Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1447
Implementation of the Student Character and Personality
Determination System Using the Certainty Factor Method
(Case Study: Universitas Suryakancana Cianjur)
Andi Sutandi
Universitas Suryakancana, Cianjur, Indonesia
Email: andisutandi20[email protected]m
Correspondence: andisutandi201[email protected]m
Certainty Factor Method;
character; Student Personality
This research aims to implement a system to determine the character and
personality of students using the Certainty Factor method. This method is
used to analyze a student's personality based on various relevant factors.
This research uses the Research and Development (R&D) method which
involves data collection through surveys and observations of students
whose character and personality have been identified. The system is
implemented through the development of a computer-based application
that integrates data and uses the Certainty Factor algorithm to analyze and
determine the character and personality of students. The test results show
that the system is able to provide predictions of student character and
personality with a satisfactory level of accuracy. The implication of this
research is that the application of information technology in the
development of character and personality determination methods can
make a positive contribution to the development of student personality in
the academic environment.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
Higher education is an integral part of the national education system that is responsible for
preparing human resources for the future. In it, students are a part that plays a central role in the
higher education process. Identifying student characteristics is a crucial first step in the
implementation of higher education Manurung & Rahmadi (2017). Understanding the character and
personality of students is an important aspect because this knowledge can support lecturers and
counsellors in providing appropriate guidance and direction for students (Sulkifli, 2021). Moreover,
this understanding also helps students in their own personal development.
According to Salsabilah et al. (2021), a character refers to the nature, personality, disposition,
and behaviour reflected in a person's daily life. Meanwhile, according to Karim (2020), personality
includes traits, character, morality, habits, and behaviour that are part of the dynamic psychological
and physical structure of each individual, which affects the way individuals adapt to their
environment. About university students, their character and personality have great importance. Each
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1448
student has special and unique characteristics, in accordance with personality theory which
emphasizes that individuals have differences in terms of personality and character. This means that
approaches to guiding and directing students in higher education must take these differences into
account to ensure effective and personalized guidance.
However, in the process of determining the character and personality of students, the approach
used is often manual and subjective, which can produce less accurate and consistent results. To
overcome this challenge, an expert system using the certainty factor method can be implemented as
a more objective and structured solution. An expert system is a system that combines deep knowledge
and data analysis to solve problems that generally require the expertise of an expert or expert
(Siddieq, 2024). The use of this expert system includes consultation, analysis, diagnosis, assistance in
decision making, and provision of solutions.
The method used uses the certainty factor (CF), which is an approach used to measure
uncertainty in an expert's thinking. This method allows an expert to express their level of confidence
in a problem at hand by using a percentage value as a representation of their certainty of a decision
or prediction (Alam et al., 2022). Then one of the implementations of expert systems in the field of
health, especially psychology, is to evaluate character based on personality. Personality includes a
person's attitudes, feelings, expressions, temperament, visible traits, and behavior. It is considered
important because personality has a significant influence on one's success and failure in life, both in
the context of career and social interaction in society. Personality formation is influenced by the
surrounding environment and is a dynamic process.
The application of the certainty factor method in assessing student character and personality
provides a more structured and objective approach to decision-making and recommendations. This
method makes it possible to measure and express the level of confidence or certainty of an expert on
student personality attributes. Thus, the use of certainty factor can increase consistency and accuracy
in determining student guidance and self-development strategies in higher education.
Research by Rachman & Mukminin (2018) analyzed elementary school students aged 6-12 years
to find their interests and talents. The results of this study show that the expert system can identify
the type of intelligence, interests, and talents of students based on the characteristics that the user
chooses beforehand. The information provided includes the dominant type of intelligence as well as
recommendations for stimulation of students' interests and talents. Research by Nurjannah &
Asharudin (2022) focused on testing expert systems at the high school level, using the precission and
recall methods to evaluate system performance. The results showed a precision rate of 70% and a
recall of 100%. The implementation of this system reduces consultation time from 30-60 minutes to
only 10-20 minutes, allowing educators to quickly identify and manage student characters.
