Vol. 5, No.10, Oktober 2024
E-ISSN:2723 6692
P-ISSN:2723 6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2603
Public Relations Marketing Strategy in Building Brand
Awareness Using Product Bundling
Marcellinus Dedo Advent Dewata, Lina Sinatra Wijaya
Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Email: 602020002@student.uksw.edu, lina.sinatra@uksw.edu
Correspondence: lina.sinatra@uksw.edu*
Brand Awareness; Product
Merger; Public Relations
Digital media as a marketing platform today results in increased
business competition to capture market share. This research aims to
analyze whether using PR marketing strategies, specifically bundled
products, can increase brand awareness. The study is descriptive
qualitative research, utilizing primary data collected through
observation and interviews. The sample consists of 20 respondents,
including staff, Anak Panah Kopi employees, and public members in
Salatiga. The results concluded that the public relations marketing
activities by Anak Panah Kopi to increase brand awareness can be
seen in the push and pull strategies. Push strategy uses an
interpersonal approach to customers by prioritizing good service.
While implementing the pull strategy, Anak Panah Kopi innovates
products, provides discounts and bundling promos, collaborates
with several influencers, and conducts marketing campaigns by
displaying exciting content on Instagram social media to market its
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
The increase in people's lifestyles can indirectly affect the development of business in
Indonesia; one of the businesses that is currently a trendsetter is the coffee shop. Coffee is one of the
drinks that Indonesia often consumes because it has a distinctive aroma and taste (Chayadi et al.,
2021). The trend of drinking coffee is growing in all ages, and it is not only favored by the elderly, but
now coffee has become a favorite drink for young people. Karimah et al. (2023) stated that the
increasing consumption of coffee in Indonesia has made business owners start competing to create
products with the best quality. This makes business owners want to make a breakthrough and
innovation to attract the public's attention by processing coffee into a drink that has a unique taste.
The increasing existence of coffee shops has increased coffee production and consumption in
Indonesia. Based on the Center for Agricultural Data and Information Systems of the Secretariat
General (2022), national coffee consumption in 2016 reached around 250 thousand tons and
increased by 10.54% to 276 thousand tons. Coffee consumption in Indonesia in 2016-2021 is
predicted to increase by an average of 8.22% per year. The coffee shop business in Indonesia has
reached 10,000 stores and is predicted to continue to grow until 2023, with total revenue from the
coffee business sector reaching 4.6 billion every year (Rusadi, 2019). Based on data from the United
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2604
States Department of Agriculture USDA (2018), Indonesia is the third largest coffee-producing
country in the world after Brazil and Vietnam, which produced 11.85 million bags of coffee in
2022/2023. This can be seen from the country's coffee production, which has increased in the last
five years, and global coffee production reached 170 million bags per 60 kg of coffee in the 2022/2023
period. According to the 2023 Statistics Indonesia report from the Central Statistics Agency (2023),
Indonesia's coffee production reached 749.8 thousand tons in 2022, an increase of 1.1% from the
previous year, with a total production of 786.2 thousand tons. The number of coffee production in
Indonesia per year from 2017 to 2022 can be seen in Table 1.
Table 1.
Amount of Coffee Domestic Consumption in Indonesia
National Coffee Consumption (in thousand
Source: Central Statistics Agency
Arrow Kopi is a coffee shop founded in July 2018 by Rhezon Sanusi. In the last three years,
Arrow Coffee has expanded by opening three branches in the city of Semarang, two branches in Solo,
1 in Yogyakarta and Salatiga. The Arrow of Coffee Salatiga has a fairly spacious building suitable for
doing assignments, work, or gathering with friends. In addition, Arrow Coffee has a fairly modern,
trendy, and instagramable interior design, so this coffee shop is one of the favourite coffee shops in
Central Java (Adrian R, 2018). Arrow Coffee forms the image of its product as a popular coffee drink
at a low price. By differentiating, Coffee Arrow begins to build awareness in the minds of consumers,
which impacts the company's success. One of the things that business people can do to distinguish
their products from competitors' products is to increase brand awareness (Octavianti, 2012).
