Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2025
E-ISSN: 2723 - 6692
P-ISSN: 2723 - 6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2025 14
Peace deed; mediation; Land
Land dispute resolution through mediation is one of the alternative
methods regulated in Article 44 Paragraph (5) of the Regulation
of the Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/Head of the
National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia Number 21
of 2020 concerning the Handling and Settlement of Land Cases.
This study aims to examine the legal strength of peace deeds
produced through the mediation process at the Karawang Regency
Land Office, as well as the effectiveness of its implementation in
resolving land disputes. The method used is a normative juridical
approach with reference to legal documents, legal doctrines, and
interviews with relevant sources. The results of the study show
that the peace deed has binding legal force equivalent to a court
decision with permanent legal force, but its effectiveness in the
field is still low due to factors such as lack of public
understanding, the ego of the parties to the dispute, and the low
level of attendance in the mediation process. To increase the
success of mediation, it is recommended that BPN be more active
in socialization, increase the capacity of mediators, and strengthen
legal arrangements related to peace deeds so that they can be more
reliable in the process of resolving land disputes.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Land which is an area of power controlled by the government as stated in Article 1 paragraph
(1) of Law number 5 of 1960 concerning Basic Regulations on Agrarian Principles throughout
Indonesia is the unity of the homeland of all Indonesian people who are united as the Indonesian
nation (Indonesia, 1960). Land has several functions not only as a residential function, agricultural
function, social function, and economic function. Land is included in immovable objects as Article
506 of the Civil Code. Land which is a group of immovable objects that can be owned by
individuals or legal entities in Article 16 paragraph (1) of Law Number 5 of 1960 concerning Basic
Regulations on Agrarian Principles.
Land is the most basic thing in human life, sometimes there is often a conflict that is caused
by land, there is a struggle for rights, land boundaries, customary land control and so on, we often
hear these conflicts with the term land dispute, which is a dispute or conflict that arises between
The Strength of the Peace Deed in the Settlement of Land Disputes Through
Mediation at the Karawang Regency Land Office
Bella Febriani Fobia
, Aartje Tehupeiory
, Diana R.W. Napitupulu
Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Email: bellafabio@yahoo.com, aartjetehupeiory@gmail.com, diana.napi[email protected].id
Correspondence: [email protected]m
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2025 15
two or more parties related to ownership, use, land boundaries, land acquisition or rights related
to land or property. According to expert Rusmadi Murad (1991), definition of land rights dispute,
namely: Land dispute is a dispute resulting from the implementation of a legal act or the occurrence
of a legal event regarding a certain piece of land. Doing a legal act so that there is no dispute or
accepting the legal consequences of a legal event, one must first understand what is called land and
the provisions that govern it.
Dispute resolution requires legal regulations or legal rules, namely legal regulations that live
in society that can regulate and enforce to ensure order in society (Sutedi, 2009, p. 23). In carrying
out its role in resolving non-litigation disputes, the National Land Agency refers to Law number
30 of 1999 (Kementerian Agraria, 1999) on Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution, where
mediation is applied as one of the alternative methods of dispute resolution by the National Land
Agency. In its implementation, the mediation carried out by the National Land Agency is not
widely known by the general public, nor is a written report made, so that the effectiveness of the
mediation carried out by the National Land Agency is very difficult to be known by the public and
the central government, and of course this condition raises a question of how effective the
mediation is carried out at the National Land Agency.
Karawang Regency is a very strategic area which is located not too far from the capital city
of Jakarta so that many industrial areas are being built and also Karawang as a city that supports
the capital city of Jakarta which is very beneficial for the people in Karawang Regency. Problems
that often occur in Karawang such as land ownership disputes, land procurement, double
certificates, land ownership by the government, the use of customary rights or the conversion of
land from agricultural land are now land for industry and housing which has been causing conflicts
in the community.
Basically, in the settlement of land disputes, the purpose is for peace in the community as the
purpose of the law is to regulate peaceful life associations (Apeldoorn, 1993, p. 10). With the Law,
it is aimed at achieving the greatest possible benefits, benefits/happiness for the community
(Sanusi, 2002, p. 57). The settlement of land disputes through litigation has compulsory legal force
and also the judicial institution has a bailiff who can always execute a decision that already has
permanent legal force or Inracht van gewijsde.
