Vol.4, No.05, Mei 2023
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 05, Mei 2023 432
Legal Protection For Consumers Buying And Selling Electronic
Goods With Defective Products
Ediyanto Arief
, Boy Nurdin
, Azis Budianto
Universitas Borobudur, Indonesia
Email: ediyanto91@gmail.com
, Drboynurdin_ppslaw@yahoo.com
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
Abstract. The presence of Regulation Number 8 of 1999 concerning
Purchaser Insurance has concentrated a little since this Regulation
controls the privileges and commitments of business entertainers
and customers so they are safer and are supposed to turn into a
legitimate umbrella for shoppers. Consumers need to know that
they have the right to get protection when dealing with sellers or
producers in conducting trade transactions so that when a loss
occurs on the part of the consumer caused by the seller or
producer, the consumer can demand that the seller or producer be
responsible for the loss suffered by the consumer. The relationship
between sellers as business actors to consumers must be
maintained properly. The seller also knows whether there is
anything to consider before being marketed or sent to consumers
regarding the feasibility of the goods. The eligibility in question is
the condition of the goods by the information submitted by the
seller, according to what is in the advertisement, the seller has
ethics when trading his goods. At the point when a misfortune is
capable by the shopper, on the off chance that the proof states
whether there was a component of mistake, it stays the obligation
of the merchant, as expressed in Article 28 of Regulation Number 8
of 1999 concerning Customer Security.
Keywords: Legal Protection;
Consumer; Buy and sell;
Product Defect.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
As we move towards the period of globalization and free trade, there is more rivalry for
resources, increased cross-border trade in commodities and/or services, and increased public
demand for knowledge. As a result, more products and/or services are traded in the market. In
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 05, Mei 2023 433
a reciprocal arrangement known as buying and selling, one party (the seller) pledges to
transfer ownership rights to an item, while the other party (the buyer) pledges to pay a price in
the form of a monetary amount in exchange for obtaining ownership rights (Naibaho,
Simangungsong, & Nababan, 2019) .
Because their wants for the desired items and/or services will be met, this circumstance
favors customers. In addition, they can also choose goods and/or services according to their
wishes and abilities. But on the other hand, this condition will force business actors to look for
effective marketing methods to increase consumer buying interest in the goods and/or services
they offer. Thus, efforts to protect consumers are something that is considered important and
absolute (Winoto, 2018) .
Buyers are the people who use products or potentially benefits that are presented in the
public eye, both for their own advantage and that of their families, companions, collaborators,
and other living things, and not with the end goal of exchange, as characterized by Regulation
Number 8 of 1999 in Article 1 Number (Winoto, 2018) . While Article 1 Number 3 expresses
that a business entertainer is any individual or business substance, whether or not it is a legal
entity, that is based in the Republic of Indonesia and has a place of business there or engages in
activities there, either alone or jointly through a contract to organize business activities in
various economic sectors.
Consumers' focus has been slightly narrowed with the passage of Law No. 8 of 1999
concerning Consumer Protection, which governs business actors' and consumers' rights and
obligations to make them more secure and is anticipated to serve as a legal safety net for
consumers. Consumers had no legal protection if they suffered losses, defects, or even death as
a result of ingesting faulty items prior to the passage of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning
Consumer Protection. Consumers are defined as anyone who uses commodities or services that
are readily available in the community for themselves, their families, or other people, as well as
other living things, and who are not to be exchanged or traded.
The relationship between sellers as business actors and consumers must be maintained
properly. The seller also knows whether there is anything to consider before being marketed or
sent to consumers regarding the feasibility of the goods. The eligibility in question is the
condition of the goods by the information submitted by the seller, according to what is in the
advertisement, the seller has ethics when trading his goods. Consumers initially know the
condition of the goods only from the explanation of the party called the seller as a business
actor so that all aspects regarding consumer trust are left entirely to the seller.
Consumers in the use of a product previously required to be careful. On the other hand, it
also requires business actors, in this case, sellers, to be more careful and honest in selling
goods, and requires factories to be more careful in producing a product that will later be
distributed by sellers so as not to cause harm to consumers because there are several goods. it
can be said to be defective, that is when the goods during their manufacture do not meet the
existing standards, the shape of the goods that are not suitable, or have deficiencies related to
the condition of the goods does not have enough information.
