e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3290
leadership will improve the performance of Nuju Coffee employees in Bandar Lampung in carrying
out work. Transformational leadership strengthens or supports the relationship between work
discipline and employee performance in Nuju Coffee employees in Bandar Lampung.
This statement is also supported by previous research according to Diva Riza Fahlefi, who
stated that Work Discipline has a significant effect on the performance of lecturers at the AKS Ibu
Kartini Semarang Social Welfare Academy with Leadership Style as moderating. The coefficient of
determination (Adjusted R Square) shows a figure of 0.923. But not in line with research
This research concludes that Insiders and Work Discipline significantly influence Employee
Performance, with Transformational Leadership playing a pivotal role in moderating the relationship
between Work Discipline and Employee Performance. However, it is found that Transformational
Leadership does not moderate the relationship between Insiders and Employee Performance. The
findings underscore the importance of effective leadership and disciplined practices in enhancing
employee productivity, particularly in an Islamic business context.
Companies like Nuju Coffee can leverage these insights to foster a disciplined work culture and
implement transformational leadership strategies, ultimately optimizing employee performance and
achieving organizational goals. Future research could explore additional moderating variables or
assess these dynamics in broader or diverse organizational contexts.
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