Vol. 4, No. 03, March 2023
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Science, Vol. 4, No. 03, March 2023 219
Customer List Protection in Avoiding Unfair Business
Competition Based on Law Number 30 of 2000 concerning
Trade Secrets and Law Number 5 of 1999 concerning
Prohibition of Monopoly Practices and Unfair Business
David Ronaldo
, Sudaryat
Faculty of Law, Padjajaran University, Bandung, Indonesia
Trade secrets are part of intellectual property, because the
information contains economic value, however, the Trade Secret
Act does not specifically state what can be classified as information
with economic value, such as customer lists. Customer lists can be
classified as information that can be protected by trade secret laws
in Indonesia. Therefore, legal efforts are needed to protect this
confidential information from acts of violation that can lead to
unfair business competition.
Keywords: legal protection,
trade secrets, customer list.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
At this time the development of the business world is increasing, in line with the
increasing flow of globalization that is growing. This is certainly marked by the opening
of international markets and the convenience provided by technological advances,
giving rise to the emergence of new entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs strive to produce
quality products to meet the needs of an increasingly diverse society. These quality
products are produced from the company's mechanism in the form of information in
processing and selling both in the field of goods and / or services. Due to the importance
of the information is kept confidential by the company, which is for the benefit of the
company or with the permission of the company the information is used.
As a form of protection for confidential information in Indonesia, it is regulated
in the Law and classified into intellectual property rights. This is because confidential
information used by companies in running their business is of economic value and is
seen as the result of human thinking which is included in the scope of intellectual
property rights that have been regulated in Law Number 30 of 2000 concerning Trade
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Secrets. Based on Article 1 point 1 of Law Number 30 of 2000 concerning Trade Secrets,
the trade secret itself is information that is not publicly known in the field of technology
and / or business that has economic value because it is useful in business activities and
is kept confidential by the owner of the trade secret. Based on this, basically trade secret
information is an important asset in a business and must be protected confidentially,
where information included in the scope of trade secrets based on article 2 of Law
Number 30 of 2000 concerning Trade Secrets is a production method, processing
method, sales method, or other information in the field of technology and / or business
that has economic value and is not known to the general public.
Departing from this that in addition to production methods, processing methods,
sales methods there is also other information in the field of business or technology that
has economic value. However, the provisions of the law are not further explained
related to the classification of information of economic value in the field of business or
technology included in it. So that it can provide knowledge to business actors who make
certain information that can be information of economic value to be given trade secret
protection that is only known by the subject of trade secret protection, namely the
owner or holder of the trade secret rights. Just as a customer list is an organized
comprehensive collection of data about customers and potential customers, prospect
qualification, product or service sales or customer relationship maintenance, where the
customer list is an important asset for the company to know its customers.
In practice, there are several other business actors who want information on the
company's customer list that has a customer list for their business interests that are
carried out unlawfully, which without the rights and permission of the customer list is
used. Of course, this can cause unhealthy business competition. As in the case of
employees of PT Oto Multiartha has provided its customer list to employees of PT BFI
Finance which is a company engaged in the same field as PT Oto Multiartha without the
rights and permission of the owner of the customer list to obtain personal benefits. This
makes the owner of customer list information suffer losses as a result of actions taken
by his employees.
Based on this, the author in conducting this study will analyze how customer lists
can be classified as confidential information of economic value to companies so that
they can be protected by Indonesian law and customer list protection against violations
under the Trade Secret Law and the Law on Prohibition of Monopoly Practices and
Unfair Business Competition.
2. Materials and Methods
The research method used is a normative juridical approach method, where
research is carried out by researching literature or skunder data as the main research
material (Soerjono Soekanto &; Sri Mamuji, 2015). Research specifications are used in
an analytical descriptive way, which explains and analyzes an existing problem
systematically, accurately and factually by taking into account applicable laws and
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regulations as well as theories from legal experts and the implementation of the law
3. Results and Discussion
Customer list as confidential information of economic value to the Company so
that it can be protected under the provisions of the Trade Secret Law
Trade secrets known as Undisclosed Information or Confidential information or
Trade Secret is information that can be used in a trade that is not general information
and has economic value, which has an important role in the development of global
business included in the scope of intellectual property rights. Trade secret information
is given the same protection as other intellectual property because it is generated from
the human mind that has used thought, energy, cost and so on to obtain it.
