Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024
E-ISSN:2723 6692
P-ISSN:2723 6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2596
Analysis of the Availability of Laboratory Tests to the Number of
Requests for Tests and Its Implications on Patient Satisfaction
Ivana Yolanda, Vip Paramarta
Universitas Sangga Buana YPKP, Bandung , Indonesia
Email: ivanayolanda97@gmail.com, [email protected]c.id
Correspondence: ivanayolanda97@gmail.com
Laboratory Test Availability;
Test Requests; Patient
Satisfaction; Healthcare
Services; Laboratory
This study aims to analyze the availability of laboratory tests based
on the number of test requests and their implications for patient
satisfaction. Health laboratories are a vital component of
healthcare services, providing accurate laboratory test results to
support patient diagnosis and treatment. The availability of fast
and accurate laboratory tests plays a crucial role in speeding up
diagnosis and treatment, which ultimately impacts patient
satisfaction. However, many healthcare facilities face challenges in
providing adequate laboratory test availability, such as limitations
in equipment, expertise, and inefficient procedures. This study
employs a literature review approach to collect, analyze, and
synthesize information from various relevant sources. The findings
reveal that the availability of fast and accurate laboratory services
can enhance patient satisfaction, while limitations in availability
can lead to dissatisfaction and increased waiting times. Therefore,
effective laboratory management is essential to improve service
quality and patient experience in hospitals. This research is
expected to provide valuable insights for improving the healthcare
system, particularly in laboratory management.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Health laboratories are one of the important components of health services and provide
accurate laboratory test results and information about patient health (Darimis et al., 2022).
Healthcare providers are expected to have access to accurate and clinically relevant information
that can be understood and used in a timely manner. In the early 21st century, clinical laboratories
have many aspects that are capable of producing complex test results on a variety of samples
(Hutauruk, 2021). Clinicians use laboratory test results to diagnose diseases, establish treatment
strategy indicators and monitor patient therapy.
One of the key quality indicators of a hospital's treatment strategy is laboratory services.
Meanwhile, patients and doctors are the main customers in medical laboratories, and are an
important component in developing a customer-oriented laboratory (Moh Sholeh & Chalidyanto,
2021). Medical laboratories have customers whose needs must be addressed efficiently. Several
features of laboratory services can be inspected from the point of view of doctors and patients
including the quality or reliability of test results, staff courtesy, accessibility of pathologists,
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2597
accessibility of laboratory managers, phlebotomy services, and responsiveness of laboratory
management (Karwiti et al., 2021).
The availability of laboratory tests is one of the important aspects of the healthcare system
that directly affects the diagnosis and management of patient health (Moh Adam Sholeh, Maslicha, &
Sudaryanti, 2020). A fast and accurate laboratory examination allows doctors to provide appropriate
and efficient treatment, thereby improving the quality of medical services. However, in practice,
there are often challenges related to the availability of equipment, reagents, and experts in the
laboratory that can affect the number of requests for examination (Pogorzelska & Chlabicz, 2022).
Therefore, it is very important to analyze the availability of laboratory tests and their implications
for patient satisfaction.
In this modern era, health services are increasingly focusing on patient satisfaction as an
indicator of service quality. Patients expect fast, efficient, and accurate services, including in terms
of laboratory tests (Taneja et al., 2021). However, an obstacle that often occurs in many hospitals
and health facilities is the availability of laboratory tests, which are not always sufficient. This can be
caused by various factors, such as limited equipment, inadequate manpower, and inefficient
procedures (Rahman, 2020). Limited availability of tests can result in long queues, delays in test
results, and even diversion of referrals to other facilities, which ultimately has a negative impact on
patient satisfaction (Santhoshkumar et al., 2022).
In addition, a high number of laboratory test requests can also put a strain on health facilities.
In some cases, requests that exceed laboratory capacity can cause delays in the analysis process and
the return of results to doctors and patients (Bahuguna et al., 2023). This condition not only
disrupts the flow of services but can also increase the anxiety of patients waiting for test results.
Research focusing on the relationship between the availability of laboratory tests and the number of
requests for tests, as well as their impact on patient satisfaction, is expected to provide valuable
insights for the improvement of the healthcare system (Raj Jalem, 2020).
