Vol.4, No.05, Mei 2023
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 05, Mei 2023 482
Agrarian Law Enforcement In Land Dispute Settlement
Riza Endriyana
, Faisal Santiago
, Suparno
Universitas Borobudur
Email: r_endriyana@yahoo.com
, faisalsantiago@borobudur.ac.id
, suparno@borobudur.ac.id
Corresponding Author: r_endriyana@yahoo.com
Land ownership that is unfair to the community will offer
opportunities for some parties to act undemocratically by taking
land from the community. Conflict is a phenomenon that often
occurs in human life, and arises from the conditions of the diversity
of social systems. Conflict, no matter how it is seen, is inextricably
linked with social existence. Property rights according to Article 20
paragraph (1) of the UUPA, namely hereditary, strongest, and
fulfilled rights that people can own over land by considering that all
land rights have a social function. The review utilizes a
standardizing juridical methodology and the kind of legitimate
survey is an extensive investigation of essential lawful materials,
optional legitimate materials, and tertiary legitimate materials. The
consequences of this exploration are the goal of land debate cases
as specified in Regulation Number 51 of 1960, in Article 2 and
Article 6 passage (1) letter a, that the utilization of land without
consent from the legitimate individual or their lawful intermediary
is a disallowed act and undermined with criminal punishments.
Nonetheless, in tending to clashes and land debates that emerge,
one should take a gander at it according to a few points of view
while as yet focusing on equity and not hurting the two players, so
it isn't just seen from the side of the inhabitant's activities yet
additionally as far as the endlessly utilization of the land by the
proprietor if, as far as usage, the land isn't used ideally and even
appears to have been dismissed by the proprietor for roughly 15
years. Settlement of questions through consultation through
intervention is followed as the way to taking care of land issues,
remembering that the fundamental objective of intervention is to
determine issues, apply standards or make request, yet in its
execution, it should likewise be founded on broad standards.
Keywords: Agrarian, Land
Conflict, Land Ownership
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 05, Mei 2023 483
1. Introduction
Agrarian conflicts that have not been resolved to date are of course the responsibility of the
state in providing space for justice and prosperity for all people. The source of agrarian conflict
is inequality in the control, ownership, use, and use of land for the community, for example,
there are still many people who do not own land at all, but, there are several people who own
land with a wide distribution that exceeds the limit, therefore it is necessary to organize return
the structure to the purpose of the land.
Land ownership that is unfair to the community will provide opportunities for some parties
to act undemocratically by taking land from the community. Conflict is a phenomenon that
often occurs in human life, and arises from the conditions of the diversity of social systems.
Conflict, no matter how it is seen, is inextricably linked with social existence(Sumanto, 2020).
The government is accelerating agricultural reform as a way to reduce agrarian conflicts by
controlling assets and access. The implemented agrarian reform provides benefits for the
distribution of land ownership in society. At least the available land is not balanced with human
needs. In Indonesia, this situation gave rise to agrarian disputes. Even though the stages of the
resolution taken by the various parties to the dispute differ, the law, which does not only stand
alone but also has a close reciprocal relationship with society, must be upheld in resolving this
agrarian conflict. The impact of this agrarian conflict resulted in a sense of justice and legal
certainty that the community expected was not fulfilled, thus adding new problems whose
impact made matters worse. For this reason, in the process of resolving agrarian conflict
disputes, it must be able to put forward the principles of human rights (HAM), which do not
only prioritize legal formal law only to resolve conflicts over the expropriation of people's land.
One area that shows the prevalence of this social tension is the problem of agrarian
resources. Development on a large scale certainly has an explosive impact on agrarian disputes
that are growing. The government's role in resolving the issue of agrarian conflicts between the
community and various companies and the government in upholding justice and community
welfare has been questioned by several groups regarding this unresolved agrarian conflict. The
resolution of this case, of course, must be able to pay attention to decisions that are absolute
but must guarantee the fulfillment of the rights of the people who feel the loss, namely the
fulfillment of the desired rights so that the community feels that human rights are truly
protected, especially in fulfilling property rights. land as a source of life.
From a human rights perspective, because this is part of a human commitment by not
discriminating between powers in upholding the law, the government's role in carrying out its
duties must respect, safeguard and fulfill people's rights. According to Roscoe Pound's thesis,
the law is a tool for social engineering and a tool for social control. Agrarian problems will not
be resolved through agreements that always prioritize violence. Law, social science, or a
combination of the two perspectives can all be used to study how law functions in society.
