention. Giving corporal punishment as a means of
discipline, hereinafter referred to as corporal punishment, is generally not seen as an act of
violence, but as part of a fast and effective learning tool to discipline or demand child
obedience. Even though the punishment contains violence in it, both physical and
psychological, such as: pinching, hitting, tweaking the ear, standing in front of the class or on
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the ceremonial field, running around the field, and various other forms of irrational
assignments. But unfortunately, the practice of disciplinary punishment is often seen as normal
and has positive goals for the best interests of the child.
In contrast to violence in general, the use of disciplinary punishment (corporal
punishment) is a topic that is still being debated in various circles. For those who are pro, the
use of disciplinary punishment is fairness to educate and improve children's behavior.
Alternately, the people who differ contend that the substance of disciplinary discipline is savage
in nature, which will in general damage kids both truly and mentally. Universally, UNICEF itself
as a global association working in the field of kid security, through its true organization called
"the Unified Countries. Secretary General's Concentrate on Viciousness Against Kids", solidly
expresses that giving disciplinary discipline to youngsters in any climate isn't just a
demonstration of type of brutality against youngsters but at the same time is a type of
infringement of worldwide kids' privileges (Windari, 2015) .
The use of disciplinary discipline as a technique for restraining youngsters at school can
have a decent reason, and at times it is inescapably decided to control the homeroom
circumstance with the goal that it is helpful. However, it is not uncommon for the selection of
forms of disciplinary punishment to be irrational and contain elements of violence with losses
that are disproportionate to the goals to be achieved. Instead of achieving educational goals,
what happens tends to be a form of maltreatment of children under the pretext of education.
Based on the observations of The Child Rights Information Network (CRIN) in 2012,
Indonesia is referred to as one of the countries in the Southeast Asian region that has not
regulated explicitly and prohibited the use of corporal punishment in all environments,
including in the school environment. Several reasons supporting CRIN's statement are as
follows: First, both in the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (1945 Constitution of the
Republic of Indonesia), the Criminal Code, Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection,
Law Number 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights, and several other relevant laws cannot be
interpreted as provisions prohibiting the use of corporal punishment.
Moreover, in 2008, the recommendation from the Human Rights Treaty Monitoring Body
to reform existing laws by prohibiting the practice of corporal punishment was rejected. The
argument given by the government at that time was that Indonesia had made a long and
continuous series of efforts to address violence against children and that Indonesia's current
laws and regulations were sufficiently capable of dealing with corporal punishment in
Indonesia. The second reason is that Indonesia's socio-cultural conditions tend to support and
tolerate the use of corporal punishment as the most efficient means of educating for the best
interests of the child.
Indonesia already has a series of laws and regulations that prohibit all forms of violence
against children. The occurrence of these differences in views is more due to differences in
perspectives used in understanding the concept of corporal punishment itself. The opinion that
Indonesia has not banned the practice of corporal punishment arises because there is no single
regulation in Indonesia that clearly states corporal punishment as a variant of physical violence
against children. Form Physical violence that is prohibited in both the Criminal Code and the
Child Protection Act is abuse (child physical abuse). Even though contextually, the concepts of
persecution and corporal punishment are different, in practice, irrational corporal punishment
has the potential to lead to persecution.
Meanwhile, the second view (the government) cannot be blamed either, especially if the
existing regulations do not have strict legal boundaries regarding persecution or corporal
punishment. Thus, the assumption that equates corporal punishment with physical abuse, in
general, cannot be avoided. As a consequence, articles on persecution or physical violence are
considered to be quite effective in corporal punishment cases in general.
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If corporal punishment is interpreted as another form of persecution, then the act can be
qualified as a crime. Crime is an act that is prohibited and punishable by criminal whoever does
it. The act of giving corporal punishment to students at school can be said to have met the
objective elements of a crime, namely fulfilling the formulation of offenses in criminal law and
the existence of an unlawful nature (formal law).
The practice of using corporal punishment as a means of discipline in the school
environment cannot be separated from the teaching profession. The teacher is a noble
profession compared to other professions. Even though it doesn't seem to have as high prestige
as the profession of a manager or other office staff, the teaching profession makes the biggest
contribution to the formation of quality human resources.
