e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 06, Juni 2023 524
Republic of Indonesia (1945 Constitution) controls the connection between the public
authority and its state and relations between government organizations so the
Constitution The Republic of Indonesia of 1945 (1945 Constitution) can be supposed to
be the constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (Sibuea et al., 2020). It regulates the
following matters: a) Determines the limitation of the power of state organs, b)
Regulates the relationship between state institutions one another, and Regulates the
relationship of power between state institutions and citizens[1] d) The matters that are
broadly regulated in the constitution are the implementation of the goals of the
formation of the country, where every country in the world is formed having different
goals, namely the goals of the nation in the life of the state. The goals of the State vary
according to the views of the people on the nation and the outlook on life that underlies
it (Iskatrinah, 2020).
All as a general rule, the objectives of the state are specified in the constitution or
the essential laws of the nation concerned, one of which is that the reason for the
development of the Indonesian state is unequivocally expressed in the preface to the
1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (1945 Constitution), which is contained
in the fourth passage which states: 1) safeguard the whole Indonesian country and
Indonesia's slaughter; 2) advance public government assistance; 3) teach the existence
of the country; and 4) partake in completing world request. In the 1945 Constitution of
the Republic of Indonesia (1945 Constitution), the scope and definition of the law are
not very clear (Tibaka & Rosdian, 2017). Article 20 of the 1945 Constitution only
mentions the authority of the DPR to make laws by mutual agreement with the
government. Article 24 C paragraph (1) only stipulates that the Constitutional Court has
the authority to examine laws against the Constitution (Tibaka & Rosdian, 2017). Laws
in the sense of VHPSLW ³OHJLVODWLYH DFW¥ or legal acts formed by the legislature
with mutual agreement with the executive branch, in a broad sense, laws can be
understood as legal texts, which concern certain materials and forms. (Munawar et al.,
2021) Consequently, to make a law and order express, the state makes standard
guidelines in regards to regulations and methodology and systems for the development
of regulations and guidelines. In Indonesia, there have been a few guidelines in regards
to game plans for the development of regulations and guidelines, in particular TAP MPRS
Number XX/MPRS/1966 concerning Wellsprings of Deliberate Regulation, TAP MPR
Number III/MPR/2000 and upgraded by Regulation Number 10 of 2004 concerning
Arrangement of Regulation. Feeling that the past guidelines were deficient, on 12 August
2011 the public authority sanctioned Regulation Number 12 of 2011 rather than
Regulation Number 10 of 2004 concerning the Arrangement of Regulation (Anggono,
Regulation Number 12 of 2011 contains new arrangements, to be specific the
reemergence of the TAP MPR in the pecking order of legal guidelines. In Article 7 section
(1) it is expressed that the progressive system of regulations and guidelines comprises
of the 1945 Constitution, TAP MPR, Regulations/Perpu, Unofficial laws, Official
Declarations, Commonplace Provincial Guidelines, and Rule Local Guidelines. In light of
the arrangements of Article 20 passage (2) of the 1945 Constitution which expresses:
"Each draft regulation is examined by the Place of Delegates and the President to acquire
common endorsement." Based on the explanation above, it can be understood that in
making laws, the DPR is tasked with seeking approval from the President, and the
legislature is a political structure whose function is to make laws (Tibaka & Rosdian,