Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024
E-ISSN:2723 6692
P-ISSN:2723 6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2452
Edy App: Earthquake Mitigation Innovation Using GIS for
Disaster Response in Pariaman, Indonesia
Ratih Fitria Putri, Najwa Nur Awalia
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Email: najwa.nur.a@mail.ugm.ac.id
Correspondence: najwa.nur.a@mail.ugm.ac.id*
EDY App; Earthquake;
Pariaman City; disaster
mitigation; Geographic
Information System (GIS)
Pariaman City, located along the Semangko fault line and the
subduction zone of the Indo-Australian and Eurasian plates, is highly
vulnerable to earthquakes and tsunamis. The region's susceptibility
to large earthquakes, followed by vertical deformations, highlights
the need for effective disaster mitigation. In response, this study
proposes the development of the Earthquake Buddy Application
(EDY App), designed to assist with earthquake mitigation efforts.
The EDY App leverages Geographic Information System (GIS)
technology to map earthquake-prone areas, provide early warnings,
suggest evacuation routes and Temporary Evacuation Sites (TES),
and facilitate aid distribution. This Android-based mobile
application focuses on four key aspects: education, mitigation,
evacuation, and donation. Key features include an Earthquake
Vulnerability Map, real-time early warnings, mitigation instructions,
TES recommendations with distance and time estimations,
emergency contact options, and donation channels. Built with React
Native, PHP, and MySQL, and integrated with Google Maps API, the
app is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to the public. The
EDY App’s contribution to earthquake mitigation lies in its ability to
create a disaster-aware community. By offering comprehensive
information and support during critical moments, the app can
potentially reduce casualties and enhance community preparedness
in earthquake-prone regions like Pariaman. Through this
innovation, it is expected that residents will be better equipped to
respond to natural disasters, promoting a culture of safety and
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
An earthquake with magnitudes of 7.9 and 6.2 on the Richter Scale struck Pariaman City in
2009 (USGS, 2009). The disaster resulted in 1,117 deaths, 1,214 serious injuries, 1,688 minor injuries,
and damage to 279,432 houses (Satkorlak, 2009). This devastating event was caused by two
earthquakes occurring in nearby locations: the Mentawai fault area (under the sea) and the Semangko
fault (BPBD, 2019).
This phenomenon is closely related to the earthquake theory, which is a subduction event that
occurs due to the collision of two plates that are approaching each other (continental plates and
oceanic plates) and cause bending of the oceanic plates that infiltrate the bottom of the continental
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2453
plate. The Padang region and around the west coast of Sumatra are lowlands that are prone to tsunami
disasters caused by earthquakes from the Sunda Trench because in the area there is a seismic gap
that can be a source of earthquakes in the future (Sieh, 2009). This is also strengthened by the location
of Pariaman City which is close to the Semangko fault line and the subduction zone of the Indo-
Australia Plate under the Eurasian Plate which can trigger earthquakes (Oktiari & Manurung, 2010).
Seeing the high seismicity in the Indo-Australia Plate with the West Sumatra fault system and
the Mentawai fault, Pariaman City is very interesting to study in terms of seismicity as an effort to
mitigate earthquake disasters. This area also has zones that are dynamic and complex because they
can change in depth and shape quickly (Curey et al., 1989 in Akmam, 2011). Based on the earthquake
that hit Padang Pariaman in 2009, it was stated that there were difficulties in collecting data from
residents for assistance when the earthquake occurred. In addition, evacuation of victims is difficult
due to ignorance of evacuation routes, gathering points, and difficulties in getting help when an
earthquake occurs (Nadila & Ratri, 2020). Therefore, earthquake disaster mitigation efforts in
Pariaman City are very necessary considering that the location is a coastal area close to the location
of the source of the earthquake and tsunami.
Earthquake mitigation can be realized by creating an application that is integrated with each
other to be able to solve these problems, such as mapping earthquake-prone areas, determining and
proposing evacuation routes and temporary evacuation sites by utilizing geographic information
systems (GIS), and can be a distributor of assistance in the form of donations. Remote sensing
technology and GIS play an important role in disaster mapping as a reference for disaster mitigation
and reducing the risks that occur (Sumari et al., 2016). The role of GIS can help estimate the number
and area of disaster-prone areas and can map disaster vulnerability with spatial visualization results
(Figure 1).
