e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 05, Mei 2023 492
elements requires an assurance of lawful conviction over the land (Sangsun, 2007) .
Before 1960, dualism in land law prevailed in Indonesia. On the one hand, Dutch colonial
land laws apply, to land that is subject to and regulated by Western Civil Law, which is often
called Western Land or European Land, for example, land with eigendom rights, post-all rights,
refract rights, and others. Responsibility for with the privileges of native individuals or local
people groups who are dependent upon standard regulation who don't have composed proof,
which has a place with the nearby populace is in many cases called standard land, for instance,
land with standard freedoms, standard land, land, gogolan land, and others.
September 24, 1960, is a memorable day on the grounds that on that date Regulation
Number 5 of 1960 concerning Fundamental Agrarian Guidelines was proclaimed and
pronounced for the whole domain of Indonesia. With the sanctioning of Regulation Number 5 of
1960 concerning Essential Agrarian Guidelines (hereinafter alluded to as UUPA), there has
been a basic change in Agrarian Regulation in Indonesia, particularly in the land area (Budi
Harsono, 2007) . It ended the dualism of land law and the implementation of unification,
namely legal unity in the field of land law in Indonesia. This provision at the same time repealed
the Agrarian Law that was in effect during the colonial era, including Agrarische Wet (Stb. 1870
Number 55), Agrarische Besluit, and the Civil Code, especially Book II concerning Materials, one
of which regulates the issue of land rights. With the presence of the Public Land Regulation, it is
trusted that lawful conviction will be made in Indonesia. For this reason, the public authority
circled back to the arrangement of composed legitimate instruments as different guidelines in
the field of public land regulation that help lawful conviction, and afterward through the
current administrative instruments, policing did as viable land enrollment.
As per Article 9 of Unofficial law No. 24 of 1997 concerning Area Enlistment, the items that
can become land enrollment objects are: a. plots of land claimed by property freedoms,
usufructuary privileges, building use privileges, and usufructuary freedoms; b. land the
executives privileges; c. waqf land; d. possession privileges to condo units; e. contract right; f.
state land; as a matter of fact, it just so happens, inside the local area there are still eigendom
privileges, postal freedoms, refract freedoms, and the privileges of native individuals or local
people groups who are dependent upon standard regulation who don't have composed proof,
which is claimed by inhabitants, frequently called standard land, for instance, land with
standard privileges, standard land, Yasan land, Gogolan land, and others.
In light of the arrangements of Article 9 above, obviously land starting from western
freedoms can't be enrolled. In the event that these grounds can't be enlisted, it will be impeding
to the landowners, since they will obviously lose their freedoms. Consequently, a way is
required so this land can be enlisted, then the way that should be possible is to change over
land starting from these western freedoms. With the change of land from western freedoms, it
is trusted that no local area will be hurt by their privileges on the grounds that, after
transformation, these freedoms can be enrolled.
Change of previous land privileges is one of the instruments to satisfy the guideline of
legitimate unification through Regulation Number 5 of 1960. Guideline of the Priest of Land and
Agrarian Undertakings (PMPA) Number 2 of 1962 manages arrangements in regards to the
affirmation of the transformation and enrollment of previous Indonesian freedoms to
regulating land. The change guideline is an execution of the momentary arrangements of
Regulation Number 5 of 1960.
The reason for enlisting a land transformation is to give lawful conviction, and legitimate
insurance to holders of land freedoms or to deliver a substantial evidence of title as major areas
of strength for an of verification (Raharjo, 2010) .
Eigendom Verponding is a possession right to a land or building resource by forcing an
expense assortment on the land. The burden of this duty was completed by giving an expense