Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024
E-ISSN:2723 6692
P-ISSN:2723 6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2397
The Influence of Service Quality and Trust on Customer
Satisfaction in Catering Mbak Daeng Alauddin Tangerang
Akbar Maulana Pujangga, Edo Pratama, Christien Setiya Kesumawati,
Amaliya Nor Al Amri
Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia
Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang, Indonesia
Universitas Budi Luhur, Indonesia
Email : Akbarnya@gmail.com, edopratama10@gmail.com, ckesumawati1@yahoo.com,
amaliyanorala[email protected]
Correspondence: Ak[email protected]om
Quality of Service; Belief;
Consumer Satisfaction
Service quality and trust are two major factors determining
customer satisfaction, especially in service industries such as
catering. Understanding the influence of these two factors is
important to improve competitiveness and maintain customer
loyalty. This study aims to determine the influence of service quality
and trust on partial or simultaneous consumer satisfaction in
catering Mbak Daeng Alauddin, Tangerang Regency. The research
methods used are descriptive and associative. The population in this
study is 350 consumers. The sampling technique with the
probability sampling method is proportionate stratified random
sampling using the 10% Slovin formula. The sample was obtained as
many as 78 respondents. The data analysis method used is multiple
regression analysis. The results of the study partially show that the
quality of service has a positive and significant effect on customer
satisfaction, which can be concluded from the t-count value > t-table
(8.932 > 1.99167), the trust has a positive and significant effect on
consumer satisfaction, it can be concluded that the t-count value > t-
table (6.668 > 1.99167), by simultaneously showing that service
quality and trust simultaneously have a positive and significant
effect on customer satisfaction can be It was concluded that the
value of F-calculated > F-table (48.663 > 2.37).
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Human Resource Management is an element in an organization or company that is in charge of
managing and carrying out functions related to human activities so that a company or organization
can have a good workforce and achieve the desired goals (Hasibuan, 2019). Human beings are an
important component in an organization because they are the driving structure of a company.
Therefore, the task of the human resources department handles these things so that the desired goals
of the organization are achieved by the target (Marwansyah, 2019).
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2398
Companies need potential human resources so leaders and employees can contribute well and
accomplish their duties optimally to achieve company goals (Emil & Riandi, 2021; Fachrezi & Khair,
2020). An organization will succeed if the individual performance of its employees is good, which is
why an organization will strive to improve the performance of its employees so that the company's
goals can be achieved. (Darmadi, 2020; Effendy & Fitria, 2019) To achieve the goals of each work
done, employees must understand the purpose of the work done, which means that the achievement
of the goals of every work done by employees impacts the company's goals (Burhannudin et al., 2019).
Therefore, employees must understand performance indicators to understand the final results of
their work.
According to Sadat et al. (2020), performance is the result obtained by a company, both profit-
oriented and non-profit-oriented, during a period. It can also be interpreted as the result of a person's
efforts achieved with abilities and deeds in certain situations. So, every company must have a
contribution from each of its employees to complete the organization's goals.
Employee performance is a series of employee behaviours that contribute, both positively and
negatively, to the completion of organizational goals (Hartomo & Luturlean, 2020).
It is also important to note that many factors influence employee performance, with the work
environment representing a significant contributing element. Norawati et al. (2021) posited that the
work environment can be defined as the social, psychological, and physical life within a company that
affects how workers carry out their duties. Human life is inextricably linked to the myriad
circumstances of the surrounding environment, with a profound and intimate relationship between
humans and their environment. In this context, humans are inherently driven to adapt to the diverse
circumstances of their surrounding environment. Similarly, when engaged in work, employees as
human beings cannot be separated from the multifaceted circumstances of their work environment.
During work, each employee will interact with many conditions within their work environment.
The work environment in each company is different; each company has its regulations on the
safety and comfort of workers, not spared from company problems; the work environment greatly
affects employee performance, especially at PT Altra Raya. This aligns with a study by Wahjono et al.
