Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024
E-ISSN:2723 6692
P-ISSN:2723 6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2287
Tragic Consequences of Life in Paulo Coelho’s The Spy: Character
Wiwin Malinda
Universitas Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Email: wiwinmalinda@gmail.com
Corespondence: wiwinmalinda@gmail.com
Tragedy; Life; Dream; Pursue
This study aims to reveal the tragedy experienced by Mata Hari, the
     The Spy. Mata Hari struggles to
pursue her dreams of independence and luxury, only to face a
tragic end. This qualitative research draws from the novel The Spy
as the primary source, supported by secondary sources including
relevant books and literary analysis. The study focuses on the
Rudolf MacLeod, which led her to live in Indonesia. Her hopes for a
better life were shattered as her husband mistreated her, turning
her days in Java into a nightmare. After losing her son, poisoned by
his nanny, Mata Hari decided to leave her family and moved to
Paris to pursue a life of fame as an exotic dancer. Her fame,
however, came with a price, as she was falsely accused of being a
spy. Her final days were spent in Saint Lazare prison in Paris before
she was executed. The findings of this study demonstrate that the
     fe, shaped by her divorce,
fame, and relationships, ultimately led to her demise. Her pursuit of
freedom and luxury sealed her tragic fate.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Tragic is the irregular from tragedy. Tragedy is a sudden violence that brings about great loss
or destruction ("Tragedy"). Disaster or misfortune that occurred was part of the tragedy. Tragedy
often brings sadness, and one of its causes is death. Tragedy can occur due to fate, or any other
factor can be the cause (Merriam-      
One of Coelho's novels, The Spy, was published in November 2016 and told about a woman
named Margaretha Zelle or Mata Hari. As the main character, Margaretha was born in the
Netherlands in 1876. Since childhood, Margaretha has high ideals and wants to fight the world. She
grew up as a charming girl. At the age of 18 years, Margaretha was married to a Dutch officer of
Scottish descent, currently stationed in Indonesia. However, married a Dutch officer brought to duty
in Indonesia when it was still called the Dutch East Indies. But her doubling husband turned out to
be an alcoholic and often tortured her. Unbearable to be afflicted and afflicted, Margaretha left her
husband (Coelho, 2016b).
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2288
After that, she divorced her husband, and she began studying Javanese dance and joining local
dance groups. Margaretha then moved to Paris and pursued a career as an exotic dancer. Many
officers are crazy about her. In Paris, she becomes a dancer with a unique stage name for Europe:
"Mata Hari". For Coelho, Mata Hari is a courageous woman who freed herself from the morality and
customs of the early twentieth century (Coelho, 2016a).
The tragedy that occurred in the novel is that Mata Hari had to face her death for being
views of her; her only crime is to be an independent woman. Mata Hari was a woman who would
not remember her struggle, but her survival in her life would be a figuration for the present.
The reason why the writer is interested in discussing this topic is because of the story of the
main character, who wants to be an independent woman. Where she wanted to pursue her dream of
becoming a famous person and living in luxury for her hard work (Briggs, 2018). The main
character, Mata Hari in the story, chooses her way of life as an exotic dancer. Mata Hari continued
her life in her way, making herself a mistress of the officials. To satisfy her desire to live in luxury. In
the end, she had to face her death for being accused of being a spy.
Statement of the Problem: Relying on the dance she had learned, Mata Hari continued her life
as an exotic dancer to pursue her dream of wanting to live in luxury. The main character had many
challenges since she married until she became a famous woman in Paris, became a well-known
person of the time, and was known to the famous high-ranking. But, the problem came again after
the exotic dancer was accused of spying for Germany during the world war. The life and background
of Mata Hari drive the writer to be deeply curious about analyzing the main character's life as an
erotic dancer who wants to be an independent woman. Until the end of her life, she had to face the
tragedy of her death.
