e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 2313
of life in rural communities have gained significant prominence. This heightened focus is predicated
on two key factors. Firstly, the majority of the population inhabits rural areas, underscoring the
necessity for comprehensive development strategies that cater to these communities. Secondly, Law
Number 9 of 2015 concerning Regional Government has underscored the importance of community
participation in development initiatives. The realization of regional autonomy hinges on the
availability of qualified human resources, as these individuals play a pivotal role in determining the
viability of development projects and the effectiveness of government functions within these regions.
The comprehensive reform initiated in 1998 encompasses all facets of society and is driven by
the collective conviction of the populace in the fundamental principles of the 1945 Constitution. The
capacity of state and government institutions, in conjunction with the dedication of the citizenry, is
paramount for the effective implementation of constitutional provisions. The advent of Law No. 9 of
2015 concerning Regional Government and Government Regulation No. 6 of 2014 concerning
Villages, along with the formulation of government policies, particularly Law No. 9 of 2015 concerning
Regional Government, has rekindled the nation's aspiration for a more promising future.
The fundamental objective of regional autonomy is to cultivate independence within the region
while concurrently enhancing the quality of democracy at the local level.The efficacy of democracy
can be gauged by the degree to which the outcomes of existing policies can catalyze community
initiatives rather than fostering dependency.It is imperative to acknowledge that a crucial component
of the regional autonomy policy is the very concept of regional autonomy, which can be regarded as
its crux. In this regard, the effective implementation of Village Government functions is imperative
(Yustika, 2015). The Village Government, as the village's executive body, plays a pivotal role in
shaping policies and driving development initiatives. In addition, the village government must
establish partnerships with the BPD, the private sector, and the community itself. It is also necessary
to understand the role of the BPD in supervising the village administration.
The Role of BPD Fungi in Article 55 of Law Number 6 of 2014The present study examines the
role of BPD Fungi in Article 55 of Law Number 6 of 2014. Despite the mandate set forth in Law
Number 6 of 2014, the BPD Institution in Simpang Warga Luar Village, Aluh-Aluh District, Banjar
Regency has not adequately fulfilled its primary duties. Moreover, BPD is obliged to supervise the
village head in the implementation of government functions in Simpang Village, Warga Luar Village,
Aluh-Aluh District, Banjar Regency, with the aim of minimizing irregularities in the implementation
of village regulations and deviations from the APBDes.
Prior studies have extensively discussed the functions and challenges of BPD in different
regional contexts. For instance, Ngarsiningtyas and Sembiring (2016) explored the participatory role
of BPD in drafting village regulations, highlighting the institution's potential to enhance transparency
and accountability. Similarly, Maria Ersalina Meme and Subardjo (2020) analyzed the impact of
functional supervision and public service accountability on local government performance,
emphasizing the critical role of oversight mechanisms. These studies provide valuable insights into
the general functions of BPD but offer limited exploration of its supervisory roles in specific
regulatory frameworks or unique regional conditions.
The novelty of this research lies in its empirical investigation into the BPD's supervisory
function within the distinct socio-political context of Simpang Village, Banjar Regency. Unlike prior
research, this study delves into the practical challenges and enabling factors affecting BPD's oversight
capabilities, addressing gaps in the literature on localized governance dynamics. By focusing on
enabling and inhibiting factors, such as community participation, human resources, and
infrastructure limitations, this research offers a nuanced understanding of how BPD operates within
Law Number 6 of 2014.
Furthermore, this study extends the discourse by integrating theoretical perspectives from
public administration and governance studies. As articulated by Donaldson (2001), the contingency