Previous research conducted by Ardiyanto explained that mediation by the National Land
Agency resulted in an out-of-court settlement agreement. Then the peace deed that has been agreed
upon by the parties is made before a notary in the settlement of land disputes through mediation as
an authentic deed by fulfilling the requirements that the deed is made by a notary as a public
In contrast to the previous research, the research conducted by the author focuses on efforts
to resolve land dispute problems through the mediation process at the Karawang Regency Land
Office and the legal force of the peace deed resulting from the mediation process at the Karwang
Regency Land Office which does not yet have executive rights if the parties have not been
registered with the local District Court and this research also focuses on whether or not it is
effective or not through mediation in resolving land disputes. This research aims to provide novelty
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2025 16
in understanding the process of resolving land disputes through mediation at the Karawang
Regency Land Office, especially in the context of the implementation of Article 44 Paragraph (5)
of the Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National
Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia Number 21 of 2020. This research is expected to provide
new insights into the effectiveness and power of binding peace deeds as a means of resolving land
disputes, as well as a reference for the community and related parties in understanding the role of
mediation at the Land Office as an alternative to efficient and fair dispute resolution.
Research Methods
This research uses a normative juridical method. Normative juridical approach based on
Soerjono Soekanto's opinion (2007, p. 14) is legal research conducted by researching literature or
secondary data as a basis for research by conducting a search of regulations and literature related
to the problem being researched. The normative juridical research method is research that is
focused on examining the application of rules or norms in positive law (Tehupeiory, 2021, p. 89).
Legal rules that have a formal nature such as laws, regulations, literature that contain theoretical
concepts which are then linked to the problem of the strength of the peace deed obtained in the
mediation process at the Karawang Regency Land Office.
The research approach used in this normative juridical law research is the legislative
approach (Statue Approach), which is an approach that is carried out by examining laws or
regulations related to the research made (Napitupulu, 2023). The type of data used in this study is
primary data. Primary data is data obtained from observations in the field directly on the research
object. Observations conducted in government offices that provide services to the community,
conducting interviews with representatives of certain heads of fields which are used as the main
data for the author in conducting this research. In this study, the type of primary data was obtained
based on the results of an interview with the Head of the Dispute Control and Handling Section.
This study uses secondary data which includes three types of legal materials, namely primary,
secondary, and tertiary legal materials. Primary legal materials consist of relevant and authoritative
laws and regulations, such as the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, Law Number 5
of 1960, and various other regulations related to the settlement of land disputes. Secondary legal
materials include supporting literature, such as books, research results, scientific journals, and
internet media that help deepen understanding of primary legal materials. Meanwhile, tertiary legal
materials are in the form of reference sources such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other
documents that provide additional explanations for primary and secondary legal materials.
The data collection technique uses literature study and interview methods for data collection.
The literature study was carried out by collecting primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials,
such as laws, books, journals, internet articles, and related documents, including mediation results
from the Karawang Regency Land Office. An interview was conducted with Mrs. Niluh Ketut
Suriartika, Dispute Control and Handling Section of the Karawang Regency Land Office, to
strengthen secondary data. Data analysis uses qualitative normative methods, which integrate
empirical facts with laws and regulations, theories, and expert opinions to obtain solutions to
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2025 17
research problems. The focus of the research was carried out at the Karawang Regency Land Office
because this area has a high level of population density and significant complexity of land
Results and Discussion
Efforts to Resolve Land Dispute Problems at the Karawang Regency Land Office
The National Land Agency constitutes a state institution that has been authorized to execute
government functions within the land sector, in accordance with the stipulations outlined in
pertinent legislation and regulations. This assertion is further substantiated by Article 2 of
Presidential Regulation number 48 of 2020 (Perpres, 2020). The National Land Agency is entrusted
with the responsibility of formulating and implementing policies pertaining to the management and
prevention of disputes and conflicts, in addition to the adjudication of land-related cases, as
delineated in Article 3, letter (g) of Presidential Regulation number 48 of 2020.
The problem of land disputes that occur is due to the large amount of land that has not been
registered or has not been certified, both in the form of rice fields and dry land or even embossed
land. This condition occurs a lot in the Karawang Regency area, especially in rural areas, so that
several problems related to land plots arise (Suriartika, 2024).
Initiatives to facilitate dispute resolution can be carried out by the National Land Agency.
Basically, although the types of typologies are different, the steps to implement land dispute
resolution through mediation are the same for each type. Mediation is the settlement of land
disputes by entering into an agreement between the parties to the dispute through a third party as a
neutral mediator.