         The Spy through the lens of
feminist theory and historical narrative. Unlike previous studies that focus on Mata Hari solely as a
symbol of betrayal or eroticism, this research reinterprets her as a victim of societal expectations
and systemic injustice. The research contributes to the growing body of literature that challenges
the traditional male-dominated perspectives in historical fiction. This focus on the intersection of
gender, power, and tragedy in the novel makes it a unique contribution to both literary and feminist
Research Objectives: This study aims to critically analyze the tragic life of Mata Hari in
 The Spy, exploring how her personal ambition and societal expectations lead to her
downfall. Research Benefits: The findings of this study provide a deeper understanding of the
representation of women in historical fiction, offering insights into the intersection of gender and
power. It also contributes to discussions on feminist literary criticism, encouraging further
exploration of underrepresented female figures in literature..
Reason for Choosing the Topic: In the Coelho story, some values of life are taken as moral
values. Despite the life background of the main character, she is an erotic dancer who pursues her
dream of living in luxury. Leaving her past so dark, choosing her way of life with such great spirits,
she wishes to move on. However, Coelho's history of Mata Hari's life makes the writer interested in
making it the main topic of this research.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2289
Materials and Methods
Research Method
According to Sujarweni (2014), qualitative research, in general, can be used for research on
people's lives, history behaviour, organizational functionalization, social activities, etc. Based on that
statement, in this research, the writer uses a qualitative method because the data are about people's
lives and history. Then the data do not deal with numbers, diagrams, and formulas but that data one
in the form of the word.
Based on Kinayati and Sumaryati stated in their book Prinsip Prinsip Dasar Penelitian Bahasa
& Sastra "Qualitative research has a natural setting as a direct source of data and a researcher is a
key to the instrument"    . In other words, the writer is a key
instrument to select and collect the data.
Data Collection
Based on this research, the writer collects the data into two categories as Griffith states
"Primary research as "the study of a subject through firsthand investigation." Primary sources
include such things as "statistical data, historical document, and works of literature" (Bunting, 2024;
Griffith, 2011). The primary source is the novel itself by Paulo Coelho. While secondary sources as
stated by Griffith "Secondary research as "the examination of studies that other researchers have
made of a subject" (302). Secondary sources include books related to the analysis of the research
and also relevant books and sources that support the analysis.
In research people need scientific work as the primary source, as stated by Mister Gidion
Maru (2014), since the study takes literary work as its
object and primary source for its analysis, it is thought to be crucial to apply literary approach.
Data Analysis
In analyzing the data, must be analyzed to find the answer to the research question. The
activity to understand and comprehend the literary work needed a suitable approach. In analyzing
the data, the writer used objective theory. As stated by Abrams "the objective orientation which on
principle regards the work of art in isolation from all these external points of reference, analyze it as
a self-sufficient entity constituted by its parts in their relations, and sets out to judge it solely by
criteria intrinsic to its own mode of being" (Abrams, 1971; Rosinger & Ice, 2019).
Results and Discussions
Tragedy is a drama or literary work in which the main character is brought to ruin or suffers
extreme sorrow, especially as a consequence of a tragic flaw, moral weakness, or inability to cope
with unfavorable        
many definitions, some of which are incompatible with each other. But tragedy has been used to
make genre distinctions. Talking about the tragedy in the general sense tragedy can be interpreted
as a sad event. An incident can occur because it is caused by elements from outside as well as inside.
It could be intentional or it did happen because of the fate. Tragedy is often associated with a
disaster or misfortune.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2290
In the story, Mata Hari wants to be an independent woman. Where she wants to express
herself as an erotic dancer. For the sake of pursuing her dreams of a fancy life, she was willing to do
anything she thought could make money. Her desire to live freely, without any having to forbid. By
relying on her fame as an exotic dancer, Mata Hari was able to get along at will with whoever it was
to become the most famous woman. Without Mata Hari knowing, that her life that was not forever
would bring pleasure and composure to her. Until finally she had to accept the death that no one like
that, shot dead on charges of being a spy.
