Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024
E-ISSN: 2723 - 6692
P-ISSN: 2723 - 6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3151
Mine Wastewater;
Environmental Quality
Standards; Settling Pond;
Constructed Wetland
Mining activities, especially coal mining, produce wastewater
containing heavy metals such as manganese and iron, which can
degrade water quality and harm ecosystems. Effective wastewater
management is crucial to meet environmental quality standards and
reduce ecological risks. This research aims to evaluate the
effectiveness of constructed wetlands in treating coal mine
wastewater by assessing critical water quality parameters such as
pH, Suspended Solids (TSS), Total Iron (Fe), and Total Manganese
(Mn). The research uses a descriptive method involving field
sampling and laboratory analysis. Water samples were collected
from settling pond BB-18 PPA-BA, both before and after the
installation of constructed wetlands. The parameters tested include
pH, TSS, Total Iron, and Total Manganese, following standard
environmental testing protocols. The implementation of
constructed wetlands significantly improved water quality. The
measured values after treatment were pH 6.90, TSS 18.20 mg/L,
Total Iron 0.31 mg/L, and Total Manganese 2.75 mg/L, all within
permissible environmental quality standards. Constructed wetlands
effectively reduce pollutants in coal mine wastewater, enabling
compliance with environmental quality standards. This approach
combines active and passive treatment methods, providing a
sustainable and cost-effective wastewater management solution for
coal mining operations.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
One of the problems in coal mining activities is the problem of coal mine wastewater, which has
acidic pH levels; besides that, coal mine wastewater also contains heavy metals, namely manganese,
and iron, which often contain suspended solid particles with high concentrations. Generally, the
process of mining activities carried out using the strip mine method of the open pit mining system can
cause sulfide minerals to be easily oxidized and dissolved by water, resulting in the formation of acid
mine drainage (Kusdarini et al., 2024). Problems arising from acid mine drainage include degradation
of water quality, damage to ecosystems and soil due to its toxic nature, obstacles to the growth of
living things, and corrosion of objects exposed to the water (Kusdarini et al., 2020; Kusdarini &
Budianto, 2022). The presence of heavy metal compounds in wastewater causes the water to smell
The Effectiveness of Constructed Wetlands in Managing Coal
Mining Wastewater
Deden Disa Abdullah, Alifal Hamdan
PT Putra Perkasa Abadi, Indonesia
Email: deden.di[email protected]
Correspondence: deden.disa@ppa.co.id
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3152
bad and can cause irritation to the skin and eyes. If consumed regularly and in the long term, this can
lead to serious health risks, even death (Soemirat, 2018). Coal mine wastewater not only impacts the
mining area but can also impact water sources outside the mining area. Therefore, it must be handled
carefully, and it must not be directly discharged into the river because it can have a detrimental
impact on the ecosystem (Mamede & Sennahati, 2023). The obligation to conduct mine wastewater
management is contained in the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 7/2014 on
the Implementation of Reclamation and Post-mining in Mineral and Coal Mining Business Activities.
