Vol. 4, No. 03, March 2023
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Science, Vol. 4, No. 03, March 2023 307
Juridical Review of Duties and Functions of Bhabinkamtibmas
In Maintaining Security and Order in Sempu Village, Blora
, Eddie Pranoto
Faculty of Law, University of August 17, 1945 Semarang
Email: abdulkirom[email protected]m, pranoto.edi@gmail.com
Indonesia is a constitutional state, as stated in the 1945
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (UUD NRI). Law has an
important meaning in every aspect of life, guidelines for human
behavior in relation to other human beings, and laws that govern
all social life. Indonesia. The Indonesian National Police or what is
often abbreviated as Polri in relation to the Government is one of
the functions of the state government in the field of maintaining
public order and security, law enforcement, protection, protection
and service to the community, which aims to realize internal
security which includes maintaining security and public order,
order and law enforcement, implementation of protection,
protection and service to the community, as well as fostering
public peace by upholding human rights. On the basis of the
considerations described above, it is deemed necessary to adopt
the concept of Community Policing or commonly abbreviated as
"Polmas" since 2005, with the issuance of Chief of Police Decree
No. Pol : Skep / 737 / X / 2005 dated 13 October 2005 concerning
policies and strategies for implementing the community policing
model in carrying out Polri's duties. The decree is accompanied by
the Chief of Police Regulation No. 7 of 2008 concerning Basic
Guidelines for Strategy and Implementation of Community
Policing, and updated again with the Chief of Police Regulation No.
3 of 2015 concerning Community Policing conducted research
whose results will be set forth in a Juridical Review of the Duties
and Functions of Bhabinkamtibmas in Maintaining Security and
Order in Sempu Village, Kunduran District, Blora Regency. In this
study, the main issues discussed were how the duties and functions
of Bhabinkamtibmas of the Blora Resort Police in the Duties and
Functions of Bhabinkamtibmas Obstacles and Efforts to overcome
them in maintaining security and order in society. This study uses
normative juridical research, namely normative legal research
carried out by examining literature which is secondary data which
is also called library law research. Sempu Village, Kunduran
District, Blora Regency. While data analysis using qualitative data,
from the results of this study it was clear that the Duties and
Functions of the Bhabinkamtibmas Unit were Obstacles and Efforts
Keywords: Tasks of the
Bhabinkamtismas Unit,
Functions of the
Bhabinkamtismas Unit,
Barriers to maintaining
security, Efforts to maintain
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Science, Vol. 4, No. 03, March 2023 308
in maintaining security and order in the community in Sempu
Village, Kunduran District. Based on the research, it can be
concluded that the duties and functions of the Bhabinkamtibmas
Unit. Sambang and appeal activities are carried out directly door to
door to each fostered member or en masse by holding Basembang
Storytelling activities at local public facilities. And the function of
Carrying out visits / visits to the community is to: Listen to
complaints from residents about Kamtibmas problems and provide
explanations and solutions, Maintain friendly relations, Guiding
and counseling in the field of law and Kamtibmas to increase legal
awareness. The obstacles they face are low Human Resources (HR)
such as the education they have is not very good so they still don't
care about the importance of maintaining security, the aspect of
the police where Bhabinkamtibmas still carries out dual duties,
namely serving in the assisted villages and also still having to serve
in In an effort to maintain security and order in the community, the
Polsek in Sempu Village, Kunduran District, took a structured
approach to the community accompanied by village officials by
frequently inviting the community to chat according to the time
they had. Another effort is to frequently invite the community to
attend counseling activities which are held in the hall of each
Village Head's Office. Through this, an approach emerged between
the community and Bhabinkamtibmas. In this way, more frequent
communication can be established between Bhabinkamtibmas and
community members so that in the end Bhabinkamtibmas can find
out complaints and information/reports from the community.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
Communities have the opportunity to create various types of crimes that can
disturb the security, peace and order of the surrounding community. On the other hand,
every community member expects a safe, peaceful and orderly community environment
so that they can always carry out their daily activities. With the creation of a safe,
peaceful and orderly community environment, it will improve the standard of living and
welfare of the community. However, if a safe, peaceful and orderly community
environment cannot be created, it will disrupt the order of people's lives and can affect
the fulfillment of the standard of living. For the sake of creating a safe, peaceful and
orderly society, the Indonesian government established the Indonesian National Police.
