Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024
E-ISSN: 2723 - 6692
P-ISSN: 2723 - 6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3279
Insiders; Work Discipline;
Employee Performance;
Transformational Leadership;
Islamic Business
This research aims to examine the effect of Insiders and Work
Discipline on Employee Performance with Transformational
Leadership as a moderating variable in an Islamic business
perspective. The object of research is Nuju Coffee employees in
Bandar Lampung, totaling 105 people. Data were obtained through
questionnaires and interviews, then analyzed using validity,
reliability, and hypothesis testing with the SmartPLS application.
The results showed that Insiders and Work Discipline have a
significant influence on Employee Performance. In addition,
Transformational Leadership is proven to moderate the relationship
between Insiders and Work Discipline on Employee Performance.
This research enriches the literature related to human resource
management in the context of Islamic business and provides
practical recommendations for companies in improving employee
performance through an effective leadership approach and the
implementation of good work discipline.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
In the company, human resource management (HRM) has a role in the company's goals,
because of how the company utilizes effective and efficient human resources to achieve the company's
target goals. HRM (Triansyah et al., 2023) also has responsibilities within the scope of the company
to deal with problems with employees. The competence of human resources (HR) is considered
important as a company asset, because HRM acts as a way to mobilize in carrying out operations in a
company and is important in maintaining company sustainability. Therefore, employees have an
important role to play in the success of a business.
Bandar Lampung has several types of businesses that are growing and recognized by the
community. Various job vacancies are needed by the community and provide an assessment
according to the abilities and experience possessed by the person. Bandar Lampung has many cafes
scattered in several areas both in antasari, pahoman, kedaton, sukaramee, and other areas. With so
many cafes in Bandar Lampung, some people decide to work in cafes and have the ability to become
The Effect of Insiders and Work Discipline on Employee
Performance with Transformational Leadership as a
Moderating Variable According to Islamic Business Perspective
(Study on Nuju Coffee Employees in Bandar Lampung)
Eci Meiliyani, Ahmad Habibi, Yeni Susanti
UIN Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia
Correspondence: [email protected]
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3280
a barista or whatever profession they want. One of the famous cafes in Bandar Lampung is Nuju
Nuju Coffee or Nuju Group is a leading company engaged in the food and beverage industry that
focuses on the production of processed coffee and the culinary lifestyle industry in Bandar Lampung.
The Nuju Coffee business began in 2020 with the first shop "Nuju Coffee" established by prioritizing
the Grab-and-Go coffee network. Now, Nuju has several branches in Bandar Lampung, as follows:
Table 1. Number of Nuju Coffee Branches in Bandar Lampung
Nuju Coffee
Nuju Coffee Kedaton
Jln. ZA. Pagar Alam No.115, Gedong Meneng, Rajabasa
Nuju Coffee (HQ) Enggal
Jln. Singosari No.23, Enggal, Engal
Nuju Coffee Sukarame
Jln. Pulau Legundi No.246, Sukarame, Kec. Sukarame
Nuju Coffee Kemiling
Gang Mawar 4 No.0 km, Sumber Rejo, Kec. Kemiling
Nuju Coffe Sudirman
Jln. Jend. Sudirman No.RT.001, Rawa Laut, Engal
Nuju Coffee Pahoman
Jln. Jend. Sudirman No.75A, Tj. Raya, Kec. Kedamaian
Nuju Coffee & Space
Jln. P. Antasari, No. 99, Tj. Baru, Kec. Sukabumi
Source : Nuju Coffee in Bandar Lampung, 2024
From the data above, it can be explained that each Nuju branch has several employees
according to the place and employee needs. Each Nuju place has a different form of marketing. With
some places in Nuju coffee only providing drinks and small snacks in the form of donuts, but there
are also those who serve snacks and heavy meals at the place. With a total of 105 employees spread
across each Nuju branch, it is evident that Nuju Coffee is one of the cafes that is often visited by several
consumers. A total of 7 places spread across several regions make it easy for consumers to buy
without having to spill long distances. Therefore, Nuju Coffee is a business engaged in the beverage
sector by serving coffee as a characteristic that makes the business different from other businesses.
