Vol.4, No.05, Mei 2023
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 05, Mei 2023 425
Selective Policy in Handling Illegal Immigrants
Kristofel Aditya Prathama Pardamean Hutauruk
, Ahmad Redi
, Suparno
Universitas Borobudur
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
The weak legal position of the Indonesian state in tackling the
problem of illegal immigrants has resulted in the Indonesian state
no longer being a transit country for illegal immigrants from the
Middle East to Australia but has become a destination country
because the people in Indonesia are known to be friendly and
welcoming in dealing with illegal immigrants who later became
destination countries with the target of seeking political asylum,
human smuggling agents deliberately made Indonesia a destination
country for people smuggling. Various efforts have been made by
obligated parties, such as the Police institution. The steps taken by
the National Police so far have been to arrest illegal immigrants and
smugglers, but the investigation process does not use the Special
Law, but the Migration Law, so the results obtained do not show
significant changes. After Indonesia's independence, Indonesia did
not implement the previous policy, namely the "open door policy";
which is considered no longer appropriate. Therefore the
Government of the Republic of Indonesia issued a new policy,
namely a selective policy that allowed the entry of foreigners only
according to their needs and provided benefits for the development
of the State and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.
Keywords: Wisdom; Selective
Policy; Handling; Illegal
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
Indonesia is home to the world's largest archipelago. Indonesia's location is very
special and important. It can be seen from the geographical location of Indonesia which is
between two oceans, namely the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. The geographical
location of Indonesia is also between two continents, namely the continent of Asia and the
continent of Australia/Oceania. Even though it is not a destination country, with the
consequence of its geographical location, the country of Indonesia is the final stopover for
waves of asylum seekers and refugees going to the destination country, namely Australia. The
presence of illegal immigrants will raise demographic problems (population) and is related
to social-economic conflicts and is directly proportional to the crime rate (Winarno, 2008).
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The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is said to have
registered approximately 1.9 million asylum seekers. Of these, 36,200 individuals were
recorded as attempting to look for shelter in Australia. However, applying for asylum is not
an easy process. From their home country, asylum seekers travel hundreds or even
thousands of kilometers. Not inconsistently, the greater part of them experience passing and
debacle on their way. Asylum seekers travel in a variety of ways. Shipping lanes on the sea
are one of them. Additionally, they are unable to immediately reach their destination. In most
cases, they need to make a transit stop in some countries. Asylum seekers from Asia and the
Middle East, for instance, frequently make Indonesia their stopover destination when
traveling illegally to Australia (Rahayu, 2022).
Immigrants are people who come from other countries and live in a country. In the
past, the term immigrant was not limited to humans as perpetrators, but could also be used
for animals and objects that moved across country borders (Hujjailah, 2016). Initially, this
population movement occurred due to wars and natural disasters, so the residents looked
for other, safer areas. Then the term immigrants were narrowed down to humans only after
countries experienced developments that automatically created laws and regulations. Law
No. 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration stipulates that:
"To settle in Indonesian territory, a permanent residence permit is required which is
given to foreign nationals who have valid travel documents. If the foreign national does not
have a valid travel document and unclear permits, the immigration official can expel or
deport from Indonesian territory or refuse entry to Indonesian territory."
There are two significant regulatory elements in the Immigration Law of the Republic
of Indonesia Number 6 of 2011, namely:
a. arrangements for a variety of issues pertaining to the flow of people into, out
of, and around the Republic of Indonesia's territory;
b. Arrangements regarding various surveillance not only for foreigners but also
for Indonesian citizens in Indonesian territory, to uphold state sovereignty.
Current conditions in Indonesia only have 13 Immigration Detention Centers
(RUDENIM) to accommodate asylum seekers who eventually stop in Indonesia (Hamidi &
Christian, 2021) . Of course, the number of detention centers is minuscule when compared to
the thousands of asylum seekers who enter Indonesia. The fact that Indonesia is a country of
transit (in transit) for illegal immigrants is evident from the duration of their stay. As many
as 17.50 percent of immigrant respondents stated that they lived in Indonesia for 2-4 weeks.
It was the immigrants could pause for their next journey, change smuggling agents, or use
transit as a separate strategy before entering Australian territory.
The high number of foreigners entering the territory of Indonesia requires the
Government of Indonesia to adopt certain policies so that the negative impacts arising from
these migration flows can be minimized. Through a selective policy, the Indonesian
government selects which foreigners are permitted to enter the Indonesian state's territory.