In line with his opinion, Eddy Damian stated that intellectual property rights are
a form of alter ego (reflection of personality or the embodiment of the quality of taste,
charsa and reasoning power of a human being, where the more diverse and quality an
intellectual property created will provide added value to the dignity and material or
economic benefits of an exclusive intellectual property creator (Henry Soelistyo, 2014).
Basically trade secret information is used in a person's business and gives him the
opportunity to gain an advantage over unknowing competitors and use it. This shows
that confidential information has a very important role in the business world so that it is
protected and kept confidential and there is a critical element in trade secrets, where
trade secret information must have economic value. In line with the enforcement of
legal protection of trade secret information, which protection is not required to register
it first (First to file), but protection is provided to the owner of trade secret information
from the moment the information is used for the first time (First to use). This is because
the nature of trade secret information is of economic value and is kept confidential
through appropriate efforts (Semaun, 2011).
Based on the scope of trade secrets contained in the Trade Secret Law, trade
secret protection is provided to information on production methods, processing
methods, sales methods or other information in the field of technology and / or
business that has economic value and is not known to the public. Trade secret laws in
Indonesia do not provide clearer restrictions on other information intended for
information in the field of technology and/or business that has economic value.
In some countries, concepts or information that receive trade secret protection
are customer lists, market research or technical research, food recipes or ingredients
used to produce a particular product, a system that is quite profitable (Tim Lindsey,
2003). As well as customer lists, which are basically data owned by companies related to
the business world of goods or services. Customer list is information from people whose
activities buy or use a product, either goods or services on an ongoing basis that are
collected systematically in the context of the interests of service providers companies
and / or goods. Here's an example of the contents of a customer list:
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1. Identity number
2. Customer name and address
3. Phone number
4. Email address
5. Mobile number
6. Transaction history
7. Purchase frequency
8. Products purchased
9. Purchase value
10. Payment methods
11. Number of purchases of a product
That in addition to the customer's name there is also information such as
customer preferences and habits, which provides a function to help promote,
introduction, new products, pricing, or find out consumer needs and create new
products, pricing or knowing consumer needs and create new products or services.
Based on this, it shows that the more detailed and extensive customer information in
the customer list makes the customer list more economically valuable (Littmannt, 1996).
Furthermore, basically the customer list contains personal data of the customers or
consumers themselves, the customers or consumers themselves. Personal data itself is
information that is closely related to a person who distinguishes the characteristics of
each individual or combined with other information either directly or indirectly through
electronic or non-electronic systems (Kang et al., 1998). Based on Article 6 of Law
Number 27 of 2022 concerning Personal Data Protection, the use or control of personal
data can be carried out by companies or corporations, but it must be known the purpose
and use by the personal data subject or the customer himself.
Trade secret protection is the protection of confidential business information
that can provide a competitive advantage for the company and is not known by others.
