Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024
E-ISSN: 2723 6692
P-ISSN: 2723 6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3102
Content Marketing; Purchase
Interest; Purchase Decision
This research aims to examine the effect of Content Marketing on
Instagram on purchasing decisions for Ms Glow products online,
with Purchase Intention as an intermediary variable. The approach
used in this research is quantitative with an explanatory research
design. The population targeted by this study are Instagram users
who have purchased Ms Glow products online or often shop at the
MS Glow Makassar distributor store. The sample used consisted of
120 respondents, who were selected using the Maximum Likelihood
Estimation (MLE) method. Several tests were conducted to ensure
data validity and classical assumptions required in the analysis,
which finally used path analysis to see the relationship between
variables. The results of this study show that content marketing on
Instagram has a strong and significant influence on purchasing
decisions, both directly and through increasing purchase intention.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
The rapid advancement of technology in the current era of digitalization has significantly
increased. These technological changes have shaped individual lifestyles, pushing them toward a
more modern way of living in line with current trends. This has had a profound effect on various
aspects of life, particularly in the business sector, with one notable outcome being the rise of Internet
technology. The Internet is a vast public network that originates from computers and connects all
kinds of users around the world with each other and connects them with a huge storage of
information (Amstrong & Kotler, 2008). Internet information technology has expanded the reach of
communication carried out by humans. Communication carried out by the internet has become a
product that is easy to obtain with the availability of internet cafes (internet cafes), modems, and even
smartphones, which are currently increasingly offered to the public. The Internet has become a
mainstay medium in communicating and doing business. From a technical standpoint, the internet is
a network formed by two or more connected computers, encompassing millions of devices worldwide
that communicate and exchange information. In a scientific context, the internet is like a library filled
with information in formats such as text, graphics, audio, and animations in electronic form. As a
result, the internet provides an efficient and effective means for exchanging information over long
The Influence of Content Marketing on Instagram on Online
Purchase Decisions for MsGlow Products with Purchase
Intention as an Intervening Variable
Sriyanti Rahayu Pabebang, Jessy Yunus Dannari
Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Toraja, Indonesia
Email: sriyantirahayup02@gmail.com
Correspondence: sriyantirahayup02@gmail.com
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3103
The growth of the internet has had a significant impact on economic development. Buying and
selling transactions, which once required face-to-face interaction, phone calls, or postal services, are
now much more convenient through online platforms. Technological advancements have broadened
the scope of free trade, making it appear as though trade is limitless in terms of space and time. This
has led to intense competition, especially for companies as producers. To stay competitive, companies
must be keen in selecting effective marketing strategies that attract consumers. By understanding
market conditions and developing the right strategies, a company can successfully navigate market
competition. One key strategy is promotion, which serves as a bridge between producers and
consumers in the marketing communication process.
The contribution of the development of Internet technology in the context of the current
developing global economy includes the application of the Internet as a medium of communication,
marketing, and trade transactions. The ease of marketing products through the Internet, as well as
the many benefits provided by the Internet such as wider market reach, low costs, and 24-hour
Internet operation, are very helpful for business people to increase their sales. Kertajaya, a marketing
expert, argues that entrepreneurs who do not promote their products through the internet will lose
money and be displaced because, according to him, conducting marketing communication through
the internet is very effective.
The Internet development in Indonesia is also proliferating; this is inseparable from the
diversity of functions that support information needs. The rapid development of internet quantity
occurs in all circles, where the internet also triggers the birth of various new business branches that
can be utilized.
The level of internet use increases every year due to the need for information and other things.
The following is data on the number of internet users in Indonesia in 2017-2023.
Figure 1. Projection of Internet Users in Indonesia Year 2017 2023
Source: Statista, 4 agustus 2023
According to data from Statista, in 2018, the number of internet users in Indonesia reached 95.2
million, an increase of 13.3% from 84 million users in the previous year, 2017. This growth reflects a
significant upward trend in internet usage in the country. It is projected that the number of internet
users will continue to grow at an annual average growth rate of 10.2% in the period 2018 to 2023. In
2019, the number of internet users is expected to increase by 12.6% from 2018, bringing the total to
Projection of Internet Users in Indonesia Year 2017 2023
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3104
107.2 million users. Furthermore, by 2023, this figure is predicted to reach 150 million users. In
addition, this data shows that the most frequent online activities in Indonesia are the use of social
media and instant messaging applications via mobile devices.
