Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 825
Women and The Journalist Profession (Phenomenological Study
of The Professionalism of Women Journalists Within the
Samarinda City Government)
Ellysa Fitri, Jaka Farih Agustian, Silviana Purwanti, Hairunnisa
Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda, Indonesia
Email: fitrilisa1902@gmail.com, jakafarihagusti[email protected]mul.ac.id,
silvianapurwanti@fisip.unmul.ac.id, amrwahyu74@gmail.com
Correspondence: fitrilisa1902@gmail.com
Journalist; Professionalism;
Woman; Phenomenology;
Samarinda City Government
The strategic position of journalists in the public sphere must be
considered. Besides being increasingly in demand, this profession
has become a promising profession and has a career path. This study
aims to understand the challenges and strategies used by women
journalists in the Samarinda City Government in carrying out their
role as professionals. The research method used is qualitative
research with a phenomenological approach, which helps to
describe the reality that occurs in society. Four female journalists
who met the research criteria were interviewed and observed to
collect data. The results showed that women journalists in the
Samarinda City Government face challenges from their
surroundings. These challenges include the empowerment of
normative rights that have not been optimal, difficulties in obtaining
sources, including their different characteristics, the existence of
fake journalists, and gender bias in the newsroom and the field. In
addition, the double burden of carrying out their profession is also a
problem they need help with. Despite this, these female journalists
still try to maintain their professionalism. They construct
themselves as professional journalists by understanding that their
profession is a form of responsibility and commitment. They
maintain standards of professionalism by prioritizing the code of
ethics, ethical awareness, knowledge, and competencies possessed.
In this way, they strive to stay relevant and in a professional carriage
in the face of the ever-growing flow of news.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
Women, as beings who are codified to intercede for other humans on this earth, actually have
the same opportunity as men to pursue any profession desired without certain restrictions from the
surrounding environment. The right to live honorably, free from fear, and free to make choices does
e-ISSN: 2723-669 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 826
not belong only to men but also women. This right is also contained in Law Number 39 of 1999
concerning Human Rights (HAM), Article 49 (1), which states that women have the right to choose,
be elected, and be appointed to jobs, positions, and professions in accordance with statutory
Society often assumes that women's professions are merely supplementary family income, a
view reinforced by women's low job participation and fear of negative stigma. The perception that
women are emotionally weak and less able to face challenges reinforces the social constructs that
place them in domestic roles. According to Rosaldo and Ortner as mentioned in, Ernawan, p. (2006,
p. 94)this view emphasizes the need for special protection for women, limiting them to the domestic
sphere and lowering their career priorities. The patriarchal system supports this view, placing
women in lower positions and emphasizing the importance of domestic roles rather than professional
In the world of Indonesian journalism, Roehana Koeddoes is recognized as the first female
journalist, receiving the title of Indonesian Press Pioneer from the Minister of Information Harmoko
on February 9, 1987. She is best known for her commitment to women's education, founding the
women-run newspaper Edit Melayu. Meanwhile, Najwa Shihab is also an important figure in
Indonesian journalism. Both women have shown significant contributions, although there are still
fewer female journalists than men.
In his work entitled Journalism Contemporary Practice (2017, p. 3) (Yuliasri, 2021), Erwan
Effendi suggests that journalism has its origins from two words, namely Journal and Istik. According
to the third edition of the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) in 2005, Journalism refers to matters
related to journalist activities and news. At the same time, Azwar, (2018, p. 1), in his book, 4 Pillars of
Journalism, views that the word journalist can be equivalent to the word journalist because the work
is similar, from collecting to writing news in newspapers and online. According to Webster's
Dictionary, journalism is the process of gathering news information or creating newspaper
publications, including journalists' tasks such as compiling, writing, editing, and disseminating the
Women who choose to pursue the journalism profession face more challenges in the reporting
process, for women who want to become journalists, a strong, tough, courageous, and responsive
personality is needed to carry out their duties. Moreover, men mostly fill the world of journalism, be
it the editor, reporter, editor, subeditor, executive, person in charge of the editor, or the person in
charge of the company. It is also expected to find female journalists who experience discrimination
and sexual harassment. As evidenced by data reported by Tirto.id portal, the Alliance of Independent
Journalists (AJI) Indonesia has conducted a study entitled "Sexual Violence Among Journalists," which
was published on January 16, 2021. This research was conducted in August 2020, involving 34
journalists from various cities. As a result, there were 31 female journalists, with 25 of them having
experienced acts of sexual harassment in various places, including at the source's house, the
DPR/DPRD building, media newsrooms, public transportation, government offices, political party
headquarters, official events, and cyberspace. If a woman's mentality is weak, her existence in the
scope of journalism may be increasingly marginalized and dominated by men.