The existence of land at any time will be the most important resource for the life of people
who rely on the land. For this reason, the land whose number will never increase is contrary to
the ever-increasing number of people, along with the increasingly complex needs and desires
for land (Arrsa, 2014) . The social impact of the agrarian conflict has resulted in a decrease in
the level of public trust in the government regarding the implementation of spatial planning.
During a conflict, the space over an area and over the land that is the object of the conflict is
usually in a state of status quo so that the space over the land in question cannot be utilized
(Ningrum, 2014) .
In addition, due to the ever-changing configuration of the land, the dimensions of land
conflicts between land rights holders who face the government and entrepreneurs tend to
change. It causes the emergence of various conflicts of interest that continue to develop with
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various modes and patterns, so a dispute resolution approach is needed that can provide justice
and legal certainty for both the community and business actors (Alting, 2013) .
In light of the setting over, this reasonable examination study looks at social improvement
in view of past investigations with respect to the dissemination of agrarian struggles between
networks, business visionaries, and the public authority itself. This agrarian struggle likewise
emerges from a primary setting, to be specific a few land strategies left by the New Request
which are as yet being completed by the public authority in the ongoing time of change.
2. Materials and Methods
In this review, the creators utilized a regularizing juridical methodology and the kind of
lawful survey was a complete examination of essential legitimate materials, optional lawful
materials, and tertiary legitimate materials (Soekanto, 2006) . The aftereffects of the
examination and conversation are portrayed in full, exhaustively, obviously, and deliberately as
logical work. Regularizing legitimate examination looks at regulations that are conceptualized
as standards or decides that apply in the public eye, and become a reference for everybody's
way of behaving. The pertinent legitimate standards are as composed positive lawful standards
framed by legal foundations (established regulations), codification, regulations, unofficial laws,
etc, composed lawful standards shaped by legal organizations (judge-made regulation), as well
as fake composed regulation closely involved individuals (contracts, authoritative archives,
legitimate reports, legitimate records, and draft regulations).(Abdulkadir Muhamad, 2004)
3. Results and Discussions
Arrangement of Property Ownership Rights
Right of ownership
Property rights according to Article 20 paragraph (1) of the UUPA, namely hereditary,
strongest, and fulfilled rights that people can own over land by considering that all land rights
have a social function. The characteristics of property rights are the parent of other material
rights, rights are complete in terms of quantity, permanent rights are not lost because of other
rights, and rights that contain the essence of all other rights (Lenaerts, 2019) .What individuals
can possess over land with the arrangements in Article 6 of the UUPA, to be specific heredity
implies that land proprietorship privileges can proceed with consistently as long as the
proprietor is as yet alive, and if the proprietor kicks the bucket, it can be continued by his heirs
as long as he meets the requirements as a subject of property rights, meaning ownership rights
to land are stronger when compared to usufructuary rights or other land tenure rights, as well
as the definition of Fulfillment means that land ownership rights give authority to owners who
are broad when compared to other land rights.
As described in the provisions in Article 22 of the UUPA, land ownership rights can occur
in 3 ways:
1) Land ownership rights that occur according to customary law, which is regulated
according to government regulations, from the elucidation of Article 22 it contains that
as an example of how property rights occur according to customary law, namely land
2) Land ownership rights occur because of government stipulations. The property rights
referred to by the government are property rights given to the community over the
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 05, Mei 2023 485
land they control, usually through a certificate of land tenure which is then converted
for further processing to obtain a certificate of ownership rights.
3) land ownership rights occur because of statutory provisions. Property rights are
meant because of statutory provisions, namely procedural land ownership rights that
are determined based on legislation, for example, the BAL on agrarian principles,
which is a source of application for certification that applies nationally.
The foregoing shows that ownership of strong land rights is property rights, which have
strong legal force and give full authority to the owner, these property rights can be obtained
based on the mechanism of statutory regulations either through customary law, through
government regulations and so on based on legislation.
Basic Agrarian Regulations
While before the sanctioning of the fundamental agrarian guidelines, the law that was still
active was created in view of the objectives and standards of the pilgrim government and its
impact was serious areas of strength for exceptionally the interests of the provincial
government, to the place where it clashed with the interests of individuals and the express, that
this agrarian regulation had the idea of dualism, with the establishment of standard regulation
notwithstanding agrarian regulation which depends on western regulation so it doesn't ensure
legitimate conviction in regards to land proprietorship, components that depend on the
standards of strict regulation.
That the national agrarian law must provide certainty for the realization of land use that is
nationally in the interest of the state and the welfare of its people. In connection with this,
everything related to land needs to be stipulated in new statutory regulations and basic
provisions, with this in mind, the government issued laws contained in UUPA No. 5 of 1960, so
that as a whole the laws and regulations Invitation before the issuance of this law were
declared no longer valid and so on all mechanisms for land ownership and others must be
based on UUPA No. 5 of 1960 which applies nationally.
