e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Science, Vol. 4, No. 04, April 2023 317
Along with the development of the times and technology that influenced culture,
various types of new motifs emerged. In addition, there are also changes in the quality of the
types of woven fabrics. Currently, the types of woven fabrics circulating in various stores are
experiencing a decrease in quality, even though the prices offered are increasingly affordable.
This is due to the large use of materials that are easy to obtain such as gold thread and factory
thread which are common in textile shops as well as chemical dyes, besides that the lack of
cotton raw materials is also an inhibiting factor in meeting market demand for quality woven
fabrics with natural ingredients (Dinas Koperasi, 2016).
The Department for Trade, Industry, Cooperatives and MSMEs for the TTS Regency
(2022) explained that a piece of woven cloth using the buna method, which requires a high
level of complexity to be completed in three months, can be sold for IDR 1.2 million to IDR 2
million, depending on size. Weaving using the sotis method is completed in two months and
sold for IDR 750,000 to IDR 1 million. Meanwhile, those that were done on a futus basis were
completed within 30 days and sold for IDR 750,000. Based on this, it can be seen that one of
the incomes of TTS Regency comes from the sale of woven fabrics.
In order to increase the income of TTS Regency and support the success in the
development to be achieved, this development cannot be separated from the needs of the
local community. Therefore, a communication is needed between the government as the
party that wants to build with the community as the target of the development.
The development carried out can be as expected, of course, cannot be separated from
the existence of development communication. Communication is defined as the process of
delivering messages that have meaning from one person or more to another person with the
aim of influencing one another or creating mutual understanding between the two parties
(Cangara, 2009). Furthermore Carl Hovland defines that communication is the process of an
individual who becomes a communicator sending verbal symbols to modify the behavior of
other individuals (communicating). Meanwhile, the word development comes from the
English develop which means an action towards development, progress and growth.
Thus, the notion of development (development) is a change towards a better lifestyle
and values. Development means improving people's living conditions accompanied by
improvement, progress, independence and self-awareness. Development also aims to make
changes and describes a process of transformation between social, economic and political in
a country. So the importance of communication in development is a communication process
that contains development messages to improve the welfare, knowledge, and freedom of an
individual so that they can live a more decent life on an ongoing basis until old age.
When viewed from the development side, the existence of the people of TTS Regency
has poverty problems. If examined more deeply, especially in TTS Regency, the number of
poor people in 2017 was 134,040 people (28.92 percent) with an increase in the poverty line
which increased from 276,727 rupiah/capita/month in 2016 to 291,203
rupiah/capita/month in 2017. 2017. This poverty line is seen based on spending on basic
food needs which are equivalent to 2,100 kcal/day and non-food basic needs (Pusat, n.d.).
The problem of poverty in TTS Regency is caused by the ability of human resources
that has not been maximized and patterns of life that are still traditional so that in this case
the role of communication is important, both communication between communities in the
village and with the government as the policy maker. Sumardjo (2006) explains that the
problem of poverty can be minimized by increasing capacity and developing community
independence. Community awareness needs to be raised from the start in recognizing
potentials and problems and being able to plan independently to realize what is expected.
Furthermore, Sugihen et al., (2017) and Soetomo (2012) stated that the integration of one-
way communication (linear) and participatory communication in empowerment programs
in rural areas can support the achievement of the goals that have been set.