e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 05, Mei 2023 418
demographic problems (population) and is related to social-economic conflicts and is
directly proportional to the crime rate.(Winarno, 2008)
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is said to have
registered approximately 1.9 million asylum seekers. Of these, 36,200 individuals were
recorded as attempting to look for shelter in Australia. However, applying for asylum is not
an easy process. From their home country, asylum seekers travel hundreds or even
thousands of kilometers. Not inconsistently, the greater part of them experience passing and
debacle on their way. Asylum seekers travel in a variety of ways. Shipping lanes on the sea
are one of them. Additionally, they are unable to immediately reach their destination. In most
cases, they need to make a transit stop in some countries. Asylum seekers from Asia and the
Middle East, for instance, frequently make Indonesia their stopover destination when
traveling illegally to Australia.(Rahayu, 2022).
Current conditions in Indonesia only have 13 Immigration Detention Centers
(RUDENIM) to accommodate asylum seekers who eventually stop in Indonesia.(Hujjailah,
2016). Of course, the number of detention centers is very small when compared to the
thousands of asylum seekers who enter Indonesia. The fact that Indonesia is a country of
transit (in transit) for illegal immigrants is evident from the duration of their stay. As many
as 17.50 percent of immigrant respondents stated that they lived in Indonesia for 2-4 weeks.
It was during this time that immigrants could pause for their next journey, change smuggling
agents, or use transit as a separate strategy before entering Australian territory.
Asylum seekers to Australia usually make transactions with local ship agents around
Sumatran waters. About 57.7 percent of immigrants admit they moved from their originating
agent to a local agent in the region. The majority of respondents also admitted that they
departed from East Java, Nusa Tenggara, and small islands in eastern Indonesia. The
Australian Department of Immigration and Border Force has noted that smuggling agents
have played a significant role in bringing immigrants to Australia. These agents are based in
Indonesia and they do certain deals with immigrants.
The increasing number of illegal immigrants, as a result of the immigration process by
illegal citizens from outside Indonesia, needs to be watched out for because it can open up
more crimes caused by economic difficulties due to economic factors and a surge in the
number of unemployed. The term immigration is a translation of Dutch immigration, which
comes from Latin immigration. The word immigration means the movement of people
entering and leaving the country. Immigrants are foreigners who move from one country to
another. Migration is the movement of people.
According to Indonesian law, immigrants must carry valid identification when
entering Indonesian territory, as stipulated in Article 8 paragraph 1 of Law No. 6 of 2011 on
Immigration. Law enforcement against foreign nationals is aimed at issues of falsification of
identity, lack of documents, registration of foreigners and provision of foreign control books,
abuse of residence permits, illegal entry or stay illegal, expiry of stay permit, being in
Indonesia outside monitoring by raids and geographic vulnerability in crossings.(Hujjailah,
Operationally the law enforcement function carried out by immigration institutions
also includes the refusal to issue entry permits, immigration permits, and immigration
actions, all of which are forms of law enforcement that are administrative in nature,
meanwhile in the case of Pro Justitia law enforcement, namely the investigative authority, the
task of investigating (summons) is included. , arrest, examination, search, and confiscation),
filing of cases, and submission of case files to the public prosecutor.(Hamidi & Christian, 2021).
Examinations, arraignments, and preliminaries are the underlying comprehension of
the lawful cycle in criminal cases, beginning from the cycle took care of by the police as