Vol.4, No.06, Juni 2023
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 06, Juni 2023 536
The Role Of The Semarang Police In Overcoming
Narcotics Crime
Denni Syafutra
, Mohamad Tohari
Universitas Darul Ulum Islamic Centre Sudirman GUPPI, Indonesia
Email: samsungpkp79@gmail.com
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
Keywords: Role; Polres
Semarang; Overcoming;
Criminal; Narcotics.
Conceptually, crime prevention can be carried out either by using
criminal justice (justice) or other means outside of criminal justice
(non-judicial). Criminal law policies in dealing with narcotics in
Indonesia have been carried out for a long time. Beginning with the
enactment of the Drugs Ordinance (Verdoovende Middelen
Ordonnantie, Stbl.1927No.278 jo. No.536). The Ordinance was later
replaced by Law no. 9 of 1976 concerning Narcotics. Subsequently,
the law was changed to Law no. 22 of 1997 concerning Narcotics
until the emergence of Law no. 35 of 2009 as the latest update of the
law on Narcotics. The main focus of the Semarang Police in tackling
narcotics crimes lies in preventive efforts covering all efforts to
prevent the abuse of narcotics or similar substances among the
general public. Then narrow the space for movement and reduce the
influence on other aspects of life.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
Life in modern times is far from friendly, this can be seen from the high level
of activity in society, the high rate of depression, the large number of children who
lack the attention of their parents, and the wide variety of activities carried out up
to the hectic activities at night. can be seen from the many nightlife venues that are
open and thriving (Laksana, 2021). this greatly affects the pattern of people's lives,
one of which is the presence of drugs and narcotic substances (Hariyanto, 2018).
Opiates comprise of substances or medications got from plants or non-plants, both
engineered and semi-manufactured, which can cause a lessening or change in
cognizance, loss of taste, diminish to dispose of agony, and can prompt reliance
(Fitriani, 2016). Assuming the opiates are utilized without cautious limitations and
oversight, it can jeopardize the wellbeing and, surprisingly, the existence of the
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 06, Juni 2023 537
client (Roza & Arliman, 2018).
The rule of law requires that the law be enforced by all members of society.
That is, every action must be based on the applicable legal rules. Law is a series of
regulations regarding the behavior of people as members of society, to establish
safety, happiness, and order in society. Each member of society has various interests
so members of the community in fulfilling these interests enter into relationships
that are regulated by law to create balance in people's lives (Krisna, 2018)
Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics (Hanafi, 2017), states that
opiates violations are transnational in nature and are completed utilizing a high
business as usual, refined innovation, upheld by a broad organization of
associations, and have caused numerous casualties, particularly among the more
youthful age. youngsters who are exceptionally inconvenient to the existence of
society, country, and state. Indonesia, which was initially a travel country for the
opiates exchange, has now been made an objective region for tasks by the
Worldwide Opiates Organization.
In general, the actions of Semarang Police law enforcement officers in
eradicating narcotics crimes are repressive. Repressive efforts can be made through
penal (criminal law). This penal facility is a penal policy whose operations go
through several stages, namely:
1. Formulation (legislative policy).
2. Application (judicative policy).
3. Execution (executive policy).
From these stages it very well may be seen that endeavors to handle this
wrongdoing are done by regulation masters as well as the obligations of regulation
making (authoritative) authorities, even administrative approach is the most
essential phase of endeavors to handle wrongdoing at the application and execution
stages. All things considered, truly, repressive efforts using penal (criminal law) are
not fully effective in eradicating narcotics crimes. Therefore, a prevention effort is
needed, both penal and non-penal which is regulated in Law Number 35 of 2009
concerning Narcotics(Setjo & Ma’ruf, 2020).
Problems begin to arise when it is asked how the goal is to be achieved. It turns
out that police work can only be carried out by following and complying with certain
restrictions. One of these restrictions is the law. The police are tasked with creating
and maintaining order within the framework of the applicable law (Suparman,
Based on Law No. 8 of 1981 on the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP), the
police are given authority to carry out their duties as investigators and investigators.