The tragedy that struck Mata Hari which she was made a scapegoat by the German
government for the work they gave to her. At the time of the first world War that took place in 1914
centred in Europe, involving many major countries, among others, Russia, France, and Germany. It
was Mata Hari on her way to Berlin. She was invited to dance for the nobles and then go to see the
Foreign Minister with such an invitation to make Mata Hari easily and lucrative for a fee, it is
interesting enough to do just that.
When the show is underway, the theatre is in the besiegers, and the show is stopped. The
German soldiers took the stage and 
are living in a dark moment in the history of our country, which enemies surround. We shall need to
 (Coelho 106). After that, Mata
Hari obtained an explanation that her invitation to come there, other than to dance, needed her
services. But at first, she felt surprised by the offer that they needed her services. On the grounds
that Mata Hari had a fairly close relationship with the government. Actually, Mata Hari disagrees
with the job captive. Because she does not like being a spy. Yet, there is no choice but to follow the
existing request.
Tragic Consequences of Life in Mata Hari
Every human has their own choices, maybe to be success person or famous or just want to be
happy for life. Happy everyone want to see happy in their life. Se they will do anything that can
make them look happy. Enjoying life with family, one of the way how they will be happy.
 Adam went bankrupt and Antje fell ill, dying two years
later. They did not want me to have to go through what they went through, and sent me away to
school in another city, Leiden firm in their objective that I have the finest education. (Coelho 17-
Every parent will do anything for their child in order to make them a successful person. Mata
                
parents. They do not want their daughter to feel distress. With optimism that after school, their
daughter can have a better life. But at school, Mata Hari only had a bad experience. She got raped by
her principal; that incident did not just happen to her. But it had already happened to another girl in
their school. They could not complain; they risked being expelled from school and sent back home,
unable to explain the reason. So, they were forced to keep quiet.
In July 1895, Mata Hari decided to marry Rudolf MacLeod, hoping that after marriage, she
would have a better life.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2291
 
officer named Andreas, my years in Indonesia would have been a never-ending nightmare. My
worst nightmare now would be to go through it all again. A distant husband who other women
always surrounded, the impossibility of running away and returning home, the loneliness that
came from being forced to spend months     
After marrying Rudolf MacLeod, Mata Hari follows him to live abroad. She is stationed in
Indonesia, precisely in Malang. She thinks that her life will be changed. But there is no changing;
instead, she is just becoming a seizure for her husband. Her days in Indonesia have been a never-
ending nightmare.
Now, the days Mata Hari lived were getting tougher. She was a housewife who could only stay
indoors, not able to hang out with the people around her. She also had to lose her son, who was the
second child after her daughter.
, I lost sight of who I was. My days were spent caring for my daughter, shuffling about
the house with a vacant look on my face. I concealed the scratches and bruises under extra
I fell pregnant again. I enjoyed a few days of immense happiness caring for my son, but he was
soon poisoned by one of his nannies, who never had the opportunity to explain her actions; the
other servants killed her the same day the baby was found dead. In the end, most said it deserved
retaliation, as the nanny had been constantly beaten, raped, and burdened by endless working
That is the reality of life. Every achievement we have does not always bring happiness. As the
saying goes, regret always comes late. That is what Mata Hari experienced. Her desire to live freely
did not give her pleasure, on the contrary.
The Way of Life
If you are popular, you are already successful. At the very least, you have to be popular before
you can be successful. You may be popular as all get-out, but if you are not making any money, you
are only hurting yourself. Popularity is a luxury you cannot afford to chase if you have not made any
money yet, because you will need income to sustain yourself while you do. Popularity and success
require different tactics, so you have to decide between fame and fortune. In short when you start
pursuing success, your popularity is going to take a hit. The opposite is just as true. The popularity
Mata Has had received made her success becoming a well-known dancer, with more than enough
earnings to support herself.