Indonesia is a constitutional state, as stated in the 1945 Constitution of the
Republic of Indonesia (UUD NRI). Law has an important meaning in every aspect of life,
guidelines for human behavior in relation to other human beings, and laws that govern
all social life. Indonesia. Juridically, Indonesia is indeed right to apply law as the
supremacy of the state as stipulated in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of
Indonesia article 1 paragraph (3) above. This has implications in every action of
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Journal of Indonesian Social Science, Vol. 4, No. 03, March 2023 309
Indonesian citizens must comply with applicable legal provisions, including security
disturbances (Atmosudirdjo, 2020). Security disturbances are incidents that disrupt
security stability in society, both criminal issues and social problems, which are now
familiar to most Indonesian people, both from the lower middle class and the upper
middle class. The rise of legal cases is motivated by various factors, one of which is
economic pressure and poverty (Ridwan & Sudrajat, 2020). Currently, criminal law
issues are widely discussed and even become the spotlight, both in theory and in
practice, and there are even efforts to compile a National Criminal Code (Hasibuan,
The rise of legal cases is motivated by various factors, one of which is economic
pressure and poverty. Currently, criminal law issues are widely discussed and even
become the spotlight, both in theory and in practice, and there are even efforts to
compile a National Criminal Code (Marzuki, 2017).
Based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 2 of 2002 concerning the
Indonesian National Police Article 13 concerning the main duties of the Police, namely:
1. Maintain public order and security
2. Enforce the law, and
3. Provide protection, shelter and service to the community
Spearheading the implementation of community policing is Bhayangkara, the
supervisor of community security and order or abbreviated as Bhabinkamtibmas, who
is a community officer (polmas officer) who is a member of the National Police tasked
with fostering community security and order and is also a community police officer in
the village/kelurahan (Rinawati, 2018). Based on the background description, the
writer is interested in conducting research, the results of which will be set forth in the
thesis entitled Juridical Review of the Duties and Functions of Bhabinkamtibmas in
Maintaining Security and Order in Sempu Village, Kunduran District, Blora Regency
(Siregar, 2013).
2. Materials and Methods
The type of research that the author uses is Normative Juridical, namely this
research emphasizes Law, while normative research examines the legal principles that
apply in society. Thus normative juridical is an approach to the rules of legal issues from
the aspect of applicable legal regulations.
3. Results and Discussions
1) What is the Juridical Review of Bhabinkamtibmas Polri in maintaining
security and order in society in Sempu Village, Kunduran District, Blora
Regarding law enforcement, according to what is stated in Article 2 of Law
Number 2002, namely that the function of the police is one of the functions of the
state government in the field of maintenance, security and public order, law
enforcement, protection, protection and service to the community.
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The National Police of the Republic of Indonesia in carrying out the roles
and functions of the police as referred to in Article 2 and Article 5 of Law No. 2 of
2002 covers the entire territory of the Republic of Indonesia. From a historical
perspective, the term "police" in Indonesia seems to follow and use the term
"politie" in the Netherlands. This is as a result and influence of the building of the
Dutch legal system which is widely adopted in Indonesia. According to Van
Vollenhoven in his book "Politei Overzee" as quoted by Momo Kelana, the term
"Politei" implies as an organ and function, namely as an organ of the government
with the task of supervising, if necessary, using coercion so that those who are
governed carry out and do not carry out the prohibitions of orders. Reviewing the
Decree of the Head of the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia (Number:
Kep/773/VII/2016) regarding the Bhabinkamtibas Smart Book, each
Bhabinkamtibmas personnel plays an important role in society. The main task of
Bhabinkamtibmas is to foster the community so that conditions can be created
that provide advantages or benefits in carrying out Polri's duties in the
village/kelurahan. The tasks carried out are closely related to the function of
Bhabinkamtibmas (Kurniawan, 2022).