Meanwhile, Nour et al. (2018) developed an expert system to test the personality and learning
modalities of students using the certainty factor method. The results of the consultation with five
samples showed an accuracy rate of 80%, which indicates that this system is effective in providing
appropriate recommendations based on the personality characteristics and learning styles of
The novelty of the research is to develop an expert system that uses the Certainty Factor
method to determine the characteristics and personality of students. The goal is for academic parties,
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1449
such as the Guardian Lecturer, to efficiently assess and direct coaching for students with the help of
web-based technology. This approach is expected to simplify the identification process and provide
more targeted guidance in managing students' personal development. Overall, this research is
expected to make a significant contribution to improving the quality of education in Indonesia. By
applying artificial intelligence in the form of an expert system for psychological problems, this
research also has the potential to expand the boundaries of science in the field of artificial intelligence
technology. The results of this research can be a reference and inspiration for further research in the
same field, as well as enrich the development of expert system methods and applications in the
context of education and psychology.
2. Materials and Methods
The research method used in this study is Research and Development (R&D). Research and
Development (R&D) is a process or steps that aim to develop new products or improve existing
products. This development research serves as a bridge between basic research and applied research
(Okpatrioka, 2023). Data is collected through surveys and observations of students who have been
identified as characters and personalities. The system is implemented through the development of a
computer-based application that integrates the data and uses the Certainty Factor algorithm to
analyze and determine the character and personality of students. In addition, the data collection
technique in this research also involves literature studies obtained from Google Scholar with a
publication period of 2014-2024. This process includes searching, selecting, and collecting various
scientific articles, journals, and academic publications relevant to the research topic.
An expert framework applies human information to a computer so that the computer can
illuminate issues as specialists more often than not do. A great master framework is planned to
unravel a specific issue by imitating the work of specialists. With this master framework, indeed
standard individuals can unravel very complex issues that can really as it were be illuminated with
the assistance of specialists. For specialists, this master framework will moreover offer assistance
their exercises as exceedingly experienced associates. A branch of AI that creates clients broadly
learned, particularly for human-level problem-solving specialists, agreeing to Arhami, 2004.
Dynamic System Development Methodology (DSDM) is a framework in the development of a
project, mainly used as a software development method; DSDM is an iterative and incremental
approach that includes the principles of Agile development, including continuous user/customer
involvement, so in essence this DSDM is included in this DSDM methodology approaching the
Incremental and Agile Alliance methods.
The classification of expert systems based on their usefulness, according to Siswanto (2004),
1. Diagnosis:
a. Used to recommend, medicine for sick people, machine breakdown, electronic skeleton
b. Find out what the problem/crash is.
c. Using a decision tree as a representation of his knowledge.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1450
2. Determine:
a. Used to determine the characteristics and personality of students,
b. Make a diagnosis of what causes the shortcomings of students, then provide solutions to
determine the personality of students,
3. Interpretasi:
To analyze incomplete, disorganized, and contradictory data, for example: For image
4. Prediksi
a. Example: How a meteorologist predicts tomorrow's weather based on previous data,
b. For weather forecasts,
c. Determination of planting time,
5. Planning:
a. Starting from machine planning to business management.
b. To save cost, time and materials because of model creation.
c. No longer needed.
d. Example: computer configuration system
6. Control:
a. Used to control activities that require high time precision.
b. Example: Control in high-tech industries.
According to T. Sutojo in Aldino Moto, 2010 certainty factor is a method to prove the
uncertainty of an expert's thinking, where to accommodate this one usually uses a certainty factor to
describe the level of expert confidence in the problem at hand.
There are two ways to get a level of confidence from a rule, namely by using the 'Net Belief'
method and by interviewing an expert. The level of confidence is obtained from the user's answers
when conducting a consultation.