Everyone generally faces two dimensions in life. The first dimension is real life, and the other
one is fantasy. Real life is everything that can be experienced, seen, heard, and touched, by her or
him directly as long as she or he is alive as an individualistic and social human (Mamentu, 2008). In
order to pursue her dream of living in luxury, Mata Hari willingly did anything for it. Even if she had
to pay for something with sex. From the perspective of the time, France was an example of equality
and freedom. Living with the perspective that freedom will bring happiness. Mata Hari did not
hesitate to appear increasingly erotic in some of her staging. For Mata Hari, the totality of the
embroidery in her dance was part of the art she created to entertain the audience.
       the first chance to perform at his
private museum and in every expensive clothes he had imported from Asia for his personal
collection, although it did cost me half an hour of sex and very pleasure. I danced for an audience
of three hundred people, including journalists, celebrities, and at least two ambassadors, one
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2292
from Japan and one from Germany. Two days later. It was all the papers could talk about, this
exotic woman who had been born in a remote corner of the Dutch empire and brought the
Her dream of a luxurious life was already achieved. Mata Hari became more and more familiar
to people, and that made her even more confident. The life achievement of Mata Hari, the one who
saw her envy. Because whatever Mata Hari wants can surely materialize easily. Yet the flow of life
does not always fit our will. Even the famous man will be lost in time. Life is beautiful, although
there are so many problems to face. Sometimes, people live happily, and sometimes, we live in
sadness (Rombepajung, 2009).
Being Divorced
Mata Hari feels her marriage cannot change her life. The day she had walked during marriage
instead became a nightmare for her. Feels always oppressed and hurt. 
is so harsh and excessively jealous that it forbids her from hanging out with the people around her.
In 1902 Mata Hari and her husband divorced. Then, Mata Hari chose to leave her family and
is. All my life
fascination of men and envy of women, and
danger 
moved up. I hope the same happens (Coelho, 2016a).
Being a Popular Exotic Dancer
With a firm foundation of confidence and determination, Mata Hari tries her luck in Paris, a
very different city from her hometown. The first time she steps into that city, she is incredibly
astonished by its beauty and luxury.
postcards. Lining both banks of the Seine were distinctive buildings in the style of
 countries. I tried to find Holland, but could
not. What represents 
      (Coelho, 2016a). With her
strong determination to continue her life, she took her career as an exotic dancer.
As she began to undertake her career as a dancer, she chose to replace her name because that
could            
letter of referral to Monsieur Guimet. I had never thought of that! A name? My real name would be
my family, and the last thing France wanted was to create a situation with a neutral nation because
 (Coelho, 2016a).
After trying several times to find someone who could take her to perform her dance, she was
finally accepted to perform her dance. Her first look managed to keep the audience captivated. Then,
Mata Hari continued her career as a fairly well-known dancer of the period. Living with freedom
without anyone should forbid her to hang out with whoever is it, made her even more famous.
 Mata Hari has black hair that undulates
strangely and transport to a magical place. The most feminine of all women, writing unfamiliar
tragedy with her body. A thousand curves and movements combine perfectly
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2293
(Coelho, 2016a)
Such sentences are written on the clippings of scattered newspapers across the corners of the
city. Each wall was exposed to a picture of Mata Hari, and images were exchanged as much-sold
postcards. Her name began to be mentioned everywhere due to her reaping appearance of many
pros and cons. But all those things do not shorten her spirit of staying forward.
Become a Mistress
Mata Hari began to regret her deeds all along. The freedom she had committed turned out to
be a nightmare for her. But her regrets were not over at that very moment. The French who had
been at the time of its glory, made her forget about it.
Mata Hari is beginning to forget her dark past and is trying to do some things that could make
her forget about it. Now, she is trying to move on by utilizing her beauty. Being a mistress of the
official, she was willing to do just that because of money.
being loved for who I was and now accepted, with a clean
to my grave one day without ever knowing love, but what difference did it make? For me, love
and power were the same thing.
loud peck on his cheek, half of which was covered by whiskers similar to those of my ill-fated
For Mata Hari love obeyed no rule. The people her approach, thinking they had made Mata
Hari fall in love with them. But that is just their presumption. As for Mata Hari, they are not just for
the feeling that she is capable of anything. For her love and power were the same thing.
