e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2533
mature policies so that it can bear maximum fruit. One of the alternative solutions that can be used is
to make a Strategic Action Planning formulation related to the development of tourism potential in
Kampung Lawang Seketeng. Through the vision, namely "Making Kampung Lawang Seketeng a
sustainable leading tourism village and providing economic benefits for the local community", several
aspects that are important to be developed such as increasing the income of the local community
through the development of village tourism, creating new jobs through the development of micro,
small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), building adequate infrastructure and supporting facilities
for village tourism, preserving local culture and traditions as tourist attractions, as well as improving
the quality of human resources (HR) through training and education. Of course, the formulation of the
strategy to be implemented must involve all stakeholders involved so that the targets and objectives
that have been formulated can be achieved. The role of the community is also important because
community involvement in development is the key to the concept of sustainable development. The
results of this study are an effort by the research team to find alternative solutions in answering the
problems that exist in Kampung Lawang Seketeng related to the development of historical tourism.
Of course, there are still many shortcomings that can be found in this study. Therefore, this research
can also be an illustration for further research so that it is sustainable and has the latest information
available. Then for suggestions to the Surabaya City Government as a stakeholder who has authority,
to be able to see the potential that exists in an area that has historical values in Surabaya. Because the
development of historical tourism can not only improve the community's economy, but also on the
other hand can be a reminder of how the current society is formed through historical events.
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