On the basis of these considerations, PT Putra Perkasa Abadi, which is one of the companies
engaged in mining, has carried out coal mine wastewater management, one of the locations where
mining wastewater management is located at the PT Bukit Asam Tbk job site. The coal mine
wastewater management process at PT Putra Perkasa Abadi job site PT Bukit Asam Tbk (PPA-BA)
initially used an active treatment approach; the principle was carried out by adding chemicals
continuously into acid mine water (Amin & Kurniasih, 2019), such as by adding quicklime which is
known to be effective in neutralizing acid mine water (Iizuka et al., 2022). However, the approach
that has been taken through active treatment is considered less effective, and the quality of
wastewater produced still does not meet environmental quality standards. Based on measurements
that have been made of coal mine wastewater in the BB - 18 PPA-BA settling pond area, it is found that
there is a test parameter, namely Total Manganese (Mn), which exceeds the maximum level of
environmental quality standards, the measurement results of Total Manganese (Mn) levels are 3.70
mg/L. In contrast, the maximum allowable level is Total Manganese (Mn) levels of 3 mg/L. So, based
on the results of these measurements, the coal mine wastewater management process carried out by
PPA-BA combines an active approach with a passive approach. Management through passive
treatment means that mine wastewater is regulated naturally through gravity, biological, and
geochemical processes; no routine monitoring and maintenance is required, resulting in more
affordable costs (Kusdarini et al., 2024). The passive approach is to use a constructed wetland installed
in settling pond BB-18. A constructed wetland is a planned and controlled wastewater treatment
system. Constructed wetland is designed and built using natural processes, such as using sandy soil
and microorganisms to clean wastewater (Sasono & Asmara, 2013). In the view of Hammer (1989), a
constructed wetland is a natural sewage treatment method consisting of areas that are waterlogged
and support aquatic plant life of hydrophytes, have a growing substrate in the form of sandy soil
always waterlogged, and water-saturated media. Constructed wetland works through the process of
adsorption, filtration, sedimentation, microbial decomposition, and natural ion exchange (Ayu &
Pangesti, 2021). Based on the effectiveness, efficiency, and benefits of constructed wetlands, PPA-BA
uses this media as a tool to manage coal mine wastewater, see Figure 1.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3153
Figure 1. Design and Existing Conditions of Constructed Wetland in Settling Pond BB - 18
Based on the effectiveness, efficiency, and benefits of constructed wetlands, PT Putra Perkasa
Abadi uses this method as a tool for managing coal mine wastewater. The constructed wetland system
at settling pond BB-18 includes seven compartments, with the constructed wetland installed in
compartment 7. Its dimensions are 15 x 70 meters, with eight units constructed using materials such
as 4-inch PVC pipes, parent, straw, soil, humus, and aquatic plants. With this setup, it is expected that
the treated wastewater will meet the environmental quality standards set by the South Sumatra
Governor Regulation Number 8 of 2012 concerning Liquid Waste Quality Standards for Industrial,
Hotel, Hospital, Domestic, and Coal Mining Activities.
This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of constructed wetlands in improving the
quality of coal mine wastewater. It will focus on compliance with environmental quality standards for
critical parameters, including pH, Suspended Solids (TSS), Total Iron (Fe), and Total Manganese (Mn).
Research Methods
The method used in this research is descriptive, the method is a research approach that aims to
produce a description, description, or painting systematically, factually, and accurately about the
properties, facts, and relationships between the phenomena being investigated (Nasir, 1998). The
population used in this study is water in settling pond BB - 18 PPA-BA with test parameters, namely
pH (Insitu), Suspended Residue (TSS), Total Iron (Fe), and Total Manganese (Mn). The pH (Insitu)
measurement method is based on SNI 6989.11-2019, the suspended residue (TSS) measurement
method is based on SNI 6989.3-2019, while the Total Iron (Fe) and Total Manganese (Mn)
measurement methods are based on APHA 2012. The fulfillment of wastewater quality standards is
based on the Technical Approval for Fulfillment of Wastewater Quality Standards Discharged to
Surface Water Bodies of PT Bukit Asam Tbk Tanjung Enim Mining Unit in 2023, while the parameters
used are as follows, see Table 1.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3154
Table 1. List of Test Parameters, Maximum Levels of Test Parameters, and Measurement Methods
Test Parameters
Maximum Level
Measurement Method
pH (Insitu)
6 - 9
SNI 6989.11-2019
Suspended Residue (TSS)
SNI 6989.3.2019
Iron (Fe) Total
APHA 2012
Manganese (Mn) Total
APHA 2012
Source: Technical Approval for Fulfillment of Quality Standards of Wastewater Discharged to Surface Water
Bodies PT Bukit Asam Tbk Tanjung Enim Mining Unit in 2023; SNI 6989.11-2019; SNI 6989.3.2019; APHA
Results and Discussion
The method used for pH measurement (Insitu) is based on SNI 6989.11-2019, using the
principle of potentiometric hydrogen ion activity using a pH meter. The equipment needed includes
a pH meter, glass stirrer, 1,000 mL volumetric flask, 250 mL goblet, semport flask, and analytical
balance with a readability of 0.1 mg. After the tools and materials are prepared, the next step is the
testing step, which is the steps taken to calibrate the pH meter with at least 2 buffer solutions that
match the desired measurement range each time. The next step is to take measurements in the right
way. First, rinse the electrode using mineral-free water, then dry it with fine tissue paper. Second,
immerse the electrode into the test sample until the pH meter shows a consistent reading. The third
involves recording the results of the scale or numbers that appear on the pH meter screen. Fourth,
the temperature should be recorded when measuring pH and inform the results. Fifth, the electrode
should be rinsed using mineral-free water after completing the measurement. The measurement
results show that the in situ pH value in settling pond BB - 18 PPA-BA is 6.90, which means it is in
accordance with the standard.
