Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024
E-ISSN:2723 6692
P-ISSN:2723 6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2351
Physiotherapy Management of Frozen Shoulder Dextra with
InfraRed (IR), Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation
(TENS) and Active Exercise Modalities
Ardianus Jefri Kriatiawan, Didik Purnomo
Universitas Widya Husada Semarang, Indonesia
Email : ardyjeff31@gmail.com, purnomodidik833@gmail.com
Correspondence: ardyjeff31@gmail.com
Frozen Shoulder; InfraRed;
Transcutaneous Electrical
Nerve Stimulation; Active
Frozen shoulder, commonly called adhesive capsulitis, is a painful
condition in the shoulder and results in a limited range of motion of
the joint (LGS). Frozen shoulder is a condition where shoulder
movement becomes limited. Frozen shoulder has varying degrees of
severity, ranging from mild to severe pain, and the degree of
limitation to movement of the glenohumeral joint. To reduce pain
and limited joint movement, which will later increase the ability for
functional activities, the role and modalities of physiotherapy can be
used in the form of InfraRed, Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve
Stimulation, and Active Exercise. This scientific paper is a case study
that raises patient cases and collects data through physiotherapy.
InfraRed, Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, and Active
Exercise are the modalities provided. After receiving physiotherapy
treatment 3 times, the results of the shoulder already appear
symmetrical; there is an increase in the Joint Scope of Motion (LGS)
of the shoulder dextra, a decrease in pain in the shoulder dextra, the
loss of spasm of the anterior and medial deltoid muscles, and the
ability of the patient's functional activities using the Shoulder Pain
and Disability Index (SPADI). Conclusion: Physiotherapy treatment
of Frozen Shoulder Dextra using InfraRed, Transcutaneous
Electrical Nerve Stimulation, and Active Exercise modalities has
been proven to eliminate spasms, increase joint range of motion
(LGS), reduce pain, increase muscle strength and increase functional
activity capabilities using Shoulder Pain and Disability Index
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Frozen shoulder, referred to as adhesive capsulitis, is a condition of pain in the shoulder and
results in a limited scope of joint motion (Akhadiany, 2022; Pandey & Madi, 2021). Frozen shoulder is
a condition where shoulder movement is limited. Frozen shoulder has varying degrees of severity,
ranging from mild to severe pain, and how much limitation there is on glenohumeral joint movement
(Mertens et al., 2022; Suharti et al., 2018). The prevalence of frozen shoulder is 2% of the general
population and 1029% in diabetics in the world. In Indonesia, frozen shoulder occurs in 2-3% of the
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2352
general population and often occurs at the age of more than 40 years. In women aged 50 years, as
many as 15% experienced bilateral frozen shoulder (Suharti et al., 2018).
In the shoulder joint, it is generally preceded by a trauma or immobilization which can cause
stiffness of the joint. This complaint can occur in people with hemiplegia or superior monoplegia,
diabetes mellitus, which is also referred to as a triggering factor for frozen shoulder. The physiological
problem in frozen shoulder is hypomobility or capsular pattern problems of the glenohumeral joint.
Hypomobility is due to decreased synovial fluid volume in the joint, which results in increased
pressure inside the joint during movement. Furthermore, the joint surface distance narrows due to
the depletion of joint lubricant and an increase in the number of collagen fibers that are crossed and
arranged irregularly. Tangled collagen fibers will reduce the flexibility of the connective tissue and
limit joint movement (Suharyadi & Ismanda, 2021).
The symptoms caused by Mrs. H.Z's Frozen Shoulder which was examined on February 5, 2024
found pain in the shoulder area, spasm in the shoulder area, and limited LGS make a person's
functional activity impaired, therefore as a medical physiotherapist has a role to help reduce pain,
increase muscle strength, restore functional activity to reduce problems caused by Frozen Shoulder.
As explained above.
The purpose of this study is to determine the process of physiotherapy management of Frozen
Shoulder Dextra with the modality of “InfraRed, Transcuntaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation and
Active Exercise.
Given the importance of physiotherapy can develop and restore patients with cases of Frozen
Shoulder Mrs. H.Z by providing InfraRed, Transcuntaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, and Active
Exercise. Based on the description above, the authors are interested in making KTI with the title
“Physiotherapy Management of Frozen Shoulder Dextra with InfraRed Modalities, Transcuntaneous
Electrical Nerve Stimulation and Active Exercise.
