Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024
E-ISSN: 2723 - 6692
P-ISSN: 2723 - 6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3292
Role; Bureau; Human
Resources; Performance
The problems that will be faced by the HR Bureau, namely the
globalization of technology, competence, and human resources and
bureaucratic reform, greatly affect the performance of government
institutions in Indonesia. This problem must be answered by
increasing the role of the HR bureau in carrying out its duties and
functions in HR management. Human Resource Management is very
fundamental for a government agency, because it is needed and
must be managed properly so that it becomes superior and
competent HR and has a commitment to the organization. The
method used in this research uses descriptive analysis method by
collecting data through literature study from various sources. From
this research it can be concluded that HR has its own role and duties,
and the development of HR quality is needed in global
developments, and HR competencies must be improved through the
process of education, training, and coaching.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
The survival of an organization is greatly influenced by environmental conditions that are
always changing and evolving, namely economic, political, social, cultural, labor, national and
international policies. To be able to adapt to changes in its environment, organizations must continue
to observe developments and changes (Zacharias et al., 2021).
Human resources (HR) are fundamental for an organization because they are needed for the
progress of the organization. An organization's human resources are essential to the success of its
operations. In a field of work, a person's success and performance are greatly influenced by the level
of competence, commitment, professionalism, and integrity they have in carrying out their work or
activities (Amjad et al., 2021; Dirani et al., 2020; Gilbert, 2013).
An organization must have a competitive advantage and a strategy to win the global
competition, so each organizational unit must be fully committed to implementing the strategy to
achieve the organization's goals. Every part of an organizational structure, especially HR, must work
closely with the leadership to complete its tasks.
Analysis of the Role of the Human Resources Bureau in
Improving Performance at Government Institutions in
Desi Aryati Sulastri, Bunga Alamanda Syarifatul Abadiyah, Budi Supriyatno,
Azis Hakim
Universitas Krisnadwipayana, Indonesia
Email: [email protected], [email protected], budisupriyatno@unkris.ac.id,
Correspondence: [email protected]
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3293
In an organization, the HR Bureau is responsible for managing human resources in the
organization because HR is one of the resources that has an important role as the driving force of the
organization and also HR has the ability to manage other resources. Because the role of human
resources is so important for an organization, human resource management must be carried out
separately and a special department is formed to manage it. Thus, human resources can be an
advantage to compete because of their competence. As the HR manager of an organization, the HR
Bureau functions as a very strategic unit to support the implementation of organizational policies,
especially in the face of problems, changes, and challenges that are increasingly severe today.
Therefore, HR is expected to harmonize its policies so that it is in line with organizational policies, so
that the organization is always ready to face changes and problems that will occur in the future.
There are many challenges and problems that will be faced by the HR Bureau, such as
technological changes, capabilities, globalization, improving intellectuals and competencies,
bureaucratic reform, and human resource integrity (Rizka et al., 2022). This problem must be
answered by increasing the role of the HR bureau in carrying out its duties and functions better.
All of these problems show how important it is for the HR Bureau to collaborate with other
departments to achieve organizational goals. In addition, in response to all these problems, HR
bureaus must adopt new approaches to add measurable value, which demonstrate higher levels of
competence and new roles played by HR actors. Overall, the new competitive conditions will demand
new ways of thinking about the activities, functions, and qualities of HR actors.
In an organization, human resources are one of the most valuable assets, therefore, they must
be managed correctly to have a competitive advantage (Azeem et al., 2021; Farida & Setiawan, 2022).
All departments within the organization, including the HR Bureau, are responsible for managing these
HR, and HR serves as its facilitator. This is comparable to the responsibilities that other departments
must hold in achieving the goals set in accordance with the organization's policies. Instead, HR
evaluation actions must be carried out to help organizations adjust to the problems and changes they
Organizations must also commit to helping the growth of their human resources by giving them
the opportunity to grow, by providing a more challenging, empowering, and promoting level of work
in accordance with their competencies. By providing motivation, rewards, and appreciation to human
resources, organizations can generate commitment. This means that the organization is indifferent to
the welfare, existence, and respect of the work of human resources so that human resources will be
more involved with the organization. For the survival of an organization, it is very important for
members to keep working and have high dedication and commitment to the organization.
HR who works for an organization can be defined as having organizational commitment. To
maintain and maintain competent human resources in an organization, commitment is required. This
is because HR who is highly committed to the company will perform well while showing strong
support and commitment to achieving organizational goals. Low human resource commitment to
organizational operations will cause indiscipline and lack of desire and readiness of human resources
to carry out work responsibilities and will experience difficulties in facing work problems and
challenges. As a result, the capacity building and creativity of human resources will decrease.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3294
Research Methods
The method used in this writing uses a descriptive analysis method by collecting data through
literature studies from various sources. Data analysis is carried out through several main stages. First,
data reduction is carried out by summarizing the data that has been collected through the process of
identifying relevant information in accordance with the focus of the research. Furthermore, the data
is presented in the form of narratives, tables, and diagrams to facilitate analysis and interpretation.