Based on the above facts, in the digital era of technology and the internet at this time, where
marketing is traditionally carried out, it is no longer effective. Some business actors have started to
market their products by utilizing the internet, one of which is by selling products and services online.
The development of online businesses or online stores through Internet media has mushroomed in
Indonesia and is even very well known by the public. The many conveniences in shopping and the
various products and services offered make the Indonesian people make online media one of the new
"shopping places" besides shopping centres.
Currently, many business actors are producing products similar to their competitors. However,
each product produced by business actors will have different product attributes, one of which is in
the scope of skincare. Skincare is a familiar word and is often mentioned in the everyday world. This
is evident from the large number of users of skincare products that have sprung up with various
brands, both domestically and abroad.
Due to the emergence of various types of skincare brands, competition in the skincare market
is also getting tighter, so business actors compete to win the market. Business actors must show each
advantage of their products by adjusting consumer demand. MS Glow skincare products are no longer
new in the market; the product created by Shandy Purnamasari and Kadek Maharani has been around
since 2013 in Malang City.
The MS Glow brand has managed to attract public attention and dominate the market,
especially the skincare market. On August 23, 2021, MS Glow itself won the MURI (Indonesian Record
Museum) award for its achievements as the cosmetics company with the most sales in Indonesia. MS
Glow has opened various branches in Indonesia, such as providing opportunities for people who want
to earn income by becoming distributors and resellers of MS Glow products.
One of the MSME actors in the city of Makassar opened a cosmetics store by becoming the
official distributor of MS Glow for the Sulawesi region. This store was established in 2015 and is
located in Jln. Toddopuli-Makassar. Based on the results of initial observations obtained by the
researcher by obtaining direct data from MS Glow beauty store owners by conducting telephone
interviews in August 2023, buyers of MS Glow products reached approximately 150 more customers,
consisting of women and men aged 18-45 years. In addition to selling offline, this store also provides
a sales system using social media (marketplace), one of which is Instagram social media. so that not
only people in the city of Makassar buy, but from outside Makassar, there are also more sales online
than offline, according to the store owner.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3105
Figure 2. Instagram Profile of MS Glow Makassar Distributor Store Year 2023
Source: Instagram Ms Glow Makassar, 4 August 2023
This can be seen on Ms Glow Makassar's Instagram profile above, which has 1,943 posts and
77.5K followers. This shows that the development of the online business of Ms Glow Makassar stores
from 2015 has grown rapidly, although many online stores also sell the same products. This is greatly
influenced by the creation and distribution of interesting content that distinguishes it from similar
products or content marketing.
Content marketing is a strategy that aims to create awareness, recognition, recall, and
engagement for a brand, business, or product, either through direct or indirect marketing methods
(Susan Guneliu, 2011). There is interesting content marketing with the hope that customers can
immediately buy the item when they see the advertisement. Of course, if we talk about content
marketing, we are almost talking about digital model marketing. So, before getting to know content
marketing, digital marketing methods are currently in less demand by many people. The public is
already immune to product promotion, so when they see promotional ads on social media, they are
already immune and think that the wind is gone. The popularity of content marketing, one of which
is with social media, will continue to increase. Given its rapid development, content marketing can be
the most strategic medium for marketing a brand or marketing a company to reach consumers in the
future. Companies can utilize social media to communicate with current customers while attracting
the attention of potential future customers. In content-based marketing, there are several important
indicators, namely creating content, distributing content, making connections, and building
communities (Gunelius, 2011).
Purchase interest develops from a feeling of attraction and desire for a particular product or
service (Kanuk, 2007). The factors that indicate purchase interest are transactional interest,
preferential interest, and exploratory interest (Augusty, 2014).
