e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 05, Mei 2023 464
matter, which reads: "Children in and around the education unit are obliged to receive
protection from acts of physical, psychological violence, sexual crimes, and other crimes
committed by educators, educational staff, fellow students, and/or other parties"
Positive criminal law can be applied to teacher behavior or policies which in principle is a
reflection of discipline enforcement in schools, but in a formal juridical sense fulfills the
formulation of a delict/crime. Notwithstanding, assuming that we take a gander at Article 39 of
Regulation Number 14 of 2005 concerning Educators and Speakers over, the classes of security
for educators in doing their obligations or calling incorporate lawful assurance, proficient
security, and word related security and wellbeing insurance. Security for instructors should be
given by the public authority, territorial government, local area, proficient associations, or
instructive units. Thoughtfully Regulation Number 14 of 2005 concerning Instructors and
Speakers has formed the extent of insurance for educators, however the execution of the
security idea contains shortcomings and isn't yet concrete, complete, functional, or material.
The weakness of the concept of protecting teachers in question only concerns the teacher as an
object. Article 39 paragraphs (Mohammad, 2013) and (Sudibyo & Kiyamudin, 2019) do not
accommodate protection for teachers as perpetrators of violence, discrimination, or other acts.
Thus, normatively, Article 39 paragraphs (Mohammad, 2013) and (Sudibyo & Kiyamudin,
2019) in the Law on Teachers and Lecturers do not protect teachers when teachers become
perpetrators of criminal acts.
The articles in Law Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers require more
detailed implementing regulations. Several cases that occurred related to the protection of
teachers in their profession required clarification or legal explanation in their settlement. This
law needs to be translated down to the procedural level of case handling. This is very important
considering that teachers are also subjects and objects of criminal law related to giving
punishment to discipline students. In certain cases, teachers were not only reported as
perpetrators of violence against students, but in some cases, they made teachers victims of
violence from students and/or students' parents. In the first case, teachers were reported to
have violated child protection rights when imposing disciplinary sanctions against students,
such as being teased, beaten, yelled at, ordered to run around the schoolyard, told to push up
several times, told to salute the flag in hot weather until the end of class, to clean the toilets, and
so on. The types of disciplinary punishment that were considered normal or "common" in the
past in the world of education, are now "assessed" as no longer educational and are even
considered to violate the Child Protection Act.
Ironically, the facts on the ground show that many teachers do not know and understand
the Child Protection Act. They think that disciplinary punishment given to students is
commonplace, because in the past or when the teacher was a student or his friends may have
experienced such disciplinary punishment. Some were punished with harsher punishments
than those mentioned above, for example, flogging their feet for students who did not complete
their assignments or violated school rules or regulations. Disciplinary sanctions like that were
previously not considered a violation of the law, but now teachers have to be more careful in
giving disciplinary punishment to students. Disciplinary punishments given to students must be
guided by school rules and Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number
23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection (the author calls it the “Child Protection Law”).
Conversely, in the second case, the teacher became a victim of violence by students or
parents. Case Two elementary school (SD) students and their parents in Gowa Regency, South
Sulawesi (Sulsel), ganged up on a teacher during the teaching and learning process, Wednesday
(4/9/2019). The teacher who was beaten and scratched many times had injuries on her face.
The news that was the most shocking and made the public, especially the teachers furious, was
the death of an art teacher in 2018 in Sampang, Madura, who was abused by his students,