The next measurement is Suspended Residue (TSS). The method applied to measure Suspended
Residue (TSS) follows SNI 6989. 3-2019 by filtering a homogeneous test sample through a filter media
that has been weighed first. The residue still attached to the filter media is dried at around 103°C until
it reaches a constant weight. The increase in filter weight reflects the Total Suspended Solids (TSS).
The necessary equipment includes a desiccator containing desiccant, an oven operating at a
temperature range of 103°C to 105°C, an analytical balance with a precision of 0.1 mg, volumetric
pipettes or measuring cups, media for weighing, a vacuum filter system, tweezers, and a vacuum
system. The first step in the measurement process is to filter using filter equipment and moisturize
the filter media with a little water without minerals. Second, stir the test until it is homogeneous, then
take it quantitatively with the specified volume, pour it into the filter medium, and turn on the
vacuum. Third, rinse the filter medium three times using 10 mL of mineral-free water, then continue
the filtration process using the vacuum system until it is completely drained. Fourth, gently transfer
the filter media (glass fiber cloth) from the filter device to the weighing container. The fifth step is to
place the weighing medium or Gooch cup filled with the filter medium in the oven for at least one
hour at a temperature between 103°C and 105°C, cool in a desiccator, and weigh. The sixth step is to
repeat the fifth step until a constant weight is obtained (recorded as W
). Seventh, calculate TSS using
the formula (SNI 6989.3-2019):
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3155
: weight of the weighing medium containing the initial filter medium (mg);
: weight of weighing media containing filter media and dry residue (mg);
V : test sample volume, (mL);
1000 : milliliter to liter conversion.
The measurement results show that the value of Suspended Residue (TSS) in the BB - 18 PPA-
BA settling pond is 18.20 mg/L, which means it meets the standard. The next step is to measure Total
Iron (Fe) in sediment samples, which refers to the APHA (2012) method. First, the samples were
oven-dried at 105°C, after which they were pulverized and sieved. Second, 5g of the sample was
weighed and transferred to an Erlenmeyer with a capacity of 250 mL, after which the sample was
added with 5 mL of HNO3 and 50 mL of distilled water, then heated to a clear solution until it reached
10 mL. Third, the sample was filtered using Whatman No. 41 filter paper, and the screening results
were diluted to 50 mL. Fourth, a 10 mL sample was used to measure Iron (Fe) metal levels using an
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer at a resonance wave of 248.3 nm. The measurement results
show that the total Iron (Fe) value in the BB - 18 PPA-BA settling pond is 0.31 mg/L, which means it
meets the standard.
Finally, we measured the total manganese (Mn) in the sediment samples using the APHA (2012)
method. First, the water to be tested is mixed evenly in a glass cup before being taken as much as 100
mL. Second, add 5 mL of Nitric Acid and heat the test solution in a flask using an electric heater until
it is almost dry. Fourth, pour 50 mL of distilled water into the flask and stir gently with filter paper to
drain into a 100 mL flask. Fifth, carefully put 10 mL of Manganese (Mn) metal parent solution, which
has a concentration of 1000 mg/L, into a 100 mL flask, then dissolve it completely using a dilution
solution until it reaches the predetermined mark. The measurement results show that the total
Manganese (Mn) value in settling pond BB - 18 PPA-BA is 2.75 mg/L, which means it is in accordance
with the standard.
Based on the measurement of 4 test parameters, it is known that all measurement results of the
test parameters meet the standards in accordance with the Technical Approval for Fulfillment of
Wastewater Quality Standards Discharged to Surface Water Bodies of PT Bukit Asam Tbk Tanjung
Enim Mining Unit in 2023. These results are better than the measurements taken before the
constructed wetland was used in settling pond BB18 PPA-BA. The measurement results before and
after the installation of the constructed wetland can be seen in Table 2.