Marketing public relations on social media is crucial in building societal brand awareness,
especially among millennials. Companies must introduce themselves to gain recognition,
appreciation, and trust from the public and customers (Rahmana & Hidayat, 2024). The number of
digital media companies today results in increasing business competition to take market share, so it
will be increasingly difficult to get public attention. The existence of large resources and a competitive
environment can increase business competition, so marketing public relations plays an important
role. Marketing public relations helps brand equity by conducting publications, events, news,
speeches, sponsorships, community services and media identities to build brand awareness in
memory and create a brand image (Puspita, 2019). It differs from previous research that emphasizes
the role and strategy of public relations in increasing product awareness. This research will discuss
the marketing public relations strategy of Arrow Coffee Salatiga, using push and pull strategies to
encourage consumers to recognize products and subtly attract them to buy products. This research
will also use the product bundling program as a promotional tool to introduce products to reach the
target audience, expand advertising reach, and increase sales of Coffee Arrow products through
digital media to increase brand awareness. This study's marketing public relations strategy is
expected to produce good consumer feedback to build product awareness (brand awareness),
product knowledge (brand knowledge), and future markets regarding products sold by Coffee Arrow.
This study will interview several random consumers to take samples of people of various ages,
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ranging from teenagers to adults and the elderly. This is done to see what brand image (image
building) is like that has been embedded in the minds of consumers.
Referring to the research background above, it is known that there are problems in
implementing marketing public relations strategies carried out by Anak Panah Kopi so far, and the
extent to which the bundling program can increase brand awareness is unknown. This research has
a novelty in making Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga the object of research to find out how effective the
public relations marketing strategy used by Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga is in building brand awareness
using the bundling product program. The marketing public relations programs are expected to focus
on the quality of products and packaging sold by Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga using a simple pricing
formula and trying to approach buyers by disseminating information through digital media and
product bundling as a promotional tool to attract consumers and potential consumers. Compared to
previous research that only focuses on Marketing Public Relations (MPR) strategies with Whalen's 7
Step Strategic Planning Process theory, which includes pull, push, and pass strategies in building
brand awareness (Chayadi et al., 2021). Riniyanti's research (2011) focuses on marketing public
relations activities using the marketing communication mix to build brand awareness among
Materials and Methods
Research Approach
This descriptive qualitative research uses primary data to obtain an overview of the data and
seek information from reliable sources related to marketing public relations strategies using product
bundling programs used by Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga to increase brand awareness. According to
Denzin and Lincoln (2011), qualitative research is research with a natural background to explain the
phenomena that occur and is carried out using other research methods. Qualitative research methods
do not rely on evidence, numerical principles, mathematical logic, or statistical methods. Qualitative
research is a method carried out by connecting dynamic things that occur according to conditions in
the field (Fadli, 2021). This research will present data in the form of descriptions to describe the
actual situation by describing the object of research or research results (Sugiyono, 2019).
Sample Determination
The type of data used in this study is primary data obtained directly through informants whom
researchers have determined. Primary data sources are obtained directly from sources to researchers
(Sugiyono, 2018). The informants will be determined using the purposive sampling technique, which
will select parties considered competent and master the research object by the research problem.
Primary data in this study will be collected using the method (in-depth interview) or in-depth
interview technique (Tassakka, 2011).
Data Collection Technique
This research will collect data using observation and interview techniques to obtain valid
research data.
a. Observation
Observation is a data collection technique carried out through observations, which are then
systematically recorded based on the symptoms studied (Sudjana, 1989). Researchers use
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2606
research methods with observation techniques to enrich knowledge and understand the
phenomenon being studied (Haryono, 2020). In qualitative research, observation is carried out
by going directly to the field to observe the activities and behaviour of the research object. The
researcher will observe Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga, located at Jalan Cemara II, Salatiga, Central
Java. The observation technique is carried out to see the actual condition of the object. It is
expected to support the interview results by providing a detailed description of the studied object.
b. Interview
c. The interview technique used by researchers in this study was an unstructured interview.
According to Sugiyono (2016), an unstructured interview is where the subject under study can
provide answers freely, refer to a series of questions that are not limited, and use a flexible format.
Linarwati et al. (2016) state that an interview is a conversation with a specific purpose conducted
by two parties, namely the interviewer who asks questions and the interviewee who answers the
questions given. The interview will be conducted openly using an outline of the problems to be
asked (Tassakka, 2011). Researchers conducted interviews to obtain in-depth information. The
information is related to the marketing public relations strategy Anak Panah Kopi has
implemented and the brand awareness in Salatiga. The sources that the researcher will interview
1. The Head Outlet Manager of Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga knows exactly about its marketing
public relations activities, so the information obtained can be directly accounted for
regarding what marketing public relations strategies it has used so far.
2. The general public, such as students and family groups of 20 people, will find out whether
Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga's product bundling strategy has successfully increased awareness
in the community and can influence purchasing decisions.