The purchase decision stage is part of the consumer decision-making process, where
consumers finally decide to buy a product or service (Kotler & Armstrong, 2021). Indicators in the
purchasing decision process include problem identification, information search, assessment of
alternative choices, making purchasing decisions, and follow-up after purchase (Kotler & Keller,
Research conducted by Rahman (2016) the findings of this study indicated a significant impact
of content marketing on purchase decisions. This research is in line with the research conducted by
Fajriani and Sastika (2016), which stated that content marketing positively affects purchase
decisions. However, this is different from the research conducted by Huda et al. (2021), which stated
that content marketing does not significantly affect Purchase Decisions.
Based on the background of the research and the results of previous research that contradict
the influence of content marketing on consumer purchase decisions, the author tries to research and
review by adding the purchase interest variable as an intervening variable, with the title "The
Influence of Content Marketing on Instagram Social Media on the Purchase Decision of MS Glow
ProductsOnline with Purchase Interest as an Intervening Variable.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3106
Research Methods
This research is explanatory in nature, focusing on explaining how changes in one variable can
affect another (Sugiyono, 2018). A descriptive quantitative approach is used in this study to describe
the relationship between the variables studied objectively. This study aims to understand whether
content marketing can influence product purchasing decisions, with purchase intention as a factor
that mediates or connects content marketing with purchasing decisions. In this case, purchase
intention is seen as a variable that can strengthen or weaken the relationship between content
marketing and purchasing decisions made by consumers.
The population in this study consists of consumers who use MS Glow products and frequently
purchase them online from MS Glow Makassar distributor stores. The sample was selected using the
Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) technique, requiring at least 10 times the number of
This research involves the use of 12 indicators, with the required number of respondents being
120 people. Data was obtained through a questionnaire that used a Likert scale to measure the
respondents' level of agreement. In addition to the survey method, data collection was also conducted
through direct observation in the field, which allowed researchers to see the real conditions firsthand.
In addition, a literature study was conducted by collecting information from relevant sources that
support this research.
Data Analysis Techniques
This study utilizes validity and reliability tests to confirm the accuracy and consistency of the
research instrument. The validity test measures the correlation between each question item and the
total score, with a correlation above 0.3 considered valid. Reliability is assessed using Cronbach's
Alpha to evaluate measurement consistency. The classical assumption tests include a normality test
using Kolmogorov-Smirnov, a multicollinearity test (with tolerance > 0.1 and VIF < 10), and a
heteroscedasticity test to ensure the regression model is appropriate.
Hypothesis testing is performed through the coefficient of determination (R²) to determine the
contribution of independent variables to the dependent variable, along with a t-test (partial) to
evaluate the individual significance of variables (sig value < 0.05). Path analysis is used to examine
both direct and indirect effects between variables using SPSS v25 software. The structural equation
model involves two equations:
Structural equation 1:
Y = a + bX
Structural equation 2:
Z = a + b1X + b2Y
The Sobel test is a statistical method used to test whether the relationship between the
independent variable and the dependent variable occurs through a mediating variable. This test
measures how strong the indirect effect produced by the independent variable through the mediating
variable is, which ultimately affects the dependent variable.
The test is significant if the Z value >t in the table is at a confidence level of 5%. All analyses are carried
out systematically to obtain valid and reliable results.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3107
Results and Discussion
Instrument Test Results
Validity Test
Table 1. Findings from the Validity Test
r table
Variables (X)
Purchase Interest
Variables (Y)
Variables (Z)
Source: Output SPSS v25, 2023
Based on Table 1, it can be concluded that all statement items are valid because the
calculated r value is greater than r table (r count > 0.179). Because all items meet the validity
criteria, no items are deleted, so all of them can be used for subsequent statistical analysis
or tests.
Reliability Test
Table 2. Findings from the Reliability Test
Research Variables
Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient
Content marketing
Purchase Interest
Purchase Decision
Source: Output SPSS v25, 2023
Based on table 2, it shows that Crobach's Alpha coefficient > 0.60, meaning that the instrument
used as a variable measuring instrument is reliable.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3108
Classical Assumption Test
1. Normality Test
Figure 1. Normality Test
Source: Output SPSS v25, 2023
Based on the image on the P-plot, we can see that the points in the P-plot diagram image
follow the direction of the diagonal line where from the diagonal line which shows that the
distribution of data in the study is distributed normally.
