Vol.4, No.05, Mei 2023
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 05, Mei 2023 467
Violent Crime Policies in the Teaching and Learning Process
from a Criminal Law Perspective
, Zudan Arief Fakrulloh
, Megawati Barthos
Universitas Borobudur
Email: rohmatullahmhddjufrie@gmail.com
, cclsis@yahoo.com
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
The reason for viciousness against understudies can happen on the
grounds that educators don't grasp the significance of brutality and
its unfortunate results. The instructor felt that the understudies
would be stopped by whipping. Then again, understudies become
angry and defiant to the educator. The conditions and background
of acts of violence in education are strung together in a spiral
relationship that can appear at any time, by any perpetrator who is
involved in an educational institution, as long as there is a trigger
for the incident. Recently, there have been various cases that
occurred in the educational environment related to violence
perpetrated by teachers against their students. Most of the
occurrences are caused by the application of disciplinary norms
that are too forced on students. Meanwhile, not all students are
accustomed to disciplinary behavior. The wrong way of instilling
discipline can be in the form of both physical and mental violence
against children. The most visible thing is physical violence. It is
not uncommon for this to go to court because parents feel they
have been disadvantaged
Keywords: Policy; Criminal
act; Violence; Learn how to
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
The teacher is an educator who is in the school environment whose job is to teach a lesson
to a student lately, there have been a lot of unpleasant things done by unscrupulous teachers
when educating their students. An unpleasant act itself is an act committed by a person or the
perpetrator, either intentionally or unintentionally, against the law, either forcing other people
or ordering them to do something by ignoring the rights of the victim, so that the victim or
sufferer cannot act. anything. And the consequences of the perpetrator's actions caused
psychological wounds for the victim (Syah, 2012) .
Demonstrations of viciousness that happen locally are progressively disturbing. In settling a
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 05, Mei 2023 468
contention or issue joined by demonstrations of viciousness. As a general rule, demonstrations
of brutality can be deciphered as the deliberate utilization of actual power or power, dangers or
genuine viciousness against oneself, others, or against gatherings or networks, which brings
about injury or is probably going to harm, kill, hurt mentally, unusual development or
misfortune. There are many types of savagery, including actual brutality, verbal viciousness,
mental brutality, monetary savagery, representative savagery, and disregard. Brutality can be
done by people or in gatherings, erratically (in a condition of desperation), or coordinated. In a
social setting, the rise of the hypothesis of brutality can happen in more than one way, as
follows:(Kholiq & Wibowo, 2016)
1) Social situations that allow violence to arise caused by certain social structures.
2) `Prevailing burden, which is a condition when an enormous number of local area
individuals feel that many qualities and standards have been disregarded. This strain
isn't sufficient to cause uproars or viciousness yet additionally turns into the stimulus
for brutality.
3) The development of feelings of widespread hatred towards a particular target. The
target of hatred is related to the triggering factor, namely the event that triggers the
4) Mobilization for action, namely concrete action in the form of self-organization to act.
This stage is the final stage of accumulation that allows violence to occur.
5) Social control, namely the actions of third parties such as security forces to control,
inhibit, and end violence.
The reason for viciousness against understudies can happen on the grounds that educators
don't figure out the significance of brutality and its adverse results. The educator felt that the
understudies would be hindered by whipping. Then again, understudies become angry and
defiant to the educator. Viciousness in schooling happens because of an absence of warmth
from the educator. The educator regards understudies as subjects. Savagery can happen on the
grounds that the educator does not have anymore or has almost no warmth for understudies,
or before, the instructor himself was dealt with brutally.
A school that should be a place for achievement, has become an arena for thuggery. Schools
that ought to be put to find out about great cultural standards are transformed into
wildernesses without regulation. Solid, strong bosses, have the lawfulness to menace others.
Brutality frequently happens not in that frame of mind of actual savagery, but rather
additionally mental viciousness. Trifling things can be motivation to commit viciousness. Some
of the time viciousness is even managed without reason. It turns into a central issue on the off
chance that savagery happens from the educator to understudies. This is exceptionally
humiliating for the universe of instruction. Educators who ought to be genuine models for
understudies rather set a terrible model for understudies.
