Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024
E-ISSN: 2723 - 6692
P-ISSN: 2723 - 6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3400
Praktik; Code-Mixing; self-
This research aims to describe code-mixing as a means of
conversation for students to increase self-confidence. This
research focuses on the code-mixing between English,
Indonesian, and Manado used by grade 11 students of
Linguistics at SMA Negeri 7 Manado to increase self-
confidence. This research method uses qualitative research
with data collection instruments, such as observation and
interviews. The results of this study show that it finds a reason
similar to Hoffman's theory. The reasons include talking about
a specific topic, quoting other people's words, repetition for
clarification, and clarifying the intent of the conversation to
the interlocutor. The study also found additional reasons: lack
of vocabulary and fear of using the wrong sentences. Students
realize they will feel more confident speaking when the
teacher allows them to code-mix.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
People use language to avoid misunderstandings and miscommunication, where they usually
speak and mix their general language with customary (regional) language. In social practice, the most
important function of language is as a means of communication between others, and without
linguistic communication, the social system of society will not be realized (Sabrina et al., 2021;
Simatupang et al., 2019). Language is a communication tool used by the community. The variety of
language used in this communication can be in the form of code-switching or code-switching and
code-mixing, often known as code-mixing (Abdurrohman, 2019; Adnyani et al., 2013; Wardani, 2017).
In some instances at school during English classes, code-mixing is often used in student conversations
because students feel insecure and lack the vocabulary to speak. This is one of the materials for school
evaluation because the school is one of the most strategic educational institutions to create future
generations who are qualified, have strong faith, superior personality, and mastery of science and
technology (Ruqoiyyah, 2021; Sari et al., 2023).
Many previous studies have also discussed code-mixing, such as code-mixing and code-
switching used by students living in dormitories, code-mixing found in paper boat novels, code-
Code Mixing Practice: A Solution to Increase Learners ' Self-
Confidence in English Learning
Muhammad Wahid
Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Email: mhmmdwa[email protected]
Correspondence: mhmmdwahidd@gmail.com
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3401
mixing that examines code-switching and language mixing in Indonesian language learning, and
research that discusses Code Switching and Code Mixing between Sellers and Buyers (Language
Learning Analysis through Sociolinguistic studies) (Anggraita, 2013; Astuti & Hikmat, 2021; Dini, 2015;
Mustikawati, 2016; Susmita, 2015) .
Despite the extensive research on code-mixing, including its application in dormitories, novels,
and seller-buyer interactions, this study offers a novel perspective by focusing on its role in enhancing
self-confidence among students learning English. Previous studies (Anggraita, 2013; Astuti & Hikmat,
2021; Dini, 2015) have explored code-mixing in various sociolinguistic contexts but have yet to
emphasize its potential as an educational innovation. This study introduces the educational novelty
of utilizing code-mixing as a pedagogical strategy to address students' linguistic insecurities and
boost their self-confidence.
From the research above, it is clear that the focus of this article is different from the previous
research. In this article, the author aims to analyze how Code-Mixing Practice can be a solution to
improving students' Self-Confidence in English. So, this research focuses on formulating the following
problems: 1) What is the paradigm of students and teachers in implementing code-mixing in learning?
2) How can implementing code-mixing in learning increase students' self-confidence? Thus, the
researcher is interested in researching the use of code-mixing for students who are not fluent in
communicating English, which can increase self-confidence in the learning process.
Research Methods
This type of research uses a qualitative model, where a study uses interview and observation
data as research results in words. In this study, the informant involved grade 11 students and teachers
at SMA Negeri 7 Manado. As for the research instruments, observation and interview techniques are
used. Observation was used to see the data results on implementing code-mixing in learning and
increasing self-confidence. In contrast, interviews were used to reveal the paradigm and to see more
profound results from the data obtained from the observation results. In analyzing the data, the
author uses a flow model. The flow model proposed by Miles and Huberman consists of three
components: data collection, data reduction, data display, and verification.