The disparity in the number of female journalists is also reinforced by the results of a survey by
AJI's Women's Division in 2012, which showed that out of ten male journalists, there were only two
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 827
to three female journalists. If there are 1000 journalists, then only 200-300 of them are women. In
the capital city of the Republic of Indonesia itself, namely DKI Jakarta Province, the ratio of male and
female journalists is 60:40 (male: female). In areas outside Jakarta, particularly in municipalities, the
disparity between the number of female and male journalists has become more stark and alarming.
He is also concerned with his employment status (Luviana, 2012; Putri et al., 2021). This condition
then occurs not only in Indonesia but also in America. Research from Byerly shows that less than six
percent of women manage and own media such as radio and television stations (Byerly, 2011).
According to The International Women's Media Foundation (The IWMF) Global Report on the Status
of Women in the News Media published in 2011, out of 522 press companies worldwide, only 33.3%
of journalists working full-time are women.
Women journalists, in carrying out their duties, have several obligations related to
professionalism, including respecting and encouraging the independence of responsible media,
following the principles of journalistic ethics, contributing to public welfare and improving public
education, and fighting for women's rights through mass media. By optimizing work results and
showing professionalism, women journalists can produce quality and accountable work. This
definition is in line with that outlined in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), where professionalism
refers to traits such as abilities, skills, and approaches to doing things in accordance with the
standards that a professional should have or do. The term professionalism comes from the word
"profession," which implies the need for unique expertise to run a particular field (KBBI, 1994).
Although, over time, women as journalists are still often closely related to certain stereotypes and
views, the professionalism of a female journalist must still be prioritized by continuing to master
specific topics that are being worked on or worked on (Br.Ginting, 2020).
In the context of journalism, the professionalism of women journalists refers to their ability to
carry out their journalistic duties well. The expertise of a female journalist can be considered
professional if she has a deep understanding of the duties and responsibilities of her profession and
is able to carry them out with integrity, accuracy, and continuous consistency. According to Ramudi,
a good journalist must meet five criteria. First, it must have a strong foundation in terms of integrity.
Second, I have proven skills in the field of journalism; third, I have high intellectual power. Fourth,
good journalists must have the courage to speak the truth, even if it is controversial. Moreover, fifth,
responsibility for the information conveyed is also an aspect that should be addressed (Ramudi, 1985,
p. 36) (Bahri, 2018; Stellarosa & Silaban, 2019).
The meaning of women journalists towards their profession is divided into three categories,
namely integrity, responsibility, and idealism. Women journalists are encouraged to be able to
understand the meaning of professionalism by constantly honing competence and always being
guided by the journalistic professional code of ethics (Bire et al., 2019; Safitri, 2021). Women
involved in this profession need to maintain vigilance because, in the view of Pam Morris (as quoted
in Siregar, 1999: 312), there is no guarantee that writings produced by women, derived from women's
work, and addressed to women, will always promote a gender view that supports women's
Currently, some very many journalists work only for the sake of getting certain benefits,
followed by the phenomenon of journalists who often change media or double media as contributors
or can be called freelance. The author then considers topics related to professionalism to be essential
e-ISSN: 2723-669 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 828
to be discussed and carried out in-depth research so that the level of professionalism of a journalist
can be known, especially for women. The quality of a journalist's professionalism cannot be measured
based on the length of his experience as a journalist or his work location. However, professionalism
is reflected in his ability to understand and fulfill his responsibilities in writing, covering, and
publishing news well without causing harm to anyone.
The author chose the scope of the Samarinda City Government because it has quite a lot of
female journalists from various media. From some of these media outlets, journalist professionalism
is interpreted differently by each female journalist, depending on the experience that the journalist
has had. Interestingly, each female journalist who serves in the Samarinda City Government has
worked for different periods; even though she works in one scope, the duties carried out by each
female journalist are divided into two types. The first type is female journalists, who are given the
task of focusing on issues around Samarinda City. The second type is a female journalist who is
assigned to always follow the Mayor of Samarinda, Andi Harun, in every agenda she follows, without
The author is interested in the credibility and professionalism of women journalists in several
media with different backgrounds when reporting and typing news. This is in the sense of knowing
the professionalism of women journalists within the scope of the Samarinda City Government, which
is assigned by several media in Tepian City, including Koran Kaltim, Tribun Kaltim, Pusaran Media,
and Samarinda Pos, with different views.