The certainty factor is used to deal with uncertainty in the manufacture of MYCIN. The Certainty
Factor (CF) is a clinical parameter value given by MYCIN to indicate the magnitude of trust. The
Certainty Factor is defined as Equation (1) CF (H, E) = MB (H, E) MD (H, E) (1) CF (H, E) is the
Certainty Factor of the H hypothesis which is influenced by the symptoms (evidence) E. The
magnitude of CF ranges from -1 to 1. A value of -1 indicates absolute distrust while a value of 1
indicates absolute trust. MB (H, E) is a measure of increased belief in hypothesis H influenced by
symptoms E. MD (H, E) is a measure of increased disbelief towards hypothesis H influenced by
symptoms E
Table 1 Combination of Antecedent Evidence
E1 or E2
Min [CF(H,E1), CF(H,E2)]
E1 or E2
Max [CF(H,E1), CF(H,2E)]
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1451
Not E
In the application, CF(H,E) is the value of certainty given by experts to a rule, while CF(E,e) is the value
of trust given by the user to the symptoms he or she experiences.
The Certainty Factor method functions to track the input of damage symptoms and then take a
density value (confidence) on each damage in accordance with the symptoms. After obtaining the
density value, identification can be carried out. In Figure 1, it can be seen that the Certainty Factor
inference process is used to draw conclusions in the search for solutions using a flowchart.
The purpose of applying the certainty factor method is to determining the characteristics and
personality of students. First, an expert system can be created by applying the certainty factor method
based on studies from experts and weighting that has been carried out. Second, it assists psychologists
in analyzing the character and personality of students based on information technology. Third, users
of the expert system can quickly determine personality.
The term personality in English is expressed as personality. The term comes from the Greek
word persona, which means mask, and personal, which means to penetrate. The term mask is related
to one of the attributes worn by playwrights in ancient Greece. With the mask worn and reinforced
with gestures and what is said, the character of the character played can penetrate out in a sense that
it can be understood by the audience.
Allport initially defined personality as "What a man really is." But the definition was seen as
inadequate by Allport, and he revised the definition (Soemadi Suryabrata, 2005 p. 240). The
definitions that were then formulated by Allport were: “Personality is the dynamic organization
within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustments to
his environment” (Singgih Dirgagunarso, 1998, p. 11). Allport's opinion above, when translated into:
Personality, is a dynamic organization in an individual as a psychophysiological system that
determines its distinctive way of adapting to the environment.
David Krech and Richard S. Crutchfield (1969), in their book entitled Elements of Psychology,
formulate the definition of personality as follows: “Personality is the integration of all of an
Figure 1 Inferential Machine
Flow Diagram
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1452
individual’s characteristics into a unique organization that determines, and is modified by, his
attempts at adaption to his continually changing environment.”(Personality is the integration of
all the characteristics of an individual into a unique entity that determines and is modified by his
efforts to adapt to a constantly changing environment.)
Adolf Heuken S.J. et al. in their book entitled The Challenge of Fostering Personality (1989: 10),
stated as follows.
Personality is a comprehensive pattern of all abilities, deeds and habits of a person, both
physical, mental, spiritual, emotional and social. All of this has been arranged in its distinctive
way under various influences from outside. This pattern is manifested in his behaviour, in his
attempt to become a human being as he wants".
Based on the definitions of Allport, Kretch Crutchfield, and Heuken, the main points of the
definition of personality can be concluded as follows.
a. Personality is a complex unity, consisting of psychological aspects, such as: intelligence, traits,
attitudes, interests, ideals, etc. as well as physical aspects, such as: body shape, physical health,
b. The unity of these two aspects interacts with the environment that is constantly changing, and
a distinctive or unique pattern of behavior is realized.
c. Personality is dynamic, meaning that it is always changing, but in these changes there are
patterns that are fixed.
d. Personality manifests itself in relation to the goals that individuals want to achieve.
According to (Wardiana & Tobing, 2012), it is revealed that: "Personality is very important
for everyone to know so that each individual is able to develop his strengths. By recognizing how
one's personality and character, a person can find out what potential and shortcomings they
have, as well as determine what steps can be taken to develop their potential and manage their
existing shortcomings.
Concepts that are closely related to personality are sometimes even equated with personality.
Concepts related to personality are (Alwisol, 2005: 8-9) :
1. Character, which is a depiction of behaviour by highlighting values (right-wrong, good-bad)
both explicitly and implicitly.
