e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Science, Vol. 4, No. 03, March 2023 303
2. Barriers to the Security Intelligence Unit of the Blora District Police in
disclosing criminal acts
a) Barriers - Obstacles to the Security Intelligence Unit of the Blora District Police in
uncovering criminal acts?
1) The number of Satintelkam personnel at the Blora Police is 29 people. Seeing the
comparison of the number of residents in the Blora Regency area, the number of
members of the Blora Police's Satintelkam is still less than ideal.
2) Related to the task of dealing with crime is part of the work area of Unit IV of the
Blora Police, which currently has 4 personnel. With this number of personnel, it
is still an obstacle in obtaining information to tackle crime in the Blora Regency
3) The number of Work Units in the Blora Police Security Intelligence Unit is still
lacking, because at this time, especially in Security Unit IV, they are still
concurrently in charge of tasks and functions in the field of Radicalism.
4) The lack of facilities such as wiretapping equipment and means of transportation
at the Blora Police Security Intelligence Unit provided by the Service also
hampered effectiveness in tackling crime.
5) Communities are less proactive in assisting the police in tackling crime and less
public participation in reporting any incidents or circumstances that could
threaten security and order in society.
6) The main supporting element of the Blora Police Security Intelligence Unit is the
Blora Police Intelligence Unit, which on average only has 2 (two) personnel with
a workload that also takes care of Ur Yanmin's duties such as SKCK services and
crowd permits, so the number is still not ideal. because the current condition of
the number of personnel with a workload like that has certainly had an impact
on influencing or limiting the absorption of information on the development of
Kamtibmas in the community.
b) That the efforts of the Blora Police Security Intelligence Unit to overcome in
carrying out their duties and functions in an effort to tackle crime
1) Kaurmintu Satintelkam of the Blora Police, who has the task of carrying out civil
service administration, logistics and general administration and administration
at the Blora Police Satintelkam, made a request to the HR Section of the Blora
Police for additional members of the Blora Police Satintelkam.
2) Kaurmintu Satintelkam Polres Blora made a request to the HR Section of the
Blora Police for the addition of Unit IV members of the Blora Police's
Satintelkam, to minimize obstacles in obtaining information and to make it more
effective in efforts to tackle crime in the Blora Regency area. Whereas for the
number of personnel in Unit IV of the Blora Police, Blora Police, so far in order to
maximize obtaining information, the formation and development of an
information network has been carried out. as a result of which the intelligence
network that has been formed or that has been developed is used as an extension
to provide information related to the situation that is currently developing and