Other duties that must be carried out by a Bhabinkamtibmas include
providing guidance to residents so that it is expected to increase the role or
participation of the community, create awareness and obedience of the
community towards applicable laws and regulations. Bhabinkamtibmas personnel
also need to establish good relations with village leaders, community leaders,
religious leaders, youth leaders, traditional leaders and their elders in a
village/kelurahan so they can carry out collaborative activities and build trust in
the community (Setiawan, 2018). Each Bhabinkamtibmas personnel is equipped
with insight and the ability to detect early on issues or problems that develop in
the community so that Bhabinkamtibmas can make preventive efforts or solutions
that are anticipating potential disturbances and the threshold for disturbances
that occur in society so that they do not develop into real disturbances of
Kamtibmas (Sadjijono & Kepolisian, 2010).
In terms of etymology, the term police in several countries has
dissimilarities, such as in Greece the term police is called politea, in England police
are also known as constables, in Germany polizei, in America they are known as
sheriffs, in the Netherlands politea, in Japan with the terms koban and chuzaisho.
although actually the term koban is the name of a police station in urban areas and
chuzaisho is a police station in rural areas (soerjono Soekanto, 2014).
Long before the term police was born as an organ, the word police was
known in Greek, namely politeia. The word politeia is used as the title of Plato's
first book, namely Politeia, which means an ideal country in accordance with his
ideals, a country that is free from greedy and evil state leaders, where justice is
upheld. Then it became known as a form of state, namely a police state
(polizeistaat) which means a state that organizes security and prosperity or the
economy, even though this police state is run in absolute terms. In Indonesia there
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are two concepts, namely sicherheit polizei which functions as a guardian of order
and security, and verwaltung polizei or wohlfart polizei which functions as an
organizer of the economy or organizer of all the necessities of life for citizens.
Bhabinkamtibmas is the Bhayangkara for Security and Public Order. Based
on the Decree of the Head of the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia No.
Pol. KEP / 8 / II / 2009 concerning changes to the field manual for the Chief of
Police No.Pol. : BUJUKLAP/17/VII.1997 concerning the designation of
Bhabinkamtibmas (Bintara Pembina Kamtibmas) to Bhabinkamtibmas
(Bhayangkara Pembina Kamtibmas) from the Rank Level of Brigader to Inspector.
Bhabinkamtibmas is the bearer of Polmas (Community Police) in the
Village or Kelurahan, and Bhabinkamtibmas has the following functions; Carry out
visits / visits to the community to listen to complaints from members of the public
about Kamtibmas issues and provide explanations and solutions and even
maintain friendly / brotherly relations, Guiding and providing counseling in the
field of Law and Kamtibmas to increase Legal Awareness and Kamtibmas by
upholding Human Rights (HAM), Disseminating information about the policies of
the National Police leadership relating to Community Security and Order
(Harkamtibmas), Encouraging the implementation of siskamling in environmental
protection and community activities, Providing Police services to people who need
them, Mobilizing positive community activities, Coordinating efforts to foster
Kamtibmas with Village Officials/ Kelurahan and other related parties Carry out
consultation, mediation, negotiation, and facilitation and motivation to the
community in Harkamtibmas and solving crime and social problems.
In addition to carrying out its main duties, Bhabinkamtibmas also carries
out activities by way of house-to-house visits to all of its assigned areas,
Conducting and helping to solve a problem, Organizing and securing community
activities, Receiving information about the occurrence of criminal acts, Providing
temporary protection to lost people, victims of crime and violations, Participate in
providing assistance to victims of natural disasters and disease outbreaks, Provide
guidance and instructions to the community or communities related to Kamtibmas
issues and Polri services.