Thus, it is important to analyze the availability of laboratory tests against the number of
requests for tests and how it impacts patient satisfaction. Through this study, it is expected to
identify areas for improvement in laboratory services, as well as provide recommendations for
health facility managers to improve service quality and patient satisfaction. This study is relevant
not only for academic purposes but also for practical application in the field, which aims to
determine the level of availability of laboratory tests in hospitals affecting the number of requests
for tests from patients, to determine the factors that affect the availability of laboratory tests and
how they impact the waiting time for test results, and to determine the relationship between the
availability of laboratory tests and patient satisfaction in health services.
Materials and Methods
Research Approach
This study used a literature review approach to collect, analyze, and synthesize information
from various relevant sources. This approach aims to understand the relationship between the
availability of laboratory tests, the number of requests for tests, and patient satisfaction.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2598
Data Collection Technique
Data were obtained from scientific articles, health journals, research reports, textbooks, and
other reliable sources.
Inclusion Criteria:
Studies that addressed the availability of laboratory tests.
Studies that evaluated the demand for laboratory tests.
Articles that examine patient satisfaction with laboratory services.
Exclusion Criteria:
Studies that were not relevant to the focus of the study.
Data Collection Procedure
Article Screening: Screening articles based on predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Data Collection: Collecting data from the selected articles and recording important
information related to the study.
Data Analysis
Synthesizing Results: Clustering and synthesizing findings from relevant studies. This
includes analyzing the relationship between examination availability and demand and its
impact on patient satisfaction.
Pattern Identification: Looking for patterns or trends in the literature that indicate a
significant relationship between the variables under study.
Validity and Reliability
Validity: Ensuring that the sources used are valid and reliable by checking the credibility of
the journal and study methodology.
Reliability: Multiple sources are used to ensure consistency of findings. The analysis's results
will be compared with those of other studies to check for similarity.
Research Ethics
The researcher ensures that all sources used are listed and given appropriate credit to avoid
plagiarism. If any use of data involves sensitive information about patients, the data will be ensured
that it is not disclosed without authorization.
Results and Discussions
The Relationship between Laboratory Testing Availability and Patient Satisfaction
The availability of laboratory tests plays a crucial role in determining the level of patient
satisfaction in hospitals. Timely and high-quality laboratory tests are essential for accurate
diagnosis and effective treatment. When a patient needs an examination, the availability of adequate
laboratory services can speed up the diagnosis and treatment process, thereby increasing patient
confidence in the hospital. Conversely, delays in examinations or limited availability can lead to
patient dissatisfaction, potentially damaging their relationship with the healthcare provider (Andris,
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2599
One of the key indicators of patient satisfaction is the waiting time to obtain laboratory test
results. When patients have to wait too long for results, they may feel anxious or frustrated,
especially if the results pertain to a serious health condition (Afrinis et al., 2020). In this case, the
availability of fast and efficient laboratory tests can significantly improve patient satisfaction. By
reducing wait times and ensuring results are available immediately, hospitals can provide a more
positive experience for patients.
In addition, the quality and accuracy of laboratory test results also contribute to patient
satisfaction. The availability of modern laboratory technology and medical personnel who are
competent in performing the tests will result in more accurate results. When patients receive clear
and reliable information about their health conditions, they tend to feel more satisfied with the
services provided. Good laboratory service availability also creates a positive impression of the
healthcare facility, increasing the likelihood of patients recommending the hospital to others.
The availability of laboratory tests can also affect the interaction between patients and
medical personnel. With quick and accurate results, doctors can make better decisions and provide
patients with more in-depth explanations about their conditions. This not only increases the
patient's trust in the doctor but also provides a sense of ownership and involvement in their
treatment process. This favorable interaction contributes to the patient's overall experience and
increases their satisfaction with the care received.
Overall, the relationship between the availability of laboratory tests and patient satisfaction is
strong. Hospitals that can guarantee the availability of efficient, fast, and high-quality tests not only
improve the patient experience but also build a good reputation in healthcare. Therefore, it is
important for hospital management to continuously optimize and improve the availability of
laboratory services in order to meet patients' expectations and increase their overall satisfaction.
Best Practices in Laboratory Management
Effective laboratory management is essential to ensure quality of care and patient satisfaction.
