Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024
E-ISSN:2723 6692
P-ISSN:2723 6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2442
Optimizing the Marketing Potential of BSF Maggot as a
Decomposer of Organic Waste to Overcome Social Problems in
Murtigading Village, Bantul, D.I. Yogyakarta
Iman Hasanudin, Yohan Budianto, Zuhud Ahnaf Fauzi
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Email : imanhasanudin0304@mail.ugm.ac.id, yoha[email protected]gm.ac.id,
Correspondence: imanhasanudin0304@mail.ugm.ac.id*
Organic Waste; Bsf Maggot;
Cultivation; Marketing; Social
The improper management of organic waste has become a serious
issue in Murtigading Village, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Black soldier fly
(BSF) maggot cultivation offers an efficient solution for
decomposing organic waste. However, the marketing of BSF
maggots remains a challenge due to a lack of community knowledge
and business strategies. This research aims to optimize the
marketing potential of BSF maggots to address both waste
management and social problems in the village. A descriptive
qualitative method was employed, involving interviews, field
surveys, and literature reviews. The study analyzed the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) of BSF maggot
marketing, supported by a Pentahelix model that involves
collaboration between the community, government, private sector,
media, and academics. The results show that there is significant
market potential for BSF maggots, with demand from industries in
Surabaya requiring up to 5 tons of maggots per shipment.
Furthermore, marketing through digital platforms like online shops
offers a cost-effective solution for increasing sales, reducing the
reliance on traditional methods. This research concludes that with
improved marketing strategies and support from key stakeholders,
BSF maggot cultivation could become a profitable industry while
solving the village's waste problem.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Waste has become a serious problem along with the increase in population. Indonesia
produces around 2 million tons of waste and is expected to increase to 2.59 million tons by 2030.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 12 are the main points related to waste, namely responsible
consumption and production. SDGs 12 directs each country to implement policies to manage
organic and inorganic waste as a result of residual production (Čičková et al., 2015). In addition,
SDGs 15 regarding the environment, namely maintaining terrestrial ecosystems, is also in harmony
with waste, which with wise waste management can maintain environmental quality. In addition,
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2443
SDGs 17 regarding partnerships to achieve the goals in which implementation in the field requires
integration and cooperation from various authorities (Kusnandar, 2022).
Currently, BSF maggot is the best decomposer of organic waste. However, behind its high
utility, not many have cultivated and been able to market BSF maggot due to the lack of public
interest in BSF maggot (Diener et al., 2011; Hasanah et al., 2023). The Yogyakarta Regional
Environment Agency has indeed provided maggot cultivation training in several areas, one of which
is in Murtigading Village. In fact, it did not work as it should and many stopped not continuing BSF
maggot cultivation after receiving training. People prefer to throw their waste into the private
sector to be disposed of in landfills. The reason is the absence of profit prospects (business) so that
people have difficulty marketing cultivated maggot and the problem of unpleasant odors in BSF
maggot feed (Bapedda DIY, 2022; Dewantoro & Efendi, 2018).
Marketing in the era of globalization that is increasingly accelerating has made marketing
through online media such as online shops an option that is in demand by many people. In addition
to its flexible users, the goods delivered can get to the appropriate destination address. This is
certainly inversely proportional to the conventional method which requires buyers to visit the
location where the desired item is located. In addition to wasting a lot of time, effort, and money, of
course, it is not uncommon to cause disappointment where the desired item is not found (Chakti,
The high demand for BSF maggot has become an urgency to intensify marketing through
online media. According to an interview with one of BSF's maggot farmers in Yogyakarta, it was
found that one of the industries in Surabaya needs a supply of maggot from Yogyakarta of 5 tons.
This shows that there is still a lot of potential for BSF maggot marketing that can be expanded. In
addition, BSF maggot marketing using online media allows people to sell their maggot without
having to own a store directly, of course this will save capital costs.