An investigation is an action, not an act or function that stands alone, separate from
the investigative function. It is an integral part of the investigative function. The
examination is one strategy or technique or sub-capability of examination that goes
before different activities, specifically arraignment as capture, detainment, search,
seizure, assessment of letters, summons, review activities, and accommodation of
records to the public examiner (Arfianto, 2022).
The non-penal efforts that have been carried out so far by the Semarang Police
are inseparable from broader policies, namely social policies which include social
welfare efforts and community protection efforts. The efforts to overcome crime can
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 06, Juni 2023 538
be carried out in 2 (two) ways, namely pre-emptive and preventive.
Pre-emptive efforts that have been carried out by the Satker Directorate of
Intelligence and Security have been carried out by giving appeals and inviting the
public, providing counseling, and placing banners or stickers in strategic places to
read them. The Semarang Police always embrace and form good cooperation with
elements of society to more easily find bright spots on current issues surrounding
narcotics abuse in society. Meanwhile, preventive efforts were carried out by the
Semarang Police Intelligence Unit by mapping and collecting data on network
groups of dealers and addicts, as well as narcotics abusers within the jurisdiction of
the Semarang Police, and always carrying out early detection of narcotics abuse.
Based on the description above, the non-penal efforts that have been carried
out so far by the Semarang Police are inseparable from broader policies, namely
social policies which include social welfare efforts and community protection
efforts. The efforts to overcome crime can be carried out in 2 (two) ways, namely
pre-emptive and preventive.
The problem in this paper is What is the Role of the Semarang Police in
Overcoming Narcotics Crime?
2. Materials and Methods
The technique utilized recorded as a hard copy this applied paper is a scientific
distinct strategy, to be specific by utilizing information that obviously depicts the
issues straightforwardly in the field, then the examination is done and finished up
to take care of an issue. Techniques for information assortment through perception
and writing study to acquire critical thinking in the planning of this paper.
The sociological juridical approach, namely the juridical approach method
used to examine problems from a legal and systematic point of view and as a guide
to rules that can be used as a basis for analyzing legal phenomena that arise. The
sociological approach, namely the approach used to study a problem in society or
the community environment with the intent and purpose of obtaining facts,
followed by finding problems, identifying problems, and finding solutions to
3. Results and Discussions
The Role of the Semarang Police in Overcoming Narcotics Crime.
Non-penal efforts in tackling narcotics crimes committed by the Directorate
of Intelligence and Security of the Semarang Police that can be taken at this time
are to reduce and suppress the rate of narcotics distribution to the lowest rate.
Various efforts are needed that are carried out selectively and systematically in
the form of pre-emptive and preventive efforts to achieve optimal results.
The main task functions (Tupoksi) carried out by the Semarang Polres
Intelkam Security Unit in dealing with narcotics crime, as well as narcotics
distribution, are divided into 2 (two), namely pre-emptively and preventively
1. Preemptively
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 06, Juni 2023 539
Pre-emptive efforts carried out by the Semarang Polres Intelkam Satker are
usually carried out by giving appeals to the public, counseling, recitation, and
placing banners and stickers in strategic places for reading. The Semarang Police
Intelligence Unit has formed good cooperation with the community to more
easily obtain information that is developing in the community, especially
regarding the distribution and abuse of narcotics.