Materials and Methods
Case report
A general history was taken, and the patient's identity data obtained was Mrs H.Z, aged 50 years,
Muslim, used to work as a domestic assistant abroad but is now a housewife and lives in Kendal. The
patient came to RSI Muhammadiyah Kendal complaining of pain in her right shoulder. Approximately
5 months ago, the patient began to feel pain in the shoulder during activities. Then, on January 23,
2024, the patient felt uncomfortable and immediately came to RSI Muhammadiyah Kendal to do an
examination with a neurologist; then, the patient was referred to medical rehabilitation for
physiotherapy action. The patient had previously experienced frozen shoulder on her left shoulder
but had recovered. The patient is a housewife.
The initial physical examination was carried out on February 6, 2024, and the following results
were obtained: Normal vital signs were obtained, but the patient appeared in pain when the arm was
moved. The right shoulder showed tenderness, decreased muscle strength, and muscle spasms.
There are three types of basic motion examination: active motion examination, passive motion
examination, and active motion examination against resistance. Active Motion: Limited with pain in
flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, exorotation, and endorotation. Passive Motion: Full range of
motion but with pain and firm endfeel. Active Motion Against Resistance: Pain is felt against
resistance, especially in abduction and adduction.
Other Examinations:
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2353
Intra-personal: Patients are cooperative and eager to recover.
Basic Functional: Difficulty lifting heavy objects and putting items on high shelves.
Functional Activity: Using SPADI, the patient experienced moderate pain with a total score of 22
and a SPADI result of 16.9%.
Activity Environment: The home environment supports recovery; the patient does not do heavy work
and is active in pendulum exercises.
Specific Inspection and Measurement
Specific Test: Painful arm test shows positive results.
Measurement with VAS: Used to assess motion, pressure, and stillness pain.
LGS examination: A goniometer was used to show the the right shoulder's motion limitation.
Muscle Strength Test: The MMT test shows the difference in muscle strength between the right
and left arms, with the right shoulder muscle weaker. Patients receive recommendations to continue
physiotherapy to improve shoulder function and reduce pain.
Physiotherapy Diagnosis
Physiotherapy diagnosis aims to assess patients' physical capacity and functional abilities
based on the interpretation of the data collected. From the results of the examination, there are
several physiotherapy problems were identified:
Body Structure: The patient experiences pain in the right shoulder area. There are muscle spasms
in M. Deltoid Anterior, M. Deltoid Medial, M. Infraspinatus, M. Teres Minor, and M. Trapezius
Upper. A decrease in muscle strength is detected. The joint range of motion (LGS) in the right
shoulder is limited, especially in flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, extroversion, and end
rotation movements.
Activities: Patients can still perform daily cooking and sweeping.
Participation: Patients can socialize well in the community.
This diagnosis provides a comprehensive picture of the patient's condition and serves as the
basis for planning appropriate physiotherapy interventions.
Physiotherapy programs
Physiotherapy programs are designed with specific goals in mind, both in the short and long
term. Short-term goals include reducing pain, especially in shoulder muscles such as M. Deltoid
Anterior and M. Deltoid Medial, increasing the scope of motion of the right shoulder joint in the
directions of flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, exhortation, and end rotation, increasing
muscle strength, and reducing muscle spasm in M. Deltoid Anterior, M. Deltoid Medial, M.
Infraspinatus, M. Teres Minor, and M. Trapezius Upper. The long-term goal is to improve the patient's
functional activities to carry out their daily activities without obstacles. To achieve this goal, the
physiotherapy actions provided include using modalities such as InfraRed and Transcutaneous
Electrical Nerve Stimulation and exercise therapy in the form of active exercise. In addition,
promotive and preventive measures were also given at home to support the success of therapy.
Patients are asked to do independent exercises as the therapist teaches, avoid actions that cause
shoulder pain, and reduce activities that aggravate pain, such as lifting heavy objects.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2354
Physiotherapy Treatment
In the case of N.y H Z, physiotherapy was performed thrice on February 9, 13, and 16, 2024.
This implementation should follow the planned guidelines while communicating with relevant
parties and documenting the program's results and methodology. The evaluation was conducted
before, during, and after the physiotherapy sessions to monitor the patient's response. In this case,
the management involved the use of InfraRed (IR), Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation
(TENS), and exercise therapy in the form of active exercise.