With the issuance of this LoGA, it aims to guarantee legal certainty regarding the Basic
Agrarian Principles, another objective of this Law is based on the understanding that the State
of Indonesia is an agrarian country where the majority of the population depends on the
agricultural sector, land management and utilization of natural resources. Land or land is very
important from a legal point of view because it relates to land ownership, processing, or
utilization rights, so a regulatory system is needed, for how the community can make the best
use of land and natural resources without causing conflicts of interest in society and
guaranteeing legal certainty for society, on this basis the UUPA No. 5 of 1960 concerning the
Principles of Agaria was enforced nationally.
Land Ownership According to the Basic Agrarian Law No. 5 of 1960
If we look at UUPA No. 5 of 1960, the law does not only regulate land but also land
ownership and if studied more deeply and further, it also regulates agrarian natural resources
in general and types of land rights, this is as stated in the article 16 paragraph 1 that the types
of land ownership are ownership rights, building use rights, usufructuary rights, usufructuary
rights, lease rights, rights to collect forest products, land clearing rights, and other rights.
If the above is examined in more depth in article 16, then the types of land rights are
categorized into three, namely land rights that are permanent, temporary land rights, and land
rights whose status is based on legislation, in the three categories These ownership rights fall
into the first category, namely efforts to use rights, property rights, building use rights,
usufructuary rights, rental rights, rights to collect forest products, rights to clear land.
Land proprietorship is one of the primary hotspots for the endurance and vocation of the
country in accomplishing individuals' thriving which should be conveyed reasonably and
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equitably, in this way land should be developed or used to satisfy genuine necessities. In such
manner, it is likewise important to manage the arrangement, distribution, use, control, and
upkeep of them to ensure legitimate assurance in their control and usage and simultaneously
give lawful security to the commoners, particularly the rancher bunch, while keeping up with
maintainability in supporting reasonable improvement economical exercises.
In connection with the above, all evidence of land ownership must be arranged and
limited regarding tenure. For further arrangement, the government is programming a national
land certification project which aims to find out and organize ownership so that each piece of
land is utilized for the welfare of the community, other things that are important so that there is
no double certification in ownership.
Application of Agrarian Law (UUPA No.5 1960)
As a general rule, policing be deciphered as a demonstration of applying specific
legitimate means to control, regulate and give lawful power to guarantee the assurance of the
arrangements specified, in the interim, as per Satjipto Rahardjo. Policing a cycle for
acknowledging lawful cravings (in particular the contemplations of the governing body which
are figured out in legitimate guidelines) to become reality (Rahardjo, 1983) .
Reasonably the above understanding alludes to the quintessence and importance of
policing lies in the action of blending the relationship of values and is converted into great
standards and is epitomized in a progression of values to make, endlessly keep up with
harmony in public activity, he further said The outcome of policing be affected by a few factors
that have an impartial significance so the negative or positive effect lies in the items in these
These elements are firmly connected with one another and are the embodiment and
benchmark of the viability of policing. These elements are regulation (regulation), policing, the
gatherings that structure or apply the law, offices or offices that help policing, where the law is
applied, and social variables, in particular the work, imagination, and taste in view of drive.
people in public activity.
Observing the above shows that the application of agrarian law must lay the foundations
for agrarian law that brings prosperity, happiness, justice, and legal certainty to the nation and
state, of course, all of these contain the values of the basic national agrarian law contained in
the BAL concerning The Basic Principles of Agaria, in the form of the right to control the
recognition of territorial rights and social functions, which aim to: Create a unification of
Agrarian law by Declaring that it is no longer valid (revoking/removing) old land law
regulations like above and states the enactment of national land law based on unwritten law
(customary law), as material for the preparation of national land law, which creates the
unification of tenure rights over land (land rights and collateral rights over land) through
convention activities.
West-righted lands as well as Indonesian-righted lands as a concrete relationship were
converted (converted) into land rights according to the Basic Agrarian Law simultaneously and
by law (rechtswege) as of September 24, 1960, declared to have been implemented nationally..
Settlement of Land Disputes outside the Court
As specified in Regulation Number 51 of 1960, in Article 2 and Article 6 section (1) letter
a, the utilization of land without consent from the people who are entitled or their legitimate
intermediaries is a restricted demonstration and is deserving of criminal punishments.
Nonetheless, in tending to clashes and land debates that emerge, one should take a gander at it
according to a few points of view while as yet focusing on equity and not hurting the two
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players, so it isn't just seen from the side of the inhabitant's activities yet additionally as far as
the endlessly utilization of the land by the proprietor in usage, the land isn't used ideally and
even appears to have been disregarded by the proprietor for roughly 15 years.