Consumers need to know that they have the right to get protection when dealing with
sellers or producers in conducting trade transactions so that when a loss occurs on the part of
the consumer caused by the seller or producer, the consumer can demand that the seller or
producer be responsible for the loss suffered by the consumer. The problem of consumer
protection has recently received public scrutiny because in practice there are many low-quality
goods produced by producers (Mahawyahrty & Danyathi, n.d.) .
The relationship between sellers as business actors and consumers must be maintained
properly. The seller also knows whether there is anything to consider before being marketed or
sent to consumers regarding the feasibility of the goods. The eligibility in question is the
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condition of the goods following the information submitted by the seller, according to what is in
the advertisement, the seller has ethics when trading his goods (Kusumaningrum, 2016) . This
case occurred in the city of Surakarta where there is a bag and electronic shop named Tas Butik
Solo with an Instagram account Cheap Boutique Solo, which is a facilitator between producers
and consumers who can be called sellers. Electronic items that are still in the box or box cannot
be opened and checked by the buyer at the beginning of the purchasing and selling transaction
between the seller and the consumer, thus the consumer must first purchase the item. The
seller undertakes to provide a warranty to replace the goods if the goods received by the
consumer are damaged or defective.
After one day when the consumer found out that there was a defect in the car, he had
bought, namely, the hill start assist system indicator was not functioning. The consumer
requests compensation for the replacement of goods with new ones against the seller which
results in a loss to the consumer for defects known to the consumer. Then the seller does not
receive a request from the consumer to replace the item by the initial agreement on the pretext
that the item purchased cannot be exchanged/returned. However, the seller only undertakes to
service the goods that have been received by the consumer. The seller charges the service fee
for the goods purchased in full to the consumer which should be the full responsibility of the
seller. From the outset, the seller is entirely responsible for the things being transferred.
According to Article 28 of Law No. 8 of 1999 Concerning Consumer Protection, when a loss is
experienced by the consumer, if the evidence indicates whether or not there was an element of
error, it remains the seller's obligation.
The actions of business actors that cause harm to consumers will affect economic
development in general. Business actors in producing certain goods must be honest in
providing information through the labels of their products to consumers. Business actors must
control before the goods are distributed so that consumers get the best product from the
product they choose. In a healthy business, unfair business practices (unfair trade practices)
are strictly prohibited (Holijah, 2014) . However, due to the position of business actors who are
in a stronger position, both economically and in terms of power (bargaining power, bargaining
position) compared to consumers, consumers need advocacy assistance, protection, and efforts
to resolve disputes properly over consumer rights.
The issue in this essay is how to provide legal protection for customers purchasing and
reselling electronic products with flaws.
1. Materials and Methods
This applied paper was written utilizing the descriptive analytical method, which entails
using information that precisely explains problems that exist in the real world before
conducting an analysis and coming to a solution. Observational and research-based data
gathering techniques were used to gather problem-solving information for this publication.
In line with the research objectives to be achieved, the realm of this research is included in
the realm of qualitative research, thus a qualitative approach method will be used. According to
Petrus Soerjowinoto et al., a qualitative method is a method that emphasizes the process of
understanding researchers on the formulation of problems to construct a complex and holistic
legal phenomenon (Soerjowinoto, 2006) .
Sociological legal theory, or the legal approach method used to investigate issues from a
legal and systematic point of view and as a guide to principles that can be used as a basis for
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 05, Mei 2023 435
assessing emerging legal phenomena. Finding problems, recognizing problems, and finding
solutions to problems are the first steps in the sociological approach, which is the method used
to examine a problem in society or the community environment. This study describes the
condition of the object under study, namely focusing on how legal protection for consumers
buying and selling electronic goods with defective products is in practice (Soemitro, 1990).
2. Results and Discussions
Legal Protection for Consumers Buying and Selling Electronic Goods with Defective
Satjipto Raharjo cites Fitzgerald as saying that this notion of legal protection has its roots
in natural law theory or the school of natural law. The inventors of this flow were Plato,
Aristotle (a Plato disciple), and Zeno (founder of the Stoic school). Natural law dictates that
morality and law cannot be separated because they come from the same source, the everlasting
and all-powerful God. This school's followers believe that morality and law reflect and govern
human life, which is expressed through these two things, both internally and outside (Rahardjo,
2009) .
