Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024
E-ISSN: 2723 - 6692
P-ISSN: 2723 - 6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3382
Strategy Management; PKH;
Empowerment; Nusantara
Economic Hero
The Family Hope Program (PKH) is a conditional cash transfer
initiative in Indonesia aimed at reducing poverty and improving
access to education, health, and welfare services among Beneficiary
Families (KPM). Despite its success, ensuring that KPM achieve
independence and prosperity remains a key challenge. This study
examines the strategic management practices of the Ministry of
Social Affairs in promoting self-reliance among KPM. Using a
qualitative descriptive approach, data were collected through
literature and documentation studies. The analysis focused on the
Ministry's planning, implementation, and evaluation processes,
alongside the integration of the PENA (Nusantara Economic Hero)
empowerment program. Findings reveal that the Ministry employs
strategic management from data collection and program
distribution to monitoring and evaluation. The PENA program,
targeting entrepreneurial development, has enhanced the capacity
of KPM to achieve economic independence. However, gaps in
resource accessibility and program coverage persist. The study
concludes that while strategic management significantly contributes
to the effectiveness of PKH, expanding empowerment initiatives and
fostering inter-agency collaboration are crucial for achieving
broader impacts. Recommendations include extending the PENA
program and conducting comprehensive evaluations to guide future
policy enhancements.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
The Ministry of Social Affairs is a ministry entrusted by the state to carry out one of the national
programs, namely the Family Hope Program (PKH). PKH is a program to provide conditional social
assistance to poor and vulnerable families which in international terms is called conditional cash
transfer (CCT) (Inter-American Development Bank, 2017). Social assistance is provided in order to
encourage people to access education, health services and also social welfare services (Zastrow,
2017), especially to people who have pregnant women, early childhood, school-age children
(elementary to high school), the elderly and people with disabilities in their families. Compensation
Strategic Management of the Ministry of Social Affairs in
Promoting Self-Reliance and Prosperity Among Beneficiary
Families of the Family Hope Program
Risna Kusumaningrum, Anisa Nurlitasari, Budi Supriyatno, Azis Hakim,
Christian Haposan
Universitas Krisnadwipayana, Jakarta, Indonesia
Email: riku.chrysalis@gmail.com, anisa.nurlitasar[email protected]m, fiaunkris@unkris.ac.id,
christian.hapo[email protected]m
Correspondence: riku.chrysalis@gmail.com
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3383
in the form of cash is intended to maintain the purchasing power of the poor and residents who are
slightly above the poverty line so that their purchasing power does not decrease. This assistance is
also not intended as a substitute for overall household expenditure, but is intended as a temporary
additional income so that there is no decrease in purchasing power and can help in accessing basic
services such as education and health. In addition, cash is given to prevent long-term negative impacts
such as asset sales, school dropouts, migration, and crime.
The Ministry of Social Affairs has stated in the PKH Implementation Guidelines that the
objectives of PKH are: (a) improving the standard of living of Beneficiary Families (KPM) through
access to education, health, and social welfare services; (b) reducing the burden of MOE expenses; (c)
forming awareness of KPM in accessing health and education services as well as social welfare; (d)
improving the ability of KPM to utilize formal financial products and services; and (e) improving the
ability of KPM to carry out social responsibilities and roles.
The following is the development of the number of KPM PKH and the budget allocated for the
program from 2007 to 2019.
Figure 1. the development of the number of KPM PKH and the budget allocated for the
program from 2007 to 2019
If you look at the budget structure where this year reaches 28 trillion rupiahs, and the target of
the PKH program is 10 million KPM, the Ministry of Social Affairs has a great responsibility, especially
in ensuring that the social assistance is on target, in the right amount and on time.
PKH, which has been running since 2007, is certainly not designed to make KPM dependent on
the social assistance provided. The purpose of the PKH program itself is for them to become
independent and prosperous in meeting their life needs. In this regard, how is the strategic
management carried out by the Ministry of Social Affairs in realizing a prosperous KPM PKH?
This research describes the strategic management carried out by the Ministry of Social Affairs
to encourage KPM PKH to be independent and prosperous. It provides an overview of the
implementation of strategy management, from planning to implementation.
Existing studies on PKH primarily focus on its implementation, impact, and effectiveness in
reducing poverty. However, research exploring the strategic management practices underlying PKH,
particularly the integration of empowerment initiatives like the Nusantara Economic Hero (PENA)
program, remains limited. This study fills this gap by analyzing the Ministry of Social Affairs'
comprehensive strategies for achieving KPM independence, emphasizing collaboration with external
stakeholders and program innovations.
