e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2605
ranging from teenagers to adults and the elderly. This is done to see what brand image (image
building) is like that has been embedded in the minds of consumers.
Referring to the research background above, it is known that there are problems in
implementing marketing public relations strategies carried out by Anak Panah Kopi so far, and the
extent to which the bundling program can increase brand awareness is unknown. This research has
a novelty in making Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga the object of research to find out how effective the
public relations marketing strategy used by Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga is in building brand awareness
using the bundling product program. The marketing public relations programs are expected to focus
on the quality of products and packaging sold by Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga using a simple pricing
formula and trying to approach buyers by disseminating information through digital media and
product bundling as a promotional tool to attract consumers and potential consumers. Compared to
previous research that only focuses on Marketing Public Relations (MPR) strategies with Whalen's 7
Step Strategic Planning Process theory, which includes pull, push, and pass strategies in building
brand awareness (Chayadi et al., 2021). Riniyanti's research (2011) focuses on marketing public
relations activities using the marketing communication mix to build brand awareness among
Materials and Methods
Research Approach
This descriptive qualitative research uses primary data to obtain an overview of the data and
seek information from reliable sources related to marketing public relations strategies using product
bundling programs used by Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga to increase brand awareness. According to
Denzin and Lincoln (2011), qualitative research is research with a natural background to explain the
phenomena that occur and is carried out using other research methods. Qualitative research methods
do not rely on evidence, numerical principles, mathematical logic, or statistical methods. Qualitative
research is a method carried out by connecting dynamic things that occur according to conditions in
the field (Fadli, 2021). This research will present data in the form of descriptions to describe the
actual situation by describing the object of research or research results (Sugiyono, 2019).
Sample Determination
The type of data used in this study is primary data obtained directly through informants whom
researchers have determined. Primary data sources are obtained directly from sources to researchers
(Sugiyono, 2018). The informants will be determined using the purposive sampling technique, which
will select parties considered competent and master the research object by the research problem.
Primary data in this study will be collected using the method (in-depth interview) or in-depth
interview technique (Tassakka, 2011).
Data Collection Technique
This research will collect data using observation and interview techniques to obtain valid
research data.
a. Observation
Observation is a data collection technique carried out through observations, which are then
systematically recorded based on the symptoms studied (Sudjana, 1989). Researchers use