Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2338
Audit Fee; Enterprise Risk
Management Disclosure;
Intellectual Capital;
Ownership Concentration
This study explores the influence of financial literacy, attitudes
towards money, and financial pressures on the financial well-being
of non-profit workers in Indonesia, an issue that is relevant given the
high social activity but lack of attention to workers' financial well-
being, especially with the majority being low-income. Using the
purposive sampling method on 108 respondents from various
regions in Indonesia, the study revealed that financial literacy had a
significant positive influence on financial well-being, while attitudes
towards money had no significant effect. Conversely, financial stress
had a significant negative influence on the financial well-being of
non-profit workers. These findings underline the need for enhancing
financial literacy and addressing financial pressures to improve
workers' financial well-being. The study contributes both
theoretically and practically by offering insights into the financial
behavior of non-profit workers and highlighting the importance of
targeted financial education programs for this sector.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Every company certainly has long-term and short-term targets for the future. There are always
many risks and uncertainties that can impact the achievement of these goals (Boston, 2021; Dunn
Cavelty, 2020; Masri & Muslih, 2022). Corporate risk is defined as a potential obstacle to the
achievement of business objectives, including the possibility of bankruptcy. This encourages
organizations to establish effective risk management measures. In response to the challenges
provided by hazards, businesses are increasingly embracing risk management or enterprise risk
management to measure and control all organizational risks (Lahfah & Rahayu, 2023).
The current era of rapid globalization has made banking activities in Indonesia more complex,
increasing its risks. The quality of the implementation of appropriate risk management must
The Influence of Intellectual Capital, Audit Fee, and Ownership
Concentration on Enterprise Risk Management Disclosure
Inas Maritsa Alfan, Titik Aryati
Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia
Email: maritsainas@gmail.com, titik.aryati@trisakti.ac.id
Correspondence: titik.aryati@trisakti.ac.id
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2339
accompany the increase in risks that occur. Transparency is a factor that banks must consider when
managing the risks they face. Many hazards that affect the quality of corporate governance and
management emerge and are documented in the company's annual report, which must be made
public. Improving the quality of risk management implementation will contribute to the effectiveness
of the risk-based bank supervisory framework. Banks carry out good and effective risk management
to optimize the growth rate and ensure that all activities are carried out as expected. This condition
can significantly impact economic growth and banking revenue growth.
Implementing enterprise risk management can reduce company risk, and users want disclosure
of enterprise risk management in the annual report for decision-making purposes (Lahfah & Rahayu,
2023). The implementation of risk management aims to build mechanisms and systems that can
control risks that have adverse consequences for the company so that internal control is carried out
optimally to achieve company goals.
The banking sector is particularly vulnerable to a variety of financial and non-financial risks
that must be managed and disclosed with transparency. Effective risk management practices support
clear corporate risk disclosure, as outlined in (POJK No.18/POJK.03/2016; POJK
No.65/POJK.03/2016). Effective risk management practices support clear corporate risk disclosure,
as outlined in POJK No.18/POJK.03/2016 and POJK No.65/POJK.03/2016. Internal control systems
are equally vital to banking operations, using the COSO framework as a benchmark for best practices
in public companies. Banks have adopted internal control systems as part of continuous monitoring
set up by management, ensuring adherence to legal and internal regulations, and the availability of
accurate, timely, and relevant financial and managerial information. These systems are also designed
to enhance operational efficiency and effectiveness, while fostering a robust risk culture across the
organization. To achieve these goals, the internal control system is aligned with applicable
regulations, including the Financial Services Authority’s Circular Letter (SEOJK) No.
35/SEOJK.03/2017 (OJK, 2017), which has aligned standard internal control guidelines for
commercial banks with the Internal Control-Integrated Framework developed by the Committee of
Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO).