The novelty of this research lies in its focus on the strategic interplay between social assistance
and empowerment initiatives. By examining the implementation of the PENA program and its role in
0,39 0,62 0,73 0,77
10.000,00 10.000,00
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
AnggaranPKH(MilliarRp) CakupanKPMPKH(000)
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3384
fostering entrepreneurial capabilities, this study provides fresh insights into how PKH can be
enhanced to achieve greater socioeconomic impacts and sustainable outcomes.
Research Methods
Research Approach
This research uses a qualitative approach where the mindset to be used is inductive. The
research departs from existing facts and data from field findings will be juxtaposed using theoretical
thinking or in the formation of new concepts (Neuman, 2006). The location of the research is the
Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia on Jalan Salemba Raya Number 28 Jakarta.
Data Collection Techniques
The data collection technique is a literature study of secondary data in the form of writings and
videos issued by the official social media platform owned by the Ministry of Social Affairs. This study
uses data collection techniques such as observation, documentation, and interviews.
Data Analysis Techniques
Furthermore, the secondary data collected is read and studied, marked with keywords and
taken ideas and themes in the data, to then record the models found and then code (McDrury in
Moleong, 2007). Themes will be grouped and analyzed in a qualitative descriptive manner according
to the research objectives.
Results and Discussion
Strategic Management Carried out by the Ministry of Social Affairs
In implementing various programs, of course, the Ministry of Social Affairs needs to set its
vision and mission. The following is an overview of the vision, mission, and goals of the Ministry of
Social Affairs (Adema, 2006).
Figure 2. the Ministry of Social Affairs
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3385
If seen in the chart, the Ministry of Social Affairs has not only set a vision, mission and goals, but
also strategic goals to be achieved, one of which is contributing to reducing the number of poor and
vulnerable people. Considering that the target of PKH is a poor and vulnerable group of people, it can
be concluded that PKH is one of the programs implemented by the Ministry of Social Affairs in order
to achieve this strategic goal. This is in line with Krisandi's opinion that strategic management is a
series of processes for determining organizational goals, strategies, policies and various programs to
achieve the intended goals, as well as determining methods that ensure the implementation of
strategies and policies properly.
In achieving strategic goals, the Ministry of Social Affairs also determines several planning
efforts in the implementation of its program, namely PKH. PKH is also designed to achieve certain
goals. The objectives of PKH are a) improving the standard of living of KPM through access to
education, health, and social welfare services; (b) reducing the burden of MOE expenses; (c) forming
awareness of KPM in accessing health and education services as well as social welfare; (d) improving
the ability of KPM to utilize formal financial products and services; and (e) improve the ability of KPM
to carry out social responsibilities and roles.
The implementation of PKH in all provinces in Indonesia, there are a series of stages (business
processes) that are carried out, namely (a) determination; (b) PKH distribution; (c) MOE assistance;
(d) evaluation of KPM membership; and or (e) termination. This is stated in the Draft Regulation of
the Minister of Social Affairs on the Family Hope Program which is currently still in the public test
stage. This regulation also contains general provisions, rights and obligations of KPM PKH, PKH
assistance, PKH implementation mechanism, changes in KPM data, monitoring and evaluation,
complaints, financing and also other provisions that are considered relevant to the sustainability of
the program.
The determination of KPM PKH is the starting point for how then the data of program recipients
is validated and verified so that it is right on target. The data proposal is submitted by the local
government through the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) which is authorized by the Regional
Head through the New Generation Social Welfare Information System (SIKS NG) application. This data
proposal is then determined by the Minister of Social Affairs by matching the data to the Dukcapil
every month. The determination of DTKS every month is carried out as a response to data changes
that occur in the community.
The distribution of PKH is a very important process to monitor accountability considering that
this program has a large budget of 28 trillion rupiah for 10 million KPM in the 2023 fiscal year. In
distributing assistance to program recipients, the Ministry of Social Affairs collaborates with
Banks/Distribution Posts. The determination of the assistance index is made in accordance with the
membership category owned by KPM. The distribution of PKH regulates matters that include opening
accounts, issuing social welfare cards (KKS) along with their distribution and activation so that KPM
can disburse the assistance.
