Vol. 4, No. 03, March 2023
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Science, Vol. 4, No. 03, March 2023 299
Duties and Functions of the Security Intelligence Unit
Blora Police in Efforts to Overcome
Abdul Kirom
, Eddie Pranoto
Faculty of Law, University of August 17, 1945 Semarang
Email: abdulkirom[email protected]m, pranoto.edi@gmail.com
Since birth in the world, humans have been associating with other
humans in a container called society. Association is also known as
social interaction. In social interaction, it can cause problems and
threats of crime if individuals are faced with the choice of adapting
to a deviant environment. In committing a crime of murder,
someone can do it. In accordance with the Republic of Indonesia
National Police Regulation Number 2 of 2021 Concerning
Organizational Structure and Work Procedures At the resort police
and sector police levels, Article 31. Within the Organizational
Structure and Work Procedures of the Police, there is a Police
Security Intelligence Unit whose job is to maintain security and
help uncover criminal acts. The Police Security Intelligence Unit
has a very important and strategic role in helping uncover criminal
acts. In this study, the main issues discussed are the duties and
functions of the Blora Police Security Intelligence Unit in the Duties
and Functions of the Intelligence Unit on Obstacles and Efforts to
Overcome Crime and the obstacles it faces. This legal research is
normative juridical, namely normative legal research is carried out
by examining literature which is secondary data which is also
called library law research. Based on the research, it can be
concluded that the duties and functions of the Security Intelligence
Unit of the Blora Resort Police in uncovering criminal acts are
conducting investigations in the context of collecting data, material
information and preliminary information on a crime. The obstacles
encountered were the very insufficient number of personnel at the
Blora Polres Satintelkam, the insufficient number of personnel still
hampered obtaining information, the lack of facilities such as
wiretapping equipment and transportation facilities. Intelligence
Obstacles and Efforts to Overcome Crime and Obstacles Faced by
Kaurmintu Satintelkam of the Blora Police made a request to the
HR Section of the Blora Police for additional members of the Blora
Police Satintelkam. Kaurmintu Satintelkam Polres Blora made a
request to the HR Section of the Blora Police for the addition of
Unit IV members of the Blora Police's Satintelkam, to minimize
obstacles in obtaining information and to make it more effective in
efforts to tackle crime in the Blora Regency area. Kaurmintu
Satintelkam Polres Blora made a request to the Logistics Section of
the Blora Police to complete the lack of facilities such as
Keywords: Duties of the
Intelligence Unit, Functions of
the Intelligence Unit, Barriers
to tackling crime, Efforts to
tackle crime.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Science, Vol. 4, No. 03, March 2023 300
wiretapping equipment and transportation facilities at the
Satintelkam Polres Blora.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
The State of Indonesia is a constitutional state that describes various forms of
crime that can be committed by humans. The crime itself is regulated in the Criminal
Code (KUHP) and its implementation is also regulated in the Criminal Procedure Code
(KUHAP). Apart from the Criminal Code, crimes are also regulated in several other laws.
Criminal acts are always related to the nature and form of violations that are prohibited
and the form of accountability by the perpetrator in the form of imposing criminal
sanctions in prison and/or a fine of a sum of money.
One of the tasks of intelligence services is to act as the eyes and ears of the
National Police unit, which is obliged to carry out early detection and provide warnings
of problems and developments in problems and changes in social life in society
(Arliman, 2015). As well as being able to identify threats, disturbances, or obstacles to
Kamtibmas. In accordance with Republic of Indonesia National Police Regulation
Number 2 of 2021 concerning Organizational Structure and Work Procedures at the
Level of Resort Police and Sector Police, Article 31 which explains (Ismantoro Dwi
Yuwono, 2011).
Law has an important meaning in every aspect of life, guidelines for human
behavior in relation to other humans, and laws that govern all the lives of Indonesian
people (Sadjijono & Kepolisian, 2010). Juridically, Indonesia is indeed right to apply law
as the supremacy of the state as stipulated in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of
Indonesia article 1 paragraph (3). Security disturbances are incidents that disrupt
security stability in society, both criminal issues and social problems, which are now
familiar to most Indonesian people, both from the lower middle class and the upper
middle class (Ishaq, 2022). Indonesia is a constitutional state, as stated in the 1945
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (UUD NRI). This has implications for every act
of Indonesian citizens must comply with applicable legal provisions, including security
disturbances (Sugiarto, 2021).