With so many cafes opened in Bandar Lampung, someone is competing to get a job. When
someone gets a job through various information. Like friends, family, neighbors, social media, and so
on. But there is also someone who gets a job by means of insiders. Inseders (Beason et al., 2022) or
insiders are the ownership of a person in a company who has a certain position towards the interests
of people within the scope of the organization and work by providing the information needed. The
existence of insider ownership in a job can have a positive or negative effect, depending on how
someone carries out the job. The existence of insiders in an organization or company can have a
positive effect if someone in the company provides information related to the company as a
motivation for others to get a job. Conversely, it will have a negative effect if someone inside the
company helps outsiders to get a job without the ability they have.
In a job that is being carried out by someone, of course, they have responsibility and work
discipline for the work they do. This is done to foster a person's enthusiasm and motivation in
carrying it out. Work discipline is a behavior that must be instilled in every individual inside and
outside the organization, each individual must be willing to follow or obey all existing and previously
agreed upon rules and regulations and be willing to accept all consequences for violating these
regulations. So that it will become a good habit and will be embedded in his heart and soul (Pranitasari
& Khotimah, 2021). Work discipline is a tool used by managers to communicate with their employees
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willing to change a behavior as well as an effort to increase a person's awareness and willingness to
obey all company regulations and applicable social norms.
The number of companies that attach importance to discipline at work. Because work discipline
can affect employee performance to be able to create employee performance to run effectively, it is
driven by motivation alone but by having high work discipline. Therefore, to get good performance
results from a company, of course, there is strict work discipline in the company, such as arriving on
time, attending meetings, always being present and having clear reasons, and others. This is done to
be able to provide progress to employees on the importance of utilizing time as much as possible and
if employees are trained in discipline from the start, they will get used to it in the future.
When someone carries out all the work in accordance with what is directed by the supervisor,
he will get satisfactory results from the performance performed. Employee performance (Sariani et
al., 2021) is the result of work carried out by employees, both in quality and quantity towards the
achievement of performance obtained in carrying out the tasks assigned by superiors and taking full
responsibility for the work assigned to be completed as much as possible. Thus, employee
performance can be measured by the implementation of tasks assigned by superiors and can be
assessed that the employee is capable or not in completing the tasks that have been given. If the
assigned tasks can be completed properly, the results obtained will be good. Conversely, if the
assigned tasks cannot be completed properly, the results obtained are also not good. But if someone
carries out a task without responsibility, then the task will be bad. This is in accordance with the
words of Allah SWT in Q.S An-Nahl verse 97 which reads:
"Say (Prophet Muhammad), "Work; then, Allah, His messenger, and the believers will see your
work. You will be returned to the One Who knows the unseen and the manifest. Then, He will tell you
what you have been doing." (Q.S At-Taubah Verse 105)
Based on the verse above, it can be explained that Allah SWT commands His servants to work
and have motivation in seeking sustenance. Work can be one way to fulfill needs and desires and can
get closer to Allah SWT. The assessment carried out after we carry out the work is a form of
appreciation and motivation for the results achieved. Work appraisal becomes an organizational
process that can evaluate employee performance against the work completed. A person who is given
a task in a given job should be able to be responsible and sincere in carrying out the work so as to get
satisfactory results with good and polite ethics (Miskahuddin, 2021). Allah SWT tells His servants to
be able to carry out work seriously and sincerely, so that Allah SWT blesses every path taken to obtain
halal and blessed sustenance.
With the existence of this verse, it encourages employees to be able to carry out work in
accordance with what is their responsibility. The performance results achieved by employees
certainly have motivation and direction from the leader. Transformational leadership (Rusmawati &
Indriati, 2019), is a leader who has the ability to influence employees by providing work motivation
and in order to mobilize employees in completing work. So that by optimizing performance,
employees can achieve the goals of the company. Transformational leadership can provide an
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3282
employee assessment of one's leadership for carrying out company tasks towards the achievements
obtained by the leader and employees will contribute optimally due to the motivation provided by
the leader, so that employees can form a team as an effort to provide the best for the company in order
to achieve maximum results for the organization. Therefore, employee performance will be related to
transformational leadership in supporting the achievement of performance results obtained by
superiors and subordinates.
