e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 06, Juni 2023 537
client (Roza & Arliman, 2018).
The rule of law requires that the law be enforced by all members of society.
That is, every action must be based on the applicable legal rules. Law is a series of
regulations regarding the behavior of people as members of society, to establish
safety, happiness, and order in society. Each member of society has various interests
so members of the community in fulfilling these interests enter into relationships
that are regulated by law to create balance in people's lives (Krisna, 2018)
Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics (Hanafi, 2017), states that
opiates violations are transnational in nature and are completed utilizing a high
business as usual, refined innovation, upheld by a broad organization of
associations, and have caused numerous casualties, particularly among the more
youthful age. youngsters who are exceptionally inconvenient to the existence of
society, country, and state. Indonesia, which was initially a travel country for the
opiates exchange, has now been made an objective region for tasks by the
Worldwide Opiates Organization.
In general, the actions of Semarang Police law enforcement officers in
eradicating narcotics crimes are repressive. Repressive efforts can be made through
penal (criminal law). This penal facility is a penal policy whose operations go
through several stages, namely:
1. Formulation (legislative policy).
2. Application (judicative policy).
3. Execution (executive policy).
From these stages it very well may be seen that endeavors to handle this
wrongdoing are done by regulation masters as well as the obligations of regulation
making (authoritative) authorities, even administrative approach is the most
essential phase of endeavors to handle wrongdoing at the application and execution
stages. All things considered, truly, repressive efforts using penal (criminal law) are
not fully effective in eradicating narcotics crimes. Therefore, a prevention effort is
needed, both penal and non-penal which is regulated in Law Number 35 of 2009
concerning Narcotics(Setjo & Ma’ruf, 2020).
Problems begin to arise when it is asked how the goal is to be achieved. It turns
out that police work can only be carried out by following and complying with certain
restrictions. One of these restrictions is the law. The police are tasked with creating
and maintaining order within the framework of the applicable law (Suparman,
Based on Law No. 8 of 1981 on the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP), the
police are given authority to carry out their duties as investigators and investigators.
An investigation is an action, not an act or function that stands alone, separate from
the investigative function. It is an integral part of the investigative function. The
examination is one strategy or technique or sub-capability of examination that goes
before different activities, specifically arraignment as capture, detainment, search,
seizure, assessment of letters, summons, review activities, and accommodation of
records to the public examiner (Arfianto, 2022).
The non-penal efforts that have been carried out so far by the Semarang Police
are inseparable from broader policies, namely social policies which include social
welfare efforts and community protection efforts. The efforts to overcome crime can