Data Analysis Technique
According to Bogdan and Taylor (2010), data analysis is a process for systematically searching
and compiling data obtained from interviews and observations so that it is easy to understand. Data
analysis is done by organizing data, breaking down data into units, synthesizing, arranging into
patterns, choosing which ones are more important, and making conclusions (Sugiyono, 2018). The
data analysis process in this study will be carried out by:
a. Data Collection
In this study, data analysis techniques were conducted by conducting interviews regarding
marketing public relations strategies to increase brand awareness. Observation and interview
methods are carried out to collect data directly and explore information from various sources and
respondents that have been determined. Furthermore, researchers will examine all available data
from various sources, namely the interview results and observations written in field notes. This
research will use descriptive analysis to find the meaning of the studied topic.
b. Data Interpretation
The researcher will interpret the interview data that has been collected previously. This is done
to categorize, manipulate, and summarize the data to answer questions critically under the topics
contained in the research questions so that the processed data can interpret information and
bring up an overview of the topic being researched because the data obtained from the interviews
is quite long, researchers need to record the results of interviews in detail and thoroughly.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2607
Furthermore, interpreting the data from the interviews with key informants will continue by
reviewing the data to arrive at relevant conclusions and obtain a broader meaning of the research
conducted at Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga.
c. Inference Conclusion
Conclusions in this research will be drawn by juxtaposing the research results by combining
information obtained from interviews with relevant theories, and then a conclusion will be
drawn. In drawing this conclusion, the researcher will summarize each data obtained to narrow
down information from the results of interviews and observations.
Data Validity
Guba and Lincoln (1989) emphasize the importance of assessing the trustworthiness of the
validity and accuracy of the data generated by data triangulation techniques. According to Sugiyono
(2019), data triangulation is a data collection technique that combines various existing data and
sources. Data triangulation is a technique of checking data from various sources in various ways and
times. According to Moleong (2021), there are four kinds of triangulation in qualitative research:
method, theory, investigation, and data source. Of the four types of triangulation techniques above,
researchers will use two types of triangulation, namely source triangulation and time triangulation,
to test the validity of data related to the research problem being studied.
Researchers use triangulation of data sources and triangulation techniques to test the validity
of data related to the research problem being studied, determine the truth of the information obtained
by researchers, consider different points of view, and are expected to provide different results in
developing a marketing public relations strategy to build brand awareness using a bundling product
program at Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga.
Results and Discussions
Based on the results of interviews conducted with Kak Bayu, the Head Outlet Manager of Anak
Panah Kopi Salatiga, researchers found that so far, the public relations strategy carried out by Anak
Panah Kopi in instilling product interest in customers is still far from the previously planned target.
Bayu wants to make Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga a parking lot and a destination. Therefore, Anak Panah
Kopi strives to innovate products to attract customers by bundling promos and conducting marketing
campaigns by offering buy-one-get-one promos. Hence, customers are more interested in promoted
products. The researcher also surveyed 20 people in Salatiga City, consisting of students and different
family groups. The interview results will be used to determine Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga's level of
brand awareness.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2608
Level of Brand Awareness Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga
Brand awareness can help businesses build information networks so that many people more
readily accept the information conveyed. Sugiarto et al. (2004) state that brand awareness is the
ability of consumers to recognize or remember a brand as a sign or characteristic of a product. The
higher the awareness of a product, the easier it will be for it to be recognized by potential customers.
Researchers have identified the level of brand awareness of Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga by distributing
an online questionnaire using Google Forms to 20 people in Salatiga City consisting of students and
different family groups.
The figure above explains that Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga's brand awareness is at the Brand
Recall level with the highest percentage of 41%. Although not yet on everyone's top of mind, the
survey found that 18 out of 20 respondents already know about the Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga brand.
In this case, Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga has been quite successful in increasing awareness among
customers, especially young people, because when Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga had not yet opened,
public awareness of the Anak Panah brand already existed, and some people had guessed that Anak
Panah Kopi would build this place. Anak Panah Kopi believes that maintaining the taste quality and
continuing to innovate in creating unique and different menus can increase brand awareness. Based
on the results of interviews with management, the researcher concluded that so far, Anak Panah Kopi
Salatiga has carried out strategies such as product incorporation, collaboration with influencers and
marketing campaigns by displaying unique and interesting content on social media to build positive
interactions with audiences and increase brand awareness.
