Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024
E-ISSN:2723 6692
P-ISSN:2723 6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2524
Seketeng Tourism Resilience: Revealing the Social Capital of
the Community of Kampung Lawang Seketeng in Breaking
Tourist Attraction Based on Strategic Action Planning
Yuni Setyaningsih, Muhammad Khoirul Anam, Shafa Alya Nur Faizah,
Muhammad Faiz Marhaditya
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia
Correspondence: [email protected]
Kampung Lawang Seketeng;
Modal Sosial; Strategic Action
Tourism plays a crucial role in regional economic development, yet
many historical sites, including Kampung Lawang Seketeng, remain
underutilized. Despite its rich historical and cultural heritage, this
area has not attracted sufficient tourist attention. The main
challenges include a lack of promotion, inadequate infrastructure,
and low community awareness of its historical value. This research
aims to explore the social capital of Kampung Lawang Seketeng’s
community and its potential in enhancing tourist attraction through
Strategic Action Planning. Using a qualitative phenomenological
approach, data were collected through in-depth interviews and
observations, supplemented by literature review. Results indicate
that strengthening community involvement, improving promotional
strategies, and enhancing infrastructure could significantly boost
tourism. The study contributes to heritage tourism development by
offering a strategy that aligns with local social dynamics, potentially
increasing tourism and improving the local economy. Future
implementation of these strategies requires collaborative efforts
from local government, stakeholders, and the community.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Group for a while that is carried out from one place to another with a plan or with the aim of
entertainment (Herdian, 2019). Tourism has a very important role in the economic development of a
region, as well as being a driving force in increasing the income of a region (Prathama et al., 2020).
The tourism system involves actors who play a role in driving the tourism system, consisting of the
community, the private sector, and the government. The community consists of community leaders,
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), mass media, and academics who play the role of owners of
tourism resources (Kirana & Artisa, 2020). Private groups are business associations and
entrepreneurs involved in tourism, and government groups consist of various administrative areas
of the central government, provinces, districts, sub-districts, and so on (Karlina, 2019).
The city of Surabaya, the capital of East Java Province, has considerable tourism potential.
There are more than 40 tourist destinations in the city of Surabaya with various types of tourism such
as religious tourism, marine tourism, heritage tourism, and so on (Prayitno et al., 2022; Tifany &
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2525
Meirinawati, 2023). The number of tourist visits to the city of Surabaya throughout 2023 is known to
have increased to reach 17.4 million tourists, with domestic tourists reaching 16 million and foreign
tourists reaching 1 million. However, of the 40 tourist destinations in the city of Surabaya, there are
still many tourist destinations that are rarely visited and known by tourists. One of the tourist
destinations in the city of Surabaya that is not widely known by tourists is Kampung Lawang
Kampung Lawang Seketeng is one of the heritage tourist destinations in the city of Surabaya.
It is located on Jalan Lawang Seketeng Gang 1, Peneleh, Genteng District, Surabaya (Faisea & Hardjati,
2021). This tourist destination was only inaugurated by the Surabaya City Government in 2019 by the
Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi. It is known that Kampung Lawang Seketeng was established since
the Majapahit era, as evidenced by the discovery of jobong wells with archaeology similar to the wells
at the Majapahit Kingdom site in Trowulan. Kampung Lawang Seketeng has various other historical
tourist attractions such as Langgar Dukur Kayu which is known to have been established since 1893
and was discovered by a community of historical observers in (2018) (Barda, 2023). Jengki's house,
which is the filming location of the movie "Terbang: Penetrating the Sky", has an old-fashioned style
and there is a 100-year-old well with clear water. There is also a unique and classic wooden house
with a former fighter plane hole inside. In Kampung Lawang Seketeng we can find the Qur'an with a
leather cover that is still written by a manual and a mural that depicts the characteristics of Kampung
Lawang Seketeng. In addition, Kampung Lawang Seketeng is known to be the childhood village of the
Indonesia National Figures, Karno and Tomo.
The historical objects in Kampung Lawang Seketeng are the potential of Kampung Lawang
Seketeng to become a heritage tourist destination for the city of Surabaya. However, the existence of
Kampung Lawang Seketeng is still unknown to many people, especially the people of Surabaya itself.
The lack of efforts to introduce Kampung Lawang Seketeng as a heritage tourism destination is the
main reason why Kampung Lawang Seketeng is not widely known (Nurany et al., 2023). Historical
items and archaeology in Kampung Lawang Seketeng can actually be the potential for Kampung
Lawang Seketeng to become a heritage tourist destination in the city of Surabaya and attract tourists.
