Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024
E-ISSN:2723 6692
P-ISSN:2723 6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2512
Sustainable Development Program: Synergism Integrated
Farming System Implementation in Tambrauw, West Papua
with A Holistic Approach
Gracella Theotama, Yesaya Brian Syahputra
Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Indonesia
Email: 232020105@student.uksw.edu
Correspondence: 232020105@student.uksw.edu
Integrated Farming System;
Holistic Approach;
Indonesia, as an agricultural country with abundant natural
resources, still faces the problem of poverty in various regions,
especially in West Papua. The high poverty rate in this area is related
to the low access to education, food security, and proper economic
resources. In an effort to address these issues, the Integrated
Farming System (IFS) is considered a potential solution to improve
community welfare and support the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) targets. This study aims to identify the benefits, challenges
and opportunities of IFS implementation in Tambrauw Regency,
West Papua, with a focus on its contribution to the achievement of
the five SDGs targets, including poverty and hunger alleviation, and
improvement of quality of life and environment. The method used in
this research is a descriptive qualitative study through literature
review and secondary data analysis. Data were taken from various
sources such as scientific journals, books, and official documents
relevant to the research topic. The results show that the
implementation of IFS in Tambrauw has the potential to increase
agricultural and livestock productivity, create new jobs, and
promote sustainable food production. In addition, the use of organic
fertilizers and a holistic approach can have a positive impact on the
environment and local communities. IFS is an effective program in
supporting the achievement of SDGs through empowerment of local
communities and sustainable use of existing resources. However,
further support in the form of technological innovation and
sustainable government policies are needed to ensure the long-term
success of this program.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Indonesia as one of the countries that has a diversity of resources makes this country superior
in several ways. However, these advantages are still not fully utilized by most people (Ramli &
Djumena, 2023). In addition, Indonesia is also known as an agrarian country where almost most of
the area is vast and very fertile. However, this does not make farmers or communities in a certain
scope prosperous. In fact, almost most farmers live in poverty. Problems related to poverty are a
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2513
crucial social problem for most developing countries, including Indonesia. The low level of the
economy and income of the people of Indonesia is one of the factors that cause poverty. Where
almost most of Indonesia is still classified as poor.
Data from the Central Statistics Agency shows that there are 10 provinces in Indonesia with
the highest poverty rate, one of which is West Papua with a poverty rate in 2023 of 20.49 percent
(Putri & Hardiyanto, 2023). A series of problems continue to follow along with the increasing poverty
in the Papua region. Income inequality, low Human Development Index (HDI), stunting, and low
education levels are one of the bad effects of poverty. Nevertheless, until now Papua is still one of
the provinces with abundant resources. As in one of the regions in West Papua, namely Tambrauw
Regency, which has an advantage in one of the corn food commodities. Tambrauw Regency has a
corn commodity productivity level of 9.86 tons/ha with details of total corn production of 3,106
tons with a harvest area of 306 hectares (Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat, 2023).
On the contrary, these advantages do not make the surrounding community prosperous where the
data presented (BPS Papua Barat, 2024) shows that in this region the percentage of poor people is
31.23 percent in 2023.
Poverty is seen as the economic inability of the community to meet the basic needs of clothing,
food, and board. In addition, the lack of access and health services, the lack of clean water facilities
and infrastructure suitable for consumption, and the fact that many toddlers do not get additional
food are still found to be high stunting in West Papua (Kemenko PMK, 2023). It was further explained
that the high level of poverty resulted in many children not getting a proper education. This will in
turn cause the unemployment rate to increase. In addition, poverty will hinder economic
development programs because the costs that must be incurred to carry out economic development
will be greater (Imanto et al., 2020).
To answer and overcome the problem of poverty in West Papua, especially in Tambrauw
Regency, the integrated farming system is one of the efforts that can be applied. Integrated farming
system is an agricultural program or system that is implemented in an integrated and sustainable
manner. Integrated farming system can be implemented through a combination of agriculture,
livestock, fisheries, plantations, and other sciences in one area (PIAT UGM, 2010). Type Integrated
farming system later it is hoped that it can be implemented in the Tambrauw Regency area with the
aim of overcoming social problems, including poverty problems.