In improving knowledge and skills in employees, there is a drive to achieve it. Like someone
who is disciplined in doing work, employees who have discipline towards their work can also achieve
performance results in accordance with their achievements. Because there are some people who have
good work discipline and have poor work discipline. This depends on how much intention a person
has in pursuing his job. If someone does not have work discipline by always arriving late, rarely
entering the office, and not utilizing time, it can hinder performance achievement or even someone
can be threatened with being expelled from the company. Employee performance within the company
can determine the final result or assessment that can be given to employees in measuring how much
results are achieved from the responsibilities that have been given (Díaz-Sáenz, 2017).
The resulting achievement is of course the direction of the company leader. Transformational
leadership also affects a company. Leaders can assess employee performance and can motivate
employees for their performance capabilities. Transformational leadership can be given to employees
as support to be motivated for the work to be completed. In addition, employee performance has an
influence with transformational leadership, this is supported by research Wirandini et al. (2022)
showing that "Transformational Leadership has a positive and significant influence on employee
performance." In addition to Wirandini's research, it is also reinforced by other researchers, namely
(Aswad et al., 2023) stating that "this study shows positive results on transformational leadership in
organizations can affect employee performance in an organization because transformational
leadership is a leadership style that increases employee motivation, involvement, and performance."
Based on previous research that states the involvement between transformational leadership
and employee performance that can help companies to achieve the desired goals. With great
responsibility and impact on the progress and goals of the company, transformational leadership
must be in accordance with what the company needs and the performance of the employees provided
must also be in accordance with what has been directed by the leadership of the company.
Transformational leadership has an important role in improving employee performance by
creating a positive work environment, motivating employees, and developing the potential that these
employees have. Transformational leadership can affect employee performance, insiders, and work
discipline, this can occur with leaders who can provide direction, motivation and support for
employees, of course, can produce good performance in a company. It can even influence insiders to
produce appropriate performance and work discipline in a company. So that transformational
leadership can moderate the relationship between various variables that affect employee
performance, insiders, and work discipline.
This study aims to examine the effect of Insiders on employee performance in Nuju Coffee
employees in Bandar Lampung, as well as assess the impact of work discipline on employee
performance in the same company. In addition, this study also aims to explore the role of
transformational leadership as a moderating variable in the relationship between Insiders and
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3283
employee performance, as well as between work discipline and employee performance. Furthermore,
this research seeks to understand the concepts of Insiders, employee performance, and
transformational leadership in an Islamic business perspective, providing a comprehensive insight
into the application of these values in an Islamic business-based work environment.
Research Methods
In this study, researchers used a quantitative research approach which is about testing a theory
consisting of variables, measured by numbers, and analyzed by statistical procedures to determine
whether the theory is correct. In addition, quantitative research is a type of research that produces
new findings that can be achieved (obtained) using statistical procedures or by quantification
(measurement). Quantitative methods translate data into numbers to analyze the findings (Ali, 2022).
This research uses deductive research. Deductive research is a methodical approach in
scientific inquiry that uses logical reasoning and evidence to draw a conclusion. This research uses
top-down, where the researcher starts with a general idea (performance) and then tests it through
specific observations (Nuju Coffee). The deductive approach is the development of an assumption
based on existing theories and forming a research plan to test the assumption. The deductive
approach can be explained using assumptions driven from theory (Prihandini, 2023).
The data source used in this research is primary data source. Primary data is data obtained
directly by researchers (Nurjanah, 2021). Primary data is usually obtained by the author by directly
taking it when conducting research, such as interviews or questionnaires. Therefore, this research
was conducted with primary data sources by distributing questionnaires to research objects and
conducting direct interviews with the intended objects.
The data collection method in this study was carried out through two main techniques, namely
questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaire was used to obtain primary data directly from the
employees who were the object of the research by filling out the form distributed by the researcher.
Meanwhile, interviews were conducted to complement the data from the questionnaire, allowing
researchers to explore more in-depth information through direct question and answer with the
respondents involved in the study. These two methods are used to ensure that the data obtained are
in accordance with the research needs and support the analysis process and hypothesis testing.
The population in this study included all 105 employees of Nuju Coffee in Bandar Lampung,
spread across various branches such as Kedaton, Enggal, Sukarame, Kemiling, Sudirman, Pahoman,
and Nuju Coffee & Space. The sample was taken using purposive sampling technique with the criteria
that respondents were employees of Nuju Coffee in Bandar Lampung. Based on the Slovin Formula
with an error rate of 10%, a sample of 52 respondents was obtained. For data measurement, this
study uses a Likert scale with five levels of choice, ranging from "Strongly Disagree" (Score 1) to
"Strongly Agree" (Score 5), to assess the respondent's level of agreement with the statements in the
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3284
The data analysis method in this study includes processing data from observations, interviews,
and questionnaires to facilitate interpretation and drawing conclusions. The analysis was conducted
through several stages, including:
1. Validity Test: Measuring the validity of the research instrument with the SmartPLS application,
comparing the calculated r value and r table. The instrument is declared valid if the correlation
coefficient> 0.50.