Dispute resolution through mediation, both parties agreed to seek advice from a third party,
in this case the National Land Agency which is the mediator in the disputed case. Dispute resolution
through mediation is carried out on the basis of the agreement of both parties to the dispute that
their problems will be resolved through a mediator. The third party that provides this advice is
neutral and independent, in the sense that it cannot be intervened by other parties. If an agreement
is reached between the two parties in the deliberations, a collective agreement is made. But if there
is no agreement, the mediator conveys the recommendation in writing to both parties. If the written
recommendation given by the mediator does not receive a response or is rejected by the disputing
party, the dispute resolution can be continued by filing a lawsuit to the Court.
The flow of resolving land disputes through mediation at the Karawang Regency Land Office
is as follows: (Suriartika, 2024)
1. Complaint Letter
The complainant submits a complaint letter to the Land Office through the complaint
desk. The complaint letter must include the identity of the complainant, the subject matter, and
the purpose of the complaint. The complaint letter submitted through the complaint desk will
then be forwarded to the authorized officer who will submit the complaint to be forwarded to
the authorized official.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2025 18
2. Responses
After the complaint is submitted to the authorized official, the official then provides a
response to the complaint letter to be followed up on the complaint.
3. Summoning of Parties
The Karawang Regency Land Office, based on the data of the parties that have been
received, calls the parties to clarify so that they can clearly know where the complained case
4. Penelitian Lapangan
The purpose of conducting field research is to know the position of the case clearly in
order to be able to provide solutions to disputes that occur and so as not to make mistakes in
making decisions. Based on information obtained from Mrs. Niluh Ketut Suriartika as the
Head of the Dispute Control and Handling Section, field research is not always carried out for
every dispute that occurs. Field research is carried out if it is deemed necessary to conduct a
review of the location that is the object of the dispute.
5. Internal Degree
Based on the results of the assessment carried out by the authorized officials, an internal
title was subsequently carried out which aimed to:
a. Menghimpun pndapat dari para pejabat yang berwenang
b. Mengidentifikasi sengketa atau konflik yang diperselihkan
c. Rencana penyelesaian
6. Mediation Degree
Figure 1. Pattern of Mediation Implementation by the National Land Agency of Karawang
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2025 19
The settlement of land cases is carried out by mediation both by the Ministry of ATR/BPN
and the Karawang Regency Regional Government. Just because a land dispute is resolved with the
birth of a court decision, it does not mean that the problem has been resolved, the dispute resolution
process requires an understanding of the characteristics of the parties in the lawsuit and is able to
reach a mutual agreement by setting aside the subject matter of the case (Suriartika, 2024).
Solving problems by means of mediation without partiality, this puts the parties in an equal
position in finding the best solution to resolve disputes. By prioritizing the resolution of the
problem in a win-win solution, the parties agreed to put aside the subject matter, which is the key
to success in resolving land dispute problems.
The purpose of mediation is essentially a "win-win solution", namely the principle of justice
in the application of law to ensure that no party is harmed by the decision or agreement reached in
the mediation process, where a mutually beneficial result is achieved between the parties in the
agreement, in which case no party is harmed by the legal decision taken.
Settlement of land disputes through mediation is the task of the National Land Agency in the
context of resolving land problems. The settlement of land cases is carried out by mediation both
by the Ministry of ATR/BPN and the Karawang Regency Regional Government. Based on the
information provided by Mrs. Niluh Ketut Suriartika as the Head of the Dispute Control and
Handling Section, it is stated that the settlement of land cases through court decisions does not
always make the problem resolved (Suriartika, 2024). The settlement of land disputes carried out
at the Karawang Regency Land Office can be said to be not optimal. This can be seen from the
success rate of mediation at the Karawang Regency Land Office. From the data obtained by the
author, several disputes registered from 2022 to 2023 were only 1 (one) successfully resolved at
the Karawang Regency Land Office through mediation.
Based on this, legal protection is needed in the land aspect. In other words, law is not only a
power but also always regulates, protects, protects, rules, directs, and at the same time engineers
human values and attitudes towards the land. The role of the mediator from the land office in
reconciling the parties to the dispute and ensuring that the parties implement the results of the
agreement obtained from the mediation process and also carry out the mandate of Article 44
paragraph (5) of the Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/Head of the
National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia number 21 of 2020 concerning the Handling
and Settlement of Land Cases to register the results of the agreement with the local district court is
a determining factor legal certainty in resolving land disputes.