The popularity of her youth in France has now slowly begun to disappear. It has been replaced
with several newcomer artists and dancers who are minute in their careers, such as Mata Hari.
According to Mata Hari, they were just plagiarists and not as proficient as she was. The large picture
 the advertising board. It starts to be
. Make her frustrated and think
that no sooner will she grow old, ugly, and poor. But concern was instantly lost when she began to
remember her other mistress. And start taking advantage of the circumstances right then.
                 
Racecourse and show all those who envied and admired me that I was an excellent
Sentenced to Death
Like the phrase in the book (2015) 
road to freedom. I have tried not to falter; I have made missteps along the way. But I have
discovered the secret that after climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to
climb. I have taken a moment here to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that surrounds me, to
look back on the distance I have come. But I can only rest for a moment, for with freedom come
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2294
As the above statement say, once freedom will come the liability of answer. It means life does
not always mean pleasure and perfection. In the age was getting older, Mata Hari began to feel the
impact of her elapsed youth. The influence of her young life was quite tenacious, which she became
known as the most feminine of all women. The life she dreamed of independence and freedom. Now
it became a tormenting thing for her, for she always haunted by the shadow of her past so dark.
Recalling her past with an older husband and drunkard, a daughter who did not have time to stay
with her.
even a single story to tell her children and grandchildren (Coelho 103). As a woman who chooses to
continue her life alone. Sometimes Mata Hari is always reminded of her past, remembering her son
died because of being poisoned by her maid house. Because they were hurt by her husband's
treatment of them. Remembering her daughter who was abandoned, and wanted to meet to tell her
life's extraordinary story.
After her appearance in Berlin that did not go well. Mata Hari was sent to meet a German
consul in her country. With the purpose of being able to bring her back to Paris. But after meeting
the person, Mata Hari is instead to cooperate.
After Mata Hari was successfully delivered to return to her home country of the Netherlands.
On the way to the station, on the way she saw many people who were carrying out large-scale
demonstrations and shouting "Germany above all!". Her mind was again confused by a previous
conversation, where she was asked to cooperate with the German government to provide
information relating to war. Because according to them Mata Hari has many connections in both the
French and Dutch government circles. This is a job that she really hates, because she does not like
being called a spy.
How many time I had done it in my relationship with men? (Coelho 112-
There is no choice, other than to follow the existing command. Because in such times of war,
Mata Hari could only fit in to the circumstances at hand. Mata Hari had to be willing to accept the
work of given to her, for only by doing so could bring her back to Paris.
It turns out that the work give to her is just a way that Georges Ladoux, the head of
counterespionage to seek promotion and cover up the wrong case that has punished the wrong
person. In other word he was looking for someone who could be used as a scapegoat to cover up the
mistake he had make.
After successfully returning to Paris and sending some information to the Germans. In 1917,
Mata Hari was arrested by the war council prosecutor in her hotel room at Elysee Palace, accused of
being a spy.
131 of the Hotel Élysée Palace and found the suspect in a silk robe, still taking her breakfast.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2295
While they asked the accused to get dressed, they searched the apartment and found a vast
The following constitute some of the charges devolved to Mata Hari after she was arrested.
1. Zelle MacLeod belong to the German intelligence service, where she is known by the name
2. She went twice to France since the start of hostilities, surely guided by her mentors, in
order to acquire intelligence for the enemy. (You were followed twenty-four hours a day by
-how could you have done that?)
3. During her second trip, she offered her services to French intelligence when, in fact, as
demonstrated later, she shared everything with German espionage. (Two mistakes there:
You phone from The Hague to arrange a meeting; this meeting took place with Ladoux on
       
ever presented.)