This research will use phenomenological studies that act as a theory by Alfred Schutz and have
been recognized for their ability to study social phenomena. Phenomenology allows authors to study
phenomena in a way that remains sensitive to the unique things found in the study. According to
Kockelmans (1967, in Moustakas 1994:26), phenomenology was first applied in philosophy in 1765
and sometimes can also be found in the works of Immanuel Kant. Hegel then defined and detailed the
concept technically. To conduct research using phenomenological methods, the author needs to pay
attention to several characteristics, including (1) based on experience, (2) exploring the meaning of
events and relating them to individuals involved in certain situations, and (3) starting the research
process with an in-depth observation approach.
Based on all the explanations related to the professionalism of women journalists that have
been presented, the author wants to raise the title of the research entitled "Women and the Journalist
Profession (Phenomenological Study of the Professionalism of Women Journalists within the
Samarinda City Government).
2. Materials and Methods
This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The phenomenological study of the
professionalism of women journalists will focus on understanding the daily lives and interactions
between participants' subjects. This research, based on Alfred Schutz's 1967 phenomenological
theory, aims to explore and interpret the meaning of individual experiences in natural social contexts
without limitations, revealing how these behaviors affect and shape social reality.
The unit of analysis in this study is women who work as journalists in Samarinda City, East
Kalimantan, with female gender, within the scope of the Samarinda City Government. This study will
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 829
also focus on the professionalism of women journalists using an approach through phenomenological
The data collection techniques used in this study included observation, semistructured
interviews/in-depth interviews, and documentation. The data analysis techniques considered
relevant in this study are qualitative and descriptive, namely descriptive data analysis, which
emphasizes observing ongoing phenomena based on facts in the field to describe the problems
discussed in the research.
3. Result and Discussion
Profesionalisme Jurnalis Perempuan Di Lingkup Pemerintah Kota Samarinda
The general description of the selected informants is presented in the following table.
Table 1 Overview data on research informants
Place, Date of
Balikpapan, 1
April 1994
Ainur Rofiah
Samarinda, 24
Oktober 1996
Koran Kaltim
Muara Jawa, 11
April 2001
Sintya Alfatika
Samarinda, 28
Juli 1998
Tribun Kaltim
Based on direct information from Indonesian Journalists Association Kalimantan Timur
Secretary Wiwid Marhaendra Wijaya, there are a total of 49 female journalists in Samarinda City. This
is known through Indonesian Journalists Association data, which also shows PWI members who have
participated in the Journalist Competency Test East Kalimantan at various levels, this data is the latest
data, with the last update in January 2024. Meanwhile, there are a total of 297 journalists in
Samarinda City, with 248 of them being male journalists.
Table 2 Number of Journalists Following UKW
Source: PWI Kalimantan Timur
Looking at this data, it was found that there was a very significant comparison between the
number of female journalists and male journalists who had taken the Journalist Competency Test
(UKW) and were declared to have passed the journalist certification by PWI East Kalimantan. The
results showed that until January 2024, only 25 female journalists in Samarinda City had journalist
certification. Data on the number of female journalists in Samarinda City is essential data to support
e-ISSN: 2723-669 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 830
Based on the data that has been presented in the previous table, the results of the research can
be described to answer the formulation of the problem that has been proposed. However, it is
important to understand the reasons and goals for women working within the Samarinda City
Government to choose the profession as journalists. This reason became the foundation and
motivation for these women. Based on Alfred Schutz's phenomenological view, individuals act based
on specific motives or reasons, it is essential to understand the motives behind their choice to become
journalists before investigating the challenges and problems faced by women journalists in the
Samarinda City Government.
Women's motives for becoming journalists refer to a specific identity described by Berger and
Luckmann as typification, which refers to social constructs that are part of customs. This signifies that
social constructs driven by specific motives shape women's decision to become journalists. As
journalists, women play a role in creating social reality.