Youngsters are buds, potential and people in the future of the country's standards, and play
an essential part in guaranteeing the presence of the country and state from now on, they will
actually want to take on that obligation, then they need to get the vastest conceivable chance to
develop and ideally create, both physical, mental, social, profound. They need to get their
freedoms, should be safeguarded, and flourished. Subsequently all types of brutality against
kids should be forestalled and survived (Abu, 2007) .
The status and state of Indonesian youngsters are a mystery. Preferably, youngsters are the
future beneficiaries and replacements of the country. In genuine terms, the circumstance for
Indonesian youngsters is still and keeps on deteriorating. The universe of youngsters ought to
be hued by playing, learning, and fostering their inclinations and abilities for the future, actually
shaded by dim and miserable information. Indonesian youngsters are still and keep on
encountering brutality.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 05, Mei 2023 469
Recently, there have been many various cases that have occurred in the educational
environment related to violence perpetrated by teachers against their students. Most of the
cases that occur are caused by the application of disciplinary norms that are too forced on
students. Meanwhile, not all students are accustomed to disciplinary behavior. The wrong way
of instilling discipline can be in the form of both physical and mental violence against children.
The most visible thing is physical violence. It is not uncommon for this to go to court because
the students' parents feel aggrieved (Rahman, Nurjannah, & Utami, 2018) .
Savagery against youngsters is frequently related to apparent viciousness, like physical and
sexual brutality. Despite the fact that brutality that is mental and social (underlying) likewise
for all time affects youngsters. Therefore the term child abuse or mistreatment of children can
range from physical abuse to sexual abuse; from psychological (mental abuse) to social (social
abuse) with the dimensions of structural violence. Poverty often goes hand in hand with low
levels of education, unemployment, and mental stress are generally seen as the dominant
factors that drive cases of violence against children. Weak law enforcement and cultural
practices can also have an impact on the phenomenon of violence against children.
The issue in this paper is the means by which is the approach of rough wrongdoings in the
educating and educational experience according to the point of view of criminal regulation in
2. Materials and Methods
The strategy utilized recorded as a hard copy this applied paper is an unmistakable
scientific technique, to be specific by utilizing information that plainly portrays the issues
straightforwardly in the field, then, at that point, the examination is done and afterward
finished up to tackle an issue. Strategies for information assortment through perception and
writing study to get critical thinking in the arrangement of this paper.
In line with the research objectives to be achieved, the realm of this research is included in
the actualization of qualitative research, thus a qualitative approach methodology will be used.
According to Petrus Soerjowinoto et al., a qualitative method is a method that emphasizes the
process of understanding researchers on the formulation of problems to construct a complex
and holistic legal phenomenon (Soerjowinoto, 2006) .
Normative juridical approach carried out against certain laws and regulations or written
law, relating to acts of violence committed by teachers against their students (Soemitro, 1990) .
This study describes the condition of the object under study, specifically zeroing in on guideline
and strategies on brutal wrongdoing in the educating and educational experience according to
the point of view of criminal regulation in Indonesia by and by.
3. Results and Discussions
Violent Crime Policies in the Teaching and Learning Process in the Perspective of
Criminal Law in Indonesia.
Criminal regulation, by and large, capabilities to manage individuals' lives to make and
keep public control. People in their endeavors to satisfy their various necessities and interests
in life once in a while experience clashes with each other, which can inflict any kind of damage
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 05, Mei 2023 470
or impede the interests of others. All together not to inflict damage and disrupt the interests of
others to satisfy their requirements, the law gives decides that limit human activities, so he
can't do however he sees fit (Chazawi, 2002) .
In teaching and learning activities, giving punishment is something that is usually done by
teachers from the past to discipline students (students) from bad deeds. However, often due to
a lack of communication between students (students) and students regarding the punishment
by the teacher, this act is considered an act of violence. In this case, it can be categorized as
physical child abuse. Actual youngster misuse is torment, beating, and abuse of kids, regardless
of utilizing specific articles, which make actual wounds or demise youngsters. The type of the
injury can be as scraped spots or injuries because of contact or savagery with a dull item, for
example, indentations, squeezes, belts, or rattan. It can likewise be as consumes from hot gas or
examples brought about by consuming cigarettes or irons and the area of the injuries is
generally tracked down on the thighs, arms, mouth, cheeks, chest, stomach, back, or rump
region (Hamzah, 2008) .