This research will analyze the marketing public relations strategy that Anak Panah Kopi has
implemented so far by applying push and pull strategies to introduce its products to consumers and
potential consumers. Kotler and Armstrong (2016) stated that public relations marketing is a
business activity that builds strong relationships with audiences, creates value, gets a good
impression, and builds brand awareness. Aaker (2018) also states that brand awareness is the ability
of potential buyers to recognize and remember a brand as part of a product category.
Top of Mind Brand Recall Brand Recognition Unware of Brand
Figure 1.
Brand Awareness Level Percentage
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2609
Marketing Public Relations Strategy in Implementing Bundling Product at Anak
Panah Kopi Salatiga
The results of this study refer to Harris's (2008) theory of using marketing public relations
strategies, namely push and pull strategies, to increase brand awareness. Anak Panah Kopi has
conducted various marketing strategies to increase brand awareness in Salatiga City. The marketing
public relations strategies used are push and pull strategies. The following is an explanation of the
marketing public relations strategies used by Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga.
a. Push Strategy
A push strategy or strategy to encourage customers is defined as a digital marketing strategy
where companies will push their products to consumers to find potential customers who are
interested in the products offered so that they can provide satisfaction value. In implementing the
push strategy, Anak Panah Kopi uses marketing techniques carried out directly by taking an
interpersonal approach to customers because Anak Panah Kopi prioritizes good customer service.
Every frontline in charge of taking orders will ask the customer's name to be remembered and
entered into the server so that if the customer comes back, the frontline who recognizes the
customer will immediately call his name. This is done to make Anak Panah Kopi feel close to its
customers. Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga also held several events to build a good relationship with its
customers and potential customers, such as holding a NOBAR Bola event and collaborating by
inviting several local musicians to play live music on certain days so that customers feel
comfortable while at Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga. From the above situation, it can be said that Anak
Panah Kopi Salatiga uses a guerilla marketing strategy that starts with the frontline workers so
that there is a closeness between the employees and the customers that allows repeat orders. The
application of guerilla marketing relies heavily on the interaction between the company and the
customer, which relies on disseminating information using a mouth-to-mouth advertising
strategy that reaches a wider audience for free (Chayadi et al., 2021).
b. Pull Strategy
Pull or customer attraction strategies spend money on promotion to create demand from
potential customers (Leriant & Drajat, 2022). Pull marketing strategy attracts customers in a way
that seems less pushy. In implementing the pull strategy, Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga takes
persuasive steps to market its products using social media. Anak Panak Kopi Salatiga not only
publishes its products by uploading them on social media but also by making the content as
creative and interesting as possible to grow and build public awareness of the products offered.
Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga publicizes its promotions through its Instagram social media account
in order to attract the attention of the public by providing discounts and bundling promos such
as the midnight special package menu and Iftar bundling with the Rahmat package menu during
the month of Ramadan, which contains a package of food and drinks at a lower price (see Figure
2). Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga also innovated in creating seasonal menus to celebrate special
moments, such as Choco Rose Forest and Pink Cloud latte during Valentine's Day, and released a
special symphony of traditions menu in September 2023 (see Figure 3). Anak Panah Kopi
conducted a marketing campaign by offering a buy one get one menu during the soft opening of
Anak Panah Kopi on September 1, 2023, as well as a buy one get one special democratic party
promo with the condition of showing purple ink after voting for a candidate during the election
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2610
(see Figure 4). With the promotion on social media, it is hoped that it can attract potential
customers to buy Anak Panah Kopi products.
Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga also collaborated with several influencers, including
@cikminkulineran, as a media improvement to promote Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga during the grand
Figure 2 Midnight Special Bundling and Iftar Bundling Promo
Figure 4 Menu Seasonal Valentine dan Menu
Special Symphony of Traditions
Figure 3. Buy One get One Special Soft Opening Promo and
Democracy Party
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2611
opening on August 29, 2023. With this collaboration, Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga's audience coverage
in promoting its products became wider (see Figure 5). From this collaboration, Anak Panah Kopi
Salatiga received an engagement rate of 393 shares and eight comments on the @cikminkulineran
Instagram platform and received 3,239 likes, 69 comments, 656 saves, and 1,251 shares on the
@akucintamakanansemarang TikTok platform.
