e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Science, Vol. 4, No. 03, March 2023 310
The National Police of the Republic of Indonesia in carrying out the roles
and functions of the police as referred to in Article 2 and Article 5 of Law No. 2 of
2002 covers the entire territory of the Republic of Indonesia. From a historical
perspective, the term "police" in Indonesia seems to follow and use the term
"politie" in the Netherlands. This is as a result and influence of the building of the
Dutch legal system which is widely adopted in Indonesia. According to Van
Vollenhoven in his book "Politei Overzee" as quoted by Momo Kelana, the term
"Politei" implies as an organ and function, namely as an organ of the government
with the task of supervising, if necessary, using coercion so that those who are
governed carry out and do not carry out the prohibitions of orders. Reviewing the
Decree of the Head of the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia (Number:
Kep/773/VII/2016) regarding the Bhabinkamtibas Smart Book, each
Bhabinkamtibmas personnel plays an important role in society. The main task of
Bhabinkamtibmas is to foster the community so that conditions can be created
that provide advantages or benefits in carrying out Polri's duties in the
village/kelurahan. The tasks carried out are closely related to the function of
Bhabinkamtibmas (Kurniawan, 2022).
Other duties that must be carried out by a Bhabinkamtibmas include
providing guidance to residents so that it is expected to increase the role or
participation of the community, create awareness and obedience of the
community towards applicable laws and regulations. Bhabinkamtibmas personnel
also need to establish good relations with village leaders, community leaders,
religious leaders, youth leaders, traditional leaders and their elders in a
village/kelurahan so they can carry out collaborative activities and build trust in
the community (Setiawan, 2018). Each Bhabinkamtibmas personnel is equipped
with insight and the ability to detect early on issues or problems that develop in
the community so that Bhabinkamtibmas can make preventive efforts or solutions
that are anticipating potential disturbances and the threshold for disturbances
that occur in society so that they do not develop into real disturbances of
Kamtibmas (Sadjijono & Kepolisian, 2010).
In terms of etymology, the term police in several countries has
dissimilarities, such as in Greece the term police is called politea, in England police
are also known as constables, in Germany polizei, in America they are known as
sheriffs, in the Netherlands politea, in Japan with the terms koban and chuzaisho.
although actually the term koban is the name of a police station in urban areas and
chuzaisho is a police station in rural areas (soerjono Soekanto, 2014).
Long before the term police was born as an organ, the word police was
known in Greek, namely politeia. The word politeia is used as the title of Plato's
first book, namely Politeia, which means an ideal country in accordance with his
ideals, a country that is free from greedy and evil state leaders, where justice is
upheld. Then it became known as a form of state, namely a police state
(polizeistaat) which means a state that organizes security and prosperity or the
economy, even though this police state is run in absolute terms. In Indonesia there