Based on the BSF maggot marketing problem that we wrote, Murtigading Village has two
temporary waste shelters that function as shelters and incineration as well as waste processing
sites, especially organic by utilizing BSF maggots. The condition of the existing TPS is decreasing in
quality because the performance of waste processing, especially organic waste by BSF maggots, has
been stopped due to social problems and limitations in the financing and management aspects of
TPS. In addition, the potential role of BSF maggot as a decomposer is not optimally utilized by TPS
managers in Murtigading Village (Nayak et al., 2023). In fact, BSF Maggot has the potential to create
high-profit business opportunities. Thus, the competitiveness and marketability of BSF maggot in
Murtigading Village is constrained and caused by the absence of the BSF maggot marketing
program. Later, the public will gain knowledge of BSF maggot marketing through online media and
advanced processing to increase the selling value of the product to be marketed. So, the community
benefits from the results of the sale of BSF maggot that does not cause odour and the problem of
organic waste that accumulates at the TPS can be solved as a result of increasing public interest in
BSF maggot cultivation.
This paper aims to formulate an effective strategy in overcoming marketing problems in
Murtigading Village, Bantul, related to organic waste through BSF maggot cultivation, providing
counselling on marketing, processing, and cultivating BSF maggot, and recommending an
integration system between partner companies, the government, and the community. The benefits
of this research include increasing social sensitivity and student skills, increasing competence and
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2444
employment for the people of Murtigading Village, as well as providing a basis for the government
to design training and community empowerment programs for the development of BSF maggot
cultivation and efficient marketing strategies.
Materials and Methods
Research Mindset
Figure 1. Research Mindset Scheme
Source: Author's Analysis, 2024
Nature of Research
This research is descriptive, namely data is collected in the form of words, pictures, and not
numbers. The data produced is in the form of primary data and secondary data. Primary data was
collected from interviews with residents and persons in charge of Bumi Murtigading Village,
Sanden, Bantul, while secondary data was obtained through journal analysis related to the purpose
of writing, namely optimizing the marketing of BSF maggots.
Survey to Murtigading
Village, Bantul.
Observing the condition of
polling stations in
Miyungan and
Pucanganom I village areas
Conduct a Mini-
Output: Programs
Community, government,
partner and academic
Monitoring and
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2445
Data Collection Methods
The selected data collection method is as follows:
1. Interview: conducted on all residents and one person in charge of Bumi Desa in Murtigading
Figure 2. Documentation of Interviews with Residents and PJ Bumi Desa
Source: Author's Documentation, 2024
2. Field survey and documentation: taking pictures of the polling station in Murtigading Village.
Figure 3. Cross-section of TPS Pucanganom 1 (Left) and TPS Mayungan, Murtigading (Right)
Source: Author's Documentation, 2024
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2446
Analysis Methods
SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis is a method to evaluate strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in social
problems in Murtigading Village.
Figure 4. SWOT Analysis Source: Author's Analysis, 2024
Pentahelix Diagram Analysis
A pentahelix diagram is a model that describes cooperation between five elements of
stakeholders in planning. The pentahelix collaboration aims to support joint innovation, namely
advancing the socio-economic potential of the region (Syahbudi, 2021). The synergy of the five
elements is academics, the community, the government, the media, and the private sector. The
pentahelix diagram formulated to optimize the marketing potential of BSF maggot in Murtigading
Village is shown as follows.
Figure 5. Pentahelix Diagram Analysis
Source: Author's Analysis, 2024
Results and Discussions
Murtigading Village is administratively located in Sanden District, Bantul Regency, Special
Region of Yogyakarta. Murtigading Village has an area of 4.38 km² or 18.91% of the total area of
Sanden District, which for every 23.16 km² consists of 18 villages and 75 RTs. The population is
8,431 people with a population density of 1,925 per km². The majority of the residents of
Murtigading Village work as farmers and farm labourers. In addition to being one of the places close
to tourist destinations in Yogyakarta, Murtigading Village is also one of the areas that has started to
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2447
integrate waste structurally properly and the utilization of organic waste into products that have
useful value (Salamah et al., 2022).
The role of BumDes in managing waste in Murtigading Village is very important. As a result
of the closure of the Piyungan Landfill, Murtigading Village has anticipated by making a TPS based
on homemade incinerators. However, the influence of the smoke is a further problem. BSF maggots
are very suitable, if applied in these cases. However, it has not been carried out comprehensively to
the community. The BumDes of Murtigading Village has only been studying BSF maggot cultivation
independently for about two months and has not yet run because it has not benefited from BSF
maggot cultivation, so the BumDes has not been able to spread knowledge for BSF maggot
cultivation to the community before getting profits.