2. R-square Test (Coefficient of Determination): Assesses the ability of the independent variable to
explain the dependent variable based on the Adjusted R Square value.
3. Multicollinearity Test: Tests the relationship between independent variables using VIF. If VIF
10 or tolerance ≤ 0.10, then there is multicollinearity.
4. Reliability Test: Measuring the consistency of the instrument with Cronbach's Alpha through the
SmartPLS application. The instrument is considered reliable if the value is> 0.60.
5. Hypothesis Test: Test the truth of the research conjecture by looking at the P Values, Original
Sample, and T Statistics. The hypothesis is significant if the P Values <0.05 and the moderating
variable is strengthened or weakened based on the Sample Mean value.
Results and Discussion
1. Validity Test
To find out whether a questionnaire is valid or invalid from several factors, a validity test is
held. The results of the validity test conducted in this study are listed below:
Figure 1. Graphic Output
Source: Data Processed Through SmartPls4 (2024)
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3285
Table 2. Outer Loading Validity Test
Performance (Y)
Leadership (Z)
0. 594
Source: Data Processed Through SmartPls4 (2024)
Based on the data that has been processed using SmartPls4 by conducting a validity test and to
find out whether the items are valid or invalid, what needs to be done is to analyze whether the
statements used and processed results can be said to be valid. Every statement that has been tested
and reaches a number> 0.50 can be said to be valid. But if <0.50 then it is invalid. So it can be seen
through table 1.7 that what is listed in the table above is said to be valid because it exceeds the
number> 0.50.
2. R-Square Test (Coefficient of Determination)
Table 3. R-Square Test
Adjusted R-square
Employee Performance (Y)
Source: Data Processed Through SmartPls4 (2024)
Based on the results of the R-square test which has a value of 0.580 and an adjusted R-square
of 0.558, it can be said that the influence of the Insiders variable on the Employee Performance
variable simultaneously or simultaneously is> 0.50 the model is considered moderate.
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3. Multicollinearity Test or Classic Assumption Test (Inner Model)
Table 4 Multicollinearity Test (Inner Model)
Performance (Y)
Leadership (Z)
Source: Data Processed Through Smartpls4 (2024)
The multicollinearity test aims to test whether there is a correlation between the independent
variable regression models. A good regression model should not have a correlation between the
independent variables. If the VIF (Vvariance Inflation Factor) value is < 10.00, it means that there are
no multicollinearity symptoms in the regression model, otherwise if the VIF value is> 10.00, it means
that there are multicollinearity symptoms in the regression model. It can be seen in table 1.9 that the
multicollinearity test value is 1,901, so it can be said that there are symptoms of multicollinearity in
the regression model.
4. Reliability Test
In conducting accuracy tests on each variable, you must understand the basis for making
decisions, namely alpha 0.6. If the factor is greater than 0.6, it can be considered reliable or commonly
called the following variables consistent to measure whether there is an influence or not between
variable relationships. But on the contrary, if the variable score is smaller than alpha so that the factor
studied is declared inaccurate.
Table 5. Reliability Test
Average variance
extracted (AVE)
Ins (X1)
DK (X2)
KK (Y)
KP (Z)
Source: Data Processed Through SmartPls4 (2024)
In the reliability test, it can be done by looking at the accuracy of the variables, namely by
looking at Cronbach's alpha. If the Cronbach's alpha value is> 0.60 then the variable can be said to be
valid. Conversely, if the Cronbach's alpha value <0.60 then the variable is invalid. After testing using
the SmartPls4 application, the results show that Insider (X1) has a value of 0.695> 0.60, so it can be
said to be valid. For Work Discipline (X2) has a value of 0.810> 0.60, so it can be said to be valid. In
addition, Employee Performance (Y) has a value of 0.700> 0.60, so it can be said to be valid.