Based on the results of interviews with four female journalists who became research
informants, it was found that the motives that encourage women journalists to take action to become
journalists were quite diverse. Starting from the cause of a breakup, idly looking for a job while in
college, or because of adding relationships with new people. Like Ainur Rofiah, a female journalist
from Koran Kaltim, said that journalism was a job she accidentally saw on social media during a
breakup and happened to want a job that could take her mind off. The interest arose from
observations through social media, which can be somewhat unplanned, but ultimately comfortable
being a journalist. It is evident from the perseverance of the two through written works. Not only that
but being fond of writing and having the desire to explore new things by meeting new people are also
the reasons both continue to work as journalists. This is unlike the case with Ayu Norwahliyah, who,
when interviewed, said that being a journalist did interest her since she was a loper for two years
until she finally asked HRD at the office where she worked regarding vacancies as a journalist.
Based on the motives of women journalists choosing journalists as a profession that has been
described earlier, it can be concluded in the form of a model because women journalists choose the
journalist profession referring to the following phenomenological approaches:
Figure 1 Model of Motive Because Women Journalists of Samarinda City
Government Choose the Profession of Journalists
Source: research data 2024
Four informants chose journalistic careers based on diverse motivations, including inspiration
from the environment, an interest in challenges, and a desire to learn and write. They use journalism
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 831
to hone their writing talents, and some who started just trying have now become comfortable and
encourage other women to join the profession. Women journalists in the Samarinda City Government
face particular challenges in their male-dominated profession, including balancing work and family
responsibilities, which demand expertise in time management to mitigate new problems and nurture
Based on the results of the study, challenges and ways women journalists within the Samarinda
City Government found in constructing themselves as professional journalists, as follows:
1. Challenges of Women Journalists in Samarinda City Government
a. Rights of Women Journalists
Women's career choices in journalism sparked mixed reactions; Some societies feel this
profession is more suitable for men, while others support women in this field. Studies reveal that
women journalists face severe challenges, from discrimination to difficulty accessing sources and
balancing professional life with domestic ones. Without proper handling, this challenge can tarnish
the reputation of the female journalist profession. Although the media industry is supposed to
support and protect the rights of journalists, gender discrimination is still rife.
According to research conducted by the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) and presented
in the book Footprint of Women Journalists, women journalists often experience three forms of
gender discrimination. First, women journalists' rights have yet to be fully fulfilled. For example,
normative rights such as menstrual leave entitlements, maternity leave, breastfeeding room facilities,
and childcare still need to be adequately available.
The rights of journalists, particularly women, often need to be fulfilled, including family benefits
and health insurance, contributing to the imbalance between workload and living wages. This
condition can encourage corrupt behavior and reduce the standard of professionalism and quality of
news, often inviting ethical complaints. Furthermore, women journalists face discrimination and
sexual harassment, both verbal and non-verbal, which can happen anywhere and by anyone,
including colleagues. This situation requires media companies to implement gender-unbiased
policies and protect the rights of women journalists, ensuring a safe and supportive work
environment. The credibility and ethics of journalism must be maintained without allowing
professional standards to be compromised by poor welfare conditions.
b. Double burdens
Women journalists not only think about how to fight sexual violence but also face the double
burden of being journalists. Working in the mass media means that they are not charged with just one
task. Working in mass media means that women journalists enter the circle of a commercial industry,
in addition to having social duties and functions. This double burden of female journalists is also
sometimes caused by editors-in-chief and advertising managers who need to be in line, both of whom
may give different reporting tasks.
Double burdens when becoming a journalist, such as double assignments by Editors-in-Chief
and editors, as well as advertising managers, are faced with a professional attitude and do not end in
resignation. For example, confirming that one of the Company's leaders has given an assignment, then
after that, these two superiors will coordinate with each other.
c. Informant
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 832
Sources play a role in providing depth to an event or fact, which will then be processed by
journalists through the interview process. Therefore, journalists will try tirelessly to achieve their
goals in collecting data through sources. This data collection process is the main challenge for a
journalist. Dealing with sources with diverse characters and backgrounds is a challenge that must be
overcome by a journalist. The characteristics of different sources are indeed a challenge for a
journalist. Therefore, journalists must find ways to keep the news published.
It can be said that almost all journalists will experience the same thing. The different character
of each source requires journalists to always be able to understand the situation and conditions.