Fitzgerald outlined Salmond's theory of legal protection, according to which the goal of
law is to integrate and coordinate various social appeals because, in a society where interests
are traded, protecting one set of interests can only be accomplished by imposing restrictions on
other parties' differing interests. Regulation has a definitive power to figure out which human
interests should be controlled and shielded in light of the fact that it manages common liberties
and interests. Legitimate insurance should inspect the stages as a whole, including lawful
security coming about because of a lawful arrangement and all regulations passed by the local
area, which are arrangements to control how individuals act toward each other and the public
authority, which is remembered to address the interests of the local area (Priyatno &
Aridhayandi, 2018) .
As per Article 45 Section 2 of Regulation No. 8 of 1999 Concerning Customer Security,
buyer debates might be settled in court or beyond court at the gatherings' willful
circumspection. Thus, the parties are given the authority to choose in resolving their problems
both through the courts and outside the court. If the parties choose the out-of-court route,
BPSK will be authorized to resolve the dispute. The rise of cases regarding buying and selling
transactions that ultimately harm consumers, or fraud and even dissatisfaction experienced by
consumers for the goods/services offered, thus requiring the Government to immediately
establish a dispute resolution institution. The existence of BPSK makes it easier for the
community to solve the problems they face.
The Consumer Dispute Settlement Agency (BPSK), along with nine other BPSKs in other
towns and regencies, was founded on November 1, 2002, and its founders were recognized by
Presidential Decree. The Minister of Industry and Trade Decrees number 301/2001 on the
appointment and firing of BPSK members and number 350/2001 about the implementation of
the tasks and powers of the consumer dispute resolution agency later enhanced the
Presidential Decree (KEPRES). The Consumer Dispute Settlement Agency (BPSK) is a special
consumer court (small claim court), and only one judge hears cases there. Lawyers acting as
representatives of the disputing parties are not allowed to attend in person. According to Law
No. 8 of 1999 about the Consumer Protection Act Article 49, paragraph 1, the body was
established in each Level II Region, and its members come from the government, consumers,
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and company performers.
The low level of public knowledge has led to the rise of irresponsible business actors.
Product responsibility is a legal conception whose essence is intended to protect consumers.
Liability for defective products is different from liability for items that we are familiar.
Responsibility for products, goods, and services places the burden of proving the product on
the business actor making the product (manufacturer). It is obvious from the arrangements of
Article 22 of Regulation No. 8 of 1999 Concerning Customer Assurance that it is the obligation
and obligation of the business entertainer to lay out whether there is a component of blunder in
this present circumstance. As per the gatherings' free decision, purchaser questions might be
settled in court or beyond court, as per Article 45, Section 2, of Customer Security Regulation
Number 8 of 1999. It demonstrates that settling buyer issues takes out the opportunity of a
commonly pleasing goal between the gatherings to the debate.
At every level, efforts are made to use a peaceful settlement by both sides to the conflict.
So, the parties can opt to settle their disagreement through negotiation rather than through the
filing of a lawsuit. Seeing several cases that have happened to consumers, where losses can
come from defective products, allows consumers to experience losses that are unreasonably
experienced when the product is consumed or used. The loss could be in disability or even
death for the user of the product. To protect consumers from this situation, the government is
obliged to think about various policies whose direction is to protect the public as consumers.
Purchaser security is similar to the insurance given by regulation seeing buyer freedoms
as referenced in Article 4 of Regulation Number 8 of 1999 about Customer Assurance, which
means that protection is not just physical protection but also abstract rights. Thus, the state's
legal protection of consumers must be adopted right away within the context of economic
activity. Remember that consumer protection must be one of the top priorities because it is
intimately tied to the public's health and safety as consumers.
Shopper insurance depends on benefits, equity, equilibrium, security, and wellbeing in
Article 2 of Consumer Protection Law Number 8 of 1999, as well as legal certainty. So, the
presence of consumer rights can enhance the quality of goods and services provided to
customers, especially if those who violate those rights are subject to the consequences set forth
in articles 60, 61, and 63, thus:
1. Business actors that breach Article 19 Paragraphs 2 and 3, Article 20, Article 25, and
Article 26 may face administrative consequences from the Consumer Dispute
Resolution Agency.
2. A maximum compensation of Rp 200,000,000.00 (two hundred million rupiahs) may
be used as administrative punishment.
3. Statutory regulations will further govern how the administrative sanctions mentioned
in paragraph 1 are determined.
The existence of an imbalance in the position of consumers and business actors, both from
an economic and technical point of view, really needs to be bridged through various
institutional and legal instruments as well as other efforts aimed at enabling consumers to
consume the goods and/or services they want in a safe and protected manner.