Without intending to reduce the teacher's enormous contribution to the world of
education and bearing in mind the importance of the task carried out by a teacher, the teaching
profession must be protected from all kinds of disgraceful actions that could damage the image
of the teaching profession itself.
The protection of the teaching profession itself can be viewed from two perspectives,
namely:(Chairul Huda, 2006)
a. Protection of the teaching profession in a narrow sense, namely individual protection
of teachers in carrying out their profession, which includes:
1) Protection from the actions he takes in carrying out his professional duties
2) Protection of the teaching profession from the actions and actions of other people
b. Protection of the teaching profession in a broad sense, which is defined as
professional/functional/institutional protection, because the aim is for the teaching
profession or educational institutions to function/function as well as possible so that
the quality of education can be continuously maintained and improved in achieving
national education goals and national development in general.
Even though the duties of a teacher are noble, and even though the welfare conditions of
teachers in Indonesia are not commensurate with the workload they are carrying, it does not
mean that a teacher will be immune from the law, or that any negative actions they commit
cannot be subject to legal provisions. This is because based on the principle of equality before
the law, in principle, the enforcement of the law does not recognize the status of a person, all
must be seen as equal before the law.
The use of corporal punishment as a means of educating is closely related to the duties of
an educator. In carrying out their duties, it is not uncommon for teachers to apply educational
policies that are felt to be hard by students (students), even detrimental to students such as
giving punishments (disciplinary measures) that contain elements of physical violence, for
example: kicking, hitting, confining, suspension or harsh reprimands as other forms of
punishment or discipline.
The use of violence as a means of educating students was mentioned by Ridwan Halim in
1986 in his book entitled "Educational Crimes in the Principles of Indonesian Criminal Law", as
a form of criminal activity in the field of education that is common in schools. In Indonesia,
physical violence used to enforce discipline can be interpreted as a form of abuse. Theoretically,
the persecution of anyone, in any form, at any level, and with any motive, basically cannot be
justified by law, especially if it is done to students in the context of education. In this case,
Article 54 paragraph (Salahuddin, 1997) of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments
to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection provides firmness regarding this
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matter, which reads: "Children in and around the education unit are obliged to receive
protection from acts of physical, psychological violence, sexual crimes, and other crimes
committed by educators, educational staff, fellow students, and/or other parties"
Positive criminal law can be applied to teacher behavior or policies which in principle is a
reflection of discipline enforcement in schools, but in a formal juridical sense fulfills the
formulation of a delict/crime. Notwithstanding, assuming that we take a gander at Article 39 of
Regulation Number 14 of 2005 concerning Educators and Speakers over, the classes of security
for educators in doing their obligations or calling incorporate lawful assurance, proficient
security, and word related security and wellbeing insurance. Security for instructors should be
given by the public authority, territorial government, local area, proficient associations, or
instructive units. Thoughtfully Regulation Number 14 of 2005 concerning Instructors and
Speakers has formed the extent of insurance for educators, however the execution of the
security idea contains shortcomings and isn't yet concrete, complete, functional, or material.
The weakness of the concept of protecting teachers in question only concerns the teacher as an
object. Article 39 paragraphs (Mohammad, 2013) and (Sudibyo & Kiyamudin, 2019) do not
accommodate protection for teachers as perpetrators of violence, discrimination, or other acts.
Thus, normatively, Article 39 paragraphs (Mohammad, 2013) and (Sudibyo & Kiyamudin,
2019) in the Law on Teachers and Lecturers do not protect teachers when teachers become
perpetrators of criminal acts.
The articles in Law Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers require more
detailed implementing regulations. Several cases that occurred related to the protection of
teachers in their profession required clarification or legal explanation in their settlement. This
law needs to be translated down to the procedural level of case handling. This is very important
considering that teachers are also subjects and objects of criminal law related to giving
punishment to discipline students. In certain cases, teachers were not only reported as
perpetrators of violence against students, but in some cases, they made teachers victims of
violence from students and/or students' parents. In the first case, teachers were reported to
have violated child protection rights when imposing disciplinary sanctions against students,
such as being teased, beaten, yelled at, ordered to run around the schoolyard, told to push up
several times, told to salute the flag in hot weather until the end of class, to clean the toilets, and
so on. The types of disciplinary punishment that were considered normal or "common" in the
past in the world of education, are now "assessed" as no longer educational and are even
considered to violate the Child Protection Act.