Figure 1. Pariaman City Earthquake Disaster Risk Map
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2454
Based on Figure 1, it is known that most of the residential areas in Pariaman City are still
concentrated and grouped in areas that are classified as high to earthquake disasters. Even though
the location is close to the subduction zone between the Indo-Australia plate and the Eurasian plate
and is close to the Mentawai megathrust which is prone to tectonic plate movement.
Based on the urgency of the problem, the United Nations (UN) has the ambition to realize the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (Hoelman, 2016). Innovation proposals will contribute to
several sustainable development goals, including point 3 to reduce the number of deaths and illnesses
due to natural disasters, point 9 to increase access to information and communication technology in
an inclusive manner, point 11 to make cities and settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable,
and point 13 as a risk-based disaster management effort, identifying, and mapping areas prone and
affected by disasters. Seeing the urgency of earthquake disasters that are prone to occur in Indonesia,
it is necessary to innovate to minimize the loss of life due to the disaster (Hadiwijoyo & Anisa, 2020).
This research aims to design a Geographic Information System (GIS)-based application that can
present information and map earthquake-prone areas, provide early warnings, and provide
recommendations for evacuation routes and Temporary Evacuation Sites (TES) in Pariaman City. This
application will also facilitate the distribution of aid as part of disaster mitigation. The benefits of this
research include assisting the government in reducing the impact of earthquake disasters, providing
mitigation information for the community, and being a reference for industry and academia in
decision-making and disaster research.
Materials and Methods
The data and information in writing this scientific paper are secondary data obtained through
the literature study method. The steps of the literature study method in writing this scientific paper
are as follows:
1. Collecting data and information through literature studies from books, journals, and the
2. Analyze data and information to achieve the purpose of writing from the results of problem
3. Determining alternative solutions presented in the form of prototype designs for applications
using Geographic Information Systems in efforts to mitigate earthquake disasters in Indonesia,
especially Pariaman City, West Sumatra;
4. Examine the data from the results of the analysis and manage it so that a writing conclusion is
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2455
Figure 2. Prototype Model
source: Khosrow-Pour, 2005
Disaster vulnerability analysis can be carried out using the principles of Geographic
Information Systems (GIS) through mapping that is included in the hazard class when a disaster
occurs (Putra et al., 2019). The method used in the development of this system is to use prototypes
to get a representation of the application modeling that will be created with a mockup as the initial
application design, then it will be evaluated by the user. After the mockup is evaluated by users, the
next stage of the mockup will be a reference material for software developers to design applications
that are suitable for application on a certain regional scale (city/regency/national).
Figure 3. Flow diagram of scientific papers
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2456
Results and Discussions
App View
Earthquake Buddy Application (EDY App) is an innovation in the use of Geographic
Information Systems (GIS) in efforts to mitigate earthquake disasters in Indonesia. This application
emphasizes on four main aspects, namely education, mitigation, evacuation, and donations, especially
for earthquake disasters. The EDY App has six main features, namely Earthquake Vulnerability Map,
Early Warning Notifications, Earthquake Mitigation Action Information, Proposed Temporary
Evacuation Routes and Sites (TES), Emergency Calls, and Donations. The educational function is found
in the "Earthquake Vulnerability Map" feature which functions to display spatial data in the form of
an Earthquake Vulnerability Class Map in a certain area and an Earthquake Prone Map (Estimated
Value Distribution from Ground Surface Vibration) as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. EDY App Display
The next function is as an early warning. EDY App is equipped with a Global Positioning
System (GPS) which functions as a navigation satellite system and positioning a person. In addition,
this application is also equipped with a notification system that is directly connected to each user's
mobile phone. Users can turn on the notification bell to get the latest information regarding
earthquake conditions and warnings in the form of emergency messages if there is an indication of a
potential earthquake in the area where the user lives. So that users can find out early as an effort to
evacuate to a safer place. The mitigation function is also found in the Earthquake Mitigation Action
Information feature which can be accessed to increase community preparedness in dealing with
An equally important function of the EDY App is the evacuation function by providing
recommendations in the form of proposed evacuation routes and Temporary Evacuation Sites (TES)
around earthquake-prone areas (Figure 4.1). So that through this application, it is hoped that the
public can obtain information about safe location points for evacuation in the event of an earthquake
in the area. As an effort to evacuate, this application is equipped with an "Emergency Call" menu
consisting of phone numbers of several agencies, such as the police, the National Disaster
Management Agency (BNPB) and the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD. So that if users
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2457
need emergency assistance, they can contact these numbers which are directly connected to
government agencies.