Integrated farming system implemented by involving all aspects of society and making the
most of all potential local resources. According to (Rose et al., 2019), integrated farming system able
to balance productivity, profits, and social responsibility through an integrated agricultural model.
This model is expected to create sustainability for the welfare of the people of Tambrauw Regency,
West Papua through the potential of existing resource commodities. Integrated farming system is
also expected to be able to answer the targets of sustainable development goals. Sustainable
development goals It is a national and global commitment in an effort to prosper the community
which contains seventeen targets by 2030 (SDGs Indonesia, 2020). Through integrated farming
system, This model will answer five of the seventeen SDGs targets, including no poverty, no hunger,
healthy and prosperous life, decent work and economic growth, and responsible consumption and
Based on the previous explanation, the formulation of the problems that can be built in this
study is as follows: (1) How can an integrated farming system answer the SDGs targets?; (2) What
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2514
are the obstacles and challenges in the implementation of the integrated farming system in
Tambrauw Regency?; (3) How big is the opportunity for the implementation of an integrated
farming system in Tambrauw Regency, West Papua. The purpose of this research is to find out how
the benefits and impacts that can be provided by the integrated farming system, especially in
answering the target of the SDGs program. Not only stopping at the identification of obstacles and
challenges in the implementation of the integrated farming system, this study also aims to find out
the opportunities for the implementation of the integrated farming system in Tambrauw Regency,
West Papua.
The results of this study are expected to be useful in providing an overview to the government
related to the effectiveness of the implementation of the integrated farming system in answering
the targets of the SDGs program. In addition, this research is also expected to provide benefits for
the development of science, especially in the fields of agriculture, livestock, and food.
Materials and Methods
Types and Data Sources
The research methods used in this study are included in qualitative research. Qualitative
research is a research method that implements scientific methods in revealing phenomena by
describing data and facts (Sugiyono, 2015). According to (Rusandi and Muhammad Rusli, 2021),
qualitative research is a form of research method to describe existing phenomena, both natural and
man-made phenomena, which can be in the form of activities, characteristics, changes, and
relationships between one phenomenon and another. It is further explained that qualitative
research seeks to describe and interpret something, for example it can be in the form of conditions
and situations with existing relationships, developing opinions, and the effects that occur and so on.
The data used in this study are secondary data obtained from research results, official documents,
scientific books, journal articles, and opinions of experts and other publication media. To increase
the validity of the research results, the secondary data selection process was conducted through
several stages. First, data was collected from online databases such as Google Scholar,
ScienceDirect, and national journals, with the criteria of relevant publications within the last 10
years related to IFS and sustainability in Indonesia's agrarian context. Next, data was filtered by
identifying relevant articles and reports through abstracts and keywords such as integrated
farming system, agricultural technology innovation, sustainable agriculture, and West Papua. Only
studies that had direct relevance to IFS implementation in the tropics were selected for further
analysis. Once the data were selected, the articles were analyzed qualitatively using thematic
analysis techniques to identify patterns, themes, and insights related to the contribution of IFS to
the SDGs, challenges of agricultural technology implementation, and synergies between local
resources and agricultural systems. To enhance the validity of the findings, triangulation was
conducted by comparing results from different literature sources and data from organizations such
as FAO to ensure consistency and reliability.
Data Analysis Techniques
In conducting data analysis, this study uses a literature study method. Literature study is a
technique by critically and in-depth examining related to library materials relevant to research
topics such as books and journals that are worthy of reference and reference (Assyakurrohim et al.,
2022). It is further explained that literature studies refer to a set of data and information derived
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2515
from relevant news, books, interviews, and documents. According to (Danandjaja, 2015), this study
is a research method that is carried out with scientifically designed references, consisting of
collecting data from references related to research objectives and integrating and presenting data.
Results and Discussions
Integrated Farming System in Responding to SDGs Targets
Indonesia is known as an agrarian country with abundant resources, which means that
people should not live in poverty (Kementerian Keuangan RI, 2023). As previously stated, the
poverty rate in Indonesia is quite high, especially in the Tambrauw Regency, West Papua. This
shows that currently several areas that are included in the poverty line need support programs to
alleviate the problem. In the international arena, several programs have also been carried out to
help overcome this, such as the sustainable development goals (SDGs) which has 17 achievements
in 2030, one of which is related to welfare (SDGs, 2015). Of course, not a few parties are encouraged
to take part by providing their ideas or programs to help achieve the goals of the SDGs, one of the
programs that can be proposed to help overcome poverty and achieve the SDGs target is integrated
farming system (IFS).