From the explanation above, it can be seen that Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga tries to innovate its
products by releasing new menu variations at certain moments to attract consumers. Anak Panah
Kopi also uses bundling promos and conducts marketing campaigns through Instagram social media
so that readers become more aware of the products being promoted and stimulates readers to
become more interested in increasing product sales. Digital marketing is used as a marketing medium
to optimally market products by consistently promoting products, providing product offers,
and cross-sharing Instagram profiles using hashtags to build brand awareness in consumers (Saldina
& Anjarsari, 2023). Anak Panah Kopi also uses influencers so that the public increasingly recognizes
the name Anak Panah Kopi. The use of influencers as a marketing technique can influence the brand
image of a product so that consumer confidence in the product will increase (Agustina & Sari, 2021).
Optimizing social media influencers as a means of communication with visibility, credibility,
attractiveness, and power will increase brand awareness (Pantouw & Kurnia, 2022).
Product Bundling Strategy of Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga
The results of this study refer to Royan's (2009) research using bundling strategies, namely
accuracy, price, attractiveness, and the way products are combined. The following is an explanation
of the bundling strategy used by Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga.
a. Accuracy
Every business owner wants to profit, but achieving it is not easy. To get bigger profits every
day, much effort must be made. One is marketing a product, goods, or services using the right
marketing strategy to increase sales (Musyawarah & Idayanti, 2022). From the interview results, Kak
Bayu, as the Head Outlet Manager, said that to market products to be recognized by customers, Anak
Panah Kopi must determine target consumers by conducting market segmentation. This is done to
map out who will be the target consumers of Anak Panah Kopi in the future. The first thing that needs
to be done is to classify the types of consumers by mapping consumers based on geographical
Figure 5. Anak Kopi Salatiga Cooperation with
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2612
location. Anak Panah Kopi is in a fairly strategic business location close to major roads, campuses,
boarding houses, and residential areas. After knowing the intended target consumers, Anak Panah
Kopi will map products to demographic conditions and consumer behavior. To find out the
characteristics of consumer profiles and consumer preferences, companies need to analyze consumer
segments based on demographic and psychographic characteristics (Rachmatunnissa & Deliana,
2020). We have identified the demographic segmentation of Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga by distributing
online questionnaires using Google Forms to 20 people in Salatiga City, consisting of students and
different family groups.
Table 2. Demographic Segmentation
Demographic Segmentation
Total of Respondent
Age Group
< 20 Year
20 25 Year
> 25 Year
Private Employees
Income/ Pocket Money per Month
< 1.000.000
1.000.000 3.000.000
> 3.000.000
Source: Primary Data (2024)
Table 2 above shows that most of the respondents were dominated by men, with a percentage
of 55%, and women, 45%. However, there is no big difference between the number of male and female
consumers. Based on age, Anak Panah Kopi consumers are dominated by the age group 20-25 years,
as many as 14 people. The determination of market segmentation at Anak Panah Kopi can be used to
carry out marketing activities more purposefully and become a company resource that can be used
effectively and efficiently. The more precise the market segmentation targeted by Anak Panah Kopi
Salatiga, the more recognizable the products will be to customers. Determining the right market
segment can help businesses meet the needs of their target market (Sudrartono, 2019). From the
explanation above, it can be concluded that the more appropriately the product is marketed to
consumers, the more bundling strategies can be used to save marketing costs and increase product
sales turnover. Product bundling positively and significantly increases product purchasing decisions
(Mahardika & Astawa, 2023). The more intensive product bundling, the more customer satisfaction
will increase (Elissa, 2016).
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b. Price
The business unit carries out the pricing strategy by conducting market research to facilitate
the business in determining product services and prices. In general, business owners will use
calculations according to production costs, advertising, and labor and add a certain percentage to
make a profit (Azzahra et al., 2023). Anak Panah Kopi is one of the coffee shops in Salatiga City that is
open 24 hours a day and provides a variety of menus ranging from coffee and non-coffee
drinks and snacks to heavy meals. Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga has 73 variants of drink menus and 54
food menus sold from Rp 10,000 to Rp 65,000 for sharing menus. Kak Bayu said that on one visit to
Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga, the average customer spent less than Rp 50,000 because most of Anak
Panah Kopi's customers are students and workers. The price of the products offered by Anak Panah
Kopi must remain competitive and economical, but the quality of the product must not be reduced.