How the App Works
EDY App (Earthquake Buddy Application) is an innovation in the form of an application that
aims to inform earthquake-prone locations by presenting spatial data in the form of maps, providing
early warnings, and recommendations in the form of actions that need to be taken in the event of an
earthquake and alternative evacuation routes or Temporary Evacuation Sites (TES) at the user's
location. When entering the application, users are directed to create an account first on the Profile
feature by completing personal data and verifying the account. After the user has an account, the user
can log in and take advantage of the main feature, namely the display of spatial data information in
the form of an Earthquake Vulnerability Class Map at the user's location. This application is equipped
with a Global Positioning System (GPS) as a satellite system for navigation and positioning of a person,
so that when entering the application automatically the GPS system will also activate and detect the
user's location.
The case study in this paper is in Pariaman City, Padang Pariaman Regency, West Sumatra. So
that when the user enters the EDY App and selects the Vulnerability Map feature, this application will
automatically display the Earthquake Vulnerability Map in Pariaman City along with a description
that contains information on the interpretation of the map. If the user's location is an earthquake-
prone area, then this application will warn the user that the location occupied is an earthquake-prone
area for reasons that cause the level of vulnerability. So it is hoped that through this application, users
can also become more vigilant and ready to be on standby by knowing the vulnerable conditions of
their residence.
In addition to displaying spatial data in the form of maps, the EDY App also functions in
providing recommendations for earthquake mitigation actions. There is a special feature that will
display information in the form of actions that users need to take as an effort to mitigate earthquakes,
both indoors and outdoors. In addition, the EDY App is equipped with an Emergency Call feature with
several emergency numbers that users can contact in the event of an emergency or during an
earthquake. This feature is equipped with a phone number that is directly connected to several
government agencies, both regional and national scale. So that apart from being a victim, users can
also act as informants related to earthquake emergencies that occur in certain areas to related
The mitigation efforts carried out by EDY App are complemented by providing proposals in
the form of evacuation routes and Temporary Evacuation Sites (TES) in earthquake-prone locations
as an alternative to prevention and rescue. When the user gets a notification that the area where they
live is an earthquake-prone area, this application will immediately direct the user to the next page
which includes recommendations for earthquake mitigation measures and proposed evacuation
routes and TES at the user's location. So that before or during an earthquake, the proposed TES
feature provided by the EDY App can be used as a reference for users to save themselves to a safer
place. This feature has been integrated with Google Maps, so that the distance and travel time to the
evacuation site can be known. The app will display several test suggestions, but will only recommend
the test that is closest to the user's location so that it will be easier to reach in a shorter time as an
effective and efficient mitigation effort.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2458
Application System Design
The design of the EDY App system is explained by using an activity diagram which is used to
determine the flow of activities between the user and the system of the application created, as in
Figure 4.2 attached.
Usefulness and Level of Urgency of Application
The EDY App (Earthquake Buddy Application) emphasizes the benefits for the community as
an effort to mitigate earthquakes and realize a society that is responsive to earthquake disasters.
Considering Indonesia's location on tectonic plates and included in the ring of fire area, this indicates
that Indonesia is prone to earthquakes and has the potential to cause a tsunami. Based on these facts,
it shows that the EDY App has a high level of urgency to be applied in the community, especially in
areas with a high level of earthquake vulnerability, such as Pariaman City, West Sumatra. The EDY
App can be used as a bridge between the government and stakeholders and the community in
overcoming earthquakes that occur, so synergy from various parties is needed.