The idea of the program has been proven through previous research, as conducted by
(Mucharam et al., 2022) which shows that IFS is one of the important components to answer the
SDGs targets. (FAO, 2015) proves that IFS is a program that can support the achievement of the
SDGs by 2030. In addition, the findings (Ansar and Fathurrahman, 2018) said that IFS can help in
improving food security in certain regions. Literature review conducted (Bhati et al., 2024) shows
that IFS provides an increase of at least 26.5% in the profitability of farming businesses, and by
14.3% provides an increase in the opening of new jobs. Based on the literature review carried out,
it was found that innovation is a form of IFS development that can be implemented in Tambrauw
Regency. A visualization of the modified IFS process can be seen as follows:
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2516
Figure 1. Integrated Farming System
Source: Data Processed, 2024
The figure above explains that the IFS system offered is integrated and sustainable. Every
process and use of materials also utilizes environmentally friendly products. Selection of corn
commodities based on data (Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat, 2023), which
shows that corn production in Tambrauw Regency reached a production figure of 3,106 tons. By
utilizing this local potential, the IFS program can help alleviate poverty and achieve the SDGs
The figure explains that at the input stage, fertilizers, seeds, saprodi or agricultural equipment
are available as well as land that is given once at the beginning of the IFS. The next stage is the corn
processing process where currently farmers are doing their duties until the end of the harvest
period arrives, when the harvest period arrives, the output produced can be two parts where there
is harvest waste and corn yields. The harvest waste obtained can be used as animal feed, where this
animal feed is used for cattle as one of the most animals in Tambrauw Regency. This means that
until this stage IFS is still utilizing the local potential of the region.
The livestock used in the IFS program produces livestock manure which can then be
processed into two important components to maintain environmental balance. Where the manure
can be processed into biogas and finally produce renewable energy and can be used as an
alternative fuel for the community. The manure can also be reprocessed as organic fertilizer (solid
and liquid) which can be used for agricultural processes so that the products produced are of higher
quality. Although organic fertilizers have a longer permeability, their benefits are felt in the long
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2517
term in maintaining soil fertility (Pratiwi & Setiawan, 2020). Processed livestock products can also
be used by the community for resale or as personal consumption in the form of meat and milk.
In line with its goals, IFS also pays attention to the post-harvest conditions of farmers so that
they can have a good impact in the future. This stage will utilize a holistic approach by paying
attention to the overall aspects of people and the environment through empowerment programs,
trainings or workshops. This aims to provide a good stimulus in improving the quality of farmers'
human resources so that it ultimately has an impact on the welfare of the community. Various
aspects and components of the IFS offered have considered the welfare of the community where
every processed agricultural and livestock product can be processed in such a way as to produce a
diversification of products to be retraded.
The modified IFS program is supported by a statement (Smith, 2010) that IFS depends on the
interaction of each component in order to be productive, adaptive, develop and need to utilize
resources as efficiently as possible. (Nedea, 2021) it also reinforces that the concept of IFS can be
developed in such a way because of its complex nature and attention to space and time. The IFS
overview shows that each process takes advantage of local potential, the environment and other
aspects. The results of the literature review and the development of IFS model solutions indicate
that the program is able to create long-term sustainability through the use of environmentally
friendly products and renewable energy. The model also helps in improving community welfare
through increasing farming income from the diversification of processed agricultural products.
The output results obtained from the implementation can answer five of the seventeen SDGs
program achievements, namely: (1) without poverty: by utilizing processed agricultural and
livestock products, the income of the local community can increase little by little; (2) without
hunger: processed agricultural and livestock products can not only be traded but can be used for
daily consumption (meat, milk and processed corn products); (3) healthy and prosperous life:
through the use of IFS, the products produced are much higher quality because they utilize organic
materials; (4) decent work and economic growth: the success of IFS requires support from human
resources, so the existence of the program provides new opportunities for the surrounding
community to contribute their energy to the program. With decent work, other impacts can follow,
such as economic growth due to increased people's incomes; (5) Responsible consumption and
production: An environmentally friendly (organic) oriented IFS is able to generate added value
through the efficiency of its materials and processes. Of course, this opinion has been supported by
the findings of previous research, so that it can strengthen this argument by stating that almost
most of the IFS process is able to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs program by 2030
(Sahoo et al., 2022; Shahmohamadloo et al., 2022).