The people of Kampung Lawang Seketeng also participate and cooperate with community
service in the form of environmental greening and waste management, as well as the improvement
and maintenance of historical sites. The development of Kampung Lawang Seketeng cannot be
separated from the active role of the surrounding community which is an effort of the community in
improving welfare. The cooperation carried out by the people of Kampung Lawang Seketeng has given
rise to a social capital in the community. The social capital that exists in the community is able to build
a reciprocal relationship between the community and Kampung Lawang Seketeng. In reciprocity,
there is a socio-economic exchange where a person gives and receives goods or services from each
other due to the social obligation of a group that has a symmetrical relationship (Santoso, 2020).
Seeing from these problems, it is necessary to formulate a strategy to support resilience and
increase the existence of Kampung Lawang Seketeng as a historical tourism destination (heritage).
This research was conducted with the aim of examining the social capital of the community of
Kampung Lawang Seketeng which can increase tourist attraction based on Strategic Action Planning
and social capital between the surrounding community and Kampung Lawang Seketeng in developing
a strategy formulation. With this research, it is hoped that it will be able to improve the economy of
the people of Kampung Lawang Seketeng.
This study aims to determine the condition of community social capital in Kampung Lawang
Seketeng and formulate the right strategy to be applied based on the Strategic Action Planning
approach. This research is expected to be the basis for further research and provide effective strategy
formulation to be implemented in Kampung Lawang Seketeng, Surabaya.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2526
Materials and Methods
In this study, the target object of the research is people living in the Lawang Seketeng Heritage
Village Area in Surabaya City, East Java Province. This research was carried out within 2 weeks with
the aim of being able to provide strategies and solutions in breaking down the tourist attractions in
Kampung Lawang Seketeng.
Figure 1 : Kampung Lawang Seketeng Surabaya Source: Google Maps
Research Design
This research was conducted using qualitative research methods through a phenomenological
approach. The collection of research data was carried out through a desk study using credible sources
and in-depth interviews with informants. In this study, the data obtained will be processed with the
hope of providing a strategy formulation in increasing local and foreign tourists in the Lawang
Seketeng Heritage Village through social capital analysis and strategic action planning. The
informants in this study were conducted to the local community of Kampung Heritage Lawang
Data Collection Techniques
Table 1 Table of Data Collection Techniques
Data Collection
Knowing the condition of
social capital that exists in
the people of Kampung
Lawang Seketeng
Data Seconds (Desk
Literature Review
Data Primer (In- Depth
and Field Observation)
Observation and
Knowing the form of the
right strategy formulation
to be implemented in
Kampung Lawang Seketeng
Data Seconds (Desk
Literature Review
Data Primer (In- Depth
and Field Observation)
Observation and
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2527
based on Strategic Action
Data Analysis Techniques
Table 2 Data Analysis Techniques
Knowing the condition of social capital that
exists in the people of Kampung Lawang
Livelihoods Asset
Analytics, SWOT
Analysis and Social
Capital Analysis
The condition of social capital in the
people of Kampung Lawang Seketeng
Knowing the form of the right strategy
formulation to be implemented in Kampung
Lawang Seketeng based on Strategic Action
Analisys, Business
Modal Canvas
Analisys, dan
Strategic Action
Planning Analisys
The formulation of the resilience
strategy of the Heritage Village of
Lawang Seketeng through the
formulation of the right strategy to be
implemented in the Village of Lawang
Seketeng based on Strategic Action
Results and Discussions
Social Capital of the Community of Kampung Lawang Seketeng Surabaya
Social capital is defined as a resource that arises from the results of interaction in a community,
both between individuals and institutions that give birth to emotional bonds in the form of trusts,
mutual relationships, and social networks, values and norms that form a community structure that is
useful for coordination and cooperation in achieving common goals. In social capital, it is inseparable
from three main elements, namely trust in the form of honesty, fairness, egalitarian attitude,
tolerance, and generosity; norms in the form of shared values, norms and sanctions, and rules; and
social networks in the form of participation, reciprocity, solidarity, and cooperation (Masyhuri &
Sumarno, 2022; Syahriar & Darwanto, 2016).
The people of Kampung Lawang Seketeng have strong social capital which is the key to the close
historical and cultural values that exist. The social capital owned by the people of Kampung Lawang
Seketeng reflects the socio-cultural wealth of the community. The strong social capital of this
community can be seen from several aspects. First, a strong social network, the people of Kampung
Lawang Seketeng have a strong social network and know each other. This can be seen from the
recitation activities held every Friday night at Langgar Dukur Kayu. Second, values and norms, the
surrounding community that maintains cleanliness and takes care of Langgar Dukur Kayu is one of
the forms of activities from the existence of values and norms that are close to this community. Third,
trust, the people in Kampung Lawang Seketeng respect and respect each other. The attitude of the
community that respects and appreciates each other's differences creates a safe and comfortable
atmosphere in Kampung Lawang Seketeng.