4. She returned to German under the pretense of collecting the clothes she has left there, but
returned with absolutely nothing and was arrested by British intelligence, accused of
espionage. She insisted they get in touch with Captain Ladoux, but he refused to confirm
her identity. With no argument or evidence to stop her, she was dispatched to Spain and
immediately our men saw her heading to German consulate. (Fact.)
5. Under the pretext of holding confidential information, she presented herself soon after at
the French consulate in Madrid, saying she had news of the landing of ammunition for
enemy forces, which was under way that moment by the Turks and Germans in Morocco.
As we already knew of her role as double agent, we decided not to risk any man on a
mission that everything indicated was a trap. . . (???) (Coelho 156-
After Mata Hari is arrested, she always expects justice for her. During her stay in holding cell,
she always thought and hoped that there would be good friends and was willing to help her to give
testimony that she was not entirely guilty. Only hope of existence of justice she had then.
my side now that I have nothing. The day has just dawned, and I can hear birds and noise from
the kitchen downstairs. The rest of the prisoners are sleeping, some afraid, some resigned to their
fate. I slept until the first ray for sun, and that ray of sun, though it did not enter my cell, only
Mata Hari could only defend herself by saying that she was innocent and she was only made a
scapegoat behind everything. Trying to contact several parties who gave her a job, but none of them
wanted to help her. After going through a series of interrogations and hearings. Mata Hari is still
said to be guilty of spying in collaboration with French intelligence, but it also provided some
information to German espionage. Attempted to free themselves from these accusations, but Mata
Hari did not have strong evidence to oppose all of the accusations.
The officer stood where all the soldiers could see him and raised his sword.
The woman before them remained impassive, showing not fear,
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2296
The sun, now rising on the horizon, illuminated the flames and small puffs of smoke issuing
from the rifles as a flurry of gunfire rang out with a bang. Immediately after this, the soldiers
returned their rifles to the ground in a rhythmic motion.
For a fraction of a second, Mata Hari remained upright. She did not die the way you see in
moving pictures after people are shot. She did not plunge forward or backward, and she did
not throw her arms or up to the side. She collapsed onto herself, her head still up, her eyes still
open. One of the soldiers fainted.
Then her knees buckled and her body fell to the right, legs double up beneath the fur coat. And
there she lay, motionless, with her face turned toward the heavens.
A third officer drew his revolver from a holster strapped to his chest and, accompanied by a
lieutenant, walked toward the motionless body.
touch her skin. Then he pulled the trigger, and the bullet tore through her brain. He turned to
all who were present and said in a solemn voice:
As the tragedy in the end of her life, Mata Hari had to spend the rest of her life in a women's
paper to write letter. Imagining again her life, from a small town in the Netherlands, reached the
island of Java with an old husband and drunkard, then to Paris full of glamour and luxury. Until have
to receive the most severe punishment that is in death shot. Regret remains, but everything has
happened there is nothing more to change again that is the path of fate. Of all the deeds Mata Hari
done, her only crime was to be an independent woman.
This story has some moral values that inspires the writer to serve as a researcher material.
From the story of Mata Hari, we can see that life is not as usual we want. Where we got freedom of
life we should use it for take on kindness. Everyone can use freedom for express themselves, like
being something they want. Express their self in art for entertain people. Freedom exist for
everyone. But when we use freedom for abusing, there is a rule for prohibit its. The death of Mata
Hari was a tragedy that became a history of her struggle as long as she lived. Her struggle as long as
she lives from small to adulthood are a reflection of tough women in face of the hardness of life. Her
experience give lesson that the woman is not forever weak, the failure of life experienced by Mata
Hari keeps her struggling to pursue her dreams. With such a hard desire can change one self. Until it
turns a woman who used to be ordinary became outstanding. With strong determination and
unyielding struggle, it could turn Mata Hari who only a housewife became a famous artist with the
life everyone wanted. Yet from the other side of the life lived by Mata Hari there are some thing that
are not worth exemplifying.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2297
    
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