When maggots consume different types of organic waste, the maggot's digestive enzymes
convert organic matter into simpler forms. This process is called catabolism (Alvarez et al., 2019).
Organic waste tends to be short-chained so that the nutrients produced are easily digested and
absorbed. After going through the digestive process, the organic matter that has been digested is
then converted into pupa, which can be reused as organic fertilizer or can be used as animal feed.
So that later the maggot that has been harvested can be processed first or marketed directly and
organic waste that is usually only thrown into the landfill and then accumulates causing unhealthy
environmental pollution can reduce its volume (Julita et al., 2020; Lee et al., 2018).
The problem of organic waste causes various kinds of impacts that threaten the
environment, such as methane gas which is a greenhouse gas that contributes to the climate. In
addition, organic waste that accumulates so that it produces methane gas can cause respiratory
diseases of people living around the garbage pile and can threaten the economy of the surrounding
community due to the unpleasant smell.
Table 1. SWOT Analysis Results
S-O Strategy
The increase in the cultivation of BSF
maggot by the community which will
later be processed to improve product
quality and marketed through online
marketing to expand market reach in
order to meet the high demand for BSF
W-O Strategy
The high demand for BSF maggot can be
used by the community as an additional
income field through maggot cultivation so
that later the government can provide more
possible support in continuous training
programs or equipment assistance
S-T Strategy
The community can practice the
knowledge from the author's team for
good BSF maggot cultivation so that
organic waste for
W-T Strategy
Government necessary to
optimize support for the community to
cultivate BSF maggots properly so that they
do not
BSF maggot feed does not cause
unpleasant odors and in order to
produce quality BSF maggot products so
that the smooth marketing of maggot can
increase additional income of the
causing a foul smell in order to increase
people's desire for maggot cultivation so
that organic waste that often accumulates
into pollution in TPS/TPA can reduce its
Source: Author's Analysis, 2024
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2448
Table 2. Results of Pentahelix Diagram Analysis
a. Participatory planning and implementation = The community
received direction from the government to develop a BSF maggot
marketing planning process by involving the participation of the
Murtigading community and its implementation.
b. Policy evaluation = The subject as well as the object affected by
government policies in the implementation of the BSF maggot
marketing strategy so that it needs to be assessed/evaluated for the
sustainability of the program.
a. Counseling = The results of recommendations and inventions from
academics and the private sector, the government is the main actor
who goes directly to the Murtigading community to provide BSF
maggot marketing management teaching.
b. Empowerment = Facilitation of implementative practices for the
community with funds from the development budget and regional
c. Assistance = Responsible for supervising and assisting the
community so that the program is on target.
Policy regulator = The process of setting formal policies for the
direction of BSF's maggot marketing optimization program.
d. Policy regulator = The process of setting formal policies for the
direction of BSF's maggot marketing optimization program.
a. Increasing financial income = Earning profits from private third
parties that will help in handling economic resources for program
b. Initiation of marketing ideas = Innovation of private
companies/businesses in the novelty of marketing optimization is
c. Increasing financial income = Earning profits from private third
parties that will help in handling economic resources for program
d. Initiation of marketing ideas = Innovation of private
companies/businesses in the novelty of marketing optimization is
a. Publication of marketing information = Implementation of branding
regarding the marketing potential of BSF maggot in Murtigading
Village so that the outside community knows and is affected.
b. Communication network = Liaison/connection in the process of
delivering public policies to the community so that social problems
can be solved.
c. Marketplace = Utilization of digital mass media as a marketing place
for BSF maggot to increase the attractiveness of potential
a. Marketing model innovation recommendations = Distribution of the
implementation of scientific fields for the benefit of the Murtigading
community in optimizing the marketing potential of BSF maggots,
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2449
especially animal husbandry, economics, and business management.
b. Empowerment = Together with the government to empower the
potential of BSF maggot in Murtigading Village.
c. Assistance = Together with the government to assist the community
in the implementation of the program to optimize the marketing
potential of BSF maggot in Murtigading Village.