That's because basically the customer list is used to be able to serve customers well and
keep these customers loyal. Such is the case in the state of the United States, namely
Illinois which applies legal protection to customer lists as part of information
categorized as trade secrets stated in the Illinois Trade Secret Act which reads (De
Nardo & James P, 2018):
Trade Secret means information, including but not limited to technical or non-
technical data, a formula, pattern, compilation, program, device, method, technique,
drawing, process, financial data, or list of actual or potential customers or suppliers,
1) is sufficiently secret to derive economic value, actual or potential, from not
being generally known to other persons who can obtain economic value from its
disclosures or use; and
2) is the subject of efforts that are reasonable under the circumstances to
maintain its secrecy or confidentiality
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Trade secrets are technical and non-technical information, such as formulas,
patterns, compilations, programs, methods, techniques, process drawings, financial
data, or lists of actual or potential customers or suppliers that are kept secret to obtain
economic value, so that they are not known to the public or others who can benefit from
their disclosure or use and are given reasonable efforts to maintain the safety of the
Based on this, the customer list also includes part of the scope of trade secret
protection. Furthermore, based on the theory of property rights as the underlying
theory of Intellectual Property protection, customer lists containing personal data are
viewed as intangible movable objects that grant the holder or controller of such
customer lists defensible rights to other parties. As contained in Article 499 of the Civil
Code, what is meant by objects is every item and every right that can be controlled by
property rights. Then, based on Article 570 of the Civil Code, what is meant by property
rights itself is the right to enjoy the usefulness of something freely and to freely use the
property with full sovereignty as long as it does not conflict with laws or general
regulations that have been determined by the government which are implemented in
the public interest. This is in line with the nature of objects that have economic value
and can be transferred (Edmon Makarim, 2003). Based on this, the company as the
owner or controller of the customer list has the widest right to use the list for the
benefit of the company and is protected by law in Indonesia.
In practice, companies in some sectors use customer lists in their business
activities, but not all customer lists are protected by trade secret laws. This is because
only customer lists contain information that is of economic value and protected with
appropriate efforts and steps so that it is not known by the general public. In some
countries such as in America, some business sectors such as grocery stores, vegetable
stalls, fruit or vegetable stalls on the roadside and others, cannot be given trade secret
protection for customer lists because they do not have an exclusive nature to their
customers so that they can be known to the general public. In the absence of reasonable
efforts to maintain a customer list, it prevents the information from obtaining
independent, actual, or potential economic value. Furthermore, in certain sectors of the
product or service business activities that have regular, exclusive customers, which are
highly customer-oriented can be trade secrets, as well as the business activities of video
rental clubs, medical practices, accounting and others that give the owner of the
customer list a demonstrable competitive advantage over others in the industry can be
afforded trade secret protection (Silberberg & Lardiere, 1987).
Then because the information protected by trade secrets is of economic value,
then at the time of a trade secret dispute that must be declared is the loss suffered by
the owner of the customer list. The loss can be from the evidence that the court
considers in deciding on damages for the owner of the trade secret. Based on this, losses
as a matter of indicating that the information has economic value and efforts and steps
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have been made that should be an obligation that must be proven in resolving trade
secret disputes.
Customer List Protection Against Infringement Based on Law Number 30 of 2000
concerning Trade Secrets and Law Number 5 of 1999 concerning Prohibition of
Monopoly Practices and Unfair Business Competition.
The rapid development of science, technology and information in the business
world has resulted in increased competition. Information that can easily be accessed
through sophisticated technology to develop information that can be a company asset
and is kept confidential. Information that is kept confidential because the information
has the advantage to develop or provide benefits for the company. Indonesia as part of
the world community, of course, needs to continue to follow the development of global
business, it is marked by its participation in ratifying the Trips agreement through Law
Number 7 of 1994 concerning the Ratification of the Agreement on the Establishment of
the World Trade Organization, which is associated with Indonesian law providing
protection of intellectual property rights harmonized with the Agreement on Trade
Related Aspects of Intelectual Property (TRIPs). It is intended to provide legal
protection to owners of intellectual property rights in business activities.
Trade secrets as part of intellectual property in Indonesia have been regulated in
the Trade Secret Law. Initially, to avoid unfair business competition practices, it was
regulated in Article 1365 of the Civil Code and Article 382 bis of the Criminal Code. Then
the concept of unfair competition as a general law is more focused on laws that protect
fraudulent practices that are commercially motivated through the Trade Secret Law
which also generally complements Law Number 5 of 1999 concerning the Prohibition of
Monopoly Practices and Unfair Business Competition.