Results and Discussion
By conducting interviews, the author can discover the phenomenon of code-mixing from the
student's point of view. Here is a comprehensive overview of code-mixing practices as a solution for
students to increase self-confidence:
Table 1. Before and after the implementation of Code-Mixing Practices in the classroom
Code-Mixing Practices
Students are afraid of being wrong.
Students are not afraid of being wrong.
Students are not yet confident in
Siswa langsung percaya diri
Students lack vocabulary
Students learn new vocabulary.
Tidak lancar speaking
Semakin lancar speaking
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. x, No. x, Month 2024 3402
From the results above, the author also describes the results of interviews with students who
use Code-mixing in the classroom for the following reasons:
Students lack of vocabularies
This was explained by a student of the Language Science class, Christina as an 11th grade
student from the Language Science class at SMA Negeri 7 Manado: Itu tadi Pak, lebih kase mudah
untuk menyampaikan sesuatu karena torang nda tau kosakata mo disampaikan depebahasa Inggris,
jadi kita campur”. (That was earlier, sir, it makes it easier for us to discuss something because we
don't want the word we want to convey in English, so let's mix.)
Geraldo made a similar statement about why they prefer to do code-mixing in the classroom:
Karena kita nda tau Pak depe Bahasa Inggris jadi biasanya kita campur”. (I usually mix it up because
I do not know English.)
The previous reason was also stated by Intan as a 11th grade student in the Language Science
class: “Yang pertama kurang kosakata. Kan Kalo kurang kosakata biasa sering macet begitu. Jadi kita
lebih memilih campuran deng bahasa Indonesia”. (The first is lack of vocabulary; if you lack
vocabulary, you usually get stuck like that. So, I prefer to mix it with Indonesian.)
Reinhard emphasized the arguments of other students, the following idea is his opinion:
Karena ketika melakukan code-mixing kita momerasa relax tanpa tekanan harus tau seluruhvo
cabulary Bahasa Inggris, apalagi kitaso terbiasa dengan bahasa yang ada yaitu bahasa ibu”.(Because
when doing code-mixing, I will feel relaxed without the pressure of knowing all the English
vocabulary, especially since I am already familiar with the existing regional languages.)
Shame and Fear of Being Wrong
The students' self-confidence increased when the teacher allowed them to do the code shuffle.
Sharon stated the same thing to her classmates. Below are the results of the interview: “kita percaya
diri, karna kalo torang ndatau bahasa Inggrisnya boleh pake bahasa Indonesia dan akan lebih jelas
komunikasinya”. (I am confident because if we are not biased in English, we can use Indonesian, and
the communication will be more transparent.).
The same thing was also said by Veren as an active student, his opinion is as follows: “Ya bagus
lagi, jadi rasa percaya diri karena itu membantu. kalo kita nyanda tau depe bahasa Inggris kita nda
perlu membicarakan diri munanti gurunya yang terima kasih tahu bahasa Inggrisnya apa”. (Yes it's
good too, so confidence because it helps. If we don't know the English, we don't need to ask you later.
The teacher told me what his English was.).
The previous argument is similar to Christina's opinion on the rationale for using code-mixing
in the classroom: Percaya diri sekali Tentu. Karna lebih gampang dan tidak rumit. kantorang nda'
harus tau seluruh kalimat, kadang-kadang harus kan kan orang ini jadi tako salah, tako dapat atawa
akang”. (Very confident, Sure. Because it is easier and less complicated, we do not need to know all
the sentences; sometimes, because we are asked to do this, we are afraid of being wrong or laughed
Similar to the statement by Brandon he stated that he felt confident to speak when he mixed
code: Merasa mempercayai diri sendiri dalam berbicara. karena kalo kita tidak boleh tau Bahasa
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3403
Inggris, kita boleh langsung berbaur dengan Bahasa Ibu noh”. (Feeling confident in yourself in
speaking. Because if we do not get English, we can immediately blend in with our mother tongue.).
Intan explained that sometimes she feels afraid of being wrong. On the other hand, he agrees
that if teachers let them mix languages in class, they will be more confident: Karena kita berpikir
untuk bahasa yang sangat membantu atau memotivasi kita untuk lebih percaya diri-kan biasa kita suka
bicara tapi tako salah. jadi kita salalu menyimpan diri dan akhirnya kita lebeh pilih diam noh”. (Because
I think I mix language that is very helpful or motivates us to get more; usually, we like to talk but are
afraid of being wrong. So, we always keep ourselves, and finally, we prefer to be silent.