For InfraRed, preparation of the device includes checking the cables and switches, ensuring the
device is well connected, and warming up the device for 5 minutes before therapy. The patient is
positioned as comfortably as possible and informed about the heat sensation that will be felt. The
therapist is next to the patient, setting the dose by positioning the IR lamp on the right shoulder at a
distance of 35-45 cm for 16 minutes while monitoring the patient every 5 minutes.
Figure 1. Intervention InfraRed
Source: (Personal Documentation,2024)
In Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, the device is checked to ensure the wires and
electrodes are in good condition. The patient was positioned comfortably and the shoulder area was
freed from clothing. Electrodes were placed on the right shoulder, and the dose was set according to
the patient's pain threshold for 16 minutes, with monitoring every 5 minutes.
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Figure 2. Intervention TENS
Source: (Personal Documentation,2024)
Exercise therapy includes Towel Stretch, Pandulum Exercise, and Active Exercise. In Towel
Stretch, the patient stands or sits with their hands behind their back, pulling the towel for 8 seconds
with 5 repetitions. Pandulum Exercise is performed with the patient standing at the edge of the bed,
moving the hand in various directions and rotations according to the pain limit, with 8 movements
per session. Active Exercise involves flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, exorotation, and
endorotation movements, with 8 movements per session. All exercises are performed in a clean and
comfortable environment, with the therapist giving instructions from the patient's side.
Figure 3. a) Intervention Towel Strech, b) Intervention Pendulum Exercise,
c) Active Exercise Movement
Source: (Personal Documentation,2024)
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2356
After undergoing therapy three times, the patient experienced a slight decrease in tenderness
and motion pain. Evaluation of pain using the VAS scale showed that silent pain remained at 0, but
tenderness decreased from 4 to 2, and motion pain decreased from 3 to 2. Evaluation of active joint
motion scope (LGS) with a goniometer showed improvement, especially in extension-flexion
movements, which increased from 30 ° - 0 ° - 150 ° to 40 ° - 0 ° - 160 °, as well as an increase in vertical
and horizontal abduction-adduction, and exorotation-endorotation. Passive LGS evaluation also
showed improvement, especially in horizontal abduction-adduction and exorotation-endorotation.
Functional activity evaluation using SPADI showed a decrease in pain and difficulty scores, with the
total SPADI score reducing from 16.9% (moderate) at T1 and T2 to 12.3% (mild) at T3. This indicates
an improvement in the patient's pain and functional ability after therapy.
Final Theraphy Result
After undergoing three therapy sessions, patient Mrs. H.Z, diagnosed with a frozen shoulder on
the right shoulder, showed positive results through the use of TENS modality, InfraRed (IR), and
exercise therapy with Active Exercise. There is a decrease in tenderness in the right shoulder and an
increase in the scope of joint motion, especially in flexion, abduction, and endorotation movements.
In addition, the strength of the M. Deltoid anterior and M. Deltoid middle muscles increased, and there
was a decrease in spasm in the M. Supraspinatus, M. Infraspinatus, and M. Deltoid anterior muscles.
Overall, the patient's functional activity also improved, showing significant progress in the recovery
of the patient's shoulder condition.
Results and Discussions
After getting treatment 3 times against the patient, the results: Decreased pain, increased LGS
and muscle strength, and increased functional activity ability. The long-term goal in therapy this time
is to continue the short-term and improve functional activity abilities such as lifting heavy objects,
and activities without pain barriers.
Pain reduction using VAS
Graph 1. Results of pain reduction evaluation
Source: (Personal Documentation,2024)
T1 T2 T3
VAS Measurement
Nyeri Gerak Nyeri Tekan Nyeri Diam
0-4 ringan
4-7 sedang
7-10 berat
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2357
The results of 3 times of physiotherapy evaluation with pain measurement using VAS obtained
results of movement pain and tenderness. Based on the graph above, it can be seen that there is a
decrease in pain in the third therapy. Decrease in the intensity of motion pain from 3 to 2, decrease
in the intensity of pressure pain from 4 to 2. This decrease in intensity resulted from the
administration of InfraRed, Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation. After being administered, the
nociceptive TENS modality will spur algogenic chemical pain, which plays a role in continuing the
nociceptive stimulus by stimulating enkephalin receptors. Stimulation of enkepline receptors is a
prodromic stimulus that will be followed by the release of endorphins to reduce pain. On the other
hand, the activation of the algogenic chemical pain will spur the P substance, which causes the
vasodilation of capillary blood vessels. It is a way of using electrical energy to stimulate the nervous
system or other body tissues through the surface of the skin (Astuti, 2018) and infrared which aims to
stimulate heat receptors and nociceptors to feel warmth, thereby increasing blood flow in the muscles
and improving stiffness and muscle pain. When infrared radiation is applied to the patient's body, it
will increase local blood flow and tissue metabolism (Febrianto et al., 2024; Tsai & Hamblin, 2017).