Livelihood Asset of Kampung Lawang Seketeng Surabaya Community
Livelihood Assets is an effort to realize livelihood achievements with a strategy to process and
utilize a number of existing assets. Livelihood Assets consist of natural capital, physical capital, human
capital, financial capital, and social capital (Izzati et al., 2021). Understanding capital livelihood assets
can help in designing effective and sustainable development program plans. To understand what
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2528
factors affect a person in meeting the needs of life and achieving a good quality of life, the Sustainable
Livelihoods Framework (SLF) is used.
Figure 2. Sustainable Livelihoods Framework (SLF)
Source: Department for International Development of the United Kingdom
The education level of the people of Kampung Lawang Seketeng Surabaya is on average a Senior
High School (SMA). A total of 4,987 residents of Peneleh District have a high school/equivalent
education level (BPS, 2020). The majority of the people of Kampung Lawang Seketeng work as
traders, private employees, businessmen, and others. The culinary center building in front of Langgar
Dukur Kayu is a culinary business for the people of Kampung Lawang Seketeng. In addition, it is not
uncommon for the people of Kampung Lawang Seketeng to open a business in their homes. This is
done with the aim of increasing their income to meet their living needs.
Problem Tree Analysis
In the problem tree analysis, there are three stages in identifying a problem comprehensively.
In the middle part, namely the trunk, is one of the main narratives that is the core of the problem.
Then at the very bottom, there is a root area that contains what factors are the cause of the main
problems that occur. Next is the leaf part, where it contains what impacts are caused by the main
problems that have been described on the stem.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2529
Figure 3. Problem Tree Kampung Lawang Seketeng Surabaya
Source: Author Team
In the case study of Kampung Lawang Seketeng, it can be found that the main problem that is
the subject of discussion is the lack of optimal utilization actions in developing the potential in
Kampung Lawang Seketeng as a historical tourism. This is due to three factors; (1) the absence of
adequate infrastructure facilities in the tourism village standards. (2) lack of information related to
the existence of Kampung Lawang Seketeng as a historical tourism village, (3) low public awareness
about the importance of knowing historical values. Furthermore, it can be found in the leaves, namely
what are the impacts resulting from the main problems in Kampung Lawang Seketeng; (1) the low
number of tourists visiting, (2) the low economic level of the local community, (3) the lack of
preservation of existing historical sites.
SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool used to identify the Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, and Threats of an organization or project. In the case study of Kampung Lawang
Seketeng, the author team tried to conduct a SWOT analysis on the condition of Kampung Lawang
Seketeng with the aim of serving as the basis for the strategic action planning formulation process so
that it can be realized optimally.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2530
Figure 4. SWOT Analysis of Kampung Lawang Seketeng Surabaya
Source: Author Team
Business Model Canvas Analysis as Tourism Analysis
The Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a very useful tool for analyzing various industries
including the tourism industry. The Business Model Canvas (BMC) helps in comprehensively
summarizing the key elements that need to be considered in a business or tourism project. Through
this analysis, it will help in determining various market segments that can be targeted in the tourism
industry. The analysis we conducted is as follows:
Figure 5. Business Model Canvas
Source: Author Team
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2531
Stakeholder Framework Analysis of Kampung Lawang Seketeng Surabaya
Stakeholder analysis in the tourism industry is very important because it involves various
parties who have interests and influences on tourism destinations or businesses. The tourism
industry involves various stakeholders such as local governments, local communities, tour operators,
hotels, transportation, and others. Stakeholders can have a significant influence on tourism
destination policies and development. Therefore, we conducted a stakeholder analysis of Kampung
Lawang Seketeng Surabaya
The identification of stakeholders in the tourism industry has great urgency for several crucial
reasons where relevant stakeholders need to be involved in the decision-making process related to
the development and management of tourism destinations. This includes tourism business owners,
local governments, local communities, environmental organizations, and indigenous peoples where
applicable. Their involvement will help ensure that decisions are taken into account and economic,
social, and culturally sustainable. For this reason, we have analyzed in the form of the following table:
Table 3. Stakeholder Identification Analysis Table
Stakeholder Primer
· Manager of Kampung Lawang Seketeng
tourist village
· Homestay and restaurant entrepreneurs
· Souvenir and snack vendors
· Tour guide
· Local artisans
· Visitors
Stakeholder Seconds
· Local government
· Tourism and Culture Office
· Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
· Academy
· Media
· Community
Strategic Action Planning as Branding of Kampung Lawang Seketeng
In the implementation of strategic action planning, it has a vision, namely "Making Kampung
Lawang Seketeng a sustainable leading tourist village and providing economic benefits for the local
community". Where this has several missions such as increasing the income of local communities