Reinhard stated about his statement, it was similar to the opinions of other students: “Iya kita
harus percaya diri untuk berbicara, karena guru nda membicarakan kita untuk harus berbahasa Inggris
penuh dan berbicara yang kadang-kadang kita nda tau. (Yes, I am happy to be confident to speak,
because teachers do not praise us for having to speak full English that sometimes we don't know.).
As a grade 11 teacher of Language Studies, Mr. Dolfy stated the same statement with the
students: “Of course I have. Most often, I suggest or ask the students, "It's okay. If you don't
understand, you can use Manado or Indonesian." Most importantly, I can understand what they are
talking about. They use it because they are afraid of making mistakes in speaking, but I know that they
will be more confident to speak even if they cannot speak fluently."
Quoting somebody else.
The author finds the same reason as Hoffmann theory. Veren explained that: Biasa di kelas
menggunakan code-mixing, bias dibilang jadi ikut selebgram Bahasa atau youtuber, dan akhirnya jadi
budaya.Kita sebagai anak generasi sekarang tinggal ikut saja. (Usually in class using code-mixing, you
can say that you have participated in a language celebgram or youtuber and become a culture. We as
the children of the current generation just have to follow.)
The same thing Aldriando also said about why he prefers to do code mixing in class: kita juga
punya pengalaman pake itu karena biasa mengutip perkataan keren dari kita pe idola-idola, Pak”. (I
have experience when I use it. That's because I quoted cool words from my idol, sir).
Repetition us for clarification
Christina explained: Tersampaikan juga Pak. Maksudnya, karena biasanya jika kita nda tau depe
Bahasa Inggris dapat diulang kembali dengan Bahasa Ibu.(It was also conveyed, sir. That is because
we do not know that English can be repeated only with regional languages.)
The intention to clarify the content or content of the speech to the interlocutor.
Thus, the students want to repeat messages in one language to another to make the speech go
smoothly or clarify ideas to make the conversation more understandable. Kirei has explained: “Karna
banya teman yang cumatau depedasar-dasar.Lebih lagi banyak kata- kata yang orang belum tau jadi
kita sampaikan dengan bahasa Indonesia. Jadi orang akan mo lebeh paham kita pemakusd. (Because
many friends do not know the basics. More words that they do not know yet, so I say them in
Indonesian so they will understand what I mean better.).
The previous explanation was emphasized by Christina as a student of the Linguistics class:
“Lebih nyambung deng lebeh mudah dibicarakan oleh teman-teman karena boleh diucapkan lagi deng
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. x, No. x, Month 2024 3404
Bahasa Indonesia”. (It is more connected and easier to understand by friends because it can be
pronounced again in Indonesian.).
Brenden clarified that he has a similar opinion to other students: Kita pe teman-teman molebe
mangarti apa tape maksud kita campur dengan Bahasa Indonesia. Contoh Biasanya dorang nda tau
Bahasa Inggris, kalodi mix dorang akan paham pasti”. (My friends will understand better what I mean
if I mix with Indonesian. For example, although they usually do not know English, if they are mixed,
they will understand for sure.)
Talking about a particular topic
Speakers feel free and more comfortable expressing their thoughts and emotions using
language that is not their everyday language. The US explained: torangakan lebih nyaman pas kanapa
yang torang maksud dengan mencampur bahasa Inggris dengan Indonesia”. (We will also feel more
comfortable expressing what we mean by using code-mixing from English to Indonesian.).
As an 11th-grade student of a Linguistics class, Geraldo has the same statement as his
classmates: Kita merasa terbantu. Kalo biasa campur bahasa buat kita bolehkan maksud kita bicara,
pokoknya memudahkan kita pas berbicara di kelas”. (I feel helped. If mixing languages makes me able
to speak, I mean, just give me a compilation of speaking in class.).
