e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 06, Juni 2023 517
burdened with state taxes, the tax officials acted and seemed to be doing their best with their
dishonorable actions. Apart from Rafael Alun, allegations of money laundering also surfaced
again after netizens highlighted the lifestyle of the wife of the Head of the National Land
Agency (BPN), who often flexes a luxurious lifestyle, exceeding her husband's income
(Amrullah, 2020).
As Indonesia's Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), the Financial Transaction Reports and
Analysis Center (PPATK) plays an important role in the follow-the-money method of locating
criminally obtained assets. PPATK has an important and strategic role in the assets recovery
program, especially in terms of providing intelligence information in the financial sector to
trace assets (assets tracing), both during the process of analyzing financial transactions and
during the processes of investigation, prosecution, and examination of defendants in court
proceedings (Yanuar, 2019). Through cooperation and coordination, PPATK can trace assets
resulting from criminal acts both inside and outside the country. Financial service providers
(both bank and non-bank FSPs) and other service/goods providers are involved in domestic
asset tracing (Wiyono, 2022).
As an effort to combat money laundering, PJK and other service/goods providers are
at the forefront of early detection of all suspicious transactions through the financial system
for further reporting to PPATK. The authority for this lies with investigators, public
prosecutors, or judges to order PJK and other service/goods providers must temporarily
block person or company assets that has been reported by PPATK in order to early save
assets resulting from criminal acts (Yani, 2013). After receiving an order, PJK and other
service/goods providers are required to carry out a temporary blocking after the blocking
order is received. Tracing proceeds of crime assets placed by perpetrators of criminal acts
abroad is carried out in collaboration with fellow FIUs as well as through bilateral and
multilateral cooperation, through the exchange of information (Hasanah & Uang, 2011). The
current information is very fast and precise, namely information that comes from social
media. There is no doubt about the strength of Indonesian netizens, including the emergence
of the case of Rafael Alun and the head of the BPN in a hedonistic and flexing style that was
finally able to uncover a major case of money laundering (Husni, 2020).
The benefits of exchanging information among FIUs include obtaining faster results
when compared to the mechanism for exchanging information through other channels. The
increasing complexity of today's world political problems makes more and more interesting
topics to be discussed. Money laundering criminal cases are quite a complicated and complex
problem. Money laundering acts can include things ranging from diversion, concealment, and
disguise of money/funds to property. which are known to originate from criminal activities
or actions that are of a nature to assist the implementation of said criminal activities with the
aim of avoiding legal consequences (Cox, 2011). This prompted the interested writer to
choose the title of the paper "Efforts to Prevent Money Laundering in Indonesia" because the
writer is interested in Indonesia's initiatives to combat money laundering which is very
detrimental to the state. The problem in this paper is how to prevent money laundering in
2. Materials and Methods
The descriptive analytical method was used to write this applied paper. That is, data
that clearly describes the problems directly in the field was used, and then the analysis was
done and a solution to the problem was found. methods of observation and literature review
for data collection in order to solve problems and prepare this paper This study employs a
sociological juridical approach, also known as a juridical approach method, to examine issues