Specifically, Regulation Number 23 of 2002 Concerning Kid Security, as an extraordinary
guideline in regards to youngsters, the educator's activities which are demonstrated as criminal
demonstrations are undermined with Article 80 passage (1) which states: Each and every
individual who perpetrates brutality, savagery or dangers of viciousness or abuse against kids,
will be rebuffed with a most extreme detainment of three years and a half year or potentially a
greatest fine of Rp. 72,000,000.00.
The meaning of educators who give actual authorizations to understudies in the school
climate can be proclaimed as culprits of criminal demonstrations of misuse. Since the instructor
has satisfied the component of oppression (Hiariej, 2016) .
1) Deliberately, to be specific maintaining that the demonstration should happen or
realizing that the demonstration is a demonstration that is denied by regulation. At the
end of the day, an individual is said to do a demonstration deliberately on the off chance
that the demonstration is done enthusiastically and purposely. Somebody who carries
out a crook act has understood that the results of his activities can be under the will or
reason, or not in regards to the will or reason.
2) The activities committed have caused torment, obviously, the actual assents given by
the educator to understudies bring about torment.
In the 2016 Supreme Court decision, with the subject matter of a teacher who cut 4 of his
students' long hair, one of the students did not accept it and beat the teacher along with his
parents. The District Court's decision stated that the teacher had been proven to have
committed a criminal offense with a suspended sentence. The High Court's decision also
strengthened the District Court's decision. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court decision acquits
teachers from criminal prosecution, because it is their duty and is not a crime and the
defendant cannot be sentenced for his actions or actions because it aims to educate his students
to be disciplined.
The place of an instructor as a teacher is in many cases in a situation, between the
requests of the calling and the treatment of society. From one perspective, they are expected to
have the option to lead understudies to accomplish instructive objectives. However, then again,
when educators attempt to maintain discipline, they are stood up to by the Youngster
Assurance Regulation and the Indonesian Kid Insurance Commission. If they failed to uphold
discipline and lead students to achieve educational goals, as educators they are often accused of
being the culprit for the failure. The most crucial problem faced by a teacher is when they have
to give punishment to students who violate school rules and regulations to uphold discipline,
parents, and society often judge this as an act of violating human rights or violating the Child
Protection Act. They easily report the teacher's actions to law enforcement (read: police or
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KPAI). As a result, in carrying out their professional duties, teachers are often in a dilemmatic
position and are even vulnerable to being criminalized (Wahyuni, 2008) .
There is often a lot of news on social media about a teacher who was complained by the
parents of students because they were considered to have physically and psychologically
abused their students, as well as news about teachers who have been abused and beaten up by
parents of students. Teachers were reported to have violated child protection rights when
giving sanctions for disciplinary violations against students, such as being jeered, beaten, yelled
at, told to run around the schoolyard, told to do push-ups several times, told to salute the flag in
hot weather until the end of class, cleaned the toilets, and so on. The types of disciplinary
punishment that were considered normal or commonplace in the past in the world of education
are now considered no longer educational and are even considered to violate the Child
Protection Act. Disciplinary sanctions like that were previously not considered a violation of the
law, but now teachers must be more careful in giving disciplinary punishment to students.
Disciplinary disciplines given to understudies should be directed by school rules and
Regulation Number 35 of 2014 concerning Revisions to Regulation Number 23 of 2002
concerning Kid Insurance.