Here are some best practices that can be implemented in laboratory management to improve
efficiency, accuracy, and patient satisfaction:
1. Standardization of Operational Procedures
The development and implementation of clear standard operating procedures (SOPs) are
essential to ensuring consistency in every aspect of laboratory operations. These SOPs should
include steps for sampling, processing, testing, and waste management. With clear standards in
place, laboratory staff can perform their duties more efficiently and reduce the likelihood of
2. Staff Training and Development
The availability of modern laboratory technology and medical personnel who are competent in
performing the tests will result in more accurate results. When patients receive clear and
reliable information about their health conditions, they tend to feel more satisfied with the
services provided. Good availability of laboratory services also creates a positive impression of
the healthcare facility, increasing the likelihood of patients to recommend the hospital to
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2600
3. Use of Modern Technology
Utilization of the latest laboratory technologies, such as automation, laboratory management
software, and laboratory information systems (LIS), can improve operational efficiency. These
technologies enable faster data processing, reduction of manual errors, and better tracking of
samples and test results. Investing in the right technology will help laboratories provide faster
and more accurate results to patients and doctors.
4. Quality Management
The implementation of a strict quality management system, such as ISO 15189, can help
laboratories monitor and improve the quality of services provided. Regular internal audits,
performance evaluations, and feedback from service users can provide valuable insights for
improvement. In addition, regular testing and validation of methods are important to ensure
that the results produced are always accurate and reliable (Devianty et al., 2022).
5. Effective Communication
Establishing good communication between the laboratory and other parts of the hospital, such
as doctors and nurses, is important to improve the flow of information. The laboratory should
be able to provide clear and timely information regarding test results, as well as listen to
feedback from service users. With effective communication, laboratories can tailor their
services to clinical needs and improve patient satisfaction (Harmawati & Patricia, 2021).
6. Focus on Patient Engagement
Involving patients in the laboratory process can increase their satisfaction. Providing clear
information regarding examination procedures, expected results, and steps taken to ensure
quality can make patients feel more involved and valued. Educating patients on the importance
of laboratory tests and how the results will affect their care can increase patient trust and
7. Performance Monitoring and Evaluation
Laboratories should have a system in place to monitor performance and test results on a
regular basis. This includes analyzing data regarding processing time, number of errors, and
patient satisfaction. By conducting regular performance evaluations, laboratory management
can identify areas that need improvement and formulate strategies to improve efficiency and
quality of service.
By implementing best practices in laboratory management, hospitals can significantly
improve operational effectiveness. This operational effectiveness is achieved through the
standardization of procedures and the implementation of modern technology, which allows the
testing and analysis process to run faster and more accurately. When laboratories are able to
manage their workflow more efficiently, the waiting time for patients to get their results is reduced,
thus improving the overall patient experience (Khasanah et al., 2024). These efficiencies also help
laboratory staff to manage larger workloads without compromising on quality, allowing
laboratories to meet the growing demand for services.
The quality of test results has also improved thanks to the implementation of a strict quality
management system and continuous training for staff. By conducting regular audits and
performance monitoring, the laboratory can identify and correct potential errors in the testing
process. The use of the latest technology in data processing and analysis also ensures that the
results provided to doctors and patients are accurate and reliable. High-quality test results not only
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2601
support proper diagnosis but also help in determining a more effective treatment plan, thus
contributing to the overall healing process of the patient (Stiyawan & Ainy, 2023).
Ultimately, all these efforts have a direct impact on the level of patient satisfaction. When
patients feel that they are receiving prompt, accurate, and professional services, they will be more
satisfied with their experience at the hospital. High patient satisfaction not only encourages loyalty
but also improves the hospital's reputation in the community (Priadi, 2019). In an era where
information spreads quickly, positive feedback from patients can attract more new patients, as well
as strengthen the hospital's position as a quality healthcare provider. Therefore, focusing on best
practices in laboratory management is not only an investment in internal operations but also a long-
term strategy to maintain the hospital's competitiveness and reputation in the healthcare industry.
In conclusion, the results of this study not only underscore the importance of laboratory test
availability in enhancing patient satisfaction but also provide actionable insights for improving
laboratory management in hospitals. By addressing challenges such as equipment shortages, staff
expertise, and procedural inefficiencies, hospitals can significantly optimize their laboratory
services. Implementing these findings can lead to more efficient workflows, reduced waiting times
for test results, and enhanced overall patient care. For hospital administrators, adopting best
practices from this study, such as ensuring sufficient resources and improving operational
efficiency, can directly translate to better patient outcomes. Additionally, integrating modern
laboratory technologies and staff training programs will further enhance the accuracy and speed of
diagnostic services. Thus, the study's outcomes offer a practical framework for improving
laboratory management, ensuring that hospitals meet the growing demand for quality healthcare
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