In this study, the risk management disclosure to be investigated is the risk management
disclosure published by COSO because the risk management disclosure framework published by
COSO has been applied by many companies globally. There are several cases in the banking industry
in risk management that have occurred in Indonesia, resulting in decreased stakeholder confidence,
including embezzlement by employees of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Persero Tbk related to alleged
corruption in the application and use of bank credit cards with a loss value of more than Rp. 5 billion
(Kurnia, 2023). Another case is the break-in of customer accounts of Bank Mandiri Bandung branch,
a case declared as a state loss for the provision of credit facilities by Bank Mandiri to PT Tirta Amarta
Bottling Company (TAB) amounting to Rp 1.83 trillion (Kompas.com, 2018). Another case at Bank
BNI regarding operational risk in 2021 is related to the embezzlement of funds committed by several
Bank BNI employees. The bank employees allegedly committed fraud by falsifying customer deposit
bills worth IDR 45 billion (Kompas.com, 2021).
According to the banking cases described above, the author contends that banks continue to
commit infractions that pose legal, reputational, and operational risks, which will set a bad precedent
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2340
regarding public trust in banks. People will feel unsafe to keep their money in the bank. The case
shows the company's internal supervision system (bank) weakness. An indicator of the weak
supervision system is the occurrence of management fraud carried out by the employees themselves.
To prevent the recurrence of risks, banks must implement risk management disclosures by applicable
policies. The disclosure of enterprise risk management can be affected by several factors, such as
intellectual capital, audit costs, and concentration of ownership.
Banking violations that pose legal, reputational, and operational risks can reduce public trust
in banks (Adeabah et al., 2023; Ahmed et al., 2020; Dupont & Karpoff, 2020). This shows the weakness
of the bank's internal supervision system. To prevent risks, banks must implement risk management
disclosure by applicable policies. A number of factors influence the disclosure of corporate risk
management. Intellectual capital is an intangible asset of knowledge and information that can raise
the worth of the organization. Intellectual capital positively affects the disclosure of enterprise risk
management (Andika & Dewi Astini, 2022; Noviani et al., 2022). According to Suzan and Zatayumni
(2023) research, intellectual capital improves enterprise risk management transparency. Audit Fees:
The auditor's payment amount varies depending on several criteria. Its impact on enterprise risk
management disclosure continues to be contested (Mauliana & Laksito, 2021; Pamungkas et al.,
2022). Ashuri et al. (2017) found that audit expenses have a beneficial effect on corporate risk
management disclosure. This contrasts with the findings Maulina and Nurbaiti (2018), who
discovered that audit expenses have no effect on enterprise risk management disclosures.
Concentration of ownership refers to the degree of distribution of shareholdings. Its influence on
enterprise risk management disclosure varies, with some research finding good results and others
unfavorable influences (Kamul & Riswandari, 2021; Ramos & Cahyonowati, 2022). Setiyowati et al.
(2023) and Herlambang and Hapsari (2024), found that ownership concentration has a beneficial
effect on enterprise risk management disclosure. Meanwhile, research by Fayola and Nurbaiti (2020)
and Ramadhea Jr et al. (2023) demonstrates that ownership concentration has a detrimental impact
on business risk disclosure.
This study focused on Setiyowati et al.'s (2023) findings on the impact of the board of directors,
risk management committee, ownership concentration, and profitability on enterprise risk
management disclosures. This research differs from earlier research, namely referring to the research
conducted Suzan and Zatayumni, (2023) and research (Maulina and Nurbaiti, 2018), where there are
variables of intellectual capital and audit costs that differentiate this research. Research related to the
disclosure of enterprise risk management by adding the influence of intellectual capital and audit costs
can be said to be still not widely researched, for this reason the author is interested in exploring the
factors that affect the disclosure of enterprise risk management by looking at the influence of
intellectual capital, audit costs, and concentration of ownership as independent variables.
Furthermore, the study included the size of the company as a control variable. Furthermore, this
study uses the research object, namely banking sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange (IDX), for the 2020-2022 timeframe.
This study seeks to determine whether intellectual capital, audit fees, and ownership
concentration influence enterprise risk management disclosure in banking sector companies listed
on the IDX from 2020 to 2022. This study also includes a control variable in the form of company size.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2341
Although past research has looked at the subject, the outcomes have differed. Therefore, researchers
are encouraged to re-examine and prove the influence of the variables that will be researched.