To complete their expert obligations, educators have privileges and commitments,
remembering getting insurance for doing their obligations and having the opportunity to give
evaluations and take part in deciding graduation, grants, as well as authorizations for
understudies by instructive principles, the educator's set of rules and regulations and
guidelines; and get a conviction that all is good and confirmation of security in doing the
undertaking. Security for educators in doing their obligations is additionally controlled in
Unofficial law Number. 74 of 2008 concerning Instructors. Article 40 article (39) makes sense
of that:
1) Teachers have the opportunity to force sanctions on their understudies who abuse
strict standards, standards of conventionality, standards of respectability, composed
and unwritten guidelines set by the educator, guidelines at the degree of instructive
units, and regulations and guidelines in the growing experience which are under their
2) Sanctions as alluded to in passage (1) can be as censures and additionally admonitions,
both oral and composed, as well as instructive disciplines by instructive guidelines,
educator set of rules, and regulations and guidelines;
3) Violations of the schooling unit guidelines committed by understudies whose
approvals are past the power of the educator, are accounted for by the instructor to
the top of the training unit;
4) Violations of regulations and guidelines committed by understudies are accounted for
by the instructor to the head of the schooling unit to be followed up by legal
Furthermore, in Article 40 article (40) explains that: Educators reserve the option to get
assurance in completing their obligations as a conviction that all is good and certifications of
security from the public authority, neighborhood government, training units, educator
proficient associations, or potentially the local area by their separate specialists.(Kriswanto,
Based on the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court (MA), teachers cannot be punished
when carrying out their profession and taking disciplinary action against students. The
protection of the teaching profession itself has been recognized in PP Number 74 of 2008. In
the PP, instructors are proficient teachers with the fundamental assignment of teaching,
educating, directing, coordinating, preparing, surveying, and assessing understudies in youth
training through proper schooling. rudimentary training, and optional instruction. In
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instructing, educating, guiding, and evaluating students, teachers are given academic freedom
to apply existing methods. In addition, the teacher is not only authorized to reward his students
but also to give punishment to these students. "Educators have the opportunity to give
approvals to their understudies who abuse strict standards, standards of goodness, standards
of fairness, composed and unwritten guidelines set by the instructor, guidelines at the degree of
instructive units, and regulations and guidelines in the growing experience which are under
their position," reads Article 39 paragraph 1. In paragraph 2 it is stated that these
authorizations can be as censures and additionally admonitions, both verbally and recorded as
a hard copy, as well as instructive disciplines by instructive norms, the instructor's set of rules,
and regulations and guidelines. "Educators reserve the option to get security in completing
their obligations as a feeling that everything is good and certifications of wellbeing from the
public authority, territorial legislatures, schooling units, instructor proficient associations, or
potentially the local area following their separate specialists," as underscored in Article 40. A
feeling that all is well with the world and confirmation This security is gotten by educators
through lawful, proficient, and word related wellbeing and wellbeing insurance. "Instructors
reserve the privilege to get legitimate security from demonstrations of viciousness, dangers,
prejudicial treatment, terrorizing, or out of line treatment with respect to understudies,
guardians of understudies, society, administration, or different gatherings," as stated in Article
Seen according to the point of view of Indonesian criminal regulation, there are a few
considerations from criminal regulation specialists in regards to one side to instruct guardians
and gatekeepers of their youngsters, the option to instruct educators, speakers, and mentors
for their understudies or understudies, including Andi Zainal Abidin Farid, including the option
to teach individuals guardians or watchmen, educators as explanations behind criminal
exception outside the Lawbreaker Code. It is said that guardians, educators, and individuals
responsible for teaching, "inside specific cutoff points" reserve the privilege to deny youngsters
who are not yet grown-ups, for instance constraining them not to leave their rooms, requesting
them to remain in a large number of classes is finished, or requesting them to return to school
in the early evening. "It is not an unlawful deprivation of liberty." Punishing children by
spanking "under certain circumstances" and "as long as it is carried out educationally" does not
constitute abuse.(Kriswanto, 2022)
4. Conclusion
After going through the analysis and discussion above, the writer can conclude the
following: Based on the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court (MA), teachers cannot be punished
when carrying out their profession and taking disciplinary action against students. The
protection of the teaching profession itself has been recognized in PP Number 74 of 2008. In
the PP, educators are proficient instructors with the primary errand of instructing, educating,
directing, coordinating, preparing, surveying, and assessing understudies in youth training
through conventional schooling. rudimentary instruction, and auxiliary schooling. In teaching,
educating, guiding, and evaluating students, teachers are given academic freedom to apply
existing methods.
Educators reserve the option to get assurance in completing their obligations as a feeling
that all is well with the world and certifications of security from the public authority, provincial
legislatures, instructive units, proficient educator associations, or potentially the local area by
their separate specialists," as underscored in Article 40. Feeling that all is well with the world
and assurances of security This is gotten by instructors through legitimate, proficient, and word
related wellbeing and wellbeing insurance. "Instructors reserve the option to get legitimate
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 05, Mei 2023 473
assurance from demonstrations of savagery, dangers, prejudicial treatment, terrorizing, or out
of line treatment with respect to understudies, guardians of understudies, society,
administration, or different gatherings," as stated in Article 41.
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