Sintya emphasized that in front of sources, a journalist should not show resentment or anger, in the
sense of always being professional. However, boundaries must still be firmly established, so that
sources do not do as they please and commit harassment. Finding data through sources is a challenge
that at any time becomes a problem that must be faced by journalists, especially with the
characteristics of different sources.
d. Fake journalists
In the midst of the development of digital journalism today, the phenomenon is still being
encountered. As Sintya said the following:
"The phenomenon of fake journalists in my opinion sometimes makes us uncomfortable,
because for example their attitudes or behaviors that are often considered less professional, it will
affect other journalists who are really at work and uphold professionalism. It's significant, so it creates
The presence of fake journalists has a negative impact on the reputation of the journalism
profession. It threatens press freedom and the rights of actual journalists, creating public distrust of
the media. To address this problem, there needs to be a comprehensive effort that includes increasing
public awareness, strict law enforcement, and raising standards of professionalism by the media and
journalist organizations. These measures include public education, verification of journalists'
identities and credentials, and adequate training and certification. Cooperation between the
government, society, media, and journalist organizations is the key to reducing the phenomenon of
fake journalists and strengthening the integrity and credibility of the journalist profession.
Based on the results of research on the challenges faced by women journalists in the Samarinda
City Government, it can be concluded in the form of a model of research results in accordance with
Alfred Schutz's ideas about the phenomenon of women working as journalists below:
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 833
Figure 2 Model challenges often faced by Women Journalists in Samarinda City Government.
Source: Research Data 2024
To better understand the challenges often faced by women as journalists, the author presents
a model of research results based on Alfred Shutz's phenomenological approach. The author, in
understanding the reality that occurs to women journalists within the scope of the Samarinda City
Government, describes the challenges experienced by research informants in the form of
phenomenological research models. The results showed that there are four kinds of challenges for
women journalists.
The results of research from 4 informants showed that there is still gender bias discrimination,
there are still female journalists who do not receive proper rights as press workers, there is a double
burden when covering news in the field, sources with different characteristics, and the rise of fake
journalists, regarding the fulfillment of the rights of women journalists that have not been fully
fulfilled, starting from women's normative rights, wages, and other benefits, and the right to be free
of gender bias.
Based on this, it can be concluded that journalistic journalists are challenging for a woman. If
there are women who used to be journalists, they choose to quit or look for new jobs. Heavy and risky
responsibilities with inappropriate wages, especially under the auspices of media companies that
have not been able to provide living wages, according to the UMR. Therefore, women who choose this
profession should understand the reality that occurs in media companies.
2. How Women Journalists in Samarinda City Government Reconstruct Themselves.
As Women Professional Journalists and press workers, of course, they must be prepared for all
the consequences, including women in the Samarinda City Government. Four research informants are
women from Samarinda City who devote themselves as information bridges for the community
(Littlejohn & Foss, 2012). Journalistic products are the results of construction carried out by journalists.
That is, the news consumed by the audience has gone through a process of reality construction formed
by journalists. This indicates how important the role of journalists is in presenting information
through journalistic products. Ideally, good news is in accordance with the facts, not tainted by the
interests of certain parties who actually twist the facts.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 834
This fact is the duty and responsibility of journalists who really love their profession. The rise
of fake journalists certainly has fatal consequences on the idealism and professionalism of journalists,
including women journalists in the Samarinda City Government. Therefore, it is necessary to know
how women journalists construct themselves as professional journalists. Here is how research
informants construct themselves as professional journalists:
a. Comprehension of the Meaning of Profession and Professionalism.
Journalists are one of the professions that really needs a person's professional skills. The way
journalists describe their profession will affect the content of the media produced. The
implementation of the meaning of the profession will be seen in journalistic products published or
Professional journalists must prioritize responsibility and commitment in accordance with
their profession. As press workers, journalists should not confuse professional affairs with personal
b. Application of the Code of Journalistic Ethics
Every profession has ethics, as moral values and principles must be implemented by the holder
of that profession. Ability, expertise, discipline, and commitment become references for professional
work attitudes. Professional journalists uphold the journalistic code of ethics. If all journalists abide
by the code of ethics, then journalists can escape special regulations and apply their own regulations.
The existence of these code of ethics guidelines is a reference for a journalist not to mix facts and
opinions in writing news.
This is in accordance with journalists' professional attribute standards, namely showing
identity to sources, respecting the right to privacy and traumatic experiences of sources, and not
accepting bribes and bribes. In addition, news must be factual and clear; sources, images,
photographs, and sound broadcasts must be equipped with source information and not plagiarized,
considering investigative news coverage in the public interest.
A code of ethics binds Journalitics. Professional journalists should abide by and apply the
applicable code of ethics. This code of ethics is the mecca for journalists in making journalistic
products. A journalistic code of ethics is something that must be understood by a journalist, especially
in his role as a critical journalist carrying out his profession (Irawati, 2023).