The Indonesian state will not allow all foreigners to enter its territory. The selective policy
will be applied more selectively to every foreigner who comes from vulnerable countries.
Each country has its terms for categorizing these vulnerable countries. In Indonesian
immigration terms, countries that have a certain level of vulnerability are known as calling
visa countries.
According to Indonesian law, immigrants must carry valid identification when
entering Indonesian territory, as stipulated in Article 8 paragraph 1 of Law No. 6 of 2011 on
Immigration. Law enforcement against foreign nationals is aimed at issues of falsification of
identity, lack of documents, registration of foreigners and provision of foreign control books,
abuse of residence permits, illegal entry or stay illegal, expiry of residence permit, being in
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 05, Mei 2023 427
Indonesia outside monitoring by raids and geographic vulnerability in crossings (Santoso,
Refusals to grant entry permits, immigration actions, and refusals to issue
immigration permits are all examples of administrative forms of law enforcement carried out
by the immigration institution. On the other hand, Pro Justitia law enforcement is the
investigative authority, the task of investigating (summons) is included. , arrest, examination,
search, and confiscation), filing of cases, and submission of case files to the public prosecutor
(Sudiar, 2019).
The initial understanding of the legal process in criminal cases begins with the process
handled by the police as investigators, investigative officers, and other officers. In the case of
enforcing criminal acts in the field of immigration, the authorized party is a civil servant
official. The first understanding of the legal process in criminal cases begins with
investigations, prosecutions, and trials. as defined by Article 4 of the Criminal Procedure
Code, which states that any official of the Republic of Indonesia Police is an Investigator.
Based on Article 119, paragraph 1, of Law No. 6 of 2011 Concerning Immigration,
illegal immigrants without travel documents may be subject to sanctions. From several
immigrants, we can see that there are illegal immigrants who do not have passports and
documents, but they are not processed based on applicable laws and regulations, these
immigrants are placed in the immigration detention room to be deported, in the territorial
principal study it is explained that the criminal rules in the law Indonesia's invitation applies
to everyone who commits a criminal act in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. Criminal
law applies to anyone who commits an offense in the territory of the State. A State must
uphold the law and maintain law and order in its territory against anyone(ARDIYANTI, n.d.).
The problem in this paper is how is the Implementation of Selective Policy Policy in
Indonesia in Handling Illegal Immigrants in Indonesia.
2. Materials and Methods
The descriptive analytical method was used to write this applied paper. This means
that data that clearly describes problems directly in the field were used, and then the analysis
was done and the problem was solved. Observation and literature review as methods of data
collection in order to solve problems and prepare this paper.
In line with the research objectives to be achieved, the realm of this research is
included in the authentic qualitative research, thus a qualitative approach method will be
used. According to Petrus Soerjowinoto et al., a qualitative method is a method that
emphasizes the process of understanding researchers on the formulation of problems to
construct a complex and holistic legal phenomenon.[8]
Normative juridical approach carried out against certain laws and regulations or
written, linking to issues of illegal immigrants who are in Indonesia.[9] The study describes
the condition of the object under study, i.e., focusing on regulation and the Implementation
of Selective Policy Policies in Indonesia in Handling Illegal Immigrants in Indonesia in
3. Results and Discussions
3.1. Implementation of Selective Policy in Indonesia in Handling Illegal
History records that Indonesia has long been the prima donna of foreign nationals.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 05, Mei 2023 428
During the colonial era, Indonesia's wealth of natural resources, namely plantation
commodities, which had a high selling value on the world market, made the territory of
Indonesia a bone of contention for European countries to dominate. When colonized by the
Dutch East Indies government, the established immigration policy was an open policy
(opendeur politiek). This policy made it as easy as possible for foreigners to enter Indonesia,
live there, and become Dutch East Indies citizens. When Indonesia gained independence, the
Dutch East Indies Government's immigration regulations were finally repealed and replaced
by new ones that supported Indonesia's independence spirit (Sande, 2020).
All sovereign countries must carry out the function of inspecting and supervising
every foreign citizen who wants to enter their country's territory to uphold state sovereignty.
Every foreign national who wants to enter the territory of another country will be selected
and sorted. Only foreigners who meet certain conditions will be allowed to enter a country's
territory based on the immigration policy of each country. The selection policy that is carried
out selectively towards foreigners in the field of immigration is a basic theory or principle
that applies universally in all countries, including in the State of Indonesia.