Every consumer who feels aggrieved by business actors can complain about their
problems to BPSK, either directly, represented by their attorneys or their heirs. Complaints
submitted by their attorneys or heirs can only be made if the consumer in question is sick,
deceased, elderly, immature, or a foreign citizen.
Dispute resolution at BPSK essentially aims to obtain compensation for consumers. As for
the loss to consumers due to defects in production goods, the benefits of these goods are less
than optimal. To ensure that the losses suffered by customers won't recur or be repeated,
consumer disputes that are resolved outside of court must come to an agreement on the type
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 05, Mei 2023 437
and magnitude of the loss as well as on specific steps. The purpose of the Consumer Dispute
Resolution Agency is to reduce the impact of conflicts and foster ongoing positive relationships
between corporate actors and customers.
The Consumer Dispute Settlement Agency experiences obstacles in handling existing cases
because consumers feel more resigned. Increased protection measures are necessary for
customers who experience significant losses in order to uphold consumer rights. On the other
hand, it should be underlined that while producers' enterprises are crucial to the nation's
economy, it is not acceptable to destroy them in the name of safeguarding consumers. In order
to prevent consumer protection from having the opposite effect, where consumers get stronger
while producers become weak, measures that protect consumers and producers are balanced.
Also, producers must be able to cover their dependents who depend on these consumers in
order to protect themselves from losses caused by consumer provisions.
Based on the interviews, the authors obtained an explanation that BPSK had handled
disputes over defects in production goods, because they had violated Article 8 paragraphs 1 to
4 of the UUPK, namely:
1. Business actors are not allowed to create or exchange products or services that:
a. does not fulfill the requirements of the laws and regulations or comply with their
b. Not in view of the sum in the consider expressed on the name or mark of the
merchandise, net weight, net substance, or net weight;
c. Not following the size, measure, scale, and number in the calculation as per the
real size;
d. Not by the circumstances, ensures, elements, or viability as expressed in the name,
title, or portrayal of the products as well as administrations;
e. Not by the quality, grade, structure, handling, design style, or certain purposes as
expressed in the mark or depiction of the products or potentially benefits;
f. Not by the commitment expressed in the name, manners, portrayal, commercial,
or deals advancement of specific products and additionally benefits;
g. Does exclude the lapse date or the best use/usage period for specific
h. the rules for halal creation as determined in the "halal" articulation on the mark;
i. Not connecting a mark or making a depiction of the merchandise containing the
name of the products, size, net or net weight/content, structure, utilization
directions, date of production, incidental effects, name and address of the business
entertainer, and other data for the utilization which as per the arrangements
should be introduced/made;
j. does not contain data about how to involve the items as per the appropriate
regulations and guidelines in Indonesia.
2. It is illegal for finance managers to exchange hurt, defective, utilized, or debased products
without giving full and precise insights regarding the previously mentioned merchandise.
3. Entrepreneurs are prohibited from managing harmed, damaged, or utilized and debased
drug and food arrangements, regardless of providing total and right data.
4. Business people who resist passages (Naibaho et al., 2019)
5. and (Winoto, 2018) are prohibited from exchanging the previously mentioned products
as well as administrations and are expected to eliminate them from course.
Security of clients is critical, given the undeniably fast speed of science and innovation is
the main thrust for the efficiency and proficiency of makers of the merchandise and
additionally benefits they give to arrive at business points. Consumers are typically the ones
who experience the effects of pursuing and achieving these two things, either directly or
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indirectly.(Imaniyati, 2000)
3. Conclusion
Consumer protection is a fairly basic problem in the constellation of national development
in a country, including Indonesia. According to the study's findings, customers are protected by
Law No. 8 of 1999's article 2, which states that they are entitled to benefits, justice, balance,
consumer security and safety, as well as legal certainty. Consumers should be given this
guarantee of consumer protection when they buy any food item from manufacturers or
commercial entities.
As indicated by Article 19 section (Naibaho et al., 2019) of Regulation No. 8 of 1999
Concerning Shopper Security, business entertainers are committed to give remuneration to
mischief, contamination, as well as buyer misfortunes coming about because of the utilization
of items and additionally benefits delivered or moved. The installment of pay should be made
inside 7 (seven) days of the exchange date. This is in accordance with Article 19 paragraph 2's
requirement that compensation be paid within 7 (seven) days of the transaction date. There
won't be a consumer dispute if the company actor delivers reimbursement within 7 (seven)
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