Based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 2 of 2002 concerning the
Indonesian National Police Article 13 concerning the main duties of the Police, namely:
1. Maintain public order and security
2. Enforce the law, and
3. Provide protection, shelter and service to the community
This effort is aimed at overcoming the various weaknesses and deficiencies that
exist in the current Criminal Code which are relics of the colonial era which in reality
were still used during the New Order during the era of independence, which turned out
to be many regulations in it which were no longer in accordance with the spirit and
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Journal of Indonesian Social Science, Vol. 4, No. 03, March 2023 301
spirit of Pancasila and Based on the description of the background, the author is
interested in conducting research whose results will be set forth in the Duties and
Functions of the Security Intelligence Unit of the Blora Police in Efforts to Overcome
Crime (Syahputra, 2019).
2. Materials and Methods
In accordance with the title and issues to be discussed in this study and in order
to provide useful results, this research was conducted using normative juridical
research (normative legal research method). The normative juridical research method
is library law research which is carried out by examining library materials or mere
secondary data (Parlindungan, 2018).
3. Results and Discussions
1. Duties and Functions of the Blora Police Security Intelligence Unit in
Tackling Crime in Blora District
The National Police of the Republic of Indonesia, hereinafter abbreviated as Polri,
is all matters relating to the functions and institutions of the police in accordance with
statutory regulations. The function of the police is one of the functions of the state
government in the field of maintaining public order and security, law enforcement,
protection, protection and service to the community (Bisri, 2008). Meanwhile, in
carrying out their functions as law enforcers, the police are required to understand the
principles used as material for consideration in carrying out their duties and work
(Soekanto, 2004), namely as follows:
a) The principle of legality, in carrying out its duties as a law enforcer, must comply
with the law
b) The Principle of Obligation, is the obligation of the police in dealing with
community problems.
c) The Participation Principle, in order to protect the community environment, the
police coordinate Swakarsa's security to realize law-abidingness among the
d) The principle of prevention, always puts forward preventive action rather than
repression (repressive) to the community.
e) Subsidiarity principle, carrying out the duties of other agencies so as not to cause
bigger problems before being handled by agencies that turn their backs
Definition of Intelligence Knowledge, organization and activities related to the
formulation of policies, national strategies and decision making based on analysis of
information and facts collected through working methods for detection and early
warning in the context of prevention, deterrence and response to any threat to national
security (Saronto et al., 2001).
a) Intelligence as a Product
b) Basic Intelligence
c) The form of intelligence organization is arranged on the basis of:
d) Intelligence as Activity
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1. Main Duties, Functions and Role of Police Intelligence
a) Principal Tasks
As the eyes and ears of the National Police Unit which is obliged to carry out
early detection and provide warnings of problems and developments in problems and
changes in social life in society, for example:
1) Early detection or action and early warning.
2) Implementing security and monitoring leadership policies.
3) Creating conditions.
b) Function
Security intelligence is tasked with being the eyes and ears of the National Police
Unit which is obliged to carry out early detection and provide warnings of problems and
changes in social life in society and is also tasked with identifying threats, disturbances
or obstacles to Kamtibmas, for example:
1) Research
2) Security
3) fundraising
c) Role
Past developments and current developments are reflected by basic Intelligence
descriptive Actual Intelligence, whereas forecasted Intelligence predicts developments
that will occur in the future as a continuation of the development process that is
currently taking place, for example:
1) Take the lead.
2) Participate.
3) End
2. How to Conduct Investigation, Security and Fundraising
a) Research
Investigation is all activities carried out in a planned and directed manner in
order to seek and collect information material to be further processed and presented to
the leadership so that the leadership can determine policies with risks that have been
calculated in advance.
b) Security
Security is all business activities and work carried out in a planned and directed
manner to find traces, thwart, paralyze, cut off networks, suppress or destroy other
parties'/opponents' business activities that threaten people's lives, national integration,
the running of government and the implementation of development as well as hindering
the duties of the National Police. .
c) fundraising
Fundraising is all efforts, activities and work carried out in a planned and
directed manner to create or change situations and conditions in certain areas of the
opponent's area inside / outside the country within a certain period of time
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2. Barriers to the Security Intelligence Unit of the Blora District Police in
disclosing criminal acts
a) Barriers - Obstacles to the Security Intelligence Unit of the Blora District Police in
uncovering criminal acts?
1) The number of Satintelkam personnel at the Blora Police is 29 people. Seeing the
comparison of the number of residents in the Blora Regency area, the number of
members of the Blora Police's Satintelkam is still less than ideal.
2) Related to the task of dealing with crime is part of the work area of Unit IV of the
Blora Police, which currently has 4 personnel. With this number of personnel, it
is still an obstacle in obtaining information to tackle crime in the Blora Regency
3) The number of Work Units in the Blora Police Security Intelligence Unit is still
lacking, because at this time, especially in Security Unit IV, they are still
concurrently in charge of tasks and functions in the field of Radicalism.
4) The lack of facilities such as wiretapping equipment and means of transportation
at the Blora Police Security Intelligence Unit provided by the Service also
hampered effectiveness in tackling crime.