2. Temperament, which is a personality that is closely related to biological or physiological
3. Traits (traits), i.e. the same or the same response to a group of similar stimuli that last for a
(relatively) long period of time.
4. Type attributes similar to traits but in a more limited group of stimuli
5. Habit is the same response and tends to repeat the same stimulus.
3. Results and Discussions
Disturbance Data Analysis
Data collection from personality disorder cases is by taking data ranging from symptom data,
to solution data from students who experience personality disorders. "The use of the certainty factor
inference system in the application of determining the character and personality of students" and the
explanation of personality symptoms.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1453
Table 2 Annoyance
Students who are easy to think positively
Students who easily think negatively
Students who talk more than listen
Students who are easy to make friends and easy to get along with
Passionate students
Students who are full of curiosity
A fun student who always looks cheerful
Students who love entertainment and making others
Students who are able to convince others with logic and facts
Students who are firm and strong-willed
Students who desperately need change
Talented students lead
Students who do something that has a goal in mind
Students who are easily confident and independent
Irritable and sensitive college students
Students who are full of thoughts and love to analyze
Students who like to plan and be scheduled
Students who demand perfection (perfectionists and idealists)
Students who love details for both small and big things
Students who are chatty and like to criticize
Students who love peace and avoid all forms of chaos
Humble students
Obedient and tolerant students
Shy and quiet students
Fearful students
Patient and friendly students
Table 3 Solution
based on
social, friendly, joy-enjoying nature,
active, talkative, impulsive, fun, spontaneous, friendly
Shy, aloof, has self-control
The good
Anxiety, tension, paleness and nervousness
Temperament's thinking is quick to anger, easy
offended, impatient
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1454
Temperament, remorse, pessimism, easy to be
sad, easily discouraged
Slow, passive, lazy and sometimes apathetic or timeless
Jovial, active, dynamic and dexterous
Formation of the Decision Tree
Choice tree investigation could be a plan utilized to build a framework of expert systems. Within
the choice tree chart, the ultimate arrangement of each look will be looked. The choice tree chart will
make it simpler to compile the information base and rules of each identity clutter look.
Figure 2 Personality Disorder Decision Tree
Certainty factor is a search strategy through the search process from a set of data or facts; from
these data, a conclusion is sought that becomes a solution to the problem faced. To determine the
personality disorder that the patient suffers from, rules are determined
The production rules will present the results of the decision tree. The following is a table of
production rules for the diagnosis of psychiatric disorders that contain symptoms and types of
diseases that can be seen in the table:
Table 4 Rule results from the Decision tree
IF C001 AND C008 AND C020 AND C007 AND C023 AND C019
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1455
Formation of System Models
a. Use Case Diagram
Figure 3 Use Case Diagram Determining
Student Character and Personality
b. Activity Diagram
Figure 4 Activity Diagram System
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c. Class Diagram
Figure 5 Class Diagram System
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d. Statechart diagram
Figure 6 Statechart diagram
e. Component Diagram
Figure 7 Component Diagram System
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f. Communication Diagram
g. Deployment Diagram
Figure 9 Deployment Diagram System
Figure 8 Comunication Diagram System
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h. Database
Figure 10 System Diagram Database Relationship Schema
System Interface
a. Registrasi User
Figure 11 Registration Interface (Registration)
b. Frequently Asked Questions
Figure 12 Consultation Interface
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1460
c. Consultation Results
Figure 13 Consultation Results Interface
d. Interference Master
Figure 14 Interference Data Master Interface
4. Conclusion
Based on the description above, the expert system to recognize personality characteristics in
students can be used as a medium for applying the intelligence of an expert or expert as well as an
assistant in helping to analyse and determine the type of personality characteristics, and this
application can provide information to users about the types of personality characteristics in students
along with explanations and appropriate solutions according to the symptoms and characteristics
owned by the client.
Suggestions for further research Expert systems can use other methods in resolving the level of
confidence which can be an alternative comparison to find out which method is closest to the reality
of the level of truth, The development of this expert system can be done using other programming
languages, such as Php, java.
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