Therefore, as a manifestation of the government's desire and concern to deal with land
conflicts and disputes which have direct implications for "victims" in the land area, the Public
Land Organization is completing the order to deal with the land area by Article 2 of the
Prisedent Guideline (Perpes) Number 10 of 2010. 2006 concerning the Public Land Office has
the errand of doing government assignments in the land area broadly, locally, and sectorally,
shaping Representative V for the review and treatment of land questions and clashes (article
343 Guideline of the Head of BPN Number 3 of 2006 concerning the Association and Work
Method of the Republic of Indonesia's Public Land Organization Indonesia).
Guideline of the Clergyman of Agrarian Undertakings and Spatial Preparation/Top of the
Public Land Organization Number 11 of 2016 concerning Settlement of Land Cases is a lex
expert on Regulation No. 30 of 1999. 16 of 2016 Article 37 Section (1) which peruses: "Disputes
or conflicts as referred to in Article 12 paragraph (5) can be resolved through mediation"
Question goal through consideration through intervention is followed as the way to taking
care of land issues, remembering that the primary objective of intercession is to determine
issues, apply standards or make request, yet in its execution, it should likewise be founded on
broad standards as adheres to:
a. Voluntarily
This principle is crucial because the parties have free will to take legal action against the
object of the dispute. This is intended so that in the future there will be no objections
to the agreement that has been taken in the context of resolving the dispute.
b. Independent and impartial
Dispute resolution through mediation must be free from the influence of any party, both
from each party, the mediator, or a third party. For this reason, the mediator must be
independent and neutral.
c. Personal relationship between parties
Dispute resolution will always be focused on the substance of the problem, to find a
better solution than just the formulation of a good agreement.
In article 6 section (2) of the Guideline of the State Clergyman for Agrarian
Undertakings/Top of the Public Land Organization Number 1 of 1999 In regards to How to Deal
with Land Debates, it is stated that the handling of settlement of land problems/disputes at the
level of the Regency/Municipal land office is assigned to the Head of the Land Rights Section
with the assistance by the relevant official/officer from the Land Office.
The section head as an official at the regional Land Office prepares materials and carries
out activities for handling disputes, conflicts, and land cases as instructed in Article 1 Number
21 of Permen No. 11 of 2016. The land agency is an institution appointed to the settlement of
disputes over land cases by carrying out their duties by Permen No. 11 of 2016 concerning the
Settlement of Land Cases. The intervention cycle starts with a grumbling report from general
society as a composed solicitation submitted to the Top of the Land Office, joined by the
character of the complainant and a depiction of the case. After the complaint is received, the
officer responsible for handling complaints cases the complaint file meets the requirements and
the officer submits the complaint file to the official responsible for handling disputes and
administering the complaint into the complaint receipt register.
Moreover, Intervention exercises are completed in light of the arrangement of the
questioning gatherings by Article 38 section (1) of Ecclesiastical Guideline No. 11 of 2016.
Besides, in view of the choice of the Top of the Public Land Organization of the Republic of
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
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Indonesia Number 34 of 2007 concerning Specialized Guidelines for Taking care of and
Settlement of Land Issues Number 05/JUKNIS/D.V/2007 concerning Intervention Stages made
sense of that the intervention component comprises of three phases, to be specific pre-
intervention, intervention stages, and post-intercession systems.
The process of resolving land disputes outside the court in general can be done through
berbagai cara sebagai berikut:
a. negotiation
Negotiation is one of the main patterns or steps in Alternative Disputes Resolution
(ADR). Negotiations involve two or more interested parties. The goal is to reach an
agreement. That way they can work together again. Negotiation often occurs in the
business world because its essence is communication and bargaining (Yusriyadi, 2010) .
b. Mediation
Intercession is a jargon or term got from the English jargon, specifically intervention.
Indonesian essayists and researchers then, at that point, really like to Indonesian it into
"intercession" like different terms we are know all about: exchange turns into a discussion,
mediation becomes discretion, etc (Rahmadi, 2011) . As per Prof. Dr. Takdir Rahmadi,
intervention is a course of settling questions between at least two gatherings through
exchange or agreement with the assistance of an unbiased party who doesn't have the
position to choose. The success of a mediation process is very dependent on the
willingness of the parties to talk to each other and set the target of the discussion to find a
solution that is acceptable to each party.
c. Conciliation Process
Conciliation can be interpreted as an effort to bring together the wishes of the disputing
parties so that they agree to resolve the problem. Oppenheim said conciliation is "the
process of resolving disputes by submitting them to a commission of persons who are
tasked with elucidating or explaining the facts and usually after hearing the parties and
trying to get them to reach an agreement make proposals for settling the problem.