Furthermore, for the moderating variable, namely Transformational Leadership (Z) has a value of
0.867> 0.60, so it can be said to be valid.
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5. Hypothesis Test (T Test)
Hypothesis testing is a test on a variable to determine whether the variable is positive or
negative and significant or insignificant. If the P values> 0.50 are not significant, otherwise if the P
values <0.50 are significant. In addition, to be able to see moderating variables can strengthen or
Table 6. Hypothesis Test (T Test)
sample (O)
T statistics
P values
X1 Y
X2 Y
Z x X1 Y
Z x X2 Y
Source: Data Processed Through SmartPls 4 (2024)
Through the data that has been tested, it can be explained as follows:
a. The hypothesis states that Insiders (X1) have a positive and significant effect on Employee
Performance (Y). Based on table 1.11 above, the Original sample (O) value is positive at 0.227
and the P value is 0.002 <0.50. So it can be concluded that the research hypothesis can be
accepted or it can be said that there is an influence of Insiders on Employee Performance. The
more someone does high work even through Insiders, the more Employee Performance will
b. The hypothesis states that Work Discipline on Employee Performance has a positive and
significant effect. Based on the data that has been tested, Work Discipline (X1) on Employee
Performance (Y) obtained a positive Original sample (O) value of 0.098 and a P value of 0.402
<0.50. So it can be concluded that the research hypothesis can be accepted or there is an
influence of Work Discipline on Employee Performance. In addition, Work Discipline has a
positive influence on Employee Performance. The higher or better the Work Discipline
activities, the more Employee Performance will increase.
c. The hypothesis states that Transformational Leadership (Z) has a positive and significant
effect on Employee Performance (Y). Based on table 1.11 above, the P value of 0.000 <0.50 so
that it can be concluded that the research hypothesis is accepted or it can be said that there is
an effect of Transformational Leadership on Employee Performance. The Original sample (O)
value is 0.573, so Transformational Leadership has a positive relationship to Employee
Performance. The higher or better the Transformational Leadership, the more Employee
Performance will increase.
d. The hypothesis states that Transformational Leadership (Z) does not moderate Insiders (X1)
on Employee Performance (Y) on Nuju Coffee employees in Bandar Lampung. Based on table
1.11 with an Original sample (O) value of 0.040 and a P value of 0.615 <0.50, it can be
concluded that the research hypothesis is rejected or it can be said that Transformational
Leadership is unable to moderate the relationship between Insiders and Employee
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Performance. With an Original sample (O) value of 0.040, Transformational Leadership does
not strengthen or support the Insiders' relationship to Employee Performance in Nuju Coffee
employees in Bandar Lampung.
e. The hypothesis states that Transformational Leadership (Z) moderates Work Discipline (X2)
on Employee Performance (Y) for Nuju Coffee employees in Bandar Lampung. Based on table
1.11 with a positive Original sample (O) value of 0.201 and P values of 0.009 <0.50, it can be
concluded that the research hypothesis is accepted or it can be said that Transformational
Leadership is able to moderate the relationship between Work Discipline and Employee
Performance. With a positive Original sample (O) value of 0.201, Transformational
Leadership strengthens or supports the relationship between Work Discipline and Employee
Performance in Nuju Coffee employees in Bandar Lampung.
1. The Influence of Insiders on Employee Performance
Based on the research results by looking at the calculations from the SmartPls4 application
using statistical tests that Insiders have a positive and significant effect on Nuju Coffee Employee
Performance in Bandar Lampung. These results can explain that if someone who is accepted to work
through Insiders and has the ability according to what is owned and conducts an entrance test through
exams and interviews in advance in accordance with what the company applies, it will improve
Employee Performance at Nuju Coffee in Bandar Lampung.
In finding a job, many people get information from people closest to them, such as family,
friends, neighbors, and others. This makes it easier for someone when they want to find a job. In
addition, companies cannot immediately accept someone to be hired. However, a person must be able
to follow the established SOPs such as going through various tests and interviews. If someone is
worthy then the company will hire them, otherwise if someone is not worthy then the company will
not hire them.
The results of this study are also in line with previous research conducted by Achmad Amin et
al. (2023), stating that Family Support has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance.
In addition to Achmad's research, it is also supported by Sri Kusumawati's research (2018) which
states that the family relationship found among employees is a form of attention by the company to
employee performance.