Materials and Methods
The quantitative data utilized in this study is obtained from the annual reports or financial
statements of banking sector companies, which are accessible via the IDX website (www.idx.co.id) or
the official website of each respective company. The sampling method employed in this study is
purposive sampling, whereby samples are selected based on specific criteria from 2020 to 2022. The
data collected will be processed and tested using the SPSS application. The results of this processing
and testing will serve as the basis for analyzing the influence of intellectual capital, audit costs, and
concentration of ownership on enterprise risk management disclosure, with the size of the company
serving as the control variable.
Result and Discussion
Data Description
From the results of data selection and collection, companies were obtained based on certain
criteria in Table 1 as follows:
Table 1
Research Sample Criteria
Banking sector companies listed on the Indonesia
Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2020-2022.
Banking companies that did not publish annual
reports in the 2020-2022.
Banking companies that do not include audit fees in
the 2020-2022 period.
From the results of selecting research objects based on the sample criteria above, 35 companies
met the research criteria in three years. So, the total research sample is 105 companies.
Data Analysis
1. Descriptive Statistical Test
Table 2
Descriptive Statistical Test Results
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2342
Source: Data Processed (SPSS)
Based on the table above, it can be seen that the number of observations (N) is 105 items. This
table can help identify each variable that affects the other. The results of descriptive statistical
analysis based on the table above are:
a) Intellectual Capital
Based on descriptive analysis, intellectual capital has a minimum value of -1.5544, a maximum
of 11.0633, an average of 6.090853, and a standard deviation of 3.3333806. This data is
homogeneous because the average is greater than the standard deviation. Bank Mayapada
Internasional Tbk. recorded the highest intellectual capital of 11.0633 in 2021, while Bank Neo
Commerce Tbk. recorded the lowest of -1.5544 in the same year.
b) Audit Fee
Based on descriptive statistical analysis, audit fees have a minimum value of 19.0085, a
maximum of 23.9639, an average of 21.560536, and a standard deviation of 1.1034659,
indicating homogeneous data because the average is greater than the standard deviation. Bank
Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. recorded the highest audit fee of 23.9639 in 2022, while Bank
Jago Tbk. recorded the lowest of 19.0085 in 2020.
c) Ownership Concentration
Based on descriptive statistical analysis, ownership concentration has a minimum value of
0.2247, a maximum of 0.9977, an average of 0.647276, and a standard deviation of 0.2195805,
indicating homogeneous data because the average is greater than the standard deviation. Bank
Permata Tbk. has the highest ownership concentration of 0.9871 in 2020-2022, while Bank Ina
Perdana Tbk. has the lowest of 0.2247 in the same period.
d) Disclosure of Enterprise Risk Management
Based on descriptive statistical analysis, the disclosure of enterprise risk management has a
minimum value of 0.5000, a maximum of 0.6574, an average of 0.579455, and a standard
deviation of 0.0330088, indicating homogeneous data because the average is greater than the
standard deviation. Bank Raya Indonesia Tbk. and Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk. have the
highest disclosure of 0.6574 in 2022, while Bank Mestika Dharma Tbk. has the lowest of 0.5000
in 2020.
e) Company Size
Based on descriptive statistical analysis, company size has a minimum value of 28.4103, a
maximum of 35.2282, an average of 31.751091, and a standard deviation of 1.7229392,
indicating homogeneous data because the average is greater than the standard deviation. Bank
Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. recorded the highest size of 35.2282 in 2022, while Bank Jago Tbk.
recorded the lowest of 28.4103 in 2020.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2343
2. Classical Assumption Test
1) Normality Test
Table 3 Normality Test Result
Normality test
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)
Normal distributed data
Source: Data Processed (SPSS)
Based on Table 3 above, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test shows that the data is distributed
normally. The results showed a sigs value of 0.200 > 0.05, so it was concluded that the data was
distributed normally.
2) Multicollinearity Test
Table 4
Multicollinearity Test
Collinearity Statistics
No Multicollinearity
No Multicollinearity
No Multicollinearity
No Multicollinearity
Source: Data Processed (SPSS)
Based on the test findings of Table 4, the four variables' VIF values < 10, and the tolerance
value > 0.10. It may be inferred that the four variables used in this investigation are devoid of
multicollinearity symptoms.