through the development of village tourism, creating new jobs through the development of micro,
small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), building adequate infrastructure and supporting facilities
for village tourism, preserving local culture and traditions as tourist attractions, and improving the
quality of human resources (HR) through training and education. Through this vision and mission,
we also have several goals that will be achieved through the strategic action plan that we offer, such
as increasing the number of visitors to the Kampung Lawang Seketeng tourist village by 20% within
2 years, increasing the income of local communities from the tourism sector by 15% within 2 years,
and improving the knowledge and skills of human resources in the tourism sector within 1 year. In
addition, we have also made a strategic action plan scheme that can be implemented in the near future
using several indicators, among which are contained in the following table:
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2532
Tabel 4. Strategic Action Plan Kampung Lawang Seketeng
Conduct market research
to find out the interests
and needs of tourists
Get data on travellers'
interests and needs
Availability of
market research
Tour manager
3 months
Developing new tourism
products based on market
research results
The availability of new
attractive and quality
tourism products
Availability of new
tour packages
Tour manager
6 months
Creating a website and
social media for tourism
The availability of
informative and
interesting tourism village
websites and social media
Availability of
tourism village
websites and social
Tour manager
2 months
Participating in tourist
exhibitions and cultural
Increasing brand
awareness of tourist areas
Collaboration with
travel agencies and
Tour manager
1 year
Build accessible roads
and bridges
Increasing accessibility of
tourist areas
availability of roads
and bridges
1 year
Provide adequate clean
water and sanitation
Improving the quality of
tourist area services
Availability of clean
water and adequate
1 year
Forming a cooperative or
group joint efforts
(KUB) to manage tourist
Increasing the efficiency
and effectiveness of the
management of tourist
The formation of
cooperatives or KUB
Tour manager
3 months
Providing training to
homestay and restaurant
Improving the quality of
homestay and restaurant
Training for
homestay and
Tour manager
6 months
Results should be clear and concise. Discussion should explore the significance of the results of
the work. Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature, the Results section reports
what was found in the study, and the Discussions section explains the meaning and significance of the
results and provides suggestions for future directions of research. In this section, The results of the
research and discussion contain tabulations research data carried out accordingly with the methods
and variables used. Analysis and evaluation of the data according to the formula of the theoretical
study results have been done. Discussion of analysis results and evaluation can apply the comparative
method, use of equations, graphs, pictures, and table. Each table and graph must be numbered and
names and placed as close together as possible with paragraphs where the tables and graphs are
discussed. Interpretation of analysis results to obtain answers, added value, and
Kampung Lawang Seketeng is one of the valuable assets for the city of Surabaya. The wealth
of existing historical values is a special attraction for the community. In addition, there are aspects in
terms of social capital owned by the people of Kampung Lawang Seketeng which can also be a tool in
breaking through tourist attractions. However, the existing potential must be touched by more
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2533
mature policies so that it can bear maximum fruit. One of the alternative solutions that can be used is
to make a Strategic Action Planning formulation related to the development of tourism potential in
Kampung Lawang Seketeng. Through the vision, namely "Making Kampung Lawang Seketeng a
sustainable leading tourism village and providing economic benefits for the local community", several
aspects that are important to be developed such as increasing the income of the local community
through the development of village tourism, creating new jobs through the development of micro,
small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), building adequate infrastructure and supporting facilities
for village tourism, preserving local culture and traditions as tourist attractions, as well as improving
the quality of human resources (HR) through training and education. Of course, the formulation of the
strategy to be implemented must involve all stakeholders involved so that the targets and objectives
that have been formulated can be achieved. The role of the community is also important because
community involvement in development is the key to the concept of sustainable development. The
results of this study are an effort by the research team to find alternative solutions in answering the
problems that exist in Kampung Lawang Seketeng related to the development of historical tourism.
Of course, there are still many shortcomings that can be found in this study. Therefore, this research
can also be an illustration for further research so that it is sustainable and has the latest information
available. Then for suggestions to the Surabaya City Government as a stakeholder who has authority,
to be able to see the potential that exists in an area that has historical values in Surabaya. Because the
development of historical tourism can not only improve the community's economy, but also on the
other hand can be a reminder of how the current society is formed through historical events.
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