Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains Vol. 4, No. 2, Februari 2022
E-ISSN:2723 6595
http://jiss.publikasiindonesia.id/ P-ISSN:2723 6692
Doi: 10.36418/jiss.v4i02.772 97
Painting as Means of Art Therapy for Children – Children with Autism Spectrum
Disorder (Case Study in Kaliwungu Kudus Extraordinary School)
Johan Sutarjo
Semarang State University, Indonesia
Email: johansutarjo03092001@gmail.com
Artikel info
Artikel history
: 15-01-2023
: 01-02-2023
: 07-01-2023
Keywords: Paint; Free
Expression; Art Therapy;
Children's Autism Spectrum
Painting activities can be used as a means of art therapy for children with
Autism Spectrum Disorder at the Kaliwungu Kudus State Extraordinary
School. The objectives of this study can specifically be formulated: 1). To
find out and explain the potential of painting activities for art therapy for
children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and 2). To know and explain the
implementation of art therapy through painting activities for children with
Autism Spectrum Disorder. The benefits of research are generally expected
to provide information dan input both theoretical and empirical to relevant
parties about alternative treatments for the healing process of autistic
children through art therapy. this study has used a descriptive study, namely
research that has the purpose of describing a situation. This research
approach uses qualitative because it examines information, information, dan
symptoms from a result of the observation process during this study
regarding the matter of "Painting as a Means of Art Therapy for Children
with Autism Spectrum Disorder (Case Study in The Extraordinary School of
Kaliwungu Kudus State)". This research has also been centered on the
problem of planning, organizing systems, and implementation in research
that implemented at the Kaliwungu Kudus Extraordinary School. The
research objective focuses on a research problem. The research location is at
the Kaliwungu Kudus State Extraordinary School. Research data can be
collected with controlled observation techniques, interviews, dan
documentation. The results of this study show that the type of painting
activity that is suitable for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder is
painting free expression.
Koresponden author:
Johan Sutarjo
Articles with open access under license
(Kristanti et al., 2019) explained that Autism Spectrum Disorder occurs in 5 out of
10,000 births with the likelihood that the number of suffering problems in men is four times
greater than in women. Autism Spectrum Disorder is a severe developmental disorder in
children. Their development is hampered mainly in behavior, communication, and interaction
(Rani dan Jauhari, 2018). Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder begin to be seen at the
earliest period in their lives (Suteja, 2014). Most people with Autism Spectrum Disorder
experience negative schizophrenia, for example withdrawing from the surrounding
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4 No. 2 Februari 2023
environment, as well as being weak in thinking when they reach adulthood. Related to various
aspects of society, it has been mentioned that children with Autism Spectrum Disorder are
accustomed to being busy with themselves rather than socializing in the surrounding n context
(A. B. Nasution, 2018).
This autism disorder in children is not easy and not simple to overcome. Therefore,
integrated and continuous handling with various approaches, methods, and other special
treatments in a progressive - innovative manner needs to continue to be carried out and
developed (Sinaga, 2017). In other words, unilateral, partial, and ajeg treatment will not mean
much in helping the process of therapy or "cure" these children with autism. It is in this
context that the presence and role of the relevant cross-disciplinary can contribute to it
through the application of appropriate techniques, methods, concepts and theories to help its
Art, present in human life, is not only a means to meet a need for beauty, but more
than that it can accommodate various other needs connected to psychological, social, and
cultural problems (Mufarrichah, 2019). As a discipline, art has techniques, methods, concepts,
and theories that can be implemented to provide alternative solutions to the problem
(Mayasari et al., 2016).
In the context of behavioral health, (Triaz dan Hadiwono, 2019) states that making art
is a process and a way of healing. Implicitly, this statement confirms that art, with all the
uniqueness of its implementation, can be used as an alternative therapy to help the healing
process in the field of behavioral health (Natsir, 2021). This discourse seems relevant if it is
associated with efforts to cure processes for children with autism who have problems with
impaired development of communication, interaction, and especially in behavioral
developmental disorders.