If the community takes an active role in helping the police work by providing
information, it will be able to suppress the development of narcotics circulation
and abuse. The Semarang Polres Intelkam Satker took part in coaching the
community and figures who play a role in an area such as traditional leaders,
religious leaders, youth organizations, and other figures to maintain security and
order. In addition, the community is invited by the police to become partners
with the police to maintain security and order and is always encouraged to
continue to provide all information about the potential circulation and abuse of
Awaloeddin Djamin added another sort of avoidance, to be specific
precautionary. Practically speaking in the field, the Public Police allude to this
preplanned term as "local area improvement" or "roundabout anticipation", in
particular training that plans to cause the local area to become honest
residents.[9]. For this situation, the police discuss policing referencing the law
and policing.[10]
The following is a real example of the Semarang Police's preemptive efforts
in tackling narcotics crimes in June-December 2022.
of the
stickers and
the media
(TV, Radio,
and social
Media Online)
83 times
89 times
69 times
78 times
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 06, Juni 2023 540
2. Preventively
The preventive role is the role of prevention so that narcotics crimes do not
occur in the jurisdiction of the Semarang Police. In connection with the description
above, which is related to the circulation and abuse of narcotics, the police
apparatus, especially members of the Semarang Police Intelligence Unit, are
required to take steps to deal with narcotics crimes by the duties and functions of
the Indonesian National Police in general which are regulated under Law no. 2 of
2002 concerning the Indonesian National Police.
So in preventive efforts, it is how do we make a positive effort, and how do
we create a condition such as the state of the economy, the environment, as well
as the culture of society which becomes a dynamic force in the development and
not the other way around such as creating social tensions that encourage actions
to deviate, other than that how to increase public awareness and participation that
security and order is a shared responsibility.
There are several roles carried out by the Semarang Police in a preventive manner
in dealing with narcotics crimes, including:
1. Socialization Activities in the Community Environment.
Socialization activities are carried out routinely and periodically. Finished
providing socialization to the community followed by conducting questions
and answers about the theme raised, namely narcotics, and their dangers to
life and being a source of other sins. In addition, the public is allowed to
provide suggestions and criticisms.
The following is a real example of preventive efforts by the Central Java
Regional Police in tackling narcotics crimes in July-December 2022.
60 times
60 times
60 times
40 times
45 times
42 times
Countermeasures against opiates wrongdoings can't depend on correctional
offices since criminal regulation in its work has shortcomings/limits.
Shortcomings/limits in the capacity of criminal regulation in wrongdoing
avoidance have been communicated by numerous researchers, including: (Al Arif,
1. Enforcement of criminal regulation inside the structure of the law
enforcement framework can't be anticipated to be the main method for
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compelling wrongdoing counteraction, remembering that there is a high
likelihood that there are culprits of criminal demonstrations who are outside
the system of the law enforcement process.
2. The adequacy of criminal regulation can't be estimated precisely. Regulation
is just a single method for social control. Propensities, strict convictions,
bunch backing, and objection, strain from vested parties, and the impact of
popular assessment are more proficient method for managing human way of
behaving than legitimate assents.
3. In results of regulation (gesetz) in some cases there is Gezetzliches Unrecht,
specifically foul play in the law, while not a couple are found iibergesetzliches
recht (equity outside the law) in individuals' lives.[11]
4. “…law plays only one regulation and influences human behavior. Moral and
social rules, though less explicit and less formal in their nature and content,
also play a significant role in society's efforts to control behavior."[12]
Based on a comparison between the penal and non-penal approaches, it can
be seen that preventive (non-penal) action is more a priority than repressive
(penal) action as also supported internationally by the United Nations Against
Corruption (UNCAC).
The considerations are as follows:
a. Repressive policies are very expensive;
b. Narcotics operational funds that are difficult to return;
c. The purpose of punishment is "not achieved";
d. The wide-ranging impact of narcotics cannot be overcome through a
repressive approach alone
e. In a justice system that is still "vulnerable", repressive measures will not
function optimally;
f. The formulation of criminal offenses has limitations compared to the
development of the mode of narcotics crime;
g. Law enforcement is often faced with the principle of "legality"
h. There is a complexity in proving the formulation of the offense in the new
mode of narcotics crime;
i. Effective prevention can minimize and control criminal factors.