In carrying out Polmas activities, Bhabinkamtibmas owns and has the
authority to resolve community or community disputes, take the necessary steps
as a follow-up to an agreement with FKPM in maintaining environmental security,
visit the crime scene (TKP) and take the first action at the crime scene (TPTKP). ),
Supervise the flow of belief in society that causes division or threatens the Unity
and Integrity of the nation.
2) The details of the duties and functions of Bhabinkamtibmas Polri in
maintaining security and order in society and the activities carried out are
detailed as follows:
a. The duties of Bhabinkamtibmas Polri in maintaining security and order in
society in Sempu Village, Kunduran District, Blora Regency and the activities
carried out are detailed as follows
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The main task of Bhabinkamtibmas is to carry out community
development, early detection, and mediation/negotiation in order to create
conducive conditions in the village/kelurahan. In carrying out its main tasks,
Bhabinkamtibmas carries out the following activities:
1. Visits from door to door in all assigned areas. Sambang and appeal
activities are carried out directlydoor to door to each fostered member or
en masse by holding Basembang Telling stories at public facilities in the
local area. These activities are carried out on certain dates each month.
2. Conducting and helping problem solving (Problem Solving) Serving the
community on matters related to kamtibmas problems The function of
serving the community on matters related to kamtibmas problems is the
procurement of PAM. PAM is an activity to maintain security and security
in the target area of each Bhabinkamtibmas personnel
3. Organizing and securing community activities
4. Receive information about the occurrence of a crime
5. Providing temporary protection to lost people, victims of crime and
violations. Guiding and counseling in the field of law and public order and
security. The implementation of the first function is carried out in 3 main
activities, namely sambang activities, appeal activities and coaching
activities. The author focuses on the activities carried out by
Bhabinkamtibmas personnel at each Polres within the jurisdiction of the
Blora District Police, where in the last 3 months (September November
2022) Bhabinkamtibmas personnel of the Blora Islands Regional Police
have appealed 10x sambang activities, 20x appeal activities and 5x
coaching activities
6. Participate in providing assistance to victims of natural disasters and
7. Providing guidance and instructions to the community or community
related to issues such as appeals and guidance implemented. Broadly
speaking, the appeal given is related to an appeal to the public to always
maintain the condition of the surrounding environment so that it remains
safe, conducive and orderly. Communities are advised to always be on the
lookout for any newcomers who enter their area of residence. If there are
things that are worried or unwanted, residents can contact the local
Bhabinkamtibmas personnel as soon as possible
8. Kamtibmas and Police services.
9. The coaching carried out is like coaching the community to re-implement
the siskamling system in each village, the aim is to maintain a conducive
and safe Kamtibmas situation. Along with the development of national
issues. This relates to the appeal given to the public so that people are
wiser in using social media and spreading the news they find. In this case
Bhabinkamtibmas personnel foster the community not to participate in
spreading false news or hate speech that can cause national divisions. In
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presenting their material, Bhabinkamtibmas personnel explained that
spreading fake news or hate speech was a criminal act which could result
in the imposition of criminal sanctions on those who did it.
b. The function of Bhabinkamtibmas Polri in maintaining security and order in
society in Sempu Village, Kunduran District, Blora Regency and the activities
carried out are detailed as follows
1. Carry out visits/sambang to the community to: Listen to complaints from
members of the public about Kamtibmas issues and provide explanations
and solutions, Maintain friendly/fraternal relations, Guiding and
counseling in the field of law and Kamtibmas to increase legal awareness
2. Kamtibmas by upholding Human Rights (HAM)
3. Disseminate information about the policies of the National Police
leadership related to the Maintenance of Public Security and Order
4. Encouraging the implementation of siskamling in protecting the
environment and community activities
5. Providing police services to people in need
6. Mobilizing positive community activities
7. Coordinate efforts to foster Kamtibmas with village/kelurahan officials
and other related parties
8. Carry out consultation, mediation, negotiation, facilitation, motivation to
the community in Harkamtibmas and solving crime and social problems
3) Obstacles faced by the Duties and Functions of bhabinkamtibmas Sempu
Village, Kunduran District, Blora Regency
Obstacles faced by Bhabinkamtibmas in serving in Sempu Village,
Kunduran District, can be seen from two aspects, namely the community
environment aspect and the police aspect. First, from the aspect of the
community environment, namely the obstacle faced by Bhabinkamtibmas is the
low awareness of law in society. This is caused by
a. Human Resources (HR) are low as well as the education they have is not very
good so they are still less concerned about the importance of maintaining
security. There are still people who are indifferent to the condition of
kamtibmas in their environment. In addition, people's understanding of the
function of Bhabinkamtibmas is still low.