3) Heteroscedasticity Test
Table 5
Heteroscedasticity test result
No Heteroscedasticity
No Heteroscedasticity
No Heteroscedasticity
No Heteroscedasticity
Source: Data Processed (SPSS)
According to the test results in Table 5 from the Glejser test analysis tool, the significance
level for each variable in this study is greater than 0.05 (5%). As a result, the regression model
does not encounter heteroscedasticity difficulties.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2344
4) Autocorrelation Test
Table 6
Autocorrelation Test Results
No autocorrelation symptoms
Source: Data Processed (SPSS)
With four independent variables (k) investigated, a total sample (n) of 105 data, a 5%
significance level, a dL value of 1.6038, and a dU value of 1.7617 were achieved. In this study,
Durbin-Watson is 1.790, which is greater than dU. The requirements of dU (1.7617) < DW (1.790)
< 4-dU (2.2383) were met, indicating that no autocorrelation symptoms were present in this
3. Hypothesis Test
1) Determination Coefficient Test (R
Table 7
Determination Coefficient Test Results
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Source: Data Processed (SPSS)
Based on the test results in Table 7, the adjusted R2 value model is 0.358 or 35.8%, which
suggests that the ability of independent factors to describe the dependent variable is 35.8%, and
the remaining 64.2% is explained by other dependent variables that are not included in this
research model.
2) Simultaneous Significance Test (F Statistical Test)
Table 8
F Statistical Test Results
Sig. Fstat
Ha Accepted
Source: Data Processed (SPSS)
According to the test results in Table 8, the value of Fstat is 15.471, and the value of sig.
Fstat is 0.000 less than 0.05, thus Ho is rejected and Ha is approved, indicating that the
independent factors affect the dependent variable simultaneously.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2345
3) Individual Parameter Significance Test (T Statistical Test)
Table 9
T Statistical Test Result
Sig. 1-
H1 accepted
H2 rejected
H3 rejected
Source: Data Processed (SPSS)
Based on the data processing results presented in Table 9, the regression analysis
conducted allows for the formulation of the following regression equation:
ERMD = 0,486 + 0,006IC + 0,004FEE - 0,006KK
The above-mentioned T statistical test findings can be interpreted as follows:
a) Effect of Intellectual Capital on Enterprise Risk Management Disclosure
Statistical testing supports the hypothesis that intellectual capital positively impacts
corporate risk management disclosure, with a significance value of 0.000 <0.05 (significant).
Based on the decision-making criteria, it may be determined that H1 is accepted, which implies
that intellectual capital has a favorable effect on the disclosure of corporate risk management.
b) The Effect of Audit Costs on Enterprise Risk Management Disclosure
The statistical testing findings show that the beta value supports the presented hypothesis,
which states that audit fees have a favorable effect on the disclosure of enterprise risk
management information. However, the significance level of 0.209 is more than 0.05, indicating
that this is not a significant finding. Therefore, based on the decision-making criteria, it may be
concluded that H2 is rejected, implying that audit fees do not affect the disclosure of corporate
risk management.
c) Effect of Ownership Concentration on Enterprise Risk Management Disclosure
The findings of statistical testing demonstrate that the sign of the beta value does not
correspond to the provided hypothesis, where ownership concentration causes a negative
coefficient direction on the disclosure of enterprise risk management, with a significance value
of 0.303> 0.05 (insignificant). Based on the decision-making criteria, it may be determined that
H3 is rejected, indicating that ownership concentration does not alter the disclosure of enterprise
risk management.
d) The Effect of Company Size on Enterprise Risk Management Disclosure
The statistical test findings show that the company size control variable has a coefficient
value of 0.000 and a significance value of 0.433>0.05, indicating that it has no influence. The
result is that firm size does not alter the disclosure of enterprise risk management.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2346
Discussion of Research Results
Effect of Intellectual Capital on Enterprise Risk Management Disclosure
The study's findings show that there is a favorable relationship between intellectual capital and
enterprise risk management disclosures. Suzan & Zatayumni's (2023) past research was analyzed to
produce these findings. Risk management disclosure is the distribution of information about a
company's plans and processes for detecting, assessing, monitoring, and reducing the risks that it
encounters. Consequently, a company's capacity to recognize and assess risks is largely contingent
upon its intellectual capital, particularly its repository of knowledge and expertise.