When seen according to the viewpoint of criminal governmental issues at a
large scale level, non-corrective approaches are the most essential strategies. It is
on the grounds that the non-reformatory strategy is to a greater degree a
preventive activity against the event of wrongdoing. In essence, it cannot be
denied that repressive measures also contain preventive actions. However, it
should be realized that real prevention is in the form of maximum efforts to
prevent criminal acts from occurring.
Non-punitive means preventively affect wrongdoing. The preventive
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 06, Juni 2023 542
endeavors being referred to are endeavors made before the event of opiates
wrongdoings by managing the driving elements for the event of opiates course and
misuse, which can be done in more ways than one:
1) The Moralistic Way.
Moralistic ways can be carried out in general through human mental and
moral development, sermons, lectures, and counseling in the fields of religion,
ethics, and law.
2) The Abolitionic Way.
This method arises from the assumption that narcotics are a crime that must
be eradicated by first exploring the causes and then leaving it to efforts to
eliminate these causes.
Reviewing the narcotics problem needs to be carried out while being faced
by society as part of a form of prevention against individual encouragement that
leads to acts of drug trafficking and abuse, increasing public legal awareness and
punishing people who have committed narcotic crimes based on applicable law.
Consequently, from a criminal political point of view, all non-reformatory
preventive exercises have an essential situation in forestalling opiates violations.
In this manner a criminal strategy should have the option to coordinate all
preventive exercises into an efficient arrangement of state exercises.[13]
Efforts to deal with non-penal crimes can be in the form of:
1) Prevention without punishment;
2) Influence the public's view of crime and;
3) Criminalization through broad communications (Affecting perspectives on
society on wrongdoing and discipline by broad communications).
The prevention of narcotics crimes through the means of criminal law
implies that the policy for the prevention of narcotics crimes must also be
endeavored and directed at efforts to prevent and eliminate factors that have the
potential to cause narcotics crimes. The strategy for overcoming narcotics crime
must first look for the cause, then eliminate the cause utilizing prevention
followed by education (legal awareness) of the community as well as with
repressive movements or strategies for eradicating narcotics in the form of a
pyramid which at its peak is prevention (prevention) being on both sides of each
education society (punishment). In addition, prosecution of narcotics offenders
must also start from the top down, not from the bottom up. It means that it must
start with officials and stakeholders who are indicated to be involved in the
distribution or abuse of narcotics.
Taking into account that endeavors to battle wrongdoing through non-
correctional arrangements are more similar to preventive measures for the event
of wrongdoing, the primary objective is to manage the elements helpful for the
event of wrongdoing. These helpful variables, among others, are fixated on
friendly issues or conditions which can straightforwardly or in a roundabout way
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lead to or encourage opiates wrongdoing. Hence, saw from a full scale and
worldwide viewpoint of criminal legislative issues, non-corrective endeavors
possess a key and vital situation in all criminal political endeavors.
4. Conclusion
Non-penal efforts in tackling narcotics crimes committed by the Semarang
Police Intelligence Directorate that can be taken at this time are to reduce and
suppress the rate of narcotics distribution to the lowest rate. Various efforts are
needed that are carried out selectively and systematically in the form of pre-emptive
and preventive to achieve optimal results.
Non-penal efforts in terrorism in the jurisdiction of the Semarang Police
include: a). Supervision; b). Appeal; c). Embracing influential religious figures to
participate in efforts to eradicate narcotics, and: d). The expansion of recitation
forms and forums is directed to each region with the same study regarding the latent
dangers of narcotics. Taking into account that endeavors to battle wrongdoing
through non-reformatory approaches are more similar to preventive measures for
the event of violations, the primary objective is to manage the elements helpful for
wrongdoing event. These favorable elements, among others, are focused on issues
or social circumstances which can straightforwardly or by implication lead to or
encourage opiates wrongdoing. Hence, saw from a full scale and worldwide point of
view of criminal governmental issues, non-correctional endeavors possess a key and
key situation in all criminal political endeavors.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 06, Juni 2023 544
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