e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 06, Juni 2023 557
Article 5 passage (1) and Article 20 section (1) of the 1945 Constitution by
essentially decreasing the force of the President in making regulations to turn into a
political cycle in the DPR as the most prevailing power in deciphering the
regularizing plans contained in the 1945 Constitution (Susanti, 2017). Now the
supremacy of the DPR in the legislative process is very dominant because the
President has no other choice but to pass the draft law. In Law no. 17 of 2014, the
task of drafting a law is the commission's duty. The task of the commission in
forming laws is to prepare, draft, discuss and refine draft laws (Wenda et al., 2021).
Even in carrying out this task, the commission can hold working meetings with the
Government represented by ministers/heads of institutions, consultations with the
DPD, hearings with Government officials representing their agencies, and public
hearings, either at the request of the commission or at the request of other parties
(Ardhanariswari et al., 2022).
In this regard, what is meant by the philosophical basis of the legislation is
none other than the ability to perceive the formation of laws or statutory regulations
regarding the values embodied in philosophical theories, as well as the official
philosophical doctrine of the state, namely Pancasila. It is for this reason that any
form of laws or statutory regulations in Indonesia should pay serious attention to
the concepts contained in Pancasila. In the context of forming a law, Pancasila is not
only the philosophy of the Indonesian nation but also has a position as a legal ideal
(rechtsidee) that must animate every legal norm contained in the law (Samangun et
al., 2019). In other words, the law that is formed must be a law that reflects
philosophical values which are the ideal values of the Indonesian nation, namely
values that reflect justice and virtue, so that everyone obeys and obeys them. Thus,
every establishment of legislation in Indonesia cannot be separated from this value
system. With the function of the DPR, especially in the field of legislation, it is hoped
that our country will be better off as a country that adheres to the common law
system. This is important because currently law enforcement in Indonesia is always
felt to be far from justice, let alone creating peace (Sidarta, 2017).
The obstacle to realizing justice and peace (justice for the piece) in law
enforcement as well as the implementation of government in Indonesia is the weak
quality and quantity of legislation produced. When the old MD3 Law was still in
effect, the formation of laws and regulations was still far from good where academic
texts that should have been the initial basis for forming a law were often ignored. In
carrying out its duties, the DPR RI Expertise Body currently has 5 (five) central
structures, each of which has focused to support the smooth functioning of the DPR
RI. As for each center in the DPR RI Expertise Body, namely: 1. Center for Drafting
Laws, 2. Center for Research, 3. Center for State Budget Analysis, 4. Center for State
Financial Accountability, and 5. Center for Monitoring the Implementation of Laws.
Each of these centers is headed by the Head of the Center and has functional staff as
the legal drafting staff at the Center for Drafting Laws (Ilham & Pasamai, 2021).
2. Materials and Methods
This kind of examination is standardizing research. The methodology utilized
is a legal methodology (resolution approach) and a calculated methodology
(reasonable methodology). The wellspring of information utilized is auxiliary
information. Information examination was directed in an engaging subjective