In addition to distribution, in the program stage there is PKH assistance which is no less
important. As a conditional social assistance, PKH is a program that has the highest number of social
companions in Indonesia. The current number of PKH human resources is 35,138 people with 34,144
social assistants, of which the rest are coordinators in the regions in stages. PKH assistance includes
a series of activities carried out in order to lead KPM towards independence. The companion is
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3386
responsible for checking the membership categories owned by the KPM and also verifying the
eligibility of the KPM continuously.
Participation evaluation is also important so that the KPM does not become dependent on the
program and becomes difficult to become independent. If the KPM is considered capable or
independent and no longer suitable to receive PKH, then the companion is obliged to propose to the
Ministry of Social Affairs to terminate the KPM.
In carrying out public policies, monitoring and evaluation are needed by stakeholders.
Monitoring is carried out in order to ensure that the implementation of PKH is on target, on time, in
the right amount and in the right administration. The implementation is not only by the central
government but also by local governments, especially Regional Heads. Meanwhile, the evaluation is
carried out in order to measure the success or failure of the program. The results of the evaluation
are used in the context of planning materials for program improvement.
Considering that PKH is a national program whose target concerns the lives of many people and
throughout Indonesia, a complaint system was built. Complaints about the implementation of PKH
were formed to ensure the principles of openness and accountability of the program to the
community. Complaints can be made by individuals, groups, or institutions that are submitted to the
Ministry of Social Affairs through the Command Center, the national public service complaint
management system, aspiration services, online complaints from the community, and district/city
and provincial social services.
In carrying out government, decision-making or steps that need to be taken by the
implementing organization in order to achieve the goals are needed. This is very important,
considering that the government is close to public policies that significantly impact society. For this
reason, strategic management is needed. There are several definitions or definitions expressed by
experts about strategic management. One of them is Krisnandi et al. (2019) strategic planning or
strategic management is a series of processes for determining organizational goals, strategies,
policies and various programs to achieve the intended goals, as well as determining methods that
ensure the implementation of strategies and policies properly. This means that strategic management
is nothing but a collection of various strategies launched in various management aspects to maximize
their various implementations. Meanwhile, according to Assauri (2017) strategy management is a
decision-making process to utilize company resources effectively and efficiently in the company's
ever-changing environmental conditions (Baird et al., 2011). Like other aspects or functions of
management, maximizing resources is always the main goal to be achieved. Based on the definition
of strategic management according to the above experts, it can be concluded that strategic
management is a series of processes of determining or determining the formulation of directions,
methods, policies, goals, and various other aspects in an organization's management to ensure that
the implementation and actualization of management and organization can be carried out properly
and in accordance with the desired needs.
PKH, as a national program, has a significant impact on society. The proposed poverty data
submitted from the regions to the Ministry of Social Affairs through DTKS as of August 2023 has
reached 139,085,602 people. Although DTKS is not intended for proposals for PKH social assistance
recipients only, but other social assistance programs such as basic necessities, social rehabilitation
assistance assistance, empowerment programs or BPJS Kesehatan contribution recipients, it is
undeniable that there are still many proposals from regions that want to get PKH, even though this
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3387
program is only allocated to 10 million families. For this reason, the determination of membership
data is the beginning of efforts to make the program effective. One of the strategic management
carried out in order to support the accuracy of the target is through the matching of DTKS with data
in Dukcapil (Cahyono & Iryani, 2018).
After the data is determined, the Ministry of Social Affairs is responsible for distributing PKH
social assistance in the form of cash to program recipients. Cooperation with bank
institutions/distribution posts is one of the decisions taken to minimize the misappropriation of
social assistance by irresponsible parties. By opening an account on behalf of the recipient of social
assistance directly, the assistance money from the government can be directly channeled to KPM. In
addition, the existence of KPM who then have an account at the bank, they become educated on how
to use ATM cards where this is in line with one of the program objectives, which is to improve KPM's
ability to utilize formal financial products and services.