This shows that one indicator of the professionalism of a journalist is to interpret the profession
and professionals closely related to the application of the journalistic code of ethics. The results of the
interview illustrate that research informants understand the importance of implementing a
journalistic code of ethics. Women journalists in the Samarinda City Government know the true
meaning of the profession by applying the journalistic code of ethics.
Understanding the meaning of the profession by women journalists is certainly through
experience and knowledge, which produce subjective perspectives in viewing their profession as
journalists. In accordance with the phenomenological principles that make the experience the
primary data to describe a phenomenon, women journalists interpret professionals through their
experience as a form of the implication of the journalistic code of ethics.
c. Expertise and Competence of Women Journalists
Every profession requires its workers to have expertise and skills as the basis of work. It is no
different from the journalism profession, which also requires workers to continue to improve their
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 835
journalistic skills. Working on the basis of expertise is the professionalism of women journalists,
which should be supported by mastery of knowledge and skills. This is done as a form of responsibility
towards the profession.
Their journalistic skills strongly influence the quality or absence of female journalists' work.
The integrity of performance between professional journalists and fake journalists will look very
different. This can be seen in terms of differences in motives, the meaning of professions, and the
journalistic products produced. Professional journalists always prioritize ethics and codes of ethics
and apply journalism methods.
Professional journalists, from the aspect of writing alone, do not write original news. Instead, it
still refers to the correct method of journalistic writing in accordance with the provisions of the press
councilmoreover, writing and broadcasting sensitive and marginal issues, such as women's and
children's issues. Journalists must be wise in the choice of words to avoid connotations of meaning
that differ from the actual meaning.
This research shows that three informants understand and apply journalistic writing methods
well, especially in reporting cases of sexual violence and harassment against women and children,
issues that are sensitive and require careful handling. They make sure to convey information
thoroughly, place events in relevant contexts, and pay attention to their sensitivity and impact on
individuals and society. Journalists must maintain news ethics integrity in presenting facts and make
room for marginal voices. With prowess, social sensitivity, and courage, journalists can shed adequate
light on these issues, which marks them as professionals.
Table 3 The diction of reporting that women journalists should and should not use.
The Diction
Not Quite Right
People with
Disability, People with
People with
Special Needs
It has harsh connotations
and is not appropriate to
use, especially for
marginalized groups.
Genitals, genitals, aura
It has terrible and negative
connotations, let alone
used in the news.
Single parent,
left dead, Women
The word widow has bad
and negative connotations,
as it is usually a form of
labelling from society for
divorced women.
Virgin, Beautiful,
Much better when not used
in preaching
The words virgin,
beautiful, and handsome
are gender-biased.
Sexual desire
The word lust is more
inclined and is usually used
for animals.
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Doing perverts
Doing immorality,
combining love
In the news, the word
perverted is a vulgar and
disrespectful word for all
The word that tends to be
used for sexual crimes is
not an act of valour.
Naughty students
Students are less good,
students are less obedient
The use of the word
naughty is a form of
labelling that is actually
inappropriate and can
cause children to be more
Beautiful woman,
plump, slim, beautiful,
semok, aduhai,
smooth body
These words do not need to
be used
The use of these words in
the news can influence
readers and make them
imagine the body of the
news object.
Breasts squeezed,
groped, groin
bleeding, groin
grabbing, groping
thighs, stripping
These words do not need to
be used.
The writer should avoid
using excessive words
because this can make the
reader imagine the object
of the news.
Prostitutes, perek,
mercenaries, Tuna
Susila Women,
Commercial Sex
Workers, cabe-
Prostituted woman,
prostituted child
The use of these words in
the mass media is too rude
for all ages
Child of rape,
illegitimate child
It is enough to write the
word child.
The use of this word in the
news indicates the
misfortune of what the
child has gone through.
Meanwhile, the child was
innocent at all. As a
journalist, empathy must
be shown.
Data source: Women and Children's Perspective Journalist's Guide
Sintya Alfatika Sari, a journalist from Tribun Kaltim, stated that the choice of words or diction
is something that must be considered by a female journalist, considering the vulnerability of the
choice of words. For Sintya, the use of more subtle words is far recommended for journalists,
considering that processed news will definitely become public consumption. Some diction is in the
spotlight, such as the word rape which is better to change to rudapaksa. Then the use of the word * is
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 837
squeezed and celebrated, which is too vulgar. Journalists have been urged to avoid using defamatory
words (Hardiansyah et al., 2017).
d. Influence of Editorial Meetings and Decisions of Superiors
Editorial meetings, supervisor decisions, and salaries affect the professional level of a female
journalist. The influence on each journalist is different. Contrary to the Samarinda Post Media Office,
Koran Kaltim Justri routinely holds editorial meetings two times a week. The decisions of superiors
have a major impact on the professionalism of women journalists.