2. The Effect of Work Discipline on Employee Performance
After testing, it can be seen that the results of research with statistical calculations that Work
Discipline has a positive and significant effect on Nuju Coffee Employee Performance in Bandar
Lampung. These results explain that the better the implementation of Work Discipline, the better the
performance of Nuju Coffee employees in Bandar Lampung in carrying out work. Work discipline
must be owned by every employee and can be cultivated among employees, thus supporting the
achievement of organizational goals because it is a form of compliance with work rules and as a self-
responsibility to the company.
The results of this study, supported by previous research according to Ariesni and Asnur (2021),
state that Work Discipline has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance. This is
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because if work discipline is good, good employee performance directly affects the quality of human
resources in a company. In addition, it is also supported by research by Dwi Nanda Suci Rahayu (2019),
stating that Work Discipline has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance.
3. The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Employee Performance
Based on statistical calculations in this study, Transformational Leadership has a positive and
significant effect on Nuju Coffee Employee Performance in Bandar Lampung. These results explain
that the better the implementation of Transformational Leadership, the better the performance of
Nuju Coffee employees in Bandar Lampung in carrying out work. Transformational leadership
basically emphasizes respecting individual goals so that later individuals will have confidence that
the work done as well as possible will exceed their performance expectations.
The previous research has the same results, namely Muhammad Alief Ramadhani and Nurul
Indawati (2021), stating that Transformational Leadership has a significant positive effect on CV
Employee Performance. SKM Indonesia, which means that the more intense the application of
transformational leadership, the more impact it will have on employee performance. According to
Cornelius Ludi Priyatmo (2018), stating that transformational leadership at PT Mitramas Jangkar
Laksana has a direct effect on improving employee performance, this can be seen, among others, the
role of leaders who have a serving spirit so that it will generate respect and an attitude of trust from
subordinates towards a leader.
4. The Effect of Transformational Leadership Moderating Insiders on Employee Performance
With the hypothesis test, Transformational Leadership moderates Insiders on Employee
Performance at Nuju Coffee employees in Bandar Lampung. This explains that the research is rejected
or it can be said that Transformational Leadership is not able to moderate the relationship between
Insiders and Employee Performance. With an Original sample (O) value of 0.040, transformational
leadership does not strengthen or support the relationship between insiders and employee
performance in Nuju Coffee employees in Bandar Lampung.
Based on the above tests, this is the same as previous research, namely Santi Yopie and Chrislin
(2022) which states that family presence supports a positive influence on the performance of family
companies in Indonesia and founder-managed companies support a positive influence on the
performance of family companies in Indonesia. This means that the more family presence in the
company and when the company is managed directly by the founder can improve company
performance. Similarly, research by Suveera Gill and Parmjit Kaur (2015) states that company
performance will be better when there is the presence of family members, either through family
involvement in management, ownership by family members, the position of president director
occupied by family members, or companies managed by family successors.
5. The Effect of Transformational Leadership Moderating Work Discipline on Employee
After conducting moderation testing through statistical calculations in this study that
Transformational Leadership is able to moderate the relationship between Work Discipline and
Employee Performance. These results explain that the better the implementation of transformational
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leadership will improve the performance of Nuju Coffee employees in Bandar Lampung in carrying
out work. Transformational leadership strengthens or supports the relationship between work
discipline and employee performance in Nuju Coffee employees in Bandar Lampung.
This statement is also supported by previous research according to Diva Riza Fahlefi, who
stated that Work Discipline has a significant effect on the performance of lecturers at the AKS Ibu
Kartini Semarang Social Welfare Academy with Leadership Style as moderating. The coefficient of
determination (Adjusted R Square) shows a figure of 0.923. But not in line with research
This research concludes that Insiders and Work Discipline significantly influence Employee
Performance, with Transformational Leadership playing a pivotal role in moderating the relationship
between Work Discipline and Employee Performance. However, it is found that Transformational
Leadership does not moderate the relationship between Insiders and Employee Performance. The
findings underscore the importance of effective leadership and disciplined practices in enhancing
employee productivity, particularly in an Islamic business context.
Companies like Nuju Coffee can leverage these insights to foster a disciplined work culture and
implement transformational leadership strategies, ultimately optimizing employee performance and
achieving organizational goals. Future research could explore additional moderating variables or
assess these dynamics in broader or diverse organizational contexts.
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