e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3157
The process of managing coal mine wastewater in settling pond BB - 18 PPA-BA, which
previously only used an active approach, is now combined with a passive approach, namely through
the use of constructed wetland. Constructed wetland can be effectively used to carry out coal mine
wastewater management so that the test parameters can meet the environmental quality standards
set by the Technical Approval for Fulfillment of Wastewater Quality Standards Discharged to Surface
Water Bodies of PT Bukit Asam Tbk Tanjung Enim Mining Unit in 2023. The results of the test
parameters before the use of constructed wetland in settling pond BB - 18 PPA-BA are pH (Insitu) 6.70,
Suspended Residue (TSS) 10.80 mg/L, Iron (Fe) Total 0.05 mg/L, and Manganese (Mn) Total 3.70
mg/L. The results of the Manganese (Mn Total) measurement exceeded the predetermined maximum
level of 3 mg/L. While the results of test parameters after the use of constructed wetland in settling
pond BB - 18 PPA-BA are pH (Insitu) 6.90, Suspended Residue (TSS) 18.20 mg/L, Iron (Fe) Total 0.31
mg/L, and Manganese (Mn) Total 2.75 mg/L, which means that all test parameters have met the
established environmental quality standards.
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