The infrared light, given in the case of a frozen shoulder, can reduce pain. This is because
infrared radiation can increase the temperature of tissues. According to Hoff's Varit Law, chemical
changes can be accelerated by the presence of heat. Thus, tissue heating will accelerate chemical
changes, namely metabolic processes. The supply of O2 and food juices will increase so that the tissue
needs for O2 and food juices will be quickly met. This will happen because heating will activate the
glandulagudoifera (sweat glands) of the tissue area that is given irradiation or heating so that it will
increase the elimination of the remnants of the metabolic system through automatic sweating, pain
can be reduced (Hardini & Putri, 2021; Saputro Bintang, 2022).
Decrease in muscle spasm
Table 1 Evaluation results of decreased muscle spasm
M.Deltiod anterior.
There’s spasm
No spasm
M. Infraspinatus
There’s spasm
No spasm
M. supraspinatus
There’s spasm
No spasm
Source: (Personal document,2024).
The table above shows a decrease in a spasm of the anterior M. deltoid muscle and M.
Infraspinatus, M. deltoid, middle Dextra from T1 there is a spasm to T3 reduced spasm. This is due to
the effect of infrared irradiation, which allows relaxation to be easily achieved if the tissue is warm.
Infrared radiation can increase the temperature of tissues to eliminate spasms and relaxation in the
muscles and increase the muscles' ability to contract. According to Agustiningsih (2023), active exercise
reduces pain and spasms in the shoulder muscles, especially Active Exercise, which aims to maintain
physiological elasticity and muscle contractility.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2358
Improvement of MMT evaluation results
Graph 2. MMT shoulder dextra evaluation results
Source: (Personal document, 2024).
The graph above shows that at T1, there is a value of 3, but at the second and third meetings,
there is an increase in muscle strength from a value of 3 to 4.
Decreased muscle strength is common in frozen shoulder sufferers, especially in the shoulder-
driving muscles. This is due to immobilization in the shoulder area for a long time. Patients will avoid
movements that make the shoulder painful so that spasm in the shoulder area occurs. From this,
infrared intervention and towel stretch can reduce muscle pain and spasms in the shoulder area,
especially in towel stretch, which has to maintain physiological elasticity and muscle contractility.
Towel exercise is a soft tissue stretching technique with certain techniques to reduce muscle tension
physiologically so that the muscles become relaxed and can increase the range of motion of the joints
and increase muscle strength (Tri Nurhayati et al., 2023). Towel exercise is a soft tissue stretching
technique with certain techniques to reduce muscle tension physiologically so that the muscles
become relaxed and can increase the range of motion of the joints (Tri Nurhayati et al., 2023).
0 1 2 3 4 5
Manual Muscle Testing
Endorotasi Eksorotasi Adduksi Abduksi Ekstensi Fleksi
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2359
Increase in the Range of Motion of Dextra active Joint Motion
Graph 3. Results of LGS evaluation on dextra
Source: (Personal Documents, 2024)
Based on the graph above, it can be seen that there is an increase in the range of motion of the
active shoulder joint, in flexion motion extension T1 shows (S) 30° 150° after T3 increases to
(S) 40° 160°, vertical abduction T1 shows (F) 100° 50° after T3 increases to (F) 110°
55°, abduction horizontal adduction T1 shows (T) 20° 100° after T3 increases to (T) 25°
115°, Exorotation Endorotation T1 shows (R) 70° 50° after T3 increases to (R) 80°
65°. Mobilization in patients was obtained as a result of the examination, namely an increase in LGS
in stiff joints, heat combined with joint mobilization and an increase in the elongation of collagen and
an increase in physiological movement. The intervention given to the patient is in the form of
pendulum exercises to prevent active adhesion to the shoulder joint and is given weights and self-
mobilization techniques that utilize the influence of gravity to produce the effect of pulling the humeri
os from the glenoidalis fossa (Tri Nurhayati et al., 2023).