The Indonesian government uses the Indonesian immigration function when
examining and supervising foreigners. The Indonesian immigration function is the state
government's responsibility for facilitating community welfare development, immigration
services, law enforcement, and state security (Article 1, RI Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning
Immigration). The function will be applied to all foreign citizens (foreigners) from the time
the foreign nationals apply for permission to enter Indonesian territory, check documents at
the immigration checkpoint (TPI), while they are, carry out activities, and reside in the
territory of the Republic of Indonesia until the person concerned to escape the sovereign
territory of the State of Indonesia. Specifically, the immigration function is carried out by the
Directorate General of Immigration, Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of
Indonesia, in coordination with relevant ministries and state agencies.
The Immigration Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 6 of 2011 specifically outlines
Indonesia's selective immigration policy for foreign nationals. According to the law, any
foreigner who plans to enter Indonesia and obtain a residence permit must uphold human
rights and values while adhering to the purpose of their visit. In addition, the selective
immigration policy of Indonesia explains that only foreigners benefit from and harm nothing.
those who will be permitted to enter the State of Indonesia's territory and maintain
public order.
The application of selective policies is one of the national interests of the Indonesian
state in the field of immigration to protect the Indonesian state's sovereignty from the threats
that the entry of foreigners may face. Looking at Indonesia's selective immigration policy,
there are two key elements. It is a security and prosperity approach that is expected to be
met or unencumbered by the entry of foreigners into Indonesia's sovereign territory. In
practice, you have to balance these two approaches, one approach is as significant as the
other.[11] These two approaches go hand in hand to select every foreign national who wants
to enter the territory of the Indonesian state.
The security approach in this policy is not only related to the traditional security
approach, namely, state security related to militarization and conflict [12] as part of state
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 05, Mei 2023 429
sovereignty, but also related to non-traditional security, namely human security from
Indonesian citizens. The material dimension will be closely related to defining the prosperity
approach, as the arrival of foreigners may benefit Indonesia's economy. However, in this
context, welfare encompasses a wide range of social and psychological dimensions, including
the capacity to give and receive, to receive appreciation and respect, to contribute to useful
work, and to have a sense of trust and belonging in society.[13] In short, how do these
foreigners participate meaningfully and positively in the life of Indonesian society?
Indonesia's selective immigration policy is applied to all foreign nationals who enter the
territory of the Indonesian state without exception. The implementation of this policy is
based on the premise that not all foreigners from developed countries or countries that are
stable in terms of security can benefit the Indonesian state. Conversely, not all foreigners
from poor or vulnerable countries if they enter Indonesian territory will incur losses. The
selection of foreign nationals is vital to prevent the negative impacts that arise from their
entry into the territory of the State of Indonesia.
The entry of foreigners into Indonesian territory with various purposes and interests
has had various effects in all fields. The influence that occurs not only has a positive impact
but also sometimes brings negative effects. One of the negative impacts arising from a large
number of foreigners entering the territory of the State of Indonesia is the increase in
immigration violations.[14] The granting of entry permits to foreigners from calling visa
countries is based on the principle that these foreigners could have a positive impact on the
country's foreign exchange earnings and will not threaten public security and order under
the intent of implementing a selective policy that forms the basis of the Indonesian
Government's immigration policy. The supervisory function must be performed optimally to
minimize the negative effects of foreign arrivals and preserve Indonesia's sovereignty.
The process of collecting, processing, and presenting immigration data and
information for Indonesian citizens and foreigners in order to ensure compliance with
immigration statutes and regulations is known as immigration control (Article 1 point 2 of
Government Regulation Number 4 of 2017 concerning Procedures Immigration Control). The
immigration control system includes administrative supervision such as checking travel
documents, letters, or other documents, photographing, fingerprinting, and managing
immigration data at immigration checkpoints, immigration offices, or representatives of the
Republic of Indonesia abroad and the Directorate General of Immigration, along with field
supervision or operational, such as monitoring or investigation utilizing interviews,
observations and descriptions, reconnaissance, wiretapping, use of information, and other
Administrative supervision for foreigners from calling visa countries is performed
more strictly and selectively. Meanwhile, the field supervision system for foreigners from
calling visa countries in Indonesian territory is carried out in the same way as the supervision
of foreigners in general, namely through monitoring activities and monitoring operations.