Melisa also said the same thing: according to her superior's decision, it is essential for a female
journalist. Both editorial meetings and the influence of superiors' decisions on the professionalism of
women journalists are considered necessary,
e. Solving the Challenges of Women Journalists within the Samarinda City Government
The phenomenon of women choosing to work as journalists is the result of social construction.
Based on Alfred's phenomenology, women who work as journalists certainly have a motive behind it.
This motive is the root of all actions taken during his assignment in the world of journalism. The
author selected four female journalists as research informants from their respective media
After observing and interviewing informants directly, it was found that four informants
experienced almost the same challenges, starting from rights as press workers that have not been
fully fulfilled, sources who are difficult to find or unwilling to provide information, and the rise of fake
The informant said that as journalists, we must try our best to report professionally, although
sometimes obstacles, such as disputes with the editor-in-chief, prevent the news from being
published in print or online.
Challenges like this require quick and appropriate solutions so as to maintain the
professionalism of journalists. Four research informants only solved a small problem. Ayu
Norwahliyah admits that she often faces challenges waiting for sources who are willing to be
interviewed at dawn. Unlike Ayu, Ainur Rofiah said that the problem lies in the issue asked of the
source. When there are new journalists in the neighborhood, the news will first rise to online media.
According to him, this is a challenge that often occurs because he is a print media journalist; it takes
time when he wants to raise issues. For this reason, he asked journalists who really wanted to raise
the same issue to coordinate.
Apart from waiting for the source, he also has problems with the vehicle, which are as follows:
One of the challenges often faced by journalists is dealing with sources who are difficult to find
or reluctant to give explanations. The rampant practice of fake journalists and the abuse of press
freedom have tarnished the image of the journalist profession, which in turn results in a lack of trust
on the part of sources towards the media and journalists. Moreover, in the context of gender, women
are often faced with additional barriers in gaining access and trust from sources.
A journalist must have strong interpersonal skills to cope with different types of sources.
Effective communication is critical in building good relationships and obtaining the necessary
information. However, in establishing communication, journalists must maintain their independence
and integrity and not be influenced by the preferences or opinions of sources.
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In addition, careful planning before conducting an interview is also essential. With good
planning, journalists can identify potential obstacles and prepare strategies to overcome them. It also
helps build trust and credibility so that sources feel comfortable sharing information.
Research Discussion
Based on Alfred Schutz's ideas about the phenomenon of women working as journalists, the
process of constructing the identity of female journalists involves several essential steps. Essential
points of research results can be formulated as follows:
1. Comprehension of the Meaning of Profession and Professionalism:
- The first step in constructing women's identities is a deep understanding of the meaning of
the journalistic profession and professionalism in the context of their duties and
- Women journalists realize that their profession is not just a job but also a call to convey
accurate information and uphold the values of journalistic ethics.
2. Application of the Code of Journalistic Ethics:
- After understanding the meaning of the profession and professionalism, the next step is to
apply the journalistic code of ethics in every aspect of the work.
- Women journalists are required to implement a journalistic code of ethics both in the
newsroom and in the field as a guide in carrying out their journalistic duties with integrity
and high morality.
3. Commitment and Responsibility
- In addition to implementing the code of ethics, high commitment and responsibility are also
important aspects in the construction of women journalists' identities.
- Women journalists in the Samarinda City Government show a strong commitment to
carrying out their journalistic duties with dedication and integrity.
4. Skills and Competency Development:
- The expertise and competence possessed are also the main requirements for becoming a
professional journalist.
- Women journalists are required to continue to develop themselves through additional
training and education to improve the quality of their journalistic work.
5. Challenge Handling :
- The way women journalists face challenges and problems from a women's point of view
shows that seriousness, thoroughness, ability, and good quality are needed in order to
compete in the world of journalism.
Understanding these concepts and their application in everyday journalism practice can help
women journalists construct themselves as professionals with integrity and make a significant
contribution to conveying accurate information.