Obstacles and Challenges in the Implementation of the Integrated Farming System in
Tambrauw Regency
The components of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats are the basic
assessment when a program will be implemented. In the effort and effort to implement the
integrated farming system (IFS) in the Tambrauw Regency area, West Papua, there are aspects that
are considered to assess whether the IFS model is effective and efficient to be implemented.
Therefore, an analysis related to the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to
the implementation of IFS in Tambrauw Regency is needed. The following is a table of SWOT
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2518
analysis conducted based on several review literature in the implementation of IFS, especially on
corn commodities in Tambrauw Regency.
Table 1 SWOT Analysis related to the Implementation of Integrated Farming System
a. IFS is an important component of
sustainability programs (Mucharam et al.,
b. By utilizing organic matter, IFS helps
farmers in maintaining soil fertility.
c. IFS helps in material efficiency by
prioritizing environmental aspects.
d. IFS has an impact on agriculture in the
long term (Ariawan, 2023)
a. Plant growth using organic fertilizers
is relatively longer than using
inorganic fertilizers (Pratiwi & Setiawan,
b. There are possible models integrated
farming system that are not developed
in accordance with the ecosystem
(Laode Muh Munadi, 2019)
a. The cattle sector is the first leading commodity
in Tambrauw Regency (Sogen & Harling, 2013)
b. Many people use agricultural land to cultivate corn
with the number of agricultural business
managers as many as 2,758 or 14.68 percent
(Sensus Pertanian, 2023)
c. There is one agricultural company that is already a
legal entity (Sensus Pertanian, 2023)
d. The Tambrauw Regency Government has
developed corn commodity agriculture with an
area of 4,155 hectares (Banafanu, 2024)
e. The Governor of West Papua and the Faculty of
Agriculture of the University of Papua have
collaborated on a plan to establish agricultural
land with an integrated agricultural system in
West Papua (Frans, 2023)
f. The Representative Office of Bank Indonesia West
Papua and the Cassowary Military
Command/XVIII, and the West Papua Regional
Police carried out training on organic farming field
practices based on integrated farming system
(Redaksi, 2020)
g. There is a commitment from the West Papua
government to continue to make efforts in
advancing and developing the world of agriculture
(Pemerintah Provinsi Papua Barat, 2023)
a. There is still a lack of post-harvest
processing practices in Tambrauw
b. Lack of agricultural innovation carried out
in Tambrauw Regency
c. Inadequate transportation and electricity
d. There is no continuous assistance to
manage and process agricultural products
(Sinaga, 2022)
SWOT analysis helps in interpreting or visualizing the obstacles and challenges of IFS
implementation in Tambrauw Regency.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2519
Opportunities for the Implementation of Integrated Farming System in Tambrauw Regency
The findings of the literature review made it clear that the recommendations for solutions
offered in overcoming problems in Tambrauw Regency are based on a considerable opportunity
from the implementation of the integrated farming system (IFS). As the opinion (Suryana, 2016), IFS
is one of the media that has a huge opportunity for the development of farming. The integrated
system makes the IFS program a bright opportunity in the future because the positive impact will
be felt much longer (Haryono, 2012). Apart from this, currently the demand for organic products is
increasing due to increasing public awareness of environmentally friendly (organic) products
(Indreswari et al., 2021). The high demand gives the potential for the surrounding community to
create products that are valuable and have high marketability.
When viewed from the SWOT analysis that has been described in the previous section, the
Tambrauw Regency area is considered to be a conservation area. (Kahar et al., 2019) said that
Tambrauw Regency is known as a conservation area because of its strategic location. The
conservation area consists of nature parks, nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries. This
designation provides an opportunity for Tambrauw Regency to become an IFS conservation area.