Field supervision is carried out strictly in places where foreigners are located, such as hotels
and inns, crowd centers, and entertainment venues.[14] If proven violating, the foreigner
may be subject to immigration administration action. Immigration administrative actions are
imposed on foreigners in Indonesian territory for carrying out dangerous activities that are
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 05, Mei 2023 430
suspected of disturbing public order or not respecting and violating the laws and regulations
in force in Indonesia (Wulandari & Andaryadi, 2019: 5).
The types of immigration administration actions that can be imposed on every
foreigner, including foreigners from calling visa countries, are as follows: inclusion on the
prevention list, which includes a ban on leaving Indonesian territory as well as a deterrent or
ban, restriction, change, or crossing out of home grant; restriction on one or more specific
locations within the Indonesian territory; the obligation to reside in a particular area of
Indonesia's territory; the imposition of costs; and the deportation of foreigners from
Indonesia's territory or their forced expulsion (Wulandari & Andaryadi, 2019).
A country that is considered to have a certain level of vulnerability in terms of
ideological aspects, political aspects, economic aspects, social aspects, cultural aspects,
aspects of state defense and security, and immigration aspects is a calling visa country, as
stated in the Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia
Number M.Hh-01.Gr.01.06 of 2012 concerning Procedures for Determining Calling Visa
Countries and Granting Visas to Citizens of Calling Visa Countries (Ministry of Law and
Human Rights of The Indonesian government is in control of deciding which nations will be
included in the calling visa classification. More specifically, the Republic of Indonesia's
Ministry of Law and Human Rights represented countries with calling visas. The Minister of
Law and Human Rights establishes a coordinating team of assessors to determine calling visa
countries. These assessors make recommendations regarding the degree of vulnerability of
particular nations, which include the following elements: the Ministry of Human Rights and
the Law; Internal Affairs Ministry; Department of Foreign Relations; Ministry of Migration
and Human Resources; The National Police of Indonesia; Office of the Attorney General; State
Knowledge Organization; the Indonesian National Armed Forces' Strategic Intelligence
Agency; and the National Narcotics Agency (Article 2 of the Republic of Indonesia's Minister
of Law and Human Rights No. 2012's M.Hh-01.Gr.01.06).
Determination of calling visa countries is carried out with an in-depth study of the
conditions of these countries based on defining goals, choices of action, and utilizing national
capabilities to achieve national interests as described by K.J. Holsty. This type of foreign
decision is a group decision consisting of a coordinating team on behalf of the state in order
to achieve the goals of Indonesia's national interests. In this case, the national interests of the
Indonesian state are closely related to the selective policy in which only people who are
useful (prosperity approach) and who do not endanger domestic security (security
approach) will be allowed to enter the territory of the Indonesian state. As one manifestation
of the selective policy in Indonesia's immigration function, several countries that are
considered to have a certain level of vulnerability are included in the category of calling visa
countries (Djati, W.K., & Christian, 2019).
4. Conclusion
The selective policy is the foundation upon which Indonesian immigration is carried
out against foreigners wishing to enter Indonesian territory. The Immigration Law of the
Republic of Indonesia No. 6 of 2011 outlines the policy's fundamental principles. The
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 05, Mei 2023 431
standard of particular approach is to figure out each unfamiliar resident who needs to enter
An Indonesian area, just outsiders who give benefits and don't imperil security and public
request will be permitted to enter and be in the region of the Territory of Indonesia. The
policy's construction aims to safeguard Indonesia's national interests, i.e., its sovereignty and
security, which may be threatened if foreigners are authorized to enter freely. Indonesia's
selective immigration policy is based on a balanced guard and welfare approach.
The application of a selective policy is carried out much more strictly and selectively
towards foreigners from calling visa countries. It is due to the condition of countries calling
visas which are considered vulnerable in terms of ideological aspects, aspects of politics,
economics, society, culture, state defense and security, immigration, and other aspects The
calling visa country category currently includes nine countries: Afghanistan, Guinea, Israel,
North Korea, Cameroon, Liberia, Niger, Nigeria, and Somalia. Determination of the calling visa
country is a foreign policy of the State of Indonesia by taking into account the
recommendations of the assessment coordinating team formed by the Government of
Indonesia and adjusting Indonesia's national interests.
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