Advantages of EDY App
Edy App (Earthquake Buddy Application) has an advantage over other disaster mitigation
applications because this application not only provides information, but also provides proposals in
the form of evacuation routes and Temporary Evacuation Sites (TES) around the user's location that
take into account accessibility, distance, and travel time. This application emphasizes four main
functions, namely education, mitigation, evacuation, and donation. The educational aspect is carried
out by providing information in the form of spatial data (Earthquake Vulnerability Map) and
increasing public awareness. The mitigation aspect is carried out by providing information in the
form of mitigation actions before and during an earthquake. In addition, there is an early warning
feature that is directly connected to each user's mobile phone, in the form of the latest notifications
to emergency SMS if there is an area with the potential for an earthquake, so that the public can
evacuate immediately. The evacuation aspect is carried out by providing proposals for evacuation
routes and Temporary Evacuation Sites. Meanwhile, the donation function is carried out as an effort
to distribute assistance to affected victims, both in the form of money and goods. The use of mobile
phones is considered quite effective considering the high percentage of mobile phone users in
Indonesia which reaches 65.87% BPS, (2021) and in the midst of an all-digital digitalization era.
Determination of Temporary Evacuation Site (TES)
GIS attribute processing uses Arcview software that has a network analysis extension to
determine the service area of a point from a distance based on the availability of the road/accessibility
network. In this study, the network analysis function is used to determine settlements that are
affordable or unreachable by existing TES. After that, this extension function is also used to determine
the location of the proposed TES that is strategic for settlements that are not reached by the existing
TES. So that the road network plays an important role because it aims to know the direction of
evacuation to a safer place. The workflow is shown in Figure 5.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2459
Figure 5. Flow diagram of the process of determining the Evacuation Route of the Temporary
Evacuation Site (TES)
Source: Dewi et al., (2014)
Efforts are made to reduce disasters by evacuating residents to safer places as soon as
possible. Therefore, a TES proposal was made in the form of a vertical building that has a minimum
height of the TES floor is the maximum tsunami wave elevation at the TES location, plus 30%, plus 3
meters, and minus the ground height at the TES location (Applied Technology Council et al., 2008).
The method for determining the safe distance to achieve TES refers to the Institute of Fire Safety and
Disaster Preparedness Japan in Budiarjo (2006) explained that the evacuation speed = 0.751 m/s
(walking speed of Elderly Humans) with the time used < 10 minutes. In this analysis, 6 minutes is
used because it is assumed that the time can be reached by residents to the nearest TES. So based on
this, the following calculations are obtained: Evacuation process time = 6 minutes = 6 x 60 seconds =
360 seconds, Distance from the TES
= 360 seconds x 0.751 m/s = 270.36 m = 270 m.
One of the analysis tools used in this EDY App study is network analysis. Network analysis is
an analysis based on distance that refers to the network. The network used in this network analysis
is road data. In addition to being an infrastructure to support community mobility, in the context of
emergency response, the road network is also used as an evacuation access. The road network is used
to determine whether a community group can be reached by a TES with a maximum distance of 270
m. The process of determining the coverage of existing TES is by using the Service Area analysis
contained in the ArcGIS software tools. The data used is the location of the existing TES and the road
network with the determination of the coverage distance of 270 m from the TES. The result is a
polygon with a range of 270 m from the center where the TES is located (Figure 6)
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2460
Figure 6. Time of the earthquake until the tsunami arrives on the coast
Source: Budiarjo, (2006)
App Implementation Strategy
1. Parties Involved in Implementing EDY App
Synergy and collaboration between parties are needed to be able to realize the EDY App. The
parties that will be involved in implementing this application are:
a. Geospatial Information Agency (BIG), which functions to provide basic geospatial information,
such as Indonesia's terrain map, topographic map, and other maps in the form of spatial data.