Based on the background perception above, the problem appears to be "Painting as a
Means of Art Therapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (Case Study at the
Kaliwungu Kudus State Extraordinary School)". To solve the problem, an interconnected
problem unit is formulated through a question as follows: 1). What is the potential of painting
activities for art therapy for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder? and 2). How is the
implementation of art therapy through painting activities for children with Autism Spectrum
This study aims to explain painting as a means of art therapy for children with autism
spectrum disorder (Case Study at the Kaliwungu Kudus State Extraordinary School). In detail,
the objectives of this study are as follows: 1). To find out and explain the potential of painting
activities for art therapy for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and 2). To know and
explain the implementation of art therapy through painting activities for children with Autism
Spectrum Disorder.
Restrictions on a problem will be used to avoid deviations or expansions of the main
obstacles so that the research will be more directed and can facilitate a discussion so that it
has the purpose of the research will be achieved. Some of the limitations in the form of
obstacles in this study are as follows: 1). Potential painting activities for art therapy for
children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and 2). Implementation of art therapy through
painting activities for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Painting as Means of Art Therapy for Children Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (Case Study in
Kaliwungu Kudus Extraordinary School)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 2 Februari 2023
The benefits of this research are generally expected to provide information and input
both theoretical and empirical to related parties about alternative treatments for the healing
process of autistic children through art therapy, which is implemented through painting
activities as a means of therapy. In particular, the results of this study are expected to provide
empirical input for therapists in helping the alternative healing process of autistic children
through art activities, especially painting activities. In addition, because this research is a case
study, the results of this study are expected to be useful as an initial foundation and encourage
other researchers who will further deepen and expand the reach of both the area of the
research object and the type of art form used.
Research Methods
In this study, it has used a descriptive study, namely study which has the aim of
describing a situation (Rukajat, 2018). This research approach uses qualitative because it
examines information, information, and symptoms from a result of the observation process
during this study regarding "Painting as a Means of Art Therapy for Children with Autism
Spectrum Disorder (Case Study at the Kaliwungu Kudus State Extraordinary School)".
For other reasons, choosing this qualitative research is based on a comparison of
research that has included the implementation of Painting as a Means of Art Therapy for
Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (Case Study at the Kaliwungu Kudus State
Extraordinary School). In this case, it is in line with the characteristics of qualitative research
which include having a natural setting, the researcher used as the most priority instrument, a
descriptive nature, the data that has been collected in the form of words, prioritizes data
directly, participates without any disturbances and inductively analyzes that can be done
continuously from the field.
The determination to focus on this research is intended to: (1) M limit the results of the
study, and (2) to meet the results of the criteria that have been entered or have issued new
information that can be obtained from the field (Suyanto, 2015). The existence of this focus
determination is very clear, researchers can also make good decision results from the data that
needs to be collected and which other data needs to be separated, although the data is indeed
compelling but not so relevant in a way of reducing from the data (Setyawan, 2017).
This research has also been centered on the problem of planning, organizing systems,
and implementation in research, implemented at the Kaliwungu Kudus State Extraordinary
School. The focus of this research is then explained again through the following questions: 1).
What is the potential of painting activities for art therapy for children with Autism Spectrum
Disorder? and 2). How is the implementation of art therapy through painting activities for
children with Autism Spectrum Disorder?.
The research site that has been chosen as a case study is the State Extraordinary
School (SLB N) Kaliwungu Kudus. At the school location, education is held for children who
have problems with mental development delays or children who experience abnormal growth
and development, namely children with autism. The data that has been collected through
research is definite data with the focus of the research, namely Painting as a Means of Art
Therapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (Case Study at the Kaliwungu Kudus
State Extraordinary School). The types of data in this study have been divided into 2, namely:
primary and secondary. The primary data have been derived from the verbal form and actions
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4 No. 2 Februari 2023
of the subject (informant). Expert opinion from Moleong in 1994 can emphasize that the
characteristics of primary data are the form of words or words orally, as well as the behavior
of humans. Meanwhile, secondary data has been sourced from several documents and photos
that have been used to complement the primary data. The characteristics of secondary data are
photos, images, recordings, and writings.