Based on Article 3 paragraph (4) of Law Number 30 of 2000 concerning Trade
Secrets, information that is considered a trade secret must be kept confidential by
taking appropriate and appropriate steps taken reasonably to keep the information
confidential. This is done as a form of preventive effort carried out by the owner of the
trade secret to prevent violations of his trade secret rights with the aim of avoiding and
protecting the trade secret. as well as in the company there are standard procedures
applicable in public places which are outlined in the company's internal provisions
regarding maintaining trade secrets and who can be responsible for the confidentiality
of trade secret information (Muhamad Jumhara Jubaedillah, 1993).
In practice the steps should be taken by: (Iman Sjahputra Tunggal & Heri Herjandono,
a. Disclosure of trade secrets only to persons who need to comply on the basis
of a trade secret agreement
b. Make trade secret agreements with employees or third parties.
c. Protect confidential information or data by creating a secret code
d. Keep confidential documents in a safe place and cannot be accessed easily by
employees or other parties.
e. Include the word "confidential" on the outside of confidential documents
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f. Restricting the access of employees to enter other units or departments of a
g. Prohibit employees from working outside predetermined working hours.
That the agreement used in protecting trade secrets, is based on contract theory,
which is based on Article 1233 of the Civil Code which states that every engagement is
born either because of an agreement, both because of laws which are basically legal
rules that regulate relationships between two or more parties based on the word
agreement to cause legal consequences. Agreements used in efforts to protect trade
secrets can be done through confidentiality agreements or what is called a Non
Disclosure Agreement, which is a contract law between parties that authorize to
provide confidential information to the party who receives confidential information to
the party who receives the confidential information for certain purposes either
employment agreements or for the company's business interests (Rismawaty, 2019)..
Based on this, confidentiality agreements are used to bind workers or employees
of companies who know trade secrets because of their work. In addition, the agreement
can also be applied to parties involved in and cooperating with companies that own
confidential information. Then the provisions of this confidentiality agreement will still
apply to the party who agreed to this agreement even if they no longer work in a
company that has trade secrets or no longer cooperate with the company. In line with
Article 1338 of the Civil Code as the basis of the agreement which states that all
agreements made in accordance with the law will apply as a law (legal foundation) for
those who make it. The agreement contained in the agreement is irrevocable other than
by agreement of both parties, or for reasons prescribed by law which must be executed
in good faith.
Based on the above, this confidentiality agreement is intended to provide clarity
in the relationship between the owner of confidential information and the recipient of
the information, which shows the boundary between what the recipient of the
information can and cannot do. Then the confidentiality agreement is one of the steps to
ensure legal certainty when violations occur by company workers or other parties who
cooperate with the company, this agreement is authentic evidence that the company has
trade secret information and has implemented efforts and measures to protect
confidential information to avoid fraudulent acts that can cause unfair business
Based on Article 13 and Article 14 of Law Number 30 concerning Trade Secrets,
Violation of trade secrets itself occurs if a person deliberately discloses a trade secret
reneging on an agreement or avoids a written or unwritten obligation to safeguard the
trade secret concerned and if it obtains or controls the trade secret in a manner
contrary to applicable laws and regulations. Dispute resolution for trade secret
violations can be carried out through the civil and/or criminal realm, where the
criminal provisions of trade secrets in Article 17 of Law Number 30 of 2000 concerning
Trade Secrets contain:
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"Goods intentionally and without the right to use the Trade Secrets of other
parties or commit acts as referred to in articles 13 or 14, shall be punished with a
maximum imprisonment of 2 (two) years and/or a maximum fine of Rp.300,000,000
(three hundred million rupiah). "
Trade secret crimes are categorized as criminal offenses with complaint offenses.
Meanwhile, the settlement of disputes in trade secrets through the civil realm can be
carried out by claim for compensation, as contained in article 11 of the Trade Secret
Law, namely:
1. Trade Secret Rights Holders or licensees can sue anyone who intentionally
and without the right to commit acts as referred to in article 4 of the Trade Secret Law,
in the form of:
a. Claims for damages; and/or
b. Termination of all actions as stated in article 4 of Law Number 30 of 2000
concerning Trade Secrets.