From the interviews with students in the language class and English teachers, the author found
reasons similar to Hoffman's theory, namely using repetition for clarification, quoting somebody else,
the Intention to clarify the speech content for the interlocutor, and Talking about a particular topic.
Researchers found that one of the reasons for mixing codes in the classroom was a lack of vocabulary,
so students preferred to mix their languages. In their opinion, it can also be concluded that students
prefer to use code-mixing because they will be more confident to speak when the teacher allows them
to do so. The author also concluded that the students agreed with using code-mixing in the teaching
and learning process because it could increase their self-confidence in speaking (Alawiyyah & Apsoh,
2020; Anastassiou, 2017).
To see more about how the practice of code-mixing in the classroom is a solution to increasing
students' self-confidence. It can be seen in the following table:
Table 2. Code-Mixing Practice Data for students of SMA Negeri 7 Manado
Conversations in class
By the way Sir,pekan lalu dapat dispensasi karena ada iko
By the way Sir, pekan lalu dapat dispensasi karena ikut seminar.
(By the way, I was dispensated because I attended the seminar last week.)
Materi yang lalu tentang is the expression of offering and suggestion.
(Last week's material was about the expression of offering and suggestion.)
May I, butul Sir? (Manado)
May I, betul Sir?
(May I? Is that true, Sir?)
Tunggu Sir, mo pikir dulu, “May I help you?” (Manado) Tunggu Sir, mau dipikir dulu,
“may I help you?
(Wait, sir. I will think about it first. “May I help you?”)
Saya bolehSir, “Christina, may I help you to bring your book?”
(I can, sir. “Christina, may I help you bring your book?”)
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3405
Would you like some help?” termasuk user?
(“Would you like some help? It is included, right?”)
Sir, mo batanya, beda suggestion and offering? (Manado) Sir, mau
bertanya bedanya suggestion and offering?
(Sir. I want to ask. What is the difference between suggestion and
begini boleh Sir?“I think…”
(Can it be like this, Sir? Like, “I think…”)
Maksudnya saya menyarankan dia untuk take a rest, untuk istirahat Sir.
(I mean, I suggest that she rest, sir.)
“You must follow the rules” termasuk?
(“You must follow the rules” is it included?)
“You need to…” termasuk itu?
(“You need to… is it included?)
Ada lehSir, “I would like to suggest(Manado)
Ada lagi Sir, “I would like to suggest.
(There is more, Sir. “I would like to suggest.”)
Boleh minta izin angkat telpon dari mama?
May I ask for permission to answer my mother’s telephone?
Sir, Selain “I think dan you must” ada contoh lain tentang suggestion?
(Sir, besides “I think, and you must,” is there any other example about suggestion?)
Oh, yang itu include of suggestion?
(Oh, is that included in the suggestion?)
Sir, excuse me, boleh izin mo ka toilet? (Manado)
Sir, excuse me, boleh izin mau ke toilet?
(Sir, excuse me, may I go to the toilet?)
The dialogue is about Shinta yang sudah terlihat lelah, terus Angeli kasih saran for
take a rest, Sir.
(The dialogue is about Shinta, w h o l o o k s t i r e d , a n d t h e n
A n g e l i g i v e s h e r
s u g g e s t i o n t o r e s t , s i r .)
Cuman a little bit, Sir. (Manado)
Cuma a little bit, Sir. (Just a little bit, Sir.)
Okay. My friend, sebelum kita kerumah masing-masing, let us pray! The pray begin.
(Okay. My friend, before we go home, let us pray! The pray begin.)
From the table above, we can see that the self-confidence of grade 11 students of SMA Negeri 7
Manado speaking has increased; they are more courageous to speak even though they mix English
and Indonesian languages and their mother tongue, Manado.
This code-mixing practice can be a solution for students to speak English in class because they
will be more confident when they are allowed to mix languages between English and their regional
language when they do not know the vocabulary (lack of vocabularies). Increased self-confidence of
students because students are not afraid of making mistakes when speaking English. Thus, the
application of this code-mixing practice can be an alternative for teachers in the English learning
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. x, No. x, Month 2024 3406
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