5) Communities are less proactive in assisting the police in tackling crime and less
public participation in reporting any incidents or circumstances that could
threaten security and order in society.
6) The main supporting element of the Blora Police Security Intelligence Unit is the
Blora Police Intelligence Unit, which on average only has 2 (two) personnel with
a workload that also takes care of Ur Yanmin's duties such as SKCK services and
crowd permits, so the number is still not ideal. because the current condition of
the number of personnel with a workload like that has certainly had an impact
on influencing or limiting the absorption of information on the development of
Kamtibmas in the community.
b) That the efforts of the Blora Police Security Intelligence Unit to overcome in
carrying out their duties and functions in an effort to tackle crime
1) Kaurmintu Satintelkam of the Blora Police, who has the task of carrying out civil
service administration, logistics and general administration and administration
at the Blora Police Satintelkam, made a request to the HR Section of the Blora
Police for additional members of the Blora Police Satintelkam.
2) Kaurmintu Satintelkam Polres Blora made a request to the HR Section of the
Blora Police for the addition of Unit IV members of the Blora Police's
Satintelkam, to minimize obstacles in obtaining information and to make it more
effective in efforts to tackle crime in the Blora Regency area. Whereas for the
number of personnel in Unit IV of the Blora Police, Blora Police, so far in order to
maximize obtaining information, the formation and development of an
information network has been carried out. as a result of which the intelligence
network that has been formed or that has been developed is used as an extension
to provide information related to the situation that is currently developing and
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the network will assist in maintaining the security and order situation and
helping to tackle crime in the Blora Regency area.
3) Kaurmintu Satintelkam Polres Blora made a request for the addition of a Work
Unit at the Satintelkam Polres Blora, namely Unit V special Security to deal with
the field of Radicalism which is currently still part of the field of work in Unit IV
Security at Satintelkam Polres Blora.
4) Kaurmintu Satintelkam Polres Blora made a request to the Logistics Section of
the Blora Police to complete the lack of facilities such as wiretapping equipment
and transportation facilities at the Satintelkam Polres Blora. So far, coordination
and collaboration have been carried out with the parties who have wiretapping
equipment from the Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the Central Java
Regional Police in an effort to track and wiretapping telecommunications
equipment for criminals. As for transportation facilities from the Service, it can
still be handled by using private transportation.
5) Due to the fact that the community is not proactive in assisting the police in
tackling crime, a fundraising effort is being made in the context of efforts to
create favorable conditions for Polri's duties. Which results are to provide input
to the leadership as a consideration in taking further policies.
6) The Blora Police Head of Intelligence and Security coordinates with the Blora
Police Head of Police to request an increase in the number of personnel of the
Blora Police Intelligence Unit to the HR Section of the Blora Police to increase the
absorption of information on the development of Kamtibmas in society.
4. Conclusion
Based on the results of research conducted by the author at the Blora District
Police Office as described above, the authors conclude as follows:
1. The duties of the Blora Police Security Intelligence Unit in Overcoming Crime in
Blora Regency are to organize and foster the security intelligence function, collect
and process and document data and services related to permits for public
gatherings and other community activities, issuing certificates of police records,
receiving notifications of community activities or activities politics, as well as
making recommendations on applications for permits to hold firearms and use of
explosives. The function of the Blora Police Security Intelligence Unit in Overcoming
Crime in Blora Regency includes
a. development of security intelligence activities
b. implementation of security intelligence operational activities in order to carry
out early detection and early warning, development of information networks
through empowering personnel carrying out intelligence functions
c. collection, storage, and updating of biodata of formal and informal figures;
d. collection, processing and documentation as well as analysis of developments in
the strategic environment and preparation of intelligence products to support
Polres activities;
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e. preparation of security intelligence forecasts and presenting the results of
analysis of any developments that need attention from the leadership; And
f. service of licenses for public gatherings and other community activities,
notification receipts, police record certificates and recommendations for the
use of firearms and explosives
Efforts to Overcome Barriers to the Security Intelligence Unit of the Blora
District Police in uncovering criminal acts as follows.
2. What are the Obstacles of the Blora District Police Security Intelligence Unit in
disclosing criminal acts as follows
1) Less than ideal, the number of Blora Polres Sattelkam personnel compared
to the total population in the Blora Regency area.
2) Insufficient number of Unit IV personnel of the Blora Police's Satintelkam
Police as the Security Work Division that deals with Crime in the Blora
Regency Area
3) Lack of work units in the Blora Police's Satintelkam, to support in the field of
4) Lack of facilities at the Blora Police's Satintelkam, such as wiretapping
equipment and transportation facilities provided by the Service.
5) Communities are less proactive in assisting the police in tackling crime.
6) The Intelligence Unit of the Polsek Blora Police as the main supporting
element of the duties and functions of the Blora Police's Satintelkam number
of members is still lacking.
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