Source: Author's Analysis, 2024
SWOT Analysis Discussion
The SWOT table in the appendix's analysis shows that BSF maggot has the potential to be a
long-term solution for processing organic waste. However, to optimize the marketing potential of
BSF maggots, a comprehensive approach to overcoming weaknesses and threats is necessary.
Educating the public and strong branding can increase market demand. Adequate infrastructure
and strategic partnerships will also support business growth.
Discussion of Pentahelix Diagram Analysis
From the analysis of the pentahelix diagram, it can be found that the relationship and
cooperation between five stakeholders in planning the BSF maggot marketing optimization
program in Murtigading Village, Sanden, Bantul can be found. The results of the synergy of the roles
of each stakeholder can increase the probability of success of the marketing program. The
collaboration strategy of the five stakeholders, namely the community, government, the private
sector, the media, and academics, can be detailed through the table in the appendix.
Using BSF maggots for organic waste management offers a dual solution to environmental
and economic challenges. Several studies have emphasized the efficacy of BSF maggots in
decomposing organic waste efficiently. Banks & Lo (2023) argue that BSF larvae can reduce organic
waste by up to 50%, transforming it into valuable biomass that can be used as animal feed or
compost. This supports the argument that BSF maggot cultivation not only mitigates environmental
harm but also provides economic benefits through by-products like animal feed and fertilizers.
The market potential for BSF maggots is another critical aspect to consider. According to
Thapa & Schlegel (2021), the demand for sustainable and alternative protein sources for animal
feed is growing rapidly, driven by the rising costs of traditional protein feeds like soybean and
fishmeal. This aligns with the high demand observed in Surabaya for BSF maggots, which can reach
up to 5 tons per shipment. Such figures highlight the commercial viability of BSF maggot cultivation
as a profitable business model in the context of sustainable development.
However, the success of this model hinges on community involvement and multi-
stakeholder collaboration. As noted by Meijer & Baumber (2024), sustainable business models,
particularly in the global South, require strong partnerships between communities, governments,
and private enterprises to thrive. This observation underscores the importance of the Pentahelix
model applied in this study, which integrates the roles of community members, government, media,
private partners, and academics. Through this model, each stakeholder plays a crucial role in
ensuring the success of BSF maggot marketing and sustainability.
One of the primary challenges identified in this study is the lack of awareness and education
among local communities regarding BSF maggot cultivation and marketing. Wang et al. (2020)
argue that community education and capacity-building programs are essential for the long-term
success of sustainable waste management initiatives. This is particularly relevant for Murtigading
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2450
Village, where more comprehensive outreach and training programs are needed to empower
residents to engage in maggot cultivation and capitalize on its economic potential.
In summary, the findings of this research indicate that BSF maggot cultivation can be a
highly effective solution for both waste management and economic development, provided that
there is adequate community involvement and multi-stakeholder collaboration. The arguments
presented by previous studies reinforce the idea that a well-structured approach, incorporating
both market strategies and educational initiatives, is necessary for long-term success in this sector.
BSF maggot has immense potential in processing organic waste, enhancing the quality of
animal feed, serving as compost, and boosting the immune system of livestock. To optimize
cultivation and ensure the sustainability of maggot marketing, it is crucial to align with Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) 12, 15, and 17, while also supporting the local economy, given the high
market demand for BSF maggots. Through community counselling on cultivation and marketing,
and integration between the community, partners, and government, this study shows that, with the
right strategy, BSF maggots can address not only organic waste issues but also provide significant
social benefits by increasing community income in a sustainable circular economy model. Based on
the analysis, the authors recommend the following: (1) The Murtigading community should
increase participatory involvement in programs initiated by the government and stakeholders; (2)
The local government should enhance cooperation by providing necessary facilities and supporting
policies for the social and economic welfare of the community; (3) The private sector should
strengthen its role in assisting the BSF maggot marketing program until successful implementation
is achieved; (4) The media should continuously update and evaluate marketing strategies to ensure
the program's success; and (5) Academics should increase research interventions that empower
communities through effective collaboration..
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