b. The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), which functions in observing,
analyzing and providing services in the fields of weather, climate, and earthquakes. BMKG will
record meteorological, climatology, and geophysical conditions to identify if there are areas with
the potential for earthquakes. This information will be integrated into the EDY App, so that EDY
App will immediately warn and notify all its users through the SMS and notification features to
immediately evacuate to a safer place based on the recommendations of the Temporary
Evacuation Site (TES) feature.
c. The government needs cooperation with the government, both at the regional level, and the
central government to be able to make regulations and socialization related to digital disaster
mitigation efforts.
d. The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) is needed as the front line in carrying out
disaster management in a coordinated and integrated manner with other Regional Apparatus
Work Units in the region. BPBD is needed to socialize and coordinate with the community
regarding the implementation of the EDY App in a region.
e. Academics, cooperation with academics and researchers is needed to develop applications in
terms of theory and primary data that are needed. So that the information displayed can be more
accurate thanks to the role of academics who conduct field surveys to obtain more
comprehensive primary data.
f. Cooperation with the community is needed in the form of socialization related to the importance
of disaster mitigation to minimize casualties. The form of socialization and counseling is part of
efforts to educate the community, especially those located in earthquake-prone areas to be more
prepared if an earthquake strikes.
g. Application developer (App developer), to be able to realize this application, someone who is an
expert in the field of technology and programming languages is needed to be able to make
prototypes into applications that can be used by the wider community in Indonesia.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2461
2. EDY App Funding Source
Based on the attached Table 4.1, it is known that funds of IDR 101,750,000 are needed for the
creation of the EDY App with 3-12 months of ongoing projects. This considerable cost certainly
requires support from various parties, both the government and the private sector. EDY App can
obtain funding from the government as an effort to realize a disaster response community by
mitigating earthquake disasters.
3. Strategic steps to implement EDY App
a. Preparation: the preparation stage is carried out to prepare all the features contained in the EDY
App, from the prototype design to the finished application on Android ready to use. Then simulate
and test the application to ensure that the system in the application can run as it should.
b. Approach and socialization to the community in earthquake-prone areas: the approach and
socialization to the community starts from the stage of introducing earthquake-prone areas and
mitigation efforts, introducing the EDY App (the features contained in it), explaining how to use
the application, and the advantages of the application. The socialization process is carried out in
collaboration with local governments, BPBP, youth, regional organizations, Non-Governmental
Organizations, and community leaders to be able to help disseminate this application and its
c. Application implementation: at this stage, the operation of the EDY App and its implementation in
the event of an earthquake occurs. Later, EDY App will also synergize with Disaster Preparedness
Groups in their respective regions for coordination in the field.
d. Implementation and follow-up actions: at this stage, implementation, evaluation, and follow-up
actions from the local government or agencies are carried out in evacuating earthquake victims
from the Temporary Evacuation Site.
4. EDY App Innovation Implementation Timeline
EDY App is projected to be implemented on a regional scale in May 2024 and on a national scale in
2026 as shown in table 1.
Table 1. Edy App Implementation Timeline
Month and year
Activity description
March-August 2023
Preparation and Collection data: Manufacture prototype and
design programming languages, as well as collect secondary
data from various topics.
Cooperate with various parties, such as the government
(BNPB, BPBD, PMI, BASARNAS, Police, and Fire Department).
Conducting socialization to the relevant community
earthquake mitigation and application use.
March-May 2024
Conduct a regional trial of the application in Pariaman City,
West Sumatra.
Evaluation Use application and do improvements for national
scale implementation.
EDY App success and implementation projections on a
national scale.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2462
The conclusion of this study states that the EDY App (Earthquake Buddy Application) is
designed to provide education, early warning, proposals for Temporary Evacuation Sites (TES), and
distribute aid as part of earthquake disaster mitigation. The application integrates the Geographic
Information System (GIS) with the Google Maps API to present Earthquake Vulnerability Maps and
map evacuation routes and tests through network analysis. Suggestions for the development of this
application include collaboration with various parties, further regulatory studies, and development
of technology infrastructure using React Native
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