Tambrauw Regency as a conservation area has full support from the government as a
representation of the government's concern for the community (Robiansyah, 2018). This provides a
considerable opportunity for the success of IFS. In addition, when looking at the main agricultural
and livestock commodities, Tambrauw Regency has corn and cattle commodities as one of the main
commodities with a fairly high production value (Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat,
2023; Sogen & Harling, 2013). In terms of human resources, Tambrauw Regency has quite good
opportunities where almost most of the people make a living as farmers, where the number of
farmers who cultivate corn is in the second highest position (Sensus Pertanian, 2023). The data shows
that corn is still one of the leading commodities, through this local potential, it can be clearly seen
the opportunity for IFS success in Tambrauw Regency. However, the implementation of IFS
requires a fairly large conservation area of about 20 hectares (Kominfo Kota Pariaman, 2021). In the
Tambrauw Regency area, it has a total area of approximately 11,529,182 km
. The visualization of
the Tambrauw Regency area can be seen in the following figure.
Fugure 2. Tambrauw Regency
Source: Google Earth, 2024
To see the potential or opportunity for the success of IFS conservation, in the early stages of
IFS implementation, it will be focused on Yembun District, Tambrauw Regency. The conservation
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2520
of this program is modified in such a way by considering several criteria such as land, proximity to
settlements and water flows. This conservation will be in the middle between Yembun Agricultural
Vocational School and residential areas. This is so that students can take advantage of IFS
conservation as a learning process, as well as ease of access for residents to make the
implementation of IFS considered successful. The Regional Secretary of Tambrauw explained, there
is a discourse to make Yembun District a barn for food security by facilitating the provision of
farmer groups (Allo, 2023). To simplify the implementation picture, the following is a picture of the
conservation location that is considered possible to be used based on the requirements of IFS
Fugure 3. Examples of IFS Conservation Areas
Source: Google Earth, 2024
The land description indicates that Yembun District can be one of the areas used for the
implementation of IFS with a total land area of 10.53 hectares. If IFS in one region is successfully
implemented, it is hoped that it can be an example for other regions to implement similar programs.
The support and role of various parties can certainly have a significant impact on the success of IFS.
By using a holistic approach, each stakeholder will be considered and analyzed what are the duties
and responsibilities as well as the benefits of IFS implementation. The goal is for stakeholders to
better understand what can be gained from its implementation. So that various parties will feel the
benefits. This stakeholder analysis will be framed through hexa-helix by explaining 6 important
roles as shown in the following table.
Table 2 Analisis Stakeholders
Accommodating farmer groups and
communities to develop processed products
Equitable distribution of people's
Medium Mass
Assist in the publication of information
Obtain good exposure and feedback
Rules and
Providing permits to the community in
running business operations
Creating a good image for the
Assist in providing training and community
Producing newness in science and
technology, especially related to IFS
Providing IFS supporting facilities and
Provides a potential for higher profit
Actively participate in IFS programs
The quality of farmers' human
resources has increased, the added
value of farming has encouraged
product diversification
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2521
Analysis stakeholders Using Hexa-Helix provides innovation and a new picture to involve many
parties in initiating a program or idea (Zakaria et al., 2022). So it is hoped that there will be synergy
from each party to create the success of IFS.
The Relationship of the Integrated Farming System to the Problem
The integrated farming system (IFS) model offered is based on a holistic approach, in which
in its implementation all components will be considered. This approach has been seen in the early
stages of the IFS process, in which the existing inputs are quality organic materials. This process
has reflected that there is good utilization in minimizing the impact of environmental damage. Until
the final stage (output) of the recommended IFS program not only pays attention to the
environment but there is a human aspect in it and can be seen through the procurement of training
or workshops and empowerment. This means that every process of activities carried out will
generate income for the surrounding community. Through this, the problem of poverty and low
community welfare and other problems behind it will gradually improve. As mentioned earlier, this
IFS can answer 5 out of 17 targets in the 2030 SDGs.
The conclusion of this literature review shows that the integrated farming system (IFS) is
an environmentally friendly program that plays an important role in achieving the 2030 SDGs
targets, including the elimination of poverty, hunger, and increasing responsible consumption and
production. While IFS offers sustainable solutions and long-term benefits by protecting the
environment and reducing waste, challenges such as lack of innovation and resistance to organic
fertilizers must be addressed. Further research is expected to overcome current limitations, such
as time period and distance, as well as provide deeper insights through more varied methods. The
implementation of IFS can support government policies in poverty alleviation and effective
utilization of local potential.
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