Ironically, the facts on the ground show that many teachers do not know and understand
the Child Protection Act. They think that disciplinary punishment given to students is
commonplace, because in the past or when the teacher was a student or his friends may have
experienced such disciplinary punishment. Some were punished with harsher punishments
than those mentioned above, for example, flogging their feet for students who did not complete
their assignments or violated school rules or regulations. Disciplinary sanctions like that were
previously not considered a violation of the law, but now teachers have to be more careful in
giving disciplinary punishment to students. Disciplinary punishments given to students must be
guided by school rules and Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number
23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection (the author calls it the “Child Protection Law”).
Conversely, in the second case, the teacher became a victim of violence by students or
parents. Case Two elementary school (SD) students and their parents in Gowa Regency, South
Sulawesi (Sulsel), ganged up on a teacher during the teaching and learning process, Wednesday
(4/9/2019). The teacher who was beaten and scratched many times had injuries on her face.
The news that was the most shocking and made the public, especially the teachers furious, was
the death of an art teacher in 2018 in Sampang, Madura, who was abused by his students,
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which shocked the public. An art teacher from SMA Negeri I Torjun-Sampang, Ahmad Budi
Cahyono had to die. A case of violence in the form of beating a teacher occurred at SMK 2
Makassar, named Dasrul (52 years), which was committed by the parents of a student named
Adnan Achmad (38 years) on August 10, 2016. According to news released by
Fajaronline.com/2016/08 /10, the case started when Dasrul collected homework assignments
for second-grade students. One of the students, named Airul Aliq Sadang, did not do the
assignment, so the teacher reprimanded him. This incident adds to the length of cases of
violence against teachers and shows the lack of respect for parents of students for teachers. The
teacher is a figure that must be obeyed in school.
Alluding to the case above, apparently the place of an educator as a teacher is many times
in a difficulty, between the requests of the calling and the treatment of society. From one
perspective, they are expected to have the option to lead understudies to accomplish
instructive objectives. But on the other hand, when teachers try to uphold discipline, they are
confronted by the Child Protection Law and the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (the
author calls it "KPAI"). In the event that they neglect to maintain the discipline of their
understudies and neglect to lead understudies to accomplish instructive objectives, as teachers
educators are many times blamed for being the guilty party for this disappointment. The most
crucial problem faced by a teacher is when they have to give punishment to students who
violate school rules and regulations to uphold discipline, parents, and society often judge this as
an act of violating human rights or violating the Child Protection Act. They easily report the
teacher's actions to law enforcement. As a result, in carrying out their professional duties,
teachers are often in a dilemmatic position and are even vulnerable to being criminalized. In
the event that educators are constantly defamed in the cases over, the objective of public
training is to foster the capability of understudies to become people who trust in and dread God
All-powerful, have a noble person, are sound, learned, fit, imaginative, free, and become
residents who are popularity based and dependable, won't be accomplished.
4. Conclusion
Instruction is a cognizant and arranged work to make a learning environment and educational
experience so understudies effectively foster their capability to have strict profound strength,
restraint, character, respectable person, and the abilities required without help from anyone else,
society, country, and state. Without schooling that is by public character, the goals of achieving
instruction might be satisfied. The way to advance is the headway of training possessed by the
Educators have an honorable obligation to help understudies as facilitators in accomplishing life
objectives. In science training as well as in moral schooling. Considering that these two things are
interrelated with one another to accomplish a fair condition among insight and conduct. The order
held by the educator to assist with forming a superior country's development is acknowledged by
giving instructing to understudies as per the skills moved by an educator in Regulation Number 14 of
2005 concerning instructors and speakers has unequivocally safeguarded the endlessly showing
calling, yet at the degree of execution, the force of the law is as yet not seen to have added to the
destiny of instructors as teachers. The existing legal protection provisions are still general in nature so
there is no clarity if the teacher as a suspect commits acts of violence in giving punishment in
disciplining students.
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