(2021) entitled The Influence of Work Environment and Organizational Culture on Employee
Performance of PT Siantar Top, Tbk in Sidoarjo. The results of this study stated that the Work
Environment and Organizational Culture together have a positive and significant effect on Employee
Other factors affecting employee performance, namely job promotion, are also crucial in the
company. Employees leading in promoting positions have an essential role in the term "the right man
in the right place," which means that everyone can work with precision and discipline because of the
position factor. Position promotions are carried out to optimize the human resources owned by the
According to Haryadi et al. (2022), a position promotion is the transfer of employees from one
position or place to another position or place that is accompanied by duties, responsibilities, and
authority that are higher than the position previously occupied, so every employee who has been
promoted to the position has more responsibilities so that it is likely to determine the factor of the
company's advancement or retreat.
Position promotion in the organization is very important so that the work of employees is
increasing and can be the actualization and implementation of the organization so that it can be a new
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2399
learning for employees who get a position promotion, inseparable from this problem position
promotion affects employee performance. This aligns with a study by Saing et al. (2021) entitled The
Effect of Job Promotion on Employee Performance of PT Federal International Finance. The results of
this study stated that Position Promotion had a positive and significant effect on Employee
The phenomenon at PT Altra Raya, namely the work environment at PT Altra Raya, which is
less conducive, can be seen from several rooms that are not clean it interferes with employee
productivity. The distance between the room and the production area is too close, which also causes
noise that can interfere with employee work concentration, and a less spacious workspace also
hinders employee movement. Communication between employees is still not going well, so it can
indirectly affect the decline in employee performance.
There are several problems at PT Altra Raya related to the non-promotion of the company
because there are several criteria that have not been met by PT Altra Raya employees, namely the
lack of honesty of employees at work, some employees are still not responsible for their work, the
level of employee education is still low. It does not meet the standards for promotion; Employee work
performance is also still not seen optimally, and the average employee service period is still below 5
years. So, the absence of promotions is given because employee performance does not improve.
Furthermore, the results of the observation of the promotion of PT Altra Raya employees are
as follows:
Table 1 Observation Results
Very Bad
35 Employees
35 Employees
35 Employees
35 Employees
35 Employees
35 Employees
Assessment Description:
Excellent = 95-100
Good = 81-94
Medium = 61-80
Bad = 31-60
Very Bad = 0-30
Source: HRD PT Altra Raya (2022)
The table above shows the data on the results of employee assessments at PT Altra Raya; from
several employee assessment indicators, it can be seen that there are still many employees whose
assessments are very bad (0-30) compared to employees whose assessments are very good (95-100)
so that it is an obstacle to be promoted. According to the HRD manager of PT Altra Raya, to get a
promotion, the employee's work assessment must be good (8194).
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2400
Assessment standards in job promotions at PT Altra Raya in soft skills include honesty, loyalty,
a leadership spirit, employee performance, and work experience in the company. The assessment in
the promotion of positions in hard skills namely must be able to do anything in the company, be
disciplined with good attendance, not often late, have a high education, must be vocal or often build
criticism and suggestions to the company and be able to integrate employees with their work.
Employees who deserve a promotion will be prioritized, but the company has many
requirements and assessments regarding how employees feel about implementing promotions at PT
Altra Raya. Apart from work appraisal and work performance, there are also other factors, such as
length of service.
From the above background, it is suspected that the variables that affect performance at PT
Altra Raya are the work environment and job promotion. This is in line with the research results
Supriaddin (2020), which state that the work environment and job promotion have a positive and of
significant effect on the performance of PD employees. Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Bahteramas Konawe,
based on this description, the researcher focuses on the variables that influence the work
environment and job promotion on employee performance, so there are no other broader factors.
