e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3346
students and educators. Students are a person or group of people as seekers, recipients of the
required lessons. Meanwhile, an educator is a person or group of people who work as a processor of
teaching and learning activities and a set of other roles that enable effective teaching and learning
activities to take place.
Islamic boarding schools are one of the oldest educational institutions in Indonesia that has an
important role in building a society that is noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative,
independent and becomes a democratic and responsible citizen. The existence of Islamic boarding
schools has long received recognition from the community, because they are involved in efforts to
educate the nation's life and make a significant contribution to the implementation of education.
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System,
the Government has provided the same portion between general education institutions and religious
education institutions.
Islam and strengthened by Government Regulation Number 55 of 2007 concerning Religious
Education and Religious Education. Pesantren today are expected to be agents of change as
intermediary institutions that are expected to play a role as dynamizers and catalysts for human
resource empowerment, drivers of development in all fields, and developers of science and
technology in welcoming the global era.
Education is the main means of improving the quality of human resources. Without education,
it will be difficult to obtain the maximum quality of human resources. This is reflected in the purpose
of education, which is to actualize the life of the nation and develop the whole person, namely a person
who believes and is devoted to God Almighty, has noble character, has knowledge and skills, physical
and spiritual health, a steady and independent personality, and has community and national
responsibilities (Hasbullah, 2008, p. 144).
M. Sochib (2000), parenting is the efforts of parents (kyai) which are actualized towards
structuring the physical environment, internal and external social environment, internal and external
education, dialogue with their children, psychological atmosphere, behavior displayed during
meetings with children, control of children's behavior, determining moral values as the basis for
behavior that is pursued to children. Meanwhile, according to Euis in Husnatul Jannah (2012)
"Parenting is a series of intensive interactions, parents direct children to have life skills." Sam Vaknin,
Ph.D in Popy Puspita Sari, Sumardi, Sima Mulyadi (2020) says that parenting is an interaction
relationship between parents and children as a form of care for children "Parenting is interaction
between parent's and children during their care".
Parenting of students at boarding schools is carried out so that students can adapt and have the
expected character in accordance with the guidance in Islamic teachings. Diponegoro (2005) stated
that while in Pondok Pesantren, students tend to adopt Islamic values such as brotherhood
(ukhuwah), unity (ittihad), helping (ta'awun), and obedience (tha'at) to God, the Apostle, Ulama/Kyai,
and people who are recognized as leaders. Brotherhood, unity, and helping are values that shape and
strengthen the character of gratitude, kindness.
Boarding school education is as varied and diverse as schools, for example. In recent years,
Islamic boarding schools have experienced rapid and impressive development, both in quantity and
quality. This progress cannot be separated from the changes in the strategic environment that occur
both at the local, national and global levels. So it is natural that today many educational institutions