In order to form KPM awareness in accessing health and education services as well as social
welfare and improving KPM's ability to carry out its social responsibilities and roles, assistance in the
form of social assistance is needed. The assistance aims to ensure that KPM receives rights and fulfills
its obligations in accordance with the provisions set out in the program. In addition, PKH assistants
are tasked with educating and socializing about PKH, helping to monitor the implementation of PKH
distribution in coordination with provincial regional social services, district/city regional social
services, and/or Banks/Distribution Posts in the context of PKH distribution, assisting in verifying
the eligibility of KPM in receiving PKH, assisting in evaluating KPM membership and assisting in
proposing the replacement and elimination of KPM in PKH. The elaboration of companion duties is a
form of resource management, especially human resources in the implementation of programs in the
field. This is in line with the definition of Strategic Management according to Assauri (2017) which
utilizes existing resources to achieve organizational goals. PKH human resources, which number
35,138 throughout Indonesia, are a strategic resource for making changes for KPM in moving towards
After the KPM receives assistance, the strategic step that needs to be taken is evaluating KPM
membership. KPM cannot forever depend on government programs, but must strive to create
independence for themselves and their families. Membership evaluation is part of strategic
management to achieve the program's goals. By conducting periodic evaluations, the Ministry of
Social Affairs has also made efforts to accommodate data in DTKS that still do not receive PKH. If in
the evaluation of participation, it is found that the KPM is economically established and is considered
no longer feasible to receive the social assistance program, then the Ministry of Social Affairs needs
to terminate the KPM in question.
Strengthening the Empowerment Program for KPM PKH for Independence and Prosperity
In achieving an independent and prosperous KPM PKH, the Ministry of Social Affairs not only
focuses on social assistance programs , but also strives through several empowerment programs that
involve the role of not only the organizational structure within the Ministry of Social Affairs, but also
involves external stakeholders who are considered to be able to cooperate or collaborate in order to
achieve the goals in question.
The empowerment program that is currently being given by the Ministry of Social Affairs to
KPM PKH is known as the PENA program which is short for Heroes of the Archipelago Economy. This
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3388
program targets various family members in PKH who have potential both in terms of manpower,
productive age or business start-ups, especially in the informal sector to then improve their
accessibility in reaching wider resource systems. The PENA program is adjusted to the business start-
up or potential characteristics owned by each KPM and its region of origin, considering that the
potential of resources owned by each region is also different.
PKH Companions as human resources who are at the spearhead of the program and are
considered the closest party to reach KPM are asked to conduct initial data collection for KPM who
are worthy of training in this PENA program. The data was collected at the Directorate of Social
Security as a work unit that supports PKH and then forwarded to other work units, namely the
Directorate General of Social Empowerment as the support of the PENA program and also the Center
for Social Welfare Education and Training which is involved in providing training to the KPM in
The PENA program training is given every week through PENA TV which is broadcast on the
Ministry of Social Affairs' Youtube channel. From the media selected for publication, it illustrates that
the Ministry of Social Affairs is also trying to facilitate access for the wider community to learn this
training and not only for KPM PKH. In addition, through the media, many videos describe the success
journey of KPM who have received the PENA program and succeeded in developing their business to
reach a turnover of millions of rupiah. Social media channels that are easily accessible to the wider
community can also be a means of public communication about the performance of the Ministry of
Social Affairs to improve people's welfare.
Collaboration between social assistance programs and programs that are social empowerment
is part of the strategic management carried out by the Ministry of Social Affairs in achieving its goals.
The Ministry of Social Affairs does not only focus on providing "fish", but also "hooks" as a tool for
them to work to support their own needs so that they become independent and prosperous. The
empowerment program is given not only in order to prevent them from becoming dependent on
social assistance, but also to increase the accessibility that KPM often faces to increase their efforts.
This is in line with the opinion of Krisnandi et al. (2019) that strategic planning or strategic
management is a series of processes for determining organizational goals, strategies, policies and
various programs to achieve the intended goals, as well as determining methods that ensure the
implementation of strategies and policies properly.
The Ministry of Social Affairs has established and managed strategies in implementing PKH
throughout Indonesia starting from the initial stage of data collection to the implementation of
monitoring and evaluation at the end of the program. The strategic management carried out by the
Ministry of Social Affairs through PKH does not only focus on social assistance programs but also
social empowerment programs, namely PENA which aims for the independence and welfare of KPM
PKH. In the implementation of strategic management, the Ministry of Social Affairs not only
empowers internal resources, but also external stakeholders who are considered to be able to
accelerate the achievement of goals.
The Ministry of Social Affairs suggested that the target of the PENA program needs to be
expanded so that it can reach more KPM PKH who have been receiving social assistance for a long
time and have not received empowerment programs. Relevant ministries such as Bappenas, the
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Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK) and also the Ministry of
Finance need to conduct a scientific study to see the impact of the program further so that it is
expected to be an input if an additional budget is needed in the future.
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