Anak Panah Kopi sets the price as one of the marketing strategies that is quite important for
developing its business. Pricing products using the bundling method at a lower price can influence
customers to buy more products to increase product sales. Pricing is an important factor for
companies to make a profit (Rachmatunnissa & Deliana, 2020). One of the pricing methods that can
be applied is the bundling pricing method because by offering lower bundling prices, customers will
tend to buy more products (Wijaya & Kinder, 2020).
c. Attractiveness
Every business owner must understand potential customers' desires in different places and
situations. It can indirectly make formulations to attract more targeted customers. Strategies to
attract customers can be done by offering competitive prices, innovating and creating new products,
promoting social media, and providing consistent and quality service (Indrapura & Fadli, 2023). In its
application, Anak Panah Kopi has carried out various strategies to attract customers, one of which is
by prioritizing product quality and providing the best service because Anak Panah Kopi wants to
understand the wishes of each customer. Anak Panah Kopi also provides complete facilities ranging
from large parking lots, good road access, clean toilets, and a comfortable cafe atmosphere. It has air
conditioning, charging stations at each table, and free Wi-Fi. This is done by Anak Panah Kopi in order
to attract students, college students, and workers to buy products while enjoying the facilities that
have been provided. In addition, Anak Panah Kopi often holds promos such as buy one get one promo
and provides a food discount of IDR 18,000 every 00.00 to 08.00 in the morning. According to Kak
Bayu, providing discounts and promos on certain days is effective enough to attract customers. From
the explanation above, it can be concluded that the more attractive the promotion carried out by the
company with a bundling strategy, the better the company will maintain its products' existence
(Hidayatulloh, 2021). Providing discounts and implementing product bundling positively and
significantly impact purchasing decisions (Mahardika & Astawa, 2023).
d. Combine Products
A product bundling strategy is carried out to offer several products in one sales package. This
method allows consumers to obtain several interrelated products at an affordable price (Guiltinan,
1987). Anak Panah Kopi conducts several bundling strategies by offering new products and then
selling them to consumers in one package at a lower price, such as the Rahmat package menu during
Ramadan, which contains a package of food and drinks. Combining products with the bundling
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 2614
method can increase product sales figures and reduce marketing costs. Product bundling can be a
strategic pricing tool to increase the average value of customer orders. Combining products can add
value to the products offered by providing discounts or better prices than if the items were purchased
separately (Ramdhani et al., 2023).
From the explanation above, it can be concluded that Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga has carried out
several bundling strategies for its products using the strategies of accuracy, price, attractiveness, and
how to combine products. Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga does this to increase product sales volume and
reduce product promotion and distribution costs (Wulandari & Ikaningtyas, 2023). By offering
bundled products, Anak Panah Kopi will indirectly encourage customers to buy more products and
generate more transactions. Implementing the bundling strategy will increase the product's value in
the customers' eyes so that customers will be interested in purchasing (Rizqi, 2022).
Based on the study's results, the researcher concluded that the marketing public relations
activities carried out by Anak Panah Kopi to increase brand awareness have been summarized in the
push and pull strategies. In implementing the push strategy, Anak Panah Kopi uses an interpersonal
approach to customers by prioritizing good service. Anak Panah Kopi Salatiga held several events,
such as organizing a NOBAR Bola event and collaborating with several local musicians to provide live
music on certain days to make customers feel comfortable while in Anak Panah Kopi. Meanwhile, in
implementing the pull strategy, Anak Panah Kopi takes persuasive steps to market its products using
several strategies, such as innovating products by creating unique menus, providing discounts and
bundling promos, collaborating with several influencers, and conducting marketing campaigns by
displaying interesting content on Instagram social media so that readers become more aware of the
products being promoted and stimulate readers to become more interested to increase product sales.
In implementing bundling products, Anak Panah Kopi applies several strategies, namely the strategy
of accuracy, price, attractiveness, and how to combine products. The bundling strategy is carried out
so that consumers are interested in the product being promoted. From the bundling strategy, the
researcher concluded the following findings: 1. Accuracy can be seen by the more precise the products
marketed to consumers; bundling strategies can be used to save marketing costs and increase product
sales turnover. 2. Pricing products using the bundling method at a lower price can influence
customers to buy more products to increase product sales. 3. The more attractive the promotion
carried out by the company with a bundling strategy, the better the company will maintain its
products' existence. 4. combining products with the bundling method can increase product sales
figures and reduce marketing costs. In this study, the researcher had limitations in distributing
questionnaires only to people who live in Salatiga City. Therefore, based on the conclusions and
limitations of the existing research, the researcher would like to provide some input that might be
beneficial for future researchers. For future research, researchers should test more variables that can
affect brand awareness by increasing the number and diversity of respondents to obtain more
complete and accurate information. In addition, it is hoped that further research will not only focus
on assessing brand awareness from Instagram social media but can expand the reach of social media
such as TikTok, Facebook, and Website.
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