Based on the results of research on how women journalists are concluded in the form of a model, the
results of the research are in accordance with Alfred Schutz's ideas about the phenomenon of women
working as journalists, the following:
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 839
Figure 3 The Women Journalist Model in Samarinda City Government constructs itself as a
professional journalist
Source: Research Data 2024
The model of this study illustrates the phenomenon related to the existence of female
journalists within the Samarinda City Government. This aspect raises various pros and cons in the
community. The study also attempts to delve deeper into the motives that drive women to choose the
profession of journalist. The findings show that the motivations behind this decision are very diverse,
ranging from factors such as promising career opportunities and personal experiences such as
feelings of breakup that trigger a change in life direction to aspirations to expand social networks and
relationships in a dynamic work environment.
This phenomenon is an exciting research subject to explore more deeply, considering the
complexity of the challenges faced by women journalists in carrying out their duties amid the
changing dynamics of the media industry. They are required to demonstrate a high level of
thoroughness, integrity, and quality in order to maintain the professionalism and credibility of their
profession, especially given the emergence of individuals disguised as journalists, who increasingly
emphasize the importance of maintaining strict standards of professionalism in every aspect of
journalistic work.
This study adopts Alfred Schutz's phenomenological approach as a theoretical foundation in an
effort to understand more deeply how women journalists build and construct their identity as
professional journalists. Through a study involving four main informants who are active female
e-ISSN: 2723-669 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 840
journalists in the Samarinda City Government, this study aims to identify and analyze the steps and
stages carried out by female professional journalists in the process of identity formation.
Alfred Schutz's phenomenological approach allows this study to explore the subjective
experiences experienced by female journalists in their careers. The research focuses on the stages
that include understanding the meaning of the journalistic profession and professionalism, applying
the journalistic code of ethics, commitment to duties and responsibilities, developing skills and
abilities, and strategies for overcoming challenges and obstacles faced in carrying out journalistic
The process of forming the identity of women professional journalists begins with a deep
understanding of the meaning of the profession and professionalism itself. A critical and reflective
understanding of these two concepts is a solid basis for self-development as a professional journalist.
Furthermore, the second step is to apply the journalistic code of ethics in every aspect of the work,
both in the newsroom and in the field. Women journalists in the Samarinda City Government show a
high commitment to implementing this code of ethics as the leading guide for carrying out journalistic
In addition, aspects such as commitment, responsibility, expertise, and abilities possessed by a
journalist are also absolute requirements in becoming a professional in this field. How these women
journalists face various challenges and problems that arise from their perspective as women is also a
reflection of the need for seriousness, thoroughness, ability, and high quality in pursuing a career in
journalism. This whole process exposes the complexity and variety of factors that influence the
formation of the identity of women professional journalists in the Samarinda City Government and
provides a broader picture of the dynamics of the journalist profession in the local context.
4. Conclusion
Based on the results of research and analysis of the phenomenon of women journalists within
the Samarinda City Government, through a phenomenological approach, the following conclusions
can be drawn: 1) The challenges of women journalists within the Samarinda City Government; Every
profession must have problems or obstacles that must be faced by its workers, including the journalist
profession. Based on the results of the study, it was found that informants often receive gender
discrimination. The rights of women journalists have yet to be adequately implemented, such as the
normative rights of female journalists and the right to menstrual leave. Salaries and other benefits
are also an issue that some female journalists often experience. The four informants had experienced
discrimination, sexual harassment, violence, and stereotypes perpetrated by unscrupulous
interviewees. There is a double burden for female journalists. Meeting sources with different
characters and backgrounds is also a challenge that a journalist must conquer. The rise of fake
journalists has also been very influential on the performance of female journalists. 2) How Women
Journalists in the Samarinda City Government Construct Themselves as Professional Journalists: In
accordance with Alfred Shutz's phenomenological approach used by the author to reveal how women
journalists in the Samarinda City Government construct themselves as professional journalists, it can
be concluded that the four informants understood the meaning of professionalism of the journalist
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 841
Based on experience as the primary research data, the four informants implemented a
journalistic code of ethics in each of their reports. Differences in motives, professional meanings, and
journalistic products produced will determine the integrity of performance between professional
journalists and fake journalists. Professional journalists always prioritize ethics codes and apply
journalism methods. The results of this study show that the four informants understood the correct
method of journalistic writing. In addition, these informants also provided the same information that
their competence can be the benchmark and principal capital of women journalists, especially in
showing the integrity and quality of their work.
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