Covid-19 adalah penyakit disebabkan oleh virus SARS-CoV 2 dan sangat
menular. Jakarta Pusat menjadi salah satu daerah yang memiliki angka
kejadian Covid-19 tertinggi, dan Puskesmas Cempaka Putih adalah salah satu
puskesmas di daerah tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi deskriptif
dengan data sekunder berupa rekam medis di Puskesmas Cempaka Putih, dan
diperoleh total sampling. Penelitian ini menghasilkan (16%) berusia usia <18
tahun, (42,4%) berusia 18-40 tahun, (33,6%) berusia 41-64 tahun, (7,3%)
berusia ≥65tahun, dan (0,6%) tidak tercatat. (46,5%) adalah laki-laki dan
(53,4%) adalah perempuan. (12,6%) adalah pegawai, (4,2%) adalah pelajar,
(4,2%) adalah pedagang, lain-lain (4,4%), (1%) tidak bekerja, dan (77,6%)
tidak tercatat. Tempat tingggal (47,5%) Kecamatan Cempaka Putih, (51,8%)
luar Kecamatan Cempaka Putih, dan (0,7%) tidak tercatat. (15,4%) memiliki
riwayat penyakit sebelumnya, (24,9%) tidak memiliki riwayat penyakit
sebelumnya, dan (59,7%) tidak tercatat. (3,2%) telah vaksin COVID-19,
(7,3%) tidak pernah divaksin COVID-19, dan (89,5%) tidak tercatat.
Kesimpulan penelitian yaitu, proporsi terbanyak yang didapatkan (42,4%)
usia 18-40 tahun, (53,4%) perempuan, (12,6%) pegawai, tempat tinggal
(51,8%) di luar Kecamatan Cempaka Putih, (24,9) memiliki riwayat penyakit
sebelumnya, dan (7,3%) tidak pernah vaksin COVID-19. Dalam pandangan
islam seseorang harus menjauhi wabah, dan berikhtiar untuk mendapat
Covid-19 is a disease caused by the SARS-CoV 2 virus and is highly
contagious. Central Jakarta is one of the areas with the highest Covid-19
incidence, and the Cempaka Putih Health Center is one of the health centers
in the area. This study used a descriptive study with secondary data in the
form of medical records at the Cempaka Putih Health Center, and total
sampling was obtained. This research resulted in (16%) aged <18 years,
(42.4%) aged 18-40 years, (33, 6%) aged 41-64 years, (7.3%) aged ≥65 years,
and (0.6%) not recorded. (46.5%) are male and (53.4%) are female. (12.6%)
are employees, (4.2%) are students, (4.2%) are traders, others (4.4%), (1%)
do not work, and (77.6% ) not recorded. Place of residence (47.5%) in
Cempaka Putih District, (51.8%) outside of Cempaka Putih District, and
(0.7%) not recorded. (15.4%) had a history of previous illness, (24.9%) had
no history of previous illness, and (59.7%) were not recorded. (3.2%) had the
COVID-19 vaccine, (7.3%) had never been vaccinated against COVID-19,
and (89.5%) were not recorded. The conclusion of the study is that the highest
proportion was obtained (42.4%) aged 18-40 years, (53.4%) women, (12.6%)
employees, residence (51.8%) outside Cempaka District Putih, (24.9) had a
previous history of illness, and (7.3%) had never received the COVID-19
vaccine. In the view of Islam one must stay away from the plague, and seek to
get healed.