Materials and Methods
The primary data utilized in this study was obtained through the distribution of questionnaires
in Google Forms to a population of 35 employees. The saturated sampling technique was employed
in this study, whereby data were collected through observation and questionnaires. The data analysis
method utilized was multiple linear regression testing. This study employs a quantitative descriptive
analysis of validity tests, reliability tests, and statistical analysis, namely multiple regression, using
the SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) application program. The multiple linear
regression equation is as follows:
Y = α + β1X1 + β2X2 + ε (1)
Y = Employee Performance
X1 = Work Environment
X2 = Position Promotion
α = Constant
β1, β2 = Regression coefficient
Ε = (Error)
Results and Discussions
Validity Test
Table 1 Validity Test Result
r count
r table
Work Environment
Position Promotion
Employee Performance
Source: Processed questionnaire data
From the results of Table 1, the results of the r count of all question items> r table, so that all
variables are declared valid.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2401
Reliability Test
Table 2 Reliability Test Results
Cronbach’s Alpha
Work Environment
Position Promotion
Employee Performance
Source: Processed questionnaire data
From the results of Table 2, it is obtained that the results of all question items in all variables
are declared reliable because the calculated r value> table r value and Cronbach's Alpha value have
values above 0.60, so they can be declared reliable.
Hypothesis Testing Results
Table 3 Multiple Regression Analysis Results (Y)
Regression Coefficient
Work Environment
Ho accepted
Position Promotion
Ho accepted
Constant F
Adjusted R Square
Source: Processed questionnaire data
The work environment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, as
evidenced by the results of the t-
(4.686 > 2.03452) and the significant value (0.000 < 0.05).
The results demonstrate that position promotion positively and significantly affects employee
performance. This is evidenced by the results of tcount> t
(4.357> 2.03452) and a significant value
of (0.000 <0.05).
The linear regression results indicate a strong relationship between service quality and
customer satisfaction, as evidenced by the t-count value for service quality (8.932) exceeding the t-
table value (1.99167). Similarly, trust is also found to significantly affect customer satisfaction, with
a t-count value of 6.668, which is greater than the t-table of 1.99167. Concurrently, service quality
and trust have a significant impact on customer satisfaction, as evidenced by the F-count value of
48.663, which is greater than the F-table value of 2.37. The adjusted R-squared value of 0.647
indicates that 64.7% of the variation in customer satisfaction can be explained by service quality and
trust, while other factors contribute to the remaining variation..
Service quality is the main factor influencing customer satisfaction, as supported by previous
research by Wahjono et al. (2021) states that service quality plays a major role in increasing customer
loyalty and satisfaction. This study's results align with the theory that customers tend to feel more
satisfied when they receive services that match their expectations, both in terms of speed,
friendliness, and the ability of service providers to handle requests effectively (Azizah, 2021).
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2402
In addition, trust has also been shown to play an important role in determining customer
satisfaction. This is in line with the findings from Saing et al. (2021), which state that customer trust
in service providers creates strong long-term relationships and affects overall customer satisfaction.
Customers who feel confident in the integrity of service providers, especially in fulfilling their
promises and commitments, tend to have higher levels of satisfaction.
From the simultaneous results, it is clear that the combination of service quality and trust has
a greater impact on customer satisfaction than if only one of the factors is considered (Firmansyah &
Mahardhika, 2018), which states that the two factors are interrelated in creating a harmonious
relationship between the company and customers, thus increasing the level of customer retention.
This research has shown that service quality and trust positively and significantly affect
customer satisfaction in Tangerang Regency's catering context. Better service quality significantly
increases customer satisfaction, while trust also plays an important role in building a strong
relationship between service providers and customers. These two variables, both partially and
simultaneously, contribute significantly to customer satisfaction. However, some limitations in this
study need to be considered for future research. First, the sample size used is relatively small,
consisting of only 78 respondents, so the results may not fully represent the larger population.
Second, the method used, namely multiple linear regression, although suitable for this study, may
have limitations in identifying other variables that can significantly affect customer satisfaction. This
study did not consider external factors such as economic conditions or catering industry trends,
which could have affected the final results. Therefore, future research should use a larger and more
diverse sample size from regions or other service sectors. In addition, using more complex analytical
methods, such as structural equation models (SEM), can provide deeper insights into the
relationships between variables. Research can also consider other variables, such as price, company
reputation, and product innovation, which may influence customer satisfaction.
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