b. The aspect of the police where Bhabinkamtibmas is still carrying out dual
duties, namely serving in the village assisted and also still have to work at the
Polsek so that Bhabinkamtibmas does not stay all day in the assisted village.
4) Efforts made by bhabinkamtibmas Sempu Village, Kunduran District, Blora
Bhabinkamtibmas' effort in overcoming these obstacles is to take a
structured approach to the community assisted by village officials by frequently
inviting the community to chat according to the time they have. Another effort is
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Journal of Indonesian Social Science, Vol. 4, No. 03, March 2023 314
to frequently invite the community to attend counseling activities which are held
in the hall of each Village Head's Office. Through this, an approach emerged
between the community and Bhabinkamtibmas. In this way, more frequent
communication can be established between Bhabinkamtibmas and community
members so that in the end Bhabinkamtibmas can find out complaints and
information/reports from the community. Meanwhile, to overcome obstacles in
the aspect of police duties, Bhabinkamtibmas has yet to find an effort to do so
because this is beyond their authority.
a. Efforts to overcome internal barriers
1. Efforts to overcome obstacles in the form of limited funds faced by
bhabinkamtibmas in efforts to prevent criminal acts in Sempu Village by
using funds effectively and efficiently
2. To overcome obstacles in the form of facilities and infrastructure,
Bhabinkamtibmas was given the closest place to the Kunduran Police to
carry out their duties.
3. Efforts to overcome external obstacles:
4. Implement socialization to all sub-districts and villages in Sempu Village,
Kunduran District
5. Implement socialization evenly in all elements of society
4. Conclusion
Based on the results of research conducted at the Kunduran Polsek and
described in the previous chapters, conclusions can be drawn regarding the Juridical
Review of the Duties and Functions of Bhabinkamtibmas in Maintaining Security and
Order in Sempu Village, Blora Regency. Based on what is described in the research
results and discussion above, the author can draw conclusion: Bhabinkamtibmas Polri
has the main task of maintaining security and public order, with an emphasis on solving
problems in the community, and in creating a conducive security situation within the
police community, in this case bhabinkamtibmas has an equal position with the
community in order to create communication and exchange of ideas. The police provide
advice and instructions to the public including fostering Kamtibmas awareness,
fostering legal awareness, carrying out general police duties and certain matters
according to circumstances and conditions. On the other hand, the community has a
large role in providing input, suggestions and assessments to the police.
The Bhabinkamtibmas Polri method of creating a conducive security situation in
society is carrying out pre-emptive activities to minimize the occurrence of criminal acts
in a village, by partnering with the community through a community policing program
(Polmas) which includes activities including face to face, coaching and counseling
(Binluh ), cross-sectoral coordination, creative breakthroughs, participating in social
activities in the community. As for problem solving every month, both criminal and non-
criminal/social problems, by Bhabinkamtibmas the state budget for investigation costs
in the detective function can save state funds and the level of public trust in the Police
has increased compared to previous years, because Bhabinkamtibmas officers not only
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Journal of Indonesian Social Science, Vol. 4, No. 03, March 2023 315
deal with criminal offenses but non-criminal problems/social problems that occur in
society can also be resolved in collaboration with relevant agencies and community
leaders local
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