e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Science, Vol. 4, No. 04, April 2023 397
inappropriate drug guidelines, not carrying out monitoring of treatment programs, and the
absence of standard records and reporting (Anggraeni & Kardiwinata, 2020).
In the age category, the results of the study stated that there was no significant
relationship between age and the success of tuberculosis treatment at the Karang Rejo Health
Center, Balikpapan City. In contrast to research
Others say that there is a relationship
between age and the treatment status of pulmonary TB patients. The test results stated that
there was a significant relationship between age and the success of pulmonary tuberculosis
treatment. The results showed that there was no relationship between gender and the
successful treatment of tuberculosis patients at the Karang Rejo Health Center, Balikpapan
City (Wulandari, 2018).
The categories of tuberculosis incidence based on the type of diagnosis are divided
into two, namely tuberculosis patients with a bacteriological diagnosis and tuberculosis
patients with a clinical diagnosis. A bacteriological diagnosis is a TB patient whose biological
test results, namely sputum and tissue, prove positive (Sutisna et al., 2016). Examination of
the biological test through a series of direct microscopic examination, TB TCM, and culture.
A clinically diagnosed tuberculosis patient is a patient who does not meet the
bacteriologically diagnosed component but is diagnosed as an active TB patient by a health
worker, and it is decided to be given the TB program as a tuberculosis treatment (Regulation
of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, 2016).
The results of the study prove that there is no relationship between OAT guidelines
and the success of tuberculosis treatment at the Karang Rejo Health Center, Balikpapan City.
Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis at the puskesmas for adult patients with OAT FDC
category I consist of 2 parts: Intensive/initial treatment with 6 packs of RHZE capsules (150
mg rifampicin, 75 mg isoniazid, 400 mg pyrazinamide and 275 mg ethambutol) for 2 months;
and a high-level regimen of 6 blister packs of RH tablets (150 mg rifampicin and 150 mg
isoniazid) for 4 months. In the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in children, the
tuberculosis drug Combipak is used with a fixed combination of category 1 drugs according
to the Ministry of Health's 2RHZ(E)/4RH guidelines, namely H. (INH, rifampicin,
pyrazinamide and ethambutol) used within 6 months. According to the OAT category
guidelines, class I requires 6 months of treatment and class II requires 8 months of treatment
with different drug doses
(Damayanti, 2019b). Another study found that there was a
significant relationship between the instructions for giving OAT and the successful treatment
of tuberculosis patients, which was supported by the correct instructions, the type, amount
of drug and sufficient duration of treatment, the patient followed these instructions. from
doctors/recommendations from health workers and regularly. Follow the OAT instructions
(Maulidya et al., 2017).
The results of the study found that there was a relationship between the source of the
drug and the success of tuberculosis treatment at the Karang Rejo Health Center, Balikpapan
City. The success of patient treatment is influenced by drug sources that are in accordance
with OAT guidelines. The drugs used are in accordance with the TB program provided by the
health facility (100%). Patients who take TB program drugs regularly have a 95% chance of
recovery compared to patients who do not receive TB program drugs.
The results of the study said that there was no relationship between patient
compliance with cadres and the success of tuberculosis treatment at the Karang Rejo Health
Center, Balikpapan City. Patient compliance with cadres is an internal factor in the patient's
desire to recover. Compliance is influenced by family support and the patient's level of
understanding of tuberculosis treatment. Health cadres are tasked with monitoring patients
taking medication (PMO) so good cooperation is needed between patients and health cadres