e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3313
of employment carried out for the reasons mentioned above is null and void and the company is
obliged to reinstate the worker concerned. Therefore, the prohibition of marriage and pregnancy does
not have an impact on the dismissal of a worker.
It is key that companies or employers are required to comply with the regulations stated in the
labor law regarding women's leave for pregnancy and childbirth. This means that female workers
have the right to obtain leave as stipulated by law for purposes such as childbirth, childcare, or other
health needs. Companies/employers must ensure that this right is fulfilled and not discriminate
against women workers/laborers. It also means that there are no rules prohibiting workers from
getting married or having a baby. Companies/employers do have to comply with labor regulations
governing the leave rights of pregnant women workers in accordance with applicable laws. This is
important to ensure the protection and welfare of female workers during pregnancy and childbirth.
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