Implementation of LGS improvement in accordance with research (Ii & Bahu, 2023), that
pandulum exercise and active exercise interventions can reduce shoulder pain in frozen shoulder
conditions. With a frequency of 2 times a week for 3 weeks, interventions are carried out. Pendulum
exercises are able to expand the structure of soft tissues such as muscles and tendons so that the
flexibility of these tissues can be maintained so that there is an increase in the scope of motion of the
shoulder joint and reduce pain.
30 30
150 150
100 100
50 50
20 20 25
100 100
70 70
50 50
T1 T2 T3
Lingkup Gerak Sendi
Ekstensi Fleksi Abduksi Vertikal Adduksi Vertikal
Abduksi Horizontal Adduksi Horizontal Eksorotasi Endorotasi
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2360
Functional Enhancement with SPADI
Graph 4 SPADI evaluation results
Source: (Personal Document, 2024).
From the graph above, it shows that the results of measuring functional activity using SPADI
dimna got a decrease in first therapeutic pain from a score of 15 to 11. Then for the first therapy
disability score from a score of 7 to 5. For the total number of SPADI T1 scores of 22 to 16, so that the
total SPADI score from 16.9% moderate pain to 12.3% mild pain.
The results of the SPADI measurement in the form of a percentage, the greater the value, the
lower the functional ability of the shoulder joint. SPADI has been proven to be reliable and valid as a
measure of shoulder functional ability in various populations (Suharyadi & Ismanda, 2021). Increased
functional activity resulted in a decrease in pain, spasms, and an increase in LGS as well as an increase
in the strength of the Dextra shoulder muscles. Reduced pain will improve the patient's functional
activities such as raising the hand up, placing objects on a high shelf, buttoning clothes. The evaluation
results of improving functional activities are also supported by activities and exercises carried out by
patients at home. For this reason, physiotherapy provides education, namely doing active exercises,
pandulum exercises and towel strech. From various exercises carried out in hospitals and homes, they
affect the speed of recovery from the patient's illness so that patients can return to normal activities
(khoerul ummah, 2022).
This study has demonstrated the significant impact of physiotherapy modalities such as
InfraRed, TENS, and Active Exercise on improving the condition of patients with Frozen Shoulder,
particularly in reducing pain, increasing muscle strength, and improving joint range of motion.
However, it is important to acknowledge the limitations of this research. First, the study is based on
a single case study, which limits the generalizability of the findings. While the results are promising
for this patient, the treatment outcomes may vary for other patients with different severity levels of
Frozen Shoulder or other underlying conditions. Future studies involving a larger sample size are
necessary to verify the efficacy of these physiotherapy treatments in a broader population. Second,
the short duration of the therapy (three sessions) may not provide a comprehensive view of the
T1 T2 T3
15 15
7 7
22 22
Pain Score Disability Score SPADI Score
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2361
long-term effects of the treatment. A more extended follow-up period could better understand how
sustained treatment affects recovery and whether these improvements are maintained over time.
Lastly, no control group was included in the study, which makes it difficult to compare the
effectiveness of these specific modalities against other potential treatments for Frozen Shoulder, such
as manual therapy or different types of physical rehabilitation techniques. Future research could
address this by including randomized controlled trials to compare the efficacy of these interventions.
While, the study provides valuable insights into the benefits of InfraRed, TENS, and Active Exercise
modalities, future research with a larger sample, longer therapy duration, and control groups would
help to strengthen the validity and applicability of these findings to the broader population of Frozen
Shoulder patients.
Frozen shoulder is a condition in which shoulder movement is limited. The severity varies from
mild pain to severe pain or how much the limited range of motion of the Frozen shoulder joint causes
the capsule that wraps around the shoulder joint to wrinkle, and scar tissue is formed so that it causes
pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint so that it will affect shoulder movement and is difficult to move.
The physiotherapist's treatment with TENS, IR and exercise therapy in the case of Frozen shoulder
experienced by Mrs. H.Z obtained the following results: 1) There are benefits of giving TENS, and IR
where it reduces pain. 2) There are benefits of exercise therapy, namely the administration of
pendulum exercises and active exercises, there is a slight increase in LGS. 3) There are benefits of
exercise therapy, namely towel stretches, there is a slight increase in muscle strength. 4) There is a
measurement using SPADI and the results are a slight change in activity and an increase in functional
activity ability.
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