The Power of the Peace Deed in the Settlement of Land Disputes at the Karawang Regency
Land Office through Mediation
The deed of reconciliation has a binding force of excecution and has the same status as the
judge's decision as stipulated in Article 130 Paragraph (2) of the HIR and Article 154 Paragraph
(2) of the Constitution.
Peace as a win-win solution or an alternative form of settlement by winning both parties can
be achieved in resolving disputes if an agreement has been reached between the parties. The
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2025 20
agreement is written and the parties are obliged to obey every clause contained in the peace deed.
In addition, the main thing that is the basis for implementing a peace agreement is the good faith
of the parties in resolving disputes. Therefore, the peace deed must be based on the agreement of
the parties to end the dispute, the parties to the dispute must have good faith so that the contents of
the peace deed can be implemented.
In a peace deed attached to legal force, this is regulated in Article 130 paragraphs (2) and (3)
of the HIR which means that the decision is equivalent to a decision that has permanent legal force,
has executory force, and the peace deed cannot be compared or cassated. Based on the force of the
law, the peace deed is a reflection of the principles of justice, namely procedural justice and
substantive justice.
The mediation deed in the settlement of land disputes is fixed, so the mediation deed has the
same legal force as the judge's decision, even though the mediation is carried out outside the court.
The Legal Force of the Mediation Deed is equated with a decision with permanent legal force.
According to article 130 paragraph (2) of the HIR, the mediation deed has the same force as the
judge's decision which has permanent legal force and cannot be appealed or cassation. According
to Article 1338 of the Civil Code, "all legally concluded agreements are valid as law for those who
make them". According to Article 1858 of the Civil Code, "all peace has a force between the parties
such as a judge's decision at the final level, this peace cannot be disputed on the grounds that one
of the parties is harmed".
In resolving the dispute through mediation, both parties agreed to seek advice from a third
party. Dispute resolution through this form is carried out on the basis of the agreement of the two
parties to the dispute that their problems will be resolved through the help of one or several expert
advisors or through a mediator. The third party that provides this assistance is neutral, impartial
and independent, and cannot be intervened by other parties.
The mediation contained in the Decree of the Minister of State Agrarian Affairs/Head of
BPN Number 34 of 2007 is generally preceded by a negotiation process, the mediator is an
employee or official of the National Land Agency who is tasked with helping the parties to resolve
their disputes, the final result of the mediation process is an agreement and a minutes of
implementation are made and, The agreement has no executory force and the implementation of
the agreement is basically in good faith.
Based on available data, the settlement of land cases in Karawang Regency is more likely to
be settled in court. This is marked by the fact that there are still many people who file disputes in
the district court, settlement by mediation is considered less effective by some people. In fact, the
case should be resolved through effective mediation rather than being brought to the Court either
to the District Court or to the State Administrative Court. Based on an interview with the Karawang
Regency Agriculture Office Official, the unsuccessful settlement of cases under his authority by
mediation was caused by several things, namely: (Suriartika, 2024)
1) There are still parties who bring their own egos so that it is difficult to mediate and also get
an agreement.
2) The disputing party uses the services of legal counsel who prefers to settle the case in court.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2025 21
3) The Karawang Regency Land Office has summoned the parties, but sometimes there is one
party who is not present or even both are not present in the mediation.
4) If the two parties do not agree on alternative settlements, dispute resolution is taken based
on the settlement options proposed by the parties.
5) There are parties who do not have good faith and only use mediation to buy time, being
uncooperative in the dispute resolution process through this mediation.
6) Public awareness to know about the origin of the land is very minimal. This is because
information and facilities about land administration are far from adequate.
7) lack of Human Resources both in terms of quantity and quality in the Dispute and Case
Handling Subsection that must carry out a mediation process with a limited number of
Human Resources (HR) and is required to be able to complete mediation within 30 days.
8) Difficulties in finding files or documents that will later be used as data to analyze disputes
that occur.
Based on data obtained from the Karawang Regency Land Office in the 2022 2023 period,
there were 9 cases of land disputes that were complained to the Karawang Regency Land Office to
be resolved through mediation, but of the 9 cases only 1 case was successfully resolved through
mediation, where the unsuccessful mediation carried out at the Karawang Regency Land Office
was caused by the reasons mentioned above. In this case, the community is more confident in
resolving land dispute cases through the court table (litigation).