Finally, conclusions are drawn by compiling conclusions supported by research findings based on
data that has been thoroughly analyzed.
Results and Discussion
Human Resources Bureau
The evolving paradigm of the role of the HR Bureau still directs its capacity as a department
that only carries out HR Management functions, which are mostly administrative work. This shows
that there is still no socialization of the understanding of the importance of the function of the Human
Resources Bureau and how strategic the role of the Human Resources Bureau is.
Not only carrying out the function of MSDM, the HR Bureau must also be able to create the
highest value and achieve satisfactory results. By getting opportunities and guidance, the HR Bureau
will work professionally, will create high standards, master theory, know how to add value in
implementing it, and will respond when given the opportunity.
Therefore, the HR Bureau must be considered an important partner of the organization and
should be given a wider obligation and role because HR has the ability to create value and make a
proud contribution. In addition, the HR Bureau must prioritize strategic issues over operational
By implementing a competency and performance-based HR management plan, the HR Bureau
is positioned as an important component and integrated with the organization's vision, mission, and
goals. This shows that the role of the HR Bureau is taken into account as a strategic partner for the
organization. The ability of the HR Bureau to produce human resources who have the integrity
expected of the organization is one of the indicators of the success of the role carried out by the HR
Bureau. To do this, the HR Bureau conducts HR programs that allow employees to instill
organizational values into themselves. These programs include the implementation of reward and
punishment systems and also in the form of education and training.
The condition of human resource management in the organization allows the development of
the components of the MSDM system gradually every year. As a result, implementation must also be
carried out gradually in accordance with the progress of the MSDM system. Organizations are
expected to carry out their functions well and implement good governance, which means they openly
show who is responsible for the execution of their duties. So, organizations that have a competitive
advantage in human resource management and human resource quality will be able to answer
increasingly difficult challenges to face.
The quality of human resources that support the implementation of tasks and meet
organizational goals is essential for organizational success. Without human resources that meet the
needs and can follow the work culture of the organization, the organization will not be able to meet
the goals. The talk about the quality of human resources must be closely related to the function of the
HR Bureau in the organization.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3295
What is the role of the HR Bureau to create human resources who have competencies in
accordance with the criteria of organizational needs in carrying out their duties, it is necessary to
conduct an analysis to see the real role of the HR Bureau in an organization.
Analyze the Role of HR Bureau in Indonesia
The findings in this study show that the role of the HR Bureau in improving the performance of
an organization in Indonesia is to have a strategic role. "This role carries out the task of coordinating,
managing and providing administrative support which includes human resources (Supriyatno,
In Government Institutions, this study found that the Human Resources Bureau has a very
broad role such as carrying out the tasks of coordination, management and provision of
administrative support which includes human resources and staffing, and management of state
property, as well as procurement of goods/services. Such as in the State Civil Service Agency and the
Ministry of Finance. In the State Civil Service Agency, the Human Resources Bureau is responsible for
managing personnel management and fostering employees within the BKN. "In carrying out its duties,
the Human Resources Bureau carries out the following functions": (Badan Kepegawaian Negara,
1. Procurement, placement of employees, personnel mutations, dismissals, and management of
functional positions within the BKN;
2. Employee development planning, employee competency development, and employee career
3. Employee performance management, discipline enforcement and career counseling management
of BKN employees;
4. Employee welfare management and personnel data; and
5. Management of activities, administration, evaluation and reporting to the Human Resources
Furthermore, in the Ministry of Finance, the role of the Human Resources Bureau is responsible
for the implementation of the task of coordinating and preparing the development and management
of human resources within the Ministry of Finance, in accordance with the laws and regulations
(Kemenku, 2021).
The functions carried out by the Human Resources Bureau in carrying out their duties include:
1. Preparation of plans to meet human resource needs and formations
2. Allocation of STAN State Finance Polytechnic graduates to other agencies;
3. Implementation of procurement, placement, and appointment of State Civil Apparatus
4. Management of assessment centers and competency tests;
5. Human resource development and employee performance management;
6. Development, management, and service of human resource management information
systems, as well as management of employee manuscripts and documents;
7. Formulation of policies and management of career development career patterns, mutations,
promotions, talent management, personnel status arrangements, and ranks;
8. Management and development of functional officials within the Ministry of Finance;
9. Implementation of selection to fill high leadership positions and administrative positions;
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3296
10. Welfare management, licensing, and coordination of employee awards;
11. Implementation of discipline enforcement and settlement of personnel cases;
12. Settlement of dismissal, and provision of employee pensions;
13. Preparation, dissemination, implementation, and coordination of regulatory evaluations in
the field of personnel;
14. Management of character development functions, strengthening values and cultural
programs, management of employee assistance programs, and management of employee
psychological consulting services;
15. Internal management and coaching of the Functional Position of Apparatus Human Resources
16. Management and internal coaching of the Functional Position of Apparatus Human Resources
Analyst and Functional Position of Apparatus Human Resources Institution; and
17. Implementation of administrative, archival, household, organizational, human resources,
finance, performance and risk management, and public relations of the Human Resources
"From the findings of the study, the role of the HR Bureau is to manage human resources. As
Budi Supriyatno said above, Human Resource Management is a human resource management activity
starting from position analysis, planning system, recruitment, employee development, promotion,
counseling, employment relations, compensation, decision-making, pension, employee performance
evaluation to achieve individual and organizational goals (Supriyatno et al., 2024).