Intellectual capital strongly influences risk management reporting by facilitating better risk
recognition, development of countermeasures, decision-making, openness to scrutiny, and
competitive advantage. Companies can provide more in-depth and actionable insights into their risk
management procedures to stakeholders if they highlight the role of intellectual capital. High
intellectual capital increases the company's ability and becomes a competitive advantage in managing
and disclosing risks. This can be interpreted as the higher the company's intellectual capital, the more
disclosure of enterprise risk management.
Companies that can manage and improve intellectual capital mean making improvements in
the field of human resources, improving relationships with stakeholders and improving company
systems properly. The increase in intellectual capital elements will create added value that the market
appreciates, so investors can consider the VAIC value when choosing a company. This concept is in
line with resource theory, which states that companies must be able to manage intangible assets to
have effective and efficient performance, create added value for investors, and increase good
perceptions of the company.
The Effect of Audit Fees on Enterprise Risk Management Disclosure
The results revealed that audit fees had no effect on corporate risk management disclosure,
hence the study's findings contradicted the initial hypothesis. These findings suggest that the quantity
of risk management disclosure is unaffected by whether banking organizations pay high or modest
audit fees. This study's findings are consistent with earlier research by Maulina and Nurbaiti (2018),
who found that audit fees do not affect risk management disclosure.
These findings are thought to be due to the complexity of the business's operations and the
number of subsidiaries and branches of the company make it more difficult for auditors to conduct
audits, requiring numerous auditors and a long audit period so that audit costs are high. The higher
the audit fee does not cause the more comprehensive and detailed the ERM disclosure, this can be
seen in several banks whose audit fees from 2020 to 2022 have increased but the percentage of ERM
disclosure has not increased.
It can be concluded that high audit fees are caused by the duration and breadth of audit
assignments and the number of auditors assigned. The more subsidiaries and branch offices a firm
owns, the greater the audit fees that must be incurred because the assignments to be completed
become more difficult. Consolidated financial statements contain complex and more complicated
transactions, requiring auditors to devote more time and resources. As a result, audit fees have no
impact on the disclosure of enterprise risk management.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2347
Effect of Ownership Concentration on Enterprise Risk Management Disclosure
The results show that ownership concentration has a beneficial effect on enterprise risk
management disclosure, which is consistent with Herlambang and Hapsari's (2024) findings. Their
findings show that ownership concentration has a favorable influence on the disclosure of enterprise
risk management. However, the test results in this study show that the significance value does not
satisfy the statistical significance level, resulting in the rejection of the presented hypothesis. This
result is similar with the findings of Ramadhea Jr et al. (2023), who found that ownership
concentration has no affect on enterprise risk management disclosure. As a result, it is possible to
conclude that a higher level of ownership concentration does not always lead to an increase in risk
management disclosure.
The study found no significant association between ownership concentration and risk
management disclosure, which is consistent with agency theory. In this theoretical framework,
shareholders with majority ownership have effectively delegated authority and responsibility to the
company's management, which is subject to the oversight of commissioners, particularly independent
commissioners. This system is designed to prevent any divergence of interest between shareholders
and management about the information provided by corporate management, especially information
relevant to risk management disclosures.
The company's management understands that they are running the business for their own
advantage and can add value to their shareholders. To sustain connections with shareholders, the
management team discloses risk management information without coercion or demands from
shareholders. As a result, the impact of ownership concentration on risk management disclosure has
no effect in this study.
This study looks at how intellectual capital, audit fees, and ownership concentration affect the
disclosure of enterprise risk management in banking sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange between 2020 and 2022. Using multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS software, the
findings show that intellectual capital has a beneficial impact on corporate risk management
disclosures. However, audit fees and ownership concentration have no substantial influence. The
company's size, used as a control variable, also has no influence. Practical recommendations suggest
that banking companies enhance intellectual capital through knowledge management and staff
development to improve risk management disclosure. Although audit fees and ownership
concentration do not directly affect disclosure, monitoring these factors is still crucial for overall
governance. Future research could explore the influence of corporate governance practices and
regulatory compliance on risk management disclosure and extend the study to non-banking sectors
or cross-country comparisons. Further investigation into the indirect effects of audit quality and
ownership structure on disclosure transparency could provide valuable insights for improving
corporate reporting.
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e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2350
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