Based on data obtained from the Karawang Regency Land Office, it can be concluded that
mediation is still not effective in resolving land disputes on a familial basis. This is not in line with
the purpose of holding mediation, one of which is to reduce cases in court, especially land dispute
cases. Mediation as the main hope in the land dispute resolution process can be one of the
alternative ways of resolving existing disputes.
Mediation carried out by the National Land Agency is rarely replicated or made into a report
that can be accessed by the public at large, so that the effectiveness of the mediation carried out at
the National Land Agency is difficult to be known by the public and of course this situation can
affect the level of public trust in the effectiveness of mediation carried out by the National Land
Agency, how professional are the officers of the National Land Agency National in carrying out
mediation, as well as what efforts are made by the National Land Agency in overcoming obstacles
and finding solutions to overcome land dispute problems faced by the National Land Agency in
carrying out mediation.
In the event that mediation is reached, a peace agreement is stated in the peace deed and
registered by the parties in the District Court of the jurisdiction of the land that is the object of the
case to obtain a peace decision (Pemerintah Pusat, 2020). Parties, with or without the assistance of
a certified mediator, who successfully resolve an out-of-court dispute by means of a peace
agreement may file a peace agreement with the court authorized to obtain the deed of peace by
filing a lawsuit (Mahkamah Agung, 2016).
The lawsuit in question is certainly not an ordinary lawsuit in general in civil procedure law.
Lawsuits in civil procedure law are generally contentiosa cases, which are cases in which there is
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2025 22
a dispute between two or more parties, meaning that there is a conflict that must be resolved and
must be decided by the court, whether it ends in defeat, victory or ends peacefully depending on
the legal process (Mertokusumo, 2009, p. 5).
In the lawsuit to obtain a peace deed for a peace agreement out of court, in this case at the
Karawang Regency Land Office, there is no dispute between the parties in the case, because
previously between the parties had made and signed a peace agreement intended to be poured into
the peace deed (acte van dading). Although there is no dispute between the parties, the term lawsuit
is more appropriate to be used in this case than an application (a voluntary case), because a lawsuit
obtaining a deed of peace on a peace agreement outside the court does not meet the requirements
of a voluntary case (Harahap, 2017, p. 30).
In filing the lawsuit, a peace agreement must be attached as evidence showing the legal
relationship of the Parties to the object of dispute. The judge presiding over the case will have the
authority to transform the peace agreement into a peace deed, provided that it does not contravene
legal statutes, public order, morality, cause harm to a third party, or lack enforceability. This
process ensures that the peace agreement possesses permanent legal force (Mahkamah Agung,
The deed of peace, as stipulated in the peace decision rendered by the panel of judges during
the trial, is a legal instrument that confers certain legal rights and obligations. This decision is akin
to an ordinary decision in that it possesses permanent legal force, is binding and final, possesses
perfect evidentiary weight, and is enforceable by law.
The implementation of peace deeds in the settlement of land disputes can have significant
legal sustainability. A valid and binding peace deed will provide legal certainty for the parties and
ensure the implementation of the agreement that has been reached. By implementing mediation
settlement, the parties involved in the dispute can work together to formulate a peace deed that
provides legal certainty for all parties and produces a fair and sustainable solution.
The settlement of land disputes at the Karawang Regency Land Office through mediation
faces various obstacles, such as differences in land boundary claims, double certificates, and a lack
of public awareness about land administration. Although the mediation procedure involves a fact-
finding by the Land Agency and an agreement between the parties to the dispute, the success rate
is low. Of the various cases registered in 20222023, only one has been successfully resolved. The
main obstacles include the unwillingness of the parties to attend mediation, the dominance of each
party's ego, and disagreement on solution options. In addition, the low public awareness of the
importance of land administration and the origin of ownership rights is also a major obstacle.
The peace deed has the same legal force as the final judge's decision, as stipulated in the HIR,
RBg, and the Civil Code. This deed is binding and executable, but its implementation requires
submission to the District Court to be ratified. Although theoretically peace treaties offer a win-
win solution for the parties to the dispute, their implementation is often hampered by low public
trust in mediation and the tendency to take disputes to court. This decrease in the effectiveness of
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2025 23
peace deeds indicates the need for a long-term strategy to improve public understanding of
mediation as an efficient and beneficial settlement mechanism.
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