2. The lawsuit as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be submitted to the District
That in addition to the settlement of claims in the district court, the disputing
parties can resolve the dispute through arbitration or alternative dispute resolution. To
that end, the confidential nature of the information is not lost and is considered to
remain confidential because disclosure is limited to courts or dispute resolution sites
and not to the general public. Furthermore, the occurrence of a trade secret violation
related to unfair business competition as a result of the violation. Based on Article 1
point 6 of Law Number 5 of 1999 concerning the Prohibition of Monopoly Practices and
Unfair Business Competition, unfair business competition is understood as competition
between business actors in carrying out production or marketing activities of goods and
or services carried out in a dishonest or unlawful manner or hindering business
Unfair business competition itself is the impact of business competition
practices. Competition conditions that have negative aspects, where it is carried out by
economic actors who are not honest and contrary to the public interest are carried out
by fraudulent practices because competition is considered as an opportunity to
eliminate competitors in any way that is classified as unlawful.
In line with the definition of unlawful acts (onrechtmatige daad) which are acts
that violate the rights of others or contradict decency or contradict the cautious attitude
that needs to be considered in the community towards the external interests and
property of others (Ghiand Carllo Legrands, 2013) . Such is the case that conspiracy is
classified as a form of unfair business competition, where it is based on Article 1
number 8 of Law Number 5 of 1999 concerning the Prohibition of Monopoly Practices
and Unfair Business Competition is an activity carried out with trade cooperation
among business actors with the intention of controlling the relevant market for the
interests of conspiring business actors or often referred to as conspiracies.
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Associated with violations of trade secret information, in the provisions of unfair
business competition, conspiracy to obtain confidential company information is a form
of activity categorized as unlawful and prohibited by the provisions of the law contained
in article 23 of Law Number 5 of 1999 concerning the Prohibition of Monopoly Practices
and Unfair Business Competition which states that:
Business actors are prohibited from conspiring with other parties to obtain
information on the business activities of their competitors which are classified as
company secrets so that it can result in unfair business competition.
That's because trade secrets are closely related to corporate secrets, but there
are fundamental differences between the two secrets. Trade secret rights holders
provide licenses or rights to other parties, because trade secrets have economic value
while company secrets are information that must not be known by the public and have
no economic value (Tan Kamelo, 2006).. Based on this, confidential company
information that is categorized as information of economic value and kept confidential
can be classified as trade secrets, protected by the provisions of trade secret law.
4. Conclusion
Customer list as information containing customer personal data can be classified
as other information in the field of business that has economic value that can be
protected by trade secret law in Indonesia, which is included in other information in the
field of business that has economic value as part of the scope of trade secrets. That's
because based on the theory of property rights underlying the protection of intellectual
property rights, customer lists can be viewed as intangible movable objects and provide
exclusive benefits to the owner of the confidential information. In line with the nature of
objects that can be maintained because they have economic value and can be
transferred. With the customer list the company can know its customers so that it can
maximize services that can meet customer needs, but not all customer lists can be
classified as trade secret information, only information that can increase economic
profits and the information is kept confidential with reasonable and appropriate efforts
and steps.
Customer lists classified as trade secret information of economic value to the
company are important assets that must be protected and kept confidential from other
parties outside the company. Customer list protection is carried out with appropriate
efforts and steps to prevent unfair business competition, it is done as a preventive effort
that must be done by the owner of customer list information, as well as by making
confidentiality agreements to the parties concerned with the information and also
repressive efforts when there is a violation of the customer list that can cause business
competition unhealthy. This is contained in Law Number 30 of 2000 concerning Trade
Secrets and Law Number 5 of 1999 concerning the Prohibition of Monopoly Practices
and Unfair Business Competition through dispute resolution carried out in court, both
in the civil and criminal realms. That in addition to being resolved in court, it can also be
resolved through arbitration or alternative dispute resolution.
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