Assign an informant to be used as a source of data that already uses samples. The use
of this technique is based on an understanding that a researcher is more willing to sort out a
farmer who is considered to understand and can also be trusted to be a good source of data
and can find out problems with deep expert opinions (Sidiq et al., 2019).
The data collection technique is to try to get information media or reality that is
correct and accountable. Data collection is the main stage in this study, because only by
obtaining the data that has been obtained can a research process take place when a researcher
obtains an answer to the formulation of the problem that has been applied, expert opinion
from Sarwono in 2006 p. 123. Thus, without knowing the data collection techniques, a
researcher will not obtain sufficient data from the standards that have been imposed. In this
study, a researcher has carried out data collection techniques, including controlled
observations, interviews and documentation.
Data collection techniques are the process of procuring primary and secondary data in
the form of more accurate data, so that the results of the study will be in accordance with the
goals that have been set (H. F. Nasution, 2016). In other words, data collection has the aim of
obtaining data that has been adjusted to research objectives (Ahmad dan Mustika, 2021).
There are several techniques that have been selected for data collection in schools, including
controlled observations, interviews, documentation, and so on.
Results and Discussion
Potential Painting Activities For Art Therapy For Children Children With Autism
Spectrum Disorder
F igure 1. Painting activities that are contained in the potential of children
In simple terms, painting is an activity of giving color to a flat plane surface either
with tools such as pencils, or pens or by using hands directly to produce aesthetic shapes
(Chatib, 2013). Painting or drawing for children is a fun activity, and cannot be missed in the
development of life. Painting is an activity that is loved by children who are growing up in a
period of fertile creativity, which produces children's paintings or drawing art. Education
Painting as Means of Art Therapy for Children Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (Case Study in
Kaliwungu Kudus Extraordinary School)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 2 Februari 2023
experts have long been aware that a child at the age of 6-10 years is viewed as being into his
creative golden age. Most of his creative expression is channeled in painting activities
(Ambarita, 2020).
Children's paintings or drawings have long been understood as a work of art. There are
at least two important things contained in children's paintings so their works are classified as
works of art. First, art -- including children's paintings implies an idealistic nature. Nature is
never imitated exactly, not even by naturalists. It is the artist's imagination that is able to
transform nature into a work of art. Children's painting as a work of art, cultivates in a person
those feelings abstracted from reality that are capable of giving a special pleasure called
aesthetic. The art world is a dream world of mental games that have no boundaries (Suminar,
2019). Art is often compared to a game, indeed these two kinds of activities are very closely
related (Mohamadi, 2020). It is imagination that makes the game interesting. Games and art
allow us to live in an imaginary world. It is the combination of various fantasies that shapes
the enjoyment of games and art. Secondly, the characteristics of children's paintings in the
embodiment of their paintings appear, among others, in expressive and subjective forms,
multi-perspective, ideoplastic, bright basic colors and strokes representing the development of
the child's psyche, physique, and intellectuality in their infancy.
Painting for a child is a fun activity. Through this activity, children can freely express
their ideas, views, desires, or expectations regarding the world that is known or felt. Through
pencil strokes, ballpens, markers, or other colors on paper, canvas, board or the like, they can
play around with the fun of imaginatively and creatively expressing things without fear of
being wrong. In fact, in painting activities children are carrying out the process of
interpersonal communication through symbols expressed in creative forms that they create
according to what they experience, feel, want, or think freely. Therefore, painting for children
can be an effective, creative, and creative means of play.
Autism Spectrum Disorder is a brain development disorder that can give individuals
an expert in communicating with others. Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder often
have difficultyin expressing thoughts and communicating. Art, such as fine art / / music, can
be a good medium for individuals with autism Spectrum Disorder to express the mindset that
exists in their minds.
Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder who are used to doing art activities are more
able to control themselves. Self-control is often a problem for children with Autism Spectrum
Disorder. Di d the nature of painting, children in general can improve their motor sensors, and
painting trains meticulousness, hand-holding, and physically. Painting can help visualize
feelings and ideas through verbal expression. The Painting is mentally stimulating,
stimulating creativity, and focused. Painting also improves the expertise of solving problems
and organizing ideas and ideas.
Direction and guidance from both parents are highly used to explore the potential of an
individual's Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism must be treated as early as possible so that the
child can do the maximum activity according to the Autism Spectrum Disorder they have. The
potential that can be explored among them is the potential of art. This potential can be
explored from the age of toddlers. Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder can have
artistic skills and talents . In fact, many ofthem more superior I flau compared to normal
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4 No. 2 Februari 2023
children. The discipline and high focus that they expose in the field become a great capital in
art activities.
Implementation of Art Therapy through Painting Activities for Children with Autism
Spectrum Disorder
Figure 2. Results of painting activities from children
(Opit, 2020) suggests that therapy here refers to an alternative way of healing, which is
a recovery process that can involve actions to help heal a person from the disorder
experienced. The goal is to revive the spirit of spirit, belief and others. Art therapy is an
alternative healing effort for clients who face or suffer from disorders using the medium of
art. (Anggara, 2016) suggests that art therapy can be used as a tool to increase confidence and
stimulate self-expression skills and form a stronger self-identity.
(Umar et al., 2017) suggest that making art is a process and a way to heal. Through art
activities, various feelings, frustrations, anger, guilt, and shame can be released. An art
product, such as a drawing, painting, sculpture, or craft accentuates the intent symbolically. It
captures the creator's thoughts, behaviors, feelings, and thoughts. Artwork is a unique symbol
that like a dream invites us into our subconscious. Any person who wants to help others
explore a special path to the unconscious can be done through the creative process of art-
making. (Ide, 2013) adding that artwork (painting) stimulates the efforts of a
client/patient/patient to fight unrest, depict expressions, and connect thoughts and feelings of
Art activities provide a number of experiences that are beneficial for the development
of children's personalities, namely providing a wider space for expression, developing
creative potential, sharpening aesthetic sensitivity, developing problem-solving skills, and
cultivating self-confidence. (Pakerti, 2014). Art activities are creative activities that require
physical abilities of motor or rhythmic movement, taste sensitivity, creativity, concentration,
and imagination. Therefore, therapy with the medium of art, can be interpreted as providing a
condition for a client to practice performing or developing these abilities.
Indeed, the provision of painting activities for autistic children as a means of therapy
can be implemented without significant obstacles. This is because, the activities provided are
more of a fun atmosphere, something that is the world of children in general, including
children with autism. In general, in painting activities packaged in a free, fun atmosphere,
Painting as Means of Art Therapy for Children Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (Case Study in
Kaliwungu Kudus Extraordinary School)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 4, No. 2 Februari 2023
without pressure or coercion, autistic children look enthusiastic, happy, or joyful. This at least
appears on the faces of those who are "sumringah", their preoccupation with playing with
brushes and colors, as well as their expressions or "babbles" with their typical spontaneous
verbal expressions. The pleasant atmosphere can also be seen from their enthusiasm for
participating in activities. In one activity, there are those who can complete three to four
works, even after they are asked to stop because the scheduled time is over.
Based on the results and discussion of the research that has been described, it can be
concluded that autism is a developmental problem that is so severe in children. Their
development is hampered in behavior, interaction and communication. Symptoms of autism
begin to be seen from childhood in their lives. Most children with autism experience negative
symptoms of schizophrenia. Therefore, integrated, and continuous handling with various
approaches, methods, and other special treatments in a progressive-innovative manner needs
to be carried out and developed. In painting, children can generally improve their motor
sensors, and painting trains the precision, and physical grip of the hand. Indeed, the provision
of painting activities for autistic children as a means of therapy can be implemented without
significant obstacles. This is because the activities provided are more of a fun atmosphere,
something that is the world of children in general, including children with autism.
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