However, the decision is not binding.”(Abdurrasyid, 2002)
d. Facilitation
In cases involving more than two parties, a third party is required to act as a facilitator.
His job is to help litigants by finding a way out together. In this case, the facilitator only
provides facilities so that the communication of the parties is effective. These facilities
include liaisons, translators, joint secretariats, or meeting places.
e. Independent Appraiser Process
An independent appraiser is the use of an impartial third-party service. An independent
appraiser is one of the processes that can be used in settling a case, especially land cases
that are disputed between one party and another.
f. Arbitration
Civil procedure regulations or commonly abbreviated as Rv define arbitration as a form
of justice conducted by and based on the will and good faith of the disputing parties so that
their dispute is resolved by the judge(s) they appoint and appoint themselves, with the
understanding that the decision taken by the judge is final (decision at the final level) and
which is binding on both parties to implement it . Meanwhile, as indicated by article 1
passage 1 of Regulation no. 30 of 1999, discretion is an approach to settling a common case
outside a public court in view of a mediation understanding made recorded as a hard copy
by the gatherings to the debate. The method involved with settling questions through
mediation can be partitioned into two kinds, in particular:
Ad, Hoc Arbitration This arbitration is also known as voluntary arbitration. This
type of arbitration was established specifically to examine and decide certain
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disputes out of court according to the needs of the time. This arbitration ends
when the arbitrator or arbitral tribunal has carried out their duties
Institutional Arbitration, Institutional Arbitration is an arbitration institution or
body that is permanent and intentionally formed to resolve disputes between
parties out of court
g. Utilizing Customary Institutions
Standard privileges, for example, standard freedoms give position to standard
regulation networks to direct and oversee land use. This incorporates the position to
manage and decide the legitimate connection among individuals and land as well as the
lawful connection among individuals and regulations connecting with land
In a mediation process there will be an obstacle in carrying it out, the obstacle that is
often experienced is the difficulty of uniting the desires and interests of both parties, and
also each mediator's abilities are different. Difficulty in uniting the two parties is the
biggest obstacle experienced by the mediator because both parties to the dispute still
defend their rights and do not want to be harmed because their rights must be revoked.
The ability of different mediators in a mediation process where the mediator's task is to
identify issues that are a source of dispute between the two disputing parties. The
mediator must be able to build open communication between the parties because the
mediator is the place where the parties ask questions. The current land issue is very
relevant to study and consider in depth about land policies so far.
Obstacles that often occur when mediation is carried out to settle land boundary
disputes are that it takes quite a long time, the mechanism is difficult, it depends on the
good faith of the parties to be able to resolve the dispute to completion, mediation cannot
work properly if authority and information are not given sufficiently.
4. Conclusion
Land ownership that is unfair to the community will provide opportunities for some
parties to act undemocratically by taking land from the community. Struggle is a peculiarity
that frequently happens over human existence, and emerges from the states of the variety of
social frameworks. Struggle, regardless of the way things are seen, is inseparably connected
with social presence. Property privileges as per Article 20 passage (1) of the UUPA, to be
specific innate, most grounded, and satisfied freedoms that individuals can possess over land
by thinking about that all land privileges have a social capability.
UUPA No. 5 of 1960 this law does not only regulate land but also land ownership and if
studied more deeply and further, it also regulates agrarian natural resources in general and
types of land rights, this is as expressed in Article 16 passage 1 expresses that sorts of land
possession are property freedoms, building use privileges, usufructuary freedoms,
usufructuary freedoms, rent freedoms, freedoms to gather woods items, land clearing
privileges, and different privileges.
Settlement of land question cases as specified in Regulation Number 51 of 1960, in Article
2 and Article 6 section (1) letter a, that the utilization of land without consent from the
legitimate individual or their lawful intermediary is a precluded act and is deserving of criminal
punishments. In any case, in tending to clashes and land questions that emerge, one should take
a gander at it according to a few viewpoints while as yet focusing on equity and not hurting the
two players, so it isn't just seen from the side of the tenant's activities yet additionally as far as
the endlessly utilization of the land by the proprietor if, as far as usage, the land isn't used
ideally and even appears to have been disregarded by the proprietor for roughly 15 years.
Question goal through pondering through intervention is followed as the way to taking care of
land issues, remembering that the primary objective of intervention is to determine issues,
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 05, Mei 2023 490
apply standards or make request, however in its execution, it should likewise be founded on
broad standards.
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