According to A.F. Stoner, "Human Resource Management is an ongoing procedure that aims to
supply an organization or company with the right people to be placed in the right positions and
positions at the time the organization needs it".
One branch of management science that focuses on regulating the role of human resources in
the activities of an organization is Human Resource Management. Human resource management is
one of the strategic factors for the achievement of organizational goals effectively and efficiently. An
organization's HR bureau needs HR Management as a system administrator to achieve its goals. There
are several important aspects that must be considered by its management so that this system can run
well such as training, capacity building, motivation, and other dimensions.
The functions and roles of human resources cannot be replaced by other resources, no matter
how sophisticated the technology used, or how large the budget given, but without competent human
resources, the organization's goals will not be realized, therefore human resources are the most
valuable asset for the organization.
Improving Performance
In improving employee performance, the HR Bureau is expected to be able to play a role in
producing human resources who are professional, competent, and committed to the agency and able
to meet the needs in the field of human resources, so that human resources can carry out planned
activities and are able to adapt to the situations and problems experienced by the agency. There are
two categories of employees who work in government agencies today, namely State Civil
Apparatus/ASN and Government Employees with Employment Agreements (P3K). The HR Bureau
was found to have been able to handle good human resources, especially in BKN and the Ministry of
Finance because the development programs carried out for human resources have been prepared
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3297
effectively and efficiently so that they can improve the performance of human resources in carrying
out their duties and responsibilities.
According to Budi Supriyatno (2020) "Human resource development is a planned and
integrated activity in the context of improving employee capabilities, namely education and training
held by organizations, either government or private companies to achieve organizational goals".
"Human resource development has two dimensions of goals, namely the individual dimension
and the organizational dimension. Individual goals refer to something achieved by an employee.
Institutional objectives refer to what can be achieved by institutions or organizations as a result of
human resource development programs" (LAN dan DEPDAGRI, 2007).
According to Amstrong (2007), "The goal of human resource development is to ensure that the
organization has qualified people to achieve the organization's goals of improving performance and
What it says Amstrong (2007), as mentioned above, it can be achieved if every individual in the
organization is equipped with the expertise and skills to have the necessary competencies in doing
their jobs effectively. Furthermore, what must be a concern is efforts to increase human resource
capacity, individual and group performance needs to continue to be developed in the right way to
maximize the potential of human resources.
Therefore, human resource development must essentially have a purpose and provide benefits
for all, namely stakeholders, both as users or users and organizations that produce these goods and
services. The objectives of human resource development must in principle include the following
things: (Ananda, 2022)
1. Labor Productivity, can improve the quality and quantity of work outputs, along with increasing
technical skills, human skills, and employee management skills.
2. Efficiency, can increase the efficiency of time, power, raw materials, and reduce machine wear.
Production costs are relatively low, so the organization has a higher competitiveness.
3. Integrity can improve the integrity of human resources because the understanding of integrity
values is embedded in each individual and implemented in the implementation of work.
4. Service, can improve better service so that service users are satisfied with the service provided
and reduce the occurrence of complaints related to poor service.
5. Career, can improve HR careers, because of knowledge, skills, expertise, and achievement in work
so that they get promotions related to good performance.
6. Leadership. can improve HR leadership in management management, have flexible interpersonal
relationships, motivation, so that the development of vertical and horizontal cooperation
becomes harmonious.
7. Conceptually, it can improve the ability to make the right and fast decisions because they have
technical skills, human skills, and leadership skills.
8. Income. can increase income (salary, incentive payments, bonuses).
By implementing effective and efficient development, the role of the HR Bureau will be able to
improve the performance of government institutions in Indonesia.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3298
Based on the research conducted, it can be concluded that the challenges faced by the HR
Bureau, including globalization, technological advancements, human resource competencies, and
bureaucratic reform, significantly influence the performance of government institutions in Indonesia.
Addressing these challenges requires the HR Bureau to enhance its role in executing its duties and
functions effectively in managing human resources. By implementing development strategies that are
both effective and efficient, the HR Bureau can play a pivotal role in improving the overall
performance of government institutions in Indonesia.
Based on the results that have been concluded above, the following suggestions are submitted:
The need to improve human resource capabilities in this era of globalization and technology by
providing education and training. The role of the HR Bureau in carrying out its duties and functions
in managing human resources needs to be given a more. HR Bureau employees in carrying out their
duties and functions need to be improved in their competence so that they can play a wider role so
that they can improve the performance of government institutions in Indonesia better.
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