Table 2. Test Parameter Results Before and After the Use of Constructed Wetlands
Before the Use
of Constructed
After the Use of
pH (Insitu)
6 - 9
SNI 6989.11-
Residue (TSS)
SNI 6989.3.2019
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Before the Use
of Constructed
After the Use of
Iron (Fe)
APHA 2012
(Mn) Total
APHA 2012
Source: Results of Analysis; Technical Approval for Fulfillment of Quality Standards for Wastewater Discharged
to Surface Water Bodies PT Bukit Asam Tbk Tanjung Enim Mining Unit in 2023; SNI 6989.11-2019; SNI
6989.3.2019; APHA (2012)
In Table 2, it is known that the total manganese (Mn) value in the BB - 18 PPA-BA settling pond
before the use of constructed wetland is 3.70 mg/L, which means it is below the maximum standard
set, while after the use of constructed wetland, the total manganese (Mn) value in the BB - 18 PPA-BA
settling pond is 2.75 mg/L, which means it is in accordance with the maximum standard set. These
results show that the use of constructed wetlands can be effectively used in the management of coal
mine wastewater; as stated by Vyamazal and Kröpfelová (2008), a constructed wetland is proven to
effectively remove organic pollutants, suspended solids, and nutrients from wastewater.
The findings demonstrate that constructed wetlands play a vital role in improving the quality
of coal mine wastewater by reducing the concentrations of heavy metals and improving pH stability.
The system's effectiveness aligns with the principles of passive water treatment, which combines
physical, chemical, and biological processes to filter and neutralize pollutants.
The decrease in Total Manganese levels can be attributed to adsorption, sedimentation, and
microbial activity within the wetland. The slight increase in Total Iron levels may result from residual
iron deposits from previous treatments, requiring further optimization.
The improvement in pH levels underscores the effectiveness of lime application and natural
buffering in constructed wetlands. These results are consistent with the findings of Vyamazal and
Kropfelova (2008), who highlighted the efficiency of constructed wetlands in treating wastewater
containing heavy metals and organic pollutants.
Relevant theories and prior research substantiate the study's findings. Hammer (1989)
described constructed wetlands as engineered systems designed to treat contaminated water using
natural processes. Ayu and Pangesti (2021) emphasized that wetlands provide cost-effective and
sustainable solutions for wastewater management. According to Kusdarini et al. (2024), combining
active and passive treatment methods maximizes wastewater treatment efficiency. Studies by Iizuka
et al. (2022) showed that chemical treatments alone could not maintain long-term water quality
stability, reinforcing the need for an integrated approach.
Overall, the literature supports the current research, indicating that constructed wetlands
effectively treat coal mine wastewater while reducing operational costs and environmental risks.
Future studies should explore long-term monitoring and system optimization to enhance
performance further.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3157
The process of managing coal mine wastewater in settling pond BB - 18 PPA-BA, which
previously only used an active approach, is now combined with a passive approach, namely through
the use of constructed wetland. Constructed wetland can be effectively used to carry out coal mine
wastewater management so that the test parameters can meet the environmental quality standards
set by the Technical Approval for Fulfillment of Wastewater Quality Standards Discharged to Surface
Water Bodies of PT Bukit Asam Tbk Tanjung Enim Mining Unit in 2023. The results of the test
parameters before the use of constructed wetland in settling pond BB - 18 PPA-BA are pH (Insitu) 6.70,
Suspended Residue (TSS) 10.80 mg/L, Iron (Fe) Total 0.05 mg/L, and Manganese (Mn) Total 3.70
mg/L. The results of the Manganese (Mn Total) measurement exceeded the predetermined maximum
level of 3 mg/L. While the results of test parameters after the use of constructed wetland in settling
pond BB - 18 PPA-BA are pH (Insitu) 6.90, Suspended Residue (TSS) 18.20 mg/L, Iron (Fe) Total 0.31
mg/L, and Manganese (Mn) Total 2.75 mg/L, which means that all test parameters have met the
established environmental quality standards.
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