2. Multicollinearity Test
Table 3. Test for Multicollinearity
Collinearity Statistics
Source: Output SPSS v25, 2023
The results of the multicollinearity test can be seen in the coefficients table above. The VIF
value for the content marketing variable is 1.397 with a tolerance of 0.716, and the Purchase
Interest variable is 1.397 with a tolerance of 0.716. Because the tolerance value of both variables
is> 0.10 and the VIF of both variables is < out of 10, it can be said that there is no multicollinearity
between the two variables.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3109
3. Heteroscedasticity Test
Figure 2. Test for Heteroscedasticity
Source: Output SPSS v25, 2023
Based on the figure, it is known that in this study, there are no symptoms of
heteroscedasticity because there is no clear pattern and dots spread above and below the number
0 on the Y axis in the scaterpolette, so it can be concluded that the heteroscedasticity test in this
study is met or no symptoms of heteroscedasticity occur.
Hypothesis Testing and Analysis Techniques
a. Uji Hipotesis 1
1) Coefficient of Determination (R2)
Table 4. R-Squared Value
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of the
a. Predictors: (Constant), Minat Beli, Content marketing
Source: Output SPSS v25, 2023
In the table, the determination coefficient shown by R square is 0.350, which is 35% of the
purchase decision can be explained by variations in Purchase Interest and content marketing
while the remaining 65% is explained by other variables.
2) Test t (partial)
Table 5. Test t
Std. Error
Content marketing
Purchase Interest
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3110
a. Dependent Variable: Keputusan Pembelian
Source: Output SPSS v25, 2023
Based on the t-test table, the content marketing variable has a scale of 3.211 with a table t of
1.657 and a significance value of 0.002. In the t-test table, the significance value is 0.002 < 0.05,
and the tcount is 3.211 > t table 1.657, which shows that content marketing has a positive and
significant effect on purchase decisions.
H1: There is a positive and significant influence between content marketing and
purchase decisions received.
b. Hypothesis 2 Test
Coefficient of Determination (R2)
Table 6. R-Squared Value
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of
the Estimate
a. Predictors: (Constant), Content marketing
Sumber: output SPSS v25,2023
The value of the determination coefficient is shown by R square in the table, which is 0.284 or
28 %. This means that the variety of content marketing can explain 28% of the purchase
interest, while other variables explain the remaining 72%.
Test t (partial)
Table 7.
Test t
Std. Error
a. Dependent Variable: Minat Beli
Source: output SPSS v25, 2023
Based on the t-test table, the content marketing variable has a calculated t of 6.841 with
a table t of 1.657 and a significance value of 0.000. The significance value of 0.000 < 0.05 and t
count 6.841 > t table 1.657 shows that content marketing has a positive and significant effect on
Purchase Interest.
H2: Content marketing has a positive and significant influence on Purchase Interest
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3111
c. Hypothesis Test 3
Table 8. Test t
Std. Error
Content marketing
Minat Beli
a. Dependent Variable: Keputusan Pembelian
Source: output SPSS v25, 2023
The Purchase Interest variable has a t calculation of 4.430 with a table t valueof 1.657 and a
significance of 0.000. The significance value of 0.000 < 0.05 and t calculated 4.430 > t table 1.657 shows
that Purchase Interest positively and significantly affects the purchase decision.
H3: There is a positive and significant influence between Purchase Interest and purchase
decisions received.
Path Analysis Test
a. Path Analysis Interpretation,
Based on the t-test shown in Table 5, the standardized beta value of content marketing is
0.283 and significant at 0.002, which means that content marketing affects purchase decisions. The
standardized beta value of 0.283 is the path value or path value P1. Based on the t-test in Table 7,
the standardized beta value of content marketing is 0.533 and significant at 0.000, which means
that content marketing affects Purchase Interest. The unstandardized beta value of 0.533 is the
path value or P2 path. Based on the t-test in Table 8, the standardized beta value is 0.653 and
significant at 0.000, which means that Purchase Interest affects the purchase decision. The
unstandardized beta value is the path value or P3 path.
Based on the figure above, each P value describes the path and path coefficient between variables.
The structural equation is also obtained from the path diagram above. Namely, there are two
regression tests as follows:
1) Direct influence : Y = a + bX
2) Indirect influence : Z = a + b1X + b2Y
Y : Purchase Decision
From : Purchase Interest
b : Regression Coefficient
a : constant
X : Content Marketing
From the path, diagram, and structural equations above direct and indirect influences can be
seen as follows:
Direct Effect
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3112
Direct influence of X on Z
X Z = P1
= 0,283
Indirect Effect
The indirect effect of X on Z through Y.
X Y Z = P2 X P3
= 0,533 X 0,653
= 0,348
Total Direct and Indirect Influence,
P1 + (P2 + P3) = 0,283 + (0,533 + 0,653)
= 0,283 + 0,348
= 0,631
Based on the path analysis model above, the direct influence of 0.283 is smaller than the indirect
influence of 0.348.
b. Uji Sobel
Sab =  
= 󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜
= 󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜
=   
= 
= 0,05552
In statistical research, to test whether the indirect effect (which occurs through the mediating
variable) is statistically significant, the z value is calculated using a specific formula (Ghozali,
ab 0,495 . 0,448
Z = =
sab 0,5522
= 4,0159
If the calculated t value is greater than the table t value , it can be concluded that there is a
mediation and significant influence (Ghozali, 2018). The results of the above test show that t count =
4.0159 is greater than t table with a significance level of 5%, which is 1.657 which means that there
is a mediating effect of the relationship between content marketing and purchase decisions
through Purchase Interest.
The results of the path analysis show that content marketing affects purchase decisions,
and Purchase Interest can mediate the influence of content marketing on purchase decisions, so it
can be concluded:
H4:Content marketing has a positive and significant influence on purchase decisions
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3113
through Purchase Interest received.
The Influence of Content Marketing on Purchase Decisions
The results of the data analysis show that content marketing has a positive and significant
effect on the decision to purchase MS Glow products online at MS Glow Makassar distributor
stores. This can be seen in the value of the content marketing variable t-test table with t calculation >
t table , which is 3.211 > 1.657 with a significance of 0.002 < 0.05, then H1 is accepted. The results of
this research can be explained by the theory put forward by Gunelius (2011) that if content
marketing is better, it will increase purchase decisions. Similarly, if content marketing is worse, it
will result in a decrease in purchase decisions.
Content marketing aims to increase the volume of sales and advertising that uses the
cultural context of the social community, including social media networks and virtual worlds, to
meet the purpose of communication. It is a good initial value perceived by consumers (Tuten,
2008). Content marketing is important because if a product cannot produce value, it will quickly
lose to competitors. A product is closely related to several functional benefits, purchasing
practices, and brand use of the product. Therefore, at MS Glow Makassar distributor stores,
consumers can feel functional benefits by presenting attractive content on the online store
platform and services that consumers feel when purchasing, which can also affect purchase
Thus, MS glow Makassar distributor stores need content marketing to increase the value
of purchase decisions. It should be noted that determining the value felt by customers depends on
subjective assessments, so MS Glow Makassar distributor stores must be able to provide good
value to consumers who will make a purchase decision.
The results of this study are consistent with the findings of Rahman (2016), which
indicate a significant influence between content marketing and purchase decisions. However, they
contradict the research by Huda et al. (2021) who concluded that content marketing does not have
a significant effect on purchase decisions.
The Influence Of Content Marketing On Purchase Interest
The data analysis results revealed that content marketing has a positive and significant
impact on consumer purchase interest in MS Glow products online at MS Glow Makassar
distributor stores. This is evident from the t-test table, where the content marketing variable
shows a significant value of t calculated > t table t, which is 6.841 > 1.657, and a significance value of
0.000 < 0.05, then H2 is accepted. The results of this study are explained by Gunelius (2011) theory,
which states that it is argued that content marketing with a Purchase Interest approach to strategy
and distribution of valuable, relevant, and consistent content, as well as awareness, recognition,
and recall of a brand. In this case, customer purchase interest manifests when using the company's
services. Purchase Interest is proof of customers who continue to be customers with a positive
attitude towards the company or the company. Furthermore, when customers already feel loyal to
a product, customers will likely buy the product again.
The intention to repurchase is a positive response that arises because customers feel safe
about MS glow Makassar distributor store products. Customers will have a great opportunity to
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3114
purchase a favorite product repeatedly. Purchase Interest indicates the customer's intention to
make a repeat purchase.
This study's results align with previous research by Akbar and Maharani (2018), which
stated that content marketing variables significantly influenced purchase interest. However, this
is different from the research conducted by Sudarsono (2020), which states that content
marketing has a positive but insignificant effect on Purchase Interest.
The Influence of Purchase Interest on Purchasing Decisions
The results of the data analysis indicate that purchase interest has a positive and
significant effect on purchase decisions. This is reflected in the t-test table, where the purchase
interest variable has a t-value of 4.430, which is greater than the t-table value of 1.657, with a
significance value of 0.000, which is less than 0.05. Therefore, H3 is accepted. This implies that as
consumer purchase interest in a product increases, their decision-making in purchasing the
product also rises. Conversely, when purchase interest is low, the likelihood of consumers deciding
to buy the product decreases.
Purchase interest refers to a thought that arises from a feeling of attraction and desire to
own a product or service that consumers expect (Kanuk, 2007). The purchase decision leads to
post-purchase outcomes. Consumer purchase interest is a result of the consumer's decision to
make a purchase. Consumers who are satisfied with a product are more likely to repurchase it.
Purchase decisions indicate the likelihood of making repeat purchases in the future.
The results of this study are consistent with the findings of Rahmawati (2018), which
demonstrate that purchase interest has a positive and significant impact on purchase decisions.
However, these results differ from the research by Montjai et al. (2014), who found that consumer
purchase interest did not significantly influence purchase decisions.
The Influence Of Content Marketing On Purchasing Decisions Through Purchase Interest
The Sobel test results demonstrated that content marketing significantly and positively
influences purchase decisions through purchase interest in MS Glow products at MS Glow
Makassar distributor stores. This is confirmed by the Sobel test (mediation) results, where the
calculated t-value (4.0159) exceeds the t-table value (1.657), with a significance of 0.05. The indirect
effect was found to be 0.348, while the direct effect was 0.283. Thus, it can be concluded that
purchase interest acts as a mediator between content marketing and purchase decisions for
consumers at MS Glow Makassar distributor stores.
Purchase Interest is a variable that has an influence on purchase decisions. When viewed
in this study, Purchase Interest is in the middle between the influence of content marketing on
Purchase Interest and Purchase Interest affecting purchasing decisions. Consumer Purchase
Interest is a purchase made by a consumer because of a commitment relationship to a brand or
company. This means that the emergence of Purchase Interest will cause a sense of security and
positive value. Consumer Purchase Interest is an effective way to evaluate the progress of MS Glow
Makassar distributor stores. If consumers already commit to produce repurchase behavior, it has
indicated the sameness in one product. Therefore, sellers must be able to arouse curiosity in
consumers of MS Glow Makassar distributor stores. The company must prioritize the most
important aspects of the service that the customer considers the most important because the
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3115
consumer is the one who gives the final assessment of the quality of service. Companies that always
put consumers first can create a good consumer perception of the company and feel more cared
for, which can trigger purchase decisions.
This study's results align with previous research conducted by Hardianti (2020), which
stated that Purchase Interest could mediate the influence between marketing events on consumer
purchase decisions. However, this contrasts with research conducted by Adil et al. (2018), who
stated that Purchase Interest cannot mediate the influence of trust on purchase decisions.
Based on the analysis and discussion of how content marketing on Instagram influences the
purchase decisions of MS Glow products online, with Purchase Interest acting as an intervening
variable, several conclusions can be made. First, content marketing has a positive and significant
impact on the purchase decisions of MS Glow consumers, both online and at the MS Glow Makassar
distributor stores. Second, content marketing also significantly affects the Purchase Interest of MS
Glow consumers online at these distributor stores. Third, Purchase Interest itself has a positive and
significant influence on the purchase decisions of MS Glow consumers online at the Makassar
distributor stores. Lastly, content marketing positively and significantly impacts purchase decisions
indirectly through Purchase Interest, emphasizing its vital role in shaping consumer behavior toward
MS Glow products online at the Makassar distributor stores.
Adil, A. S., Asdar, M